Flying Without Wings

Chapter Chapter Eighteen

Shaking red curls out of her face, Audrey dropped the heavy bronze knocker onto the lions face, the clunk rang out into the halls of house number 36 Hyacinth Street. She took a long suck of her spiced cigarette and tapped at the end of it with a red glossy nail. Barely seen hidden behind Audrey’s sumptuous curves, stood the least athletic of the Angha Soldiers. Huddled in the front yard of the vine covered house the motley group had all visibly been dressed by Audrey on one of her famous expensive shops on the way to an event. Audrey’s insistence on glamour, manners and style was reputable, even if excessive in the face of an ensuing battle. Lydia and the other girls were now adorned with glittering jewels and chunky chains. Their casual clothes had been replaced with velvet gowns and teetering high heels. “You look gorgeous.” Audrey cooed approvingly looking back at her protégé’s. “And you lot look dashing too, quite the part for a little partying and a little conniving.” She said turning to Harry and the other men.. They were dressed in a multitude of tailored, colored suits complete with pocket watches (ticking ones), handkerchiefs and bowler hats. Audrey looked to her own pocket watch longingly, but the hands still refused to budge. “I wonder where that great oaf Bear is, he is usually quicker answering the door.” Audrey lifted the knocker again and dropped it with a thud. Enter, sung out an angelic voice. “That’s better.” Audrey said pushing on the newly unlatched door. She pulled a gold chain veil from her purse and draped it across her eyes, “this will dupe any of the chumps in here.” The group sauntered into the first room were Johnny was lurking. He was dressed in a sharp black suit with a gold ZS pin displayed proudly on his black neck tie. His curly black hair was slicked back into a tight bun at the nape of his pale neck. His watery eyes narrowed when he saw Audrey.

“Who are you?” Johnny sneered exposing his crooked teeth.

“That is no way to greet guests you little weasel, I’m sure your master wouldn’t approve.” Audrey spat.

“She’s right,” Zenasia said descending the curved staircase. “Manners Johnny, or you will be out with the rest of the brutes.”

“Sorry Ma’am,” he grovelled “just didn’t think we were expecting such an obscure group this evenin’.”

“There you are right, but I am always happy to welcome newcomers, especially when they are dressed so well, welcome darlings.” Zenasia curled her black, matte lips. She shook her curls out of her face just like Audrey and opened the door to the Secret Garden Party room “come on then.” The group were timid but with Audrey’s nod of encouragement filed through the door into the next room. “Not you dear.” Zenasia said grabbing Audrey’s plump arm. “I can only assume that veil is an accessory and not some lame attempt to deceive me, you think I wouldn’t know my own sister when I see her.”

“Wasn’t sure if I’d be seeing you tonight,” Audrey said removing the golden veil. “I’m sure it would have fooled your old henchmen though. “Where is the primate?”

“I’m surprised you don’t know actually, I thought he might come running to you and your little friends.” Zenasia raised her thinly plucked eyebrow.

“I can assure you I know nothing about that.”

“Oh well, lost one, and gained…how many sad souls did you bring with you? Six? Gained six, they look better than that slime ball.” Zenasia's green eyes rested on Johnny, her distaste for him was as clear as her love of jewels.

“Oh hunny, this lot won’t be tricked by your games I can assure you, shall we have a drink then.” Audrey pushed past Zenasia and followed the other Angha Soldiers into the Secret Garden Party.

“Of course,” Zenasia said sweetly to Audrey’s swaying hips, “Johnny don’t let anyone else in, not even G even if he does have the guts to show his face here again.”

Johnny nodded bowing his greasy head and closing the front door. Once Audrey and Zenasia had left the room Lydia stepped out from behind a heavy, musky curtain, she had hidden behind it as soon as she had spotted Johnny’s snivelling face. Johnny saw her and froze. “You retched, despicable, repulsive excuse for a human, where is he? Where is my Angus?” Lydia shouted slowly walking towards Johnny with her fists clenched.

“Babe, what a surprise, wondered where you had gotten to.” Johnny said nervously running his fingers through his greasy hair.

“Don’t you babe me, where is he?!”

Johnny’s eyes narrowed and he sneered. “Bit feisty this evening Lyd, been spending too much time with that tart I see, he is with the rest of the Angha, safe and sound, don’t worry your pretty little head. You know if you come and join Zenasia, you can see the little flying rat any time you want.” Johnny’s mean-spirit was spread across his face, he enjoyed working for the Zimrugh Saviors, he liked to be bad.

“I will never join you.” Lydia said gnashing her teeth walking towards Johnny.

“Stop coming at me, I’ll have to hurt you.” He stuttered and started to retreat up the stairs.

“Hurt me? You already have, there is nothing more you can do to me, but there is plenty I can do to you.” Lydia pulled a large rock out of her purse that she had grabbed from the front yard and launched at Johnny, he tried to run backwards up the spiral staircase but fell and hit his head. Lydia scrambled on top of him and smashed him with the rock. “Filthy, lying, dirty, scumbag.” She screamed whacking him as she spat each word. Johnny stopped moving and he was bleeding from one ear but Lydia continued to lift her rock. With her hand held high she was ready to bring the bloodied weapon down on him again when Audrey caught her by the wrist. Lydia spun around in terror, but upon seeing Audrey she burst into tears.

“Come on darling.” Audrey whispered softly. “I think you’ve made your point.”

Shaking with anger Lydia dropped the rock. It clanged and bounced down the stairs, leaving a bloody mark each time it landed. The raucous brought Zenasia out of the Secret Garden Party too drink still in hand. Her eyes rested on Johnny just for a second before she glanced at the rock then Audrey. Audrey stood in front of Lydia protectively, she was planning for a battle, but not just between her and Zenasia but if she had to, she would fight anyone to the death for her AS.

Zenasia just let out a dry laugh “Better him then me.” She spat and walked back to her party, for once Audrey was glad Zenasia didn’t care about her henchmen.

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