Flying Without Wings

Chapter Chapter Thirteen

I sat on the floor of the bathroom whilst Lydia soaked in the tub, Humphrey had demanded that she be watched at all times in case she was working for Zenasia. A huge fight had erupted over breakfast about whether she was hypnotized, a spy or just a stupid girl. I didn’t believe for a second that she could be working for the Zimrugh Saviors. The sad look in her eyes, the pain in her voice and her angry fists, her pain was real. I knew she was telling the truth and Audrey did too. But the men, those bloody men. Humphrey was sure she was a spy and harassed her with questions the moment she got in the door and Montgomery was convinced she was hypnotized and kept trying to stare into her eyes and challenging her not to blink (I think it was more a matter of pride than mistrust). Montgomery just couldn’t believe she had followed us the night before without him noticing. And Bastian, well Bastian had stayed pretty quiet, not putting his two cents neither here nor there, which annoyed me even more than the other two. I almost forgave him when he had whispered into my ear whilst Lydia retold her tale of betrayal that he would never leave me or Marvillo for anything, no fame, no fortune no amount of bequeathed talent. It was very sweet and all but I was still mad at him for not standing up for Lydia. It was clear that Johnny abandoning Lydia and stealing Angus had troubled Bastian more than anything else had, he didn’t really care what state she was in now - bewitched, a traitor, a fool, as long as I knew he was mine and I was his.

“You know what’s funny? I don’t even like animals, but Angus was something else, I felt he knew me better than I knew myself, and definitely better than that prat Johnny did, ah I’ll kill him.” Lydia said punching the foamy water. I had to laugh, Lydia was sweet and simple. She made the whole thing seem more normal, I felt we were in the same boat, new to this world of Angha and soldiers, unsure of what to do and who to really trust, it made me feel close to her.

Tap, tap, tap. A sharp rap sounded on the door, that sound could only be created by one of Audrey's bejeweled knuckles.

“Come on girls it’s time to get out of the tub before you look like prunes. Put on something nice and come down for lunch.” Before I could respond the doorbell jingled. “Who could that be? Are expecting anyone Bea?” Audrey sounded suspicious and came into the bathroom. I shook my head, the house was at its brim already, I wasn’t about to invite more people over. I could hear men’s voices below, mumbling, cheering and laughing. “Get dressed I’ll see who it is.” Audrey ordered before turning with a flourish. Moments later a commotion ensued downstairs, Audrey was shrieking and manly mumbles came ringing up from below. I abandoned my Lydia post when I heard glass smashing and bolted downstairs. Audrey was running away from a dark haired man who was trying to catch her, she was flinging everything she could at him; plates, glasses, a chair - it was madness. Audrey ran past me her chains tinkling and screamed out that it was Gomez; I stuck out my foot and tripped him as he tried to run past me. By the time he fell to the ground, taking the table with him, Audrey had done a loop of the kitchen and was now on top of him trying to strangle him with one of her chains. Humphrey laughed until his brother started to go blue in the face, he sprang into action and jumped onto Audrey and wrestled with her trying to loosen her grip. Soon the three of them were in a heap on the floor shouting, writhing and squirming.

“Enough!” Bastian shouted. “This is our house and you three have half destroyed it, what the hell is going on here?!”

“Sorry darling,” Audrey puffed breaking free from the Bradshaw brothers’ red in the face. “Just a little family tiff, don’t worry I’ll replace everything.”

“I family tiff? A family tiff! You were trying to kill each other; this seems to be a common theme in your family doesn’t it.” He shouted angrily.

“Come now Bastian there is no need to be rude. You’d act the same way if your betraying husband showed up for lunch after years of abandonment." Audrey hissed fixing her curls. “That brute on the floor, ha, bleeding is Gomez.”

“The pleasure is all mine,” Gomez said clambering up with his hand to his throat. “I’ve heard many things about you lot.”

“Charmed, and from whom, may I ask.” I glared at him.

“This little brat,” he said grabbing Humphrey around the neck and gripping him tightly, “and Zenasia of course. How you doing mate? Sorry about the mess, not the introduction I was hoping for, but Audrey always was a fiery one.” Gomez shook hands with Bastian and started to straighten himself up. Gomez and Humphrey certainly were brothers, they could almost be twins. They were both tall and slim with dark thick eyebrows and jet black hair. Gomez was sporting a bushy moustache, had a slightly more lined face and had a few extra kilos on Humphrey but beyond that they were identical.

“Just like old times aye,” Humphrey grinned from the floor up at Gomez and Audrey, “gee I’ve missed it.”

Humphrey and Gomez fixed the dishevelled room and set the table for lunch. As angry as Audrey was I caught her staring at Gomez lovingly all through lunch, much to Montgomery’s dismay. Gomez was certainly besotted to be back with his estranged wife as well, he was waiting for her on hand and foot; more wine Audrey? Another roll Audrey? Want me to rub your neck Audrey? She said yes to everything. I was starting to get used to random people showing up at my house, Audrey, Lydia, Montgomery, Humphrey and Gomez had all made themselves quite at home. The commotion of Gomez arriving had made Humphrey forget all about his mistrust of Lydia and Montgomery was too busy trying to keep Audrey’s attention to care either. So she sat at the table like the rest of us, slightly confused, very annoyed but feeling a part of something.

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