Flash-Married My Mysterious Mogul Husband-1

Chapter 11

Chapter 11 A Meeting at the Station 

Helene figured that Diego was on the ground floor, so she hurriedly followed Freya. Sure enough, as soon as she arrived downstairs, she could hear a violent quarrel between the two

Diego!Helene yelled as she walked over

As soon as Diego saw Helene, he pulled Freya and ran out of the building. Helene chased after the two, whipping down several streets. But she eventually lost them

Just when they had slipped away, she received a call from Carlisle, who told her to return home immediately. Thinking something had happened to the old man, she hurriedly hailed a taxi back to the family estate

As soon as she walked past the door, she could feel the tension in the atmosphere. Something was wrong, and she could tell by the sight of Carlisle’s terrible expression as he sat on the sofa

What’s wrong? What happened?Helene asked

What did you promise me?Carlisle’s tone was steely

What are you talking about?” 

You promised you wouldn’t tell my Grandpa about our contract. And now, not only does he know about it, but he also refuses to receive any more treatment.” 

Carlisle shoved the document in her face and balled it up in 


Chapter 11 A Meeting at the Station 

for her presence at the station

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At about 7:30 PM, Helene arrived at the police station. Diego and Freya were there too

After catching sight of Helene, Diego unleashed a flurry of cusses and confronted her, saying Helene, I didn’t expect you to be such a bitch. We dated for three years, and you have the nerve to call the police on me?! You aren’t human!” 

The more he spoke, the more belligerent he became, and he reached out to slap Helene. She was faster and already on guard, however, leaving her unharmed as she looked at Diego in disgust. She didn’t think one man could be so shameless. It was revolting

At once, a policeman shoved Diego back into his seat and pinned him down. What are you doing?!he barked. Beating a woman, and in the police station of all places! Do you have no shame? You’re not out on the streets where you can get away with this!” 

After speaking, the police accompanied Helene to a separate room where they could put together another statement. After mediations had come to a close, Helene had come to a settlement with Diego. He would refund the rent he had scammed out of his unknowing tenants and write them a formal letter of apology. He also apologized to Helene in front of the police

As Helene and Diego had been together for so long, Diego was exempted from the typical community service hours he would have to serve as punishment. The three were then free to leave, so they left together

Freya was fuming and filled with such hatred for Diego now

Chapter 11 A Meeting at the Station 

her hands. Explain yourself.” 

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Helene could tell how grave things had become, but she didnt know what else to say other than the fact that it couldn’t have been her

He saw it?” 

You still want to act dumb?Carlisle stood up and gave Helene a look of pure disappointment. Grandpa told me that while he was reading the morning paper, the agreement slipped out from inside. Someone had wrapped the newspaper around it for him to see. I asked Matilda about it as well, and she told me that you delivered the newspaper to him this morning.” 

That’s right, I did. But I never put the contract inside!Helene said, desperate for someone to believe her. What reason would I have to do this?! Matilda could have been the one 

who snuck it in there first!” 

That’s enough! Our room is usually locked. How could Matilda come in and take the contract to begin with? And even if she did come in, how would she know where you kept your copy of the agreement? What good would it do her?” 

Just think about it! What would I stand to gain from this? Not her! Me!Helene retorted

You tell me! Grandpa’s already given you the money we promised, and you still aren’t satisfied? You want the house next, don’t you?! I’ll have you know that even if you get pregnant and bear a child, you can forget ever having the estate! This house has been passed down between generations, and I’ll never let an outsider like you have it.” 

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Chapter 11 A Meeting at the Station 

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Carlisle, I’ve never once cared about your family’s house, let alone giving you a child!Helene replied indignantly. Carlisle was becoming unreasonable

Really? Why else would you let him know about our agreement? He’s in poor health as it is! What are you trying to do, give him a heart attack by having him learn about this? Now he’s forcing me to have a child with you, saying he won’t take any treatment until I do. Are you satisfied?!” 

Carlisle was so angry that he turned around. He didn’t know what he would do if he had to face Helene again, so he walked away and slammed the door on the way out

Now that she had some time alone, Helene calmed down and shifted her gaze to the drawer of their nightstand. It was where she had originally left the contract. Then, she looked up at the tiny camera above the door that she had just installed

She turned on her phone and checked the surveillance recordings for that morning. Matilda had entered the room at 10:08 AM, but that wasn’t much to work off of. The camera was set up at an awkward angle, so the nightstand was barely visible on the feed. Helene could, however, make out something in Matilda’s hand as she walked out later

That was odd. Helene swore that she had locked the door 

before she left in the morning, so how could Matilda have gotten in? Without saying a word to anyone else, Helene saved the video. Matilda wouldn’t admit to it without solid 


Just then, Helene’s phone rang again. This time, it was a call from the police station. They said that they had apprehended the person who had illegally rented out her house, and asked 


Chapter 11 A Meeting at the Station 

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He had lied to her and kept more secrets than she could count. And she hated that Helene would be so cruel to her former partner. If things had gone poorly inside the station, Diego would have gotten a criminal record

Helene! Stop!Freya called out, stopping Helene as soon as they were outside


We were classmates for years. Friends! Are you that pissed off about a few thousand dollars that you’d ruin Diego’s life over it?” 

When Helene heard this, she became furious and replied, Freya, you really are a shameless piece of shit, aren’t you? Do you hear the things coming out of your mouth? My grandma is laying in a hospital bed waiting for an operation I can only pay for by selling my apartment. But Diego? He was going to use the money to buy you a fucking ring. You can’t be serious right now!” 

Shut up,Diego interjected. Forget about the last six months already! I was paying you rent for years! What’s so wrong about getting a cut of it back now?!” 

You asshole!Helene hissed, trembling in rage. Who gives a shit if you paid rent for a few years! Do you want to talk about what else you were doing all that time? How much it cost you to go to all those bars and nightclubs?! How much you spent on all those fucking video games?!” 

I was making really good money back then! I can spend it wherever the hell I want! But youYou tricked me into paying rent without bothering to tell me that you owned the damn place! You took my money! Does it help you and your family 

Chapter 11 A Meeting at the Station 

feel less poor, you stingy bitch?!” 

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Diego, you!Helene was so angry that she couldn’t say anything else. She had lied to Diego about the rent because he was blowing every paycheck and she wanted to save some money for their marriage

She laughed bitterly to herself, feeling her eyes go red. Then, she silently thanked God for letting her know what a scumbag this man was early on

Diego, would you believe me if I said I’ve never spent your money? And neither has my family.” 

No one would believe you now! You didn’t fall in love with me. You fell in love with my money, didn’t you?! Then I lost my job, and you hated me for it. The only thing keeping you with me was gone, so you started nagging me every day. I’ve had enough of you!Diego roared, his face contorted with anger

Seeing Diego like this made Helene’s heart ache, like a knife twisting into her flesh. But it wasn’t how he had betrayed her, but rather because she felt so worthless. Everything she had done and all the effort she had put into their relationship amounted to nothing

Helene turned around sadly, just in time to see a car come barreling toward her. As she was about to jump out of the way, she felt someone suddenly push her forward, and she went tumbling into the car’s path

What followed was a split second of silence broken by the screeching of tires. Helene lay right in front of the car, which had stopped just inches before it would have run over her body


Chapter 11 A Meeting at the Station 

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Helene was scared to death, and as she came to her senses, she turned around to see Diego pulling Freya away in a panic

The pain she felt in her chest was unbearable

Are you alright?the driver asked as he got out of the car. He sounded so very familiar for some reason, and as Helene looked up, she realized that it was none other than Dr. 



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