Flight of the Five Swans

Feathered Chapter 26

The Swans

It is light.

It is light and there is pain, but not much.

Then it is gone.

The flock walks on the ground behind She Who Leads. Walks around Our Other, in front of Other Other. The flock does not like the ground. The flock does not like to walk. The flock wants to fly, needs to fly. But no! The flock should not fly, must not fly! It is important, remember! Remember! The flock must stay with Our Other and now Other Other. Our Other is part of the flock. Other Other is not part of the flock, but is with the flock. And Others cannot fly. Others have wings that cannot fly. Others are grounded. The flock must stay with Our Other and Other Other on the ground. Must walk with Our Other and Other Other.

She Who Honks does not walk. She Who Honks sits on the horse with feet that crush. Sits and sleeps. Sleeps and snores, snores little honks. When She Who Honks does not sleep, She Who Honks listens. Listens to Other Other. Other Other makes music, beautiful music. She Who Honks loves the music. She Who Honks likes Other Other. Other Other is not bad. Other Other smells good, smiles nice, eyes kind. Other Other is good.

She Who Knows likes Other Other too. Other Other speaks to Our Other. Other Other speaks nice, sounds nice. Laughs nice. Other Other is good. Other Other likes Our Other, and the flock loves Our Other. Our Other is important, and Other Other is kind. Other Other is good.

Other Other had shinies, but now She Who Steals has the shinies. All the shinies. Shinies from Other Other. Shinies taken from Other Other. Other Other does not take the shinies back. She Who Steals keeps the shinies. She Who Steals is pleased. Other Other has learned. Other Other is smart. Other Other knows not to take the shinies from She Who Steals. She Who Steals is pleased.

She Who Fights is not pleased. She Who Fights still does not like Other Other. Other Other is danger. Danger close to Our Other, talking to Our Other. Smiling at Our Other. Other Other likes Our Other, but She Who Fights does not like Other Other. Our Other is ours. Our Other is part of the flock. Other Other is not part of the flock, but is with the flock. Other Other should not be with the flock. Other Other is good, yes, but Other Other does not belong with the flock.

She Who Leads sees Our Other is pleased with the flock, pleased with Other Other. She Who Leads likes Other Other. Other Other speaks to Our Other, smiles at Our Other. Other Other is not bad. Not Dark Other. Other Other is kind, is nice, is good. She Who Leads trusts Other Other. Our Other can trust Other Other.

The flock can trust Other Other.

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