Flying Without Wings

Chapter Chapter Twenty Five

“Psst Bastian,” Lydia hissed from around the side of house number 36 Hyacinth Street. Lydia and Evelyn were drenched but had managed to sneak out of the Secret Garden Party room unscathed whilst the rest of the guests and Zimrugh Saviors were brawling. Bastian’s heart skipped a beat when he heard the feminine hiss, he was hoping it would be me. His heart sank as Lydia and Evelyn came out from beside the house. Lydia took one look at Johnny’s motionless body and laughed, she gave him a kick as she stepped over him.

“Girls, what’s going on in there?” Bastian whispered back, “where is my girl?” he was almost too scared to ask but how could he not. Evelyn relayed what had happened during the party.

“The last thing we saw before sneaking out the back was Audrey and Zenasia walking out of the room together, neither of them came back in and no one has seen Bea or anyone else that went to the caves.” Evelyn said holding Bastian's arm. Another piercing cry rang from behind the closed doors.

“That sounds like Zenasia, someone must still be in there fighting.” Humphrey said readjusting the knife that he had shoved into his belt. “How did you get out, I want to get in?” Humphrey hissed. Evelyn led the way back around the side of the house, the path was slick and they grasped at each other as the slipped on the wet mossy ground an awkward dance under the hanging ivy. At the back of number 36 was a cellar with an old timber door hanging askew.

“There are stairs that lead straight up to the Secret Garden Party room, you come out through the waterfall. “ Lydia said looking down at her dripping gown. “It’s actually rather marvelous.”

“Sweet, I don’t know about you lot but I am keen to kick some ZS ass. Lead the way ladies.” Pete shook his long black hair out of his bright blue eyes and smiled at Evelyn and Lydia. They both burst into a fit of giggles and headed down the stairs. Humphrey shook his head laughing.

“We are going into a house surely filled with Zimrugh Saviors and this guy is trying to pick up.” The group tiptoed down the stairs and splashed through the champagne waterfall one by one.

“Delicious.” Pete said licking drops of champagne off his big red lips, once we was through then froze at the sight in front of him. The Secret Garden Party room was in shambles and not one person standing. Saviors and Soldiers alike were slumped over each other on the mossy floor lying among broken bottles and flung food. No music was playing and only the running of the waterfall and slow drip of the tipped drinks cart could be heard. A light purple haze hung in the air.

“Smells like ether” Humphrey said easily stepping over the unconscious bodies easily with his long legs.

“I thought ether was supposed to just make you languid, not knock out an entire room.” Pete said winking at Lydia.

“Yes it is known for its relaxing properties but in a large dose it will knock you on your back, haven’t you read Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas? These lot will be out for hours.” Humphrey said holding Wendy’s cool face in his palms and picking a piece of shattered glass off her check. “At least they should be safe in here for now.”

“It must have been mixed with something else, this purple color is most peculiar.” Lydia said swishing her tan hand through the lifting haze. “We shouldn’t stay in here too long, I fear we too may fall victims to this relaxed way of living. “

“I saw Audrey lead Zenasia through there.” Evelyn said making her way through the snoring bodies to the door. She tried the handle to no avail. “This is the only other way in to this room, I’ve been in this house for so many years.”

“A locked door, however shall we open it?” Humphrey said with a twinkle in his dark eyes.

“Smash?” Pete said pummeling his large fist into his palm. Evelyn and Lydia giggled again as they watched his arm flex as he did so. Humphrey sighed at them and produced a key from his black jeans.

“You don’t honestly think Gomez spent years in this house as Zenasia's right hand man and didn’t even get a key?” He slid the bronze key into the lock and smiled cheekily as it clicked open. He pushed on the great door that led into the entrance hall and tiptoed in. The room was blanketed in darkness. A single flame flickered on the far wall and the outline of a defeated mass lay in the middle of the hall. “Audrey” Humphrey breathed and ran towards the mound. “Bastian find the lights.” Humphrey yelled feeling the body. Evelyn flicked on the lights and Montgomery’s pale face shone up at them. His eyes were glassy and staring off into the distance and his brow was dripping with a cold sweat. “What’s happened to him?” Evelyn said kneeling on the floor next to him looking over his body for signs of violence.

“I’d say another of Zenasia’s little glass bottles of smoke.” Humphrey said pulling an ornate gold glass stopper out from under Montgomery. “He must have gone after her alone, I know that was her screaming,” Humphrey held the little lid to his nose and sniffed quickly. “Whatever he was been dosed with is much stronger than ether. We gotta get him out of here. Pete you can carry him alone, take him to a hospital, Bastian, Evelyn, Lydia and I will find Zenasia.”

“Where is Bastian?” Pete said spinning in circles. “Oi Bastian!”

“Hush.” Lydia breathed, I’m sure there are still Zimrugh Saviors crawling around here. “I don’t think he came into the house with us. I didn’t notice him after the alley.” Her eyes were wide with fear.

“How did we not notice? Someone must have grabbed him.” Humphrey groaned. “Pete you still have to take Montgomery to hospital, I think he is in real strife.” Humphrey was holding onto Montgomery’s clammy wrist. “His pulse is very faint. We will look for Bastian and Audrey in this godforsaken house.” Pete picked up a drooling Montgomery and heaved him over his shoulder.

“After I know he is OK, I’m coming back.” He said.

“I’m counting on it, and just in case the front door is locked.” Humphrey pressed the little bronze key in Pete’s big palm, “this will get you through it.” Pete closed his fist around the little key and carried Montgomery out the front door. Lydia watched him as he went.

“Hey,” Humphrey clicked at her, “let’s find our lost Angha Soldiers today shall we?” Lydia’s cheeks flushed as red as Evelyn’s hair. “Yes” she stuttered. “I know where Audrey will be.”

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