Flames of Fury

Chapter 3


It’s hard to keep up with the conversations swirling around the room, I feel like I’m being catapulted from one issue to another and dropped off with more questions than answers. Not to mention the raw emotion steaming off my brothers; it clouds around my mind and my senses and by the time I fight off the fog the conversation has moved on again.

What I do know beyond a doubt is that Mags left and hasn’t come back.

I knew something was off when Runidar told mom that the announcement was postponed, but I never would have guessed it’d be because she took off.

I know it’s not that simple. She didn’t just up and leave for no reason, and it certainly wasn’t to hurt or get away from my brothers, but getting two alphas to take the departure of their mate any way but personally is going to be more than difficult.

A natural lull in the conversation allows me to finally interject. “Guys, why don’t we take this up first thing in the morning? It’s late, I’m sure our guests will feel better after a decent night’s sleep.”

The two men in the hospital beds look exhausted, like they haven’t slept or even rested in weeks.

I can practically feel my brothers’ rebuttal forming on their tongues but I beat them to it.

The last thing anyone needs is you two doing exactly what she did and running in there as she runs out. Up until three weeks ago she didn’t have mates to rely on, and she’s survived 150 years without you, so… I think it’ll be ok for us to come back first thing in the morning.

They don’t respond to my mindlink but I know they heard me. Mags isn’t a damsel in distress and they shouldn’t treat her like one. I fully believe if she went there willingly then she did so with a plan.

“In the morning, then. Good night.” Ro’s words are curt but polite enough.

Incandis remains still and silent while my brothers walk out of the room and down the hall.

“Kat, you can go on ahead. I’ll catch up with you in a few.”

“Oh, okay,” I can’t hide the confusion that knits my brows together. What does he need to say to them in private?

I step into the hall, leaving the door open a crack so I can listen in.

Incandis immediately takes advantage of my departure to hug each of them. I can hear their bodies thump together chest to chest, their broad hands patting each other on the back.

He knows them.

He knows them well enough that they’re hugging like they’re starved for the embrace, the connection — the reunion.

“I don’t want to leave you guys here, even for the night. I still can’t quite believe that you’re here and you’re safe.” Incandis says to them.

“It’ll be better in the morning, I’m sure we’ll be back to full strength by then.”

“Yeah, your dad’s going to need it. Did you see the mark on their necks?” One of the men says mischievously. “Does that mean what I think it means?” He asks suggestively.

Dad? Incandis didn’t tell me they found his dad and uncle. Does that mean Mags’ plan worked?

No, it can’t have worked because then she’d be back with them. Then how are they here?

I shake the new web of questions I’ve spun myself into from my head and focus on the current conversation.

“Watch it Dex, she’s still my daughter.” Incandis’ dad growls out.

“Except now she calls someone else daddy. Two someones.” Dex mutters impishly under his breath so lowly I barely catch it.

“I swear I’ll send you back to Drow Hollow myself.” His dad’s growl practically shakes the wall I’m leaning against.

I can hear Incandis scratching the back of his head the way he does when he’s uncomfortable.

“I think we all need to get caught up on a lot of things.” There’s a long pause, and then a sigh. “They’re good guys, dad. They helped us search for you, no questions asked. And, all things considered, I’ve never seen her happier than she is with them. They’re her sparks.”

I wish I could see their faces right now to gauge their reactions. Nothing is on fire so I’m taking that as an indication that they’re not that angry, even after the “daddy” comment.

I think it’s Dex who clears his throat because he’s the one that breaks the silence. “You’re right, D. We have a lot to catch up on. Why don’t you get going, wouldn’t want to keep that nice young lady waiting.”

Upon hearing this I stand a little taller, I wonder what Incandis will say about me, if anything.

“Dex, for the love of the Gods!”

Incandis just laughs. “Speaking of which, do you want me to call mom and update her?”

His dad draws in a deep breath, then exhales just as deeply. “No, leave your mother to me.”

“Alright then. It’s really good to have you home. Don’t go disappearing tonight, okay?” His warning is in jest but there’s a subtle undercurrent of sincerity.

I hear Incandis’ footsteps approaching the door and I try to look as casual as I can standing outside of the very room he all but dismissed me from.

“I’m sorry I didn’t introduce you properly.” He says as soon as he crosses the threshold of the door into the hallway near where I stand.

It takes me longer than I care to admit to realize that he was speaking to me. He knew I’d be waiting here for him.

“I didn’t want discussions of you and us to be glossed over because of the craziness of today.” He kisses the top of my head, inhaling my scent before continuing. “Tomorrow when the dust has settled I would love to introduce you to my father, if you’d like.”

I throw my arms around his neck, taking him by surprise only when I lift my legs and wrap them around his waist. He wraps his arms around me, easily supporting my weight.

“Stay with me tonight?” I practically beg.

The last ten days have been understandably hectic for everyone. When Incandis isn’t meeting or strategizing with their teams, he’s researching archives for information on the Drow. He’s even been helping us out here. With my brother’s time divided at best, Incandis has stepped up to help Runidar run some minor day to day things in the pack.

My heart should swell – because if that’s not a declaration of love, then I don’t know what is. But at the end of the day when I offer my pillow to him to rest his head on, my body to take and lose himself in, my neck to lay his claim, rather than doing all of the above he just grits his teeth and with a pained look he walks away from me. Every night.

After ten days of being understanding and being patient it’s starting to take its toll. Incandis won’t ever do more than kiss me, his touch is strictly disciplined despite my attempts to test it, to permit him to touch me, to beg him. I’m his mate and the only parts of his body that I’m intimately familiar with are the apologies his eyes whisper to me.

So I do, I hold on to him too tightly for him to push me off, I beg him with what remains of my self-confidence to stay, to choose me.

His head tilts back and groans. I squeeze my thighs around him, rubbing myself against his front to entice him to say yes. His iron grip on my legs turns to stone, immobilizing me in his hands.

His expression turns dark and serious. “If you can behave, then yes. I’ll stay.”

I slam my lips to his and he responds with a growl before teasing my lips with his tongue. He sucks us through the void so we’re no longer in the hospital hallway, but back in my room.

For a moment he gives in, he devours my mouth in a bruising kiss. For just a moment I let myself melt into his arms and believe that this is it, this is the night he makes me his.

His hands slide to my hips causing a whimper to escape my lips when he tightens his grip, kneading my overstimulated flesh like an expert.

As soon as my needy cry reaches his ears he drops me like he’s been burned.

“Wha — why did you —“

“Fuck, did I hurt you?”

“No, of course not.” My cheeks flush crimson, “I was actually quite enjoying it.” I mutter under my breath.

Another half groan, half growl resonates from his chest before he cups my face between both of his hands.

“Bed time, sweetling.”

It’s like someone has let all the air out of my balloon, I deflate in front of him. But just as I’m about to pout, an idea strikes me.

I quickly use the bathroom and wash up before running into my walk in closet to grab …pajamas. I mean that in a very liberal sense of the word because it’s really black, lace panties and a matching silk cami.

Through the crack in the door frame I can see Incandis leaving the bathroom and climbing into bed. He’s stripped down to boxers and a white tee, but Goddess he still looks every bit as delectable.

Feeling confident in my sexy outfit I make my way over to my bed, where my mate is waiting for me.

That’s what you’re wearing to bed?” He asks me incredulously.

“Yeah, why? What’s wrong with it?” I do a little spin, checking out my own body looking for flaws in my attire that I know don’t exist; I just want to taunt him a little more.

He throws his body back onto the bed, smothering his face with a pillow. I can hear his muffled groans through the goose-down.

If before my proverbial balloon slowly deflated, then now my balloon has been outright popped by the sharp prick of rejection.

“Nothing, Kat. You look lovely, too lovely for bed.”

I crawl into bed next to him, resting my head in the crook of his arm and hooking my leg over his. I run my right hand under the hem of his shirt, reveling in the heat his skin gives off and the electricity that crackles between our bare skin.

I press a delicate kiss to his lips and glide my hand lower, attempting to infiltrate his boxers and become acquainted with his manhood, but a heavy hand grips my wrist as soon as my fingertips breach the elastic of the waistband.

“Bed, Kat. Sleep.” His words are clipped and punctuated with authority.

I growl my complaints against his chest where I rest my cheek. Why won’t he touch me? Why won’t he let me touch him? I’m literally throwing myself at him and he’s actively stopping me.

I resign myself to my fate tonight but tomorrow I’m resolved to confront him and figure out why my mate won’t claim me.

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