Flying Without Wings

Chapter Chapter Ten

I pointed to the tall, dark haired man who was twirling a giggling Evelyn. He moved with grace and precision and didn’t seem to be in the same misty haze as most of the other guests did. He was scanning the room, studying the different people; their faces, their stance, their movement. In between the twists and turns his bright eyes flashed to every face, and also to the doors. This man wasn’t eating or drinking any of the tantalizing fare like everyone else was, including us, but he was happily getting drinks for Evelyn and cosying up to Bear whenever he got her a refill.

“I know I have seen him somewhere before, but so long ago that he feels like a dream now.” Audrey cooed slowly, she had taken a deep breath and pealed herself out of Montgomery’s embrace, she was starting to get her sass back and her long eye lashes batted slowly whilst she watched the dark haired man prance about.

“I feel the same way, I know his face from somewhere and he winked at me before.” I knew I had seen him before, I just couldn’t place his face.

“Well that’s because you’re a babe, babe.” Bastian laughed and squeezed my knee. Even in this strange place he could make me blush, and want to hit him.

“It wasn’t a suggestive wink you twit, it was a knowing wink. I’m going to talk to him. Evelyn!” I shouted before anyone could stop me. Montgomery slapped a fat palm to my mouth but it was too late, he dropped it defeated as Evelyn let go of the dark haired stranger and came happily trotting over. I introduced her to Montgomery and Audrey and she smiled at them sweetly and apologized profusely for being a flustered mess. Just as I had, hoped the dark haired mystery man sauntered over as well.

“We shouldn’t gather in a group like this, it looks suspicious and Zenasia will be watching.” He whispered not looking down at us, he continued to look around the beautiful Secret Garden Party room. “You lot aren’t very subtle all staring at me at once, I’m sure I’m not the only one who has noticed either.” He shifted uncomfortably as a particularly mean man wearing an ZS pin started to make his way over. “I think it is time I laid it out straight. “Meet me in the park at the end of the street at 2 am, we will be able to speak freely then. Until then don’t eat or drink anything else, I’m pretty sure there is something in the food and I want you all clear minded.” Montgomery looked outraged at being told what to do, especially by someone younger. The dark haired man noticed Montgomery’s reddening face and clenched fists and smiled. “It’s nice to see you again mate, see you haven’t changed.” He nodded at Montgomery with a twinkle in his bright eyes and pointed to his ring. Monty starred with his eye twitching, the dark haired man grabbed Evelyn, she was truly besotted with him and looked thrilled as he twirled her away again. Once back on the dance floor he gave the mean looking guard a wave and disappeared into the mess of moving bodies.

“I know who that is, it’s that punk from the tram!” Montgomery shouted in the direction he had disappeared and rose to his feet, “the one that stole your seat.” He shouted incredulously down at Audrey.

“That’s right it’s that junkie.” Bastian exclaimed getting up too and trying to spot the mass of black hair sticking out from the crowd.

“Well he clearly isn’t really a junkie.” Audrey cooed a red alluring smile stole to her lips. “This is a good sign, I think people must be ready to fight again, don’t you think Monty?” Montgomery was too mad to reply and was once again brandishing his walking stick. Audrey ignored him and went on. “Bea you said you wanted to get our Angha back, this is how we do it.” Audrey was speaking very fast she was excited. “Years ago when we both lost our Angha’s it was to a group who claimed to be protecting them. Back then people didn’t need to be conned into giving up their Angha’s, they simply didn’t know what we know today. We didn’t know you could be separated forever, we didn’t know the Zimrugh Saviors has turned bad, they weren’t always. I am sure you have already worked it out but ZS stands for Zimrugh Saviors, you have probably noticed all the ZS’s around this room and on your invitation. After keeping Angha’s safe for decades the ZS turned bad, they started to take the Angha’s, they claimed it was for their own protection. Only a few people were smart enough to see through their savior claims and held on to their Angha’s. The scarce number of people that kept them knew something wasn’t right and started to challenge the Zimrugh Saviors and what they were doing with the Angha. This challenge turned into a war and two sides were formed, the Zimrugh Saviors and the Angha Soldiers, Monty and I are part of the AS, we are Angha Soldiers.” Audrey said proudly. “But we were still tricked into giving up our Angha, luckily unlike the sad sods in this room, the haze put on us didn’t last long. We didn’t willingly give them up out of stupidity or greed, we both believed we were saving someone, we gave them up selflessly. I think because our intentions were pure we could not be controlled.” Audrey tugged at one of her tinkling necklaces and pointed to a little AS charm, Montgomery pulled a thick gold chain out of his shirt and showed the same letters.

“That’s not the full story.” Montgomery bobbed down, his knees sounding like popping balloons as he descended. “The ZS were good once, I was one of them, but then a man took over the legion, Dr Salem. What once was the Zimrugh Saviors turned into the Salem Slaves. He took something pure and good and made it a sign of evil and hatred. Just like those Nazis did with creating the Swastika out of a sacred auspicious symbol. Most of the people who had joined the ZS when it was the Zimrugh Saviors had done so with good intentions but as soon as it turned bad we got out, and formed the Angha Soldiers. That is when two distinct sides really formed. The ZS still call themselves the Zimrugh Saviors, but they are not. For a time we fought against these bastards to save the Angha’s and their people, but more and more sods were getting separated from their Angha’s only to then be controlled by them. We were outnumbered ten to one and had to go into hiding or risk being killed. Not an easy choice to make I assure you, but by the looks of this clown,” Montgomery nodded towards the crowd where the dark haired man had disappeared, ‘if there is going to be an AS uprising, I reckon this junkie might be on our side and know what’s what. But before I admit to that I’m gonna need another drink I don’t care what that prat says about something funny with the food, I need a whiskey who else wants one?” Montgomery stood up again with a wince and leaned on his walking stick hard. We all nodded, after all this information I did need a drink, Montgomery hobbled off to Bear and his cocktail trolley, I noticed that Bears purple bowtie had a ZS pin on it. Audrey pulled out a box of spiced cigarettes and flicked her lighter with a long nail. Even the cigarette box was beautiful and ornate, she took a short breath, sucked in the flame and blew the spiced smoke at us.

“So now you two know about our dirty laundry, we all make mistakes, it’s time to put this one right.” She blinked slowly her long eyelashes made a small black wave, her allure and sass was blossoming as her confidence returned. “I’m guessing I don’t need to ask whose side you will be on.”

“No, but I do have one question. I know what an Angha is, well am starting too. What’s a Zimrugh?” I slid my hand along Marvillo’s bat like wing, he really was an unusual creature.

“Oh it’s an Angha, well an Angha is a Zimrugh, they can also be called Kerkés, it really depends on what language you speak. When we broke away from the ZS we needed a new symbol of hope. We chose the AS and have been calling these creatures Angha’s ever since.” She ran her painted nails through Marvillo’s’ coarse fur. Noticing Bastian’s furrowed brow she laughed. “We couldn’t both be called ZS now could we?”

Monty came back carrying a silver tray filled with drinks, he handed me a fizzing champagne flute full of a cherry red liquid, Bastian was given a large crystal beer mug full of dark chocolate stout and Audrey was handed a small midnight blue shot which she sipped at with trepidation, Monty had gotten himself a big glass of sweet whiskey and was swigging it enthusiastically. “I say we down these and go meet that junkie, its half one now and I have a good feeling about this.” Surprised at his suddenly chipper mood we drank quickly and followed Monty through the dancers and towards the door. Luckily none of the guards or Zenasia tried to stop us as we left, for the second time, the Secret Garden Party.

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