First Meet Foul: A sunshine/grump, enemies to lovers sports romance (Central State Football Book 1)

First Meet Foul: Chapter 7

A thrill went through me at Luca’s words. Swallowing hard, I tried to read his face, his jaw set in determination. I imagined, for a hot second, that his bedroom face and game face were the same. Strong, set eyebrows, tense muscles, mouth slightly parted. Mm.


“You, Luca grumpy Monroe, want to help me?

“Yes.” His eyes flashed with victory.


“Yeah, great q.” Callum stared at his roommate, his lips almost curling up into a smile.

Luca rocked back on his heels, his gaze never leaving my face. “For starters, to apologize for being an ass about everything. But secondly, the best revenge is to feign indifference. What better way to do that than to pretend to be interested in me?”

“Mm, yes, I do like that plan.” I pursed my lips, eyeing Luca up and down. Not much pretending there. “I guess you’ll do.”

“You guess, huh?” he replied, his eyes lighting up. “Wow.”

“Game plan.” Callum pulled me from the weird, semi-truce Luca and I had. There didn’t seem to be hate spilling from his eyes, which was a nice change, but I still didn’t quite understand his switch of heart. Would I deny this moment though? No. Would I question it the entire time? Yes.

Would I secretly enjoy being up close to him? Also, yes. The guy was hot, and I’d always thought so—ever since I met him freshmen year.

“Guys hate when something is off-limits. Especially athletes.” Callum eyed the bar. “Obvi this guy doesn’t play football or Dean would murder him. What sport?”


“It’s not even in season,” Luca mumbled.

“So boring,” Callum groaned. “Okay, we go in, Luca, keep your hand on her the entire time. Neck, shoulder, back, arm, tit.”

“Um, maybe not the last one?” I said, my face flushing. I still didn’t glance at Luca, which felt safer for some reason.

“Fine, boring. But Luca, you gotta play it up. If she’s your thing, then act like it.”

“This sounds weirdly possessive. I don’t… like it?” I said, frowning and regretting this entire idea. “We should go back. I’ll cancel with Mack.”

“No.” Luca stepped forward and picked up a piece of my hair. The sensation of his fingers twisting my long hair gave me shivers. He touched it for a few seconds before lifting my locks from one shoulder and smoothing them down the center of my back. It both tickled me and gave me goose bumps. My nipples tightened from his touch, and I crossed my arms to hide them.

He moved his large hand from the ends of my hair to the base of my neck, gripping it to the point his finger almost wrapped all the way around it. Words escaped me. The feel of his rough hands on my skin, his soapy scent filling my nose, and the way he gently massaged into me? My stomach flip-flopped.

“I heard you talking to your friend. You’re doing this. One drink,” Luca said, his voice low and soft.

Every nerve was on edge, either from knowing I’d see Eric or from the fact Luca’s hand was on me. My tongue swelled, if that was even a thing. Speaking became increasingly difficult from the adrenaline rush. I couldn’t decide if I liked Luca’s hand on me so much I wanted him to dip those long fingers down into my shirt or if I should slap him.

I was discombobulated.

“Come on, Lo.” Callum nudged me, and that got me moving.

I wished for a lot of things in the short distance from where we stood to the bars front entrance. One, I wished I had a drink at the house before leaving. Two, I wished I’d seen Eric’s red flags earlier. Three, I wished I understood why I was reacting so much to Luca’s body being so close to mine. Sure, he was hot, but the dude wasn’t for me in any way.

We crossed the street, a part of me watching the scene unfold like a movie. Me, sandwiched between two football guys, walking into a bar with my head held high. Eric sat at a high-top table with a girl perched on his lap. His arm was around her, his classic grin stretching across his face. He wore the hat I’d bought him, ugh, and twisted it backward. My weakness.

The DJ played some house tunes, and a few couples danced off to the side. The place was known for being low-key and for cheap drinks. It smelled like stale beer, weed, and cologne. Mack waited for us outside the entrance, her eyes as big as saucers once they landed on me and Luca. She arched a brow, and I subtly shook my head.

Questions later.

“Hey y’all,” she said. She eyed Callum up and down. “Didn’t realize the footballers were joining us? Is your brother coming too?”

“Just us, baby.” Callum winked and put an arm around her.

Mack blushed but leaned closer to him. “I feel like I’m joining a conversation late, but I’m down for whatever is happening.”

“Good girl,” Callum cooed.

The four of us walked into the bar after showing our IDs to the security guard. My skin prickled with heat—either from the fact Eric was there with another girl or the fact Luca touched me so gently. For a large guy, his hands were soft on me.

“Hey,” Luca said, his voice coming directly next to my ear. His lips brushed against my hair. “What do you want to drink?”

He placed both hands on my shoulders, pulling me tight against his chest. His warmth and strength surrounded me, and I gulped. Goose bumps exploded down both arms, and god, when was the last time I’d felt that?

Focus. Make Eric regret what he did. I let my gaze move slowly toward where he sat, but he still hadn’t seen me. He once told me he could feel the air move when I walked into a room, but I was calling bullshit on that. Here I was, ten feet away, and he was face-first in a girl’s neck.

Mack frowned at me over Callum’s shoulder, her eyes worried. A few months ago, this sight would’ve gutted me. But it was relieving to not have a punch of jealousy go through me. If anything, it was more hurt that I thought we had something special, when we never really did.

“Whatcha want, girlies?” Callum slapped the bar and whistled at the bartender. “Love your hair, gorgeous.”

She winked before shifting her gaze to me. “Wow, Monroe is blessing us with his presence tonight. Football fans will go wild to see you out.”

Luca stiffened next to me, and his hand moved from my neck to my lower back. “Wanted to hang out with my girl here.”

The bartender’s attention moved to me, curious and assessing. “Your girl, huh?”

“For the night,” I blurted out, regretting it instantly. “You know how he is.”

“That I do.” She licked the side of her lip, then studied Callum. Her nostrils flared. “I’ve already been with two guys on the team, can we make it three?”

“Doll, please.” Callum smirked, leaning onto his forearms. “I don’t want to embarrass my teammates with my superior skills.”

Her gaze flicked back to Luca. “Eh, one knew what they were doing.”

That’s when it hit me. Luca had slept with the bartender. A gross, jealous-like feeling squeezed my chest, which it had no business doing because, um, hello, it was Luca Monroe? The grumpy guy who kinda hated me but was making it up to me by helping me and confusing me? Also… hearing Luca call me my girl sent a flurry of ohmygods through me.

I was a hot mess express of emotions and feelings, and I hated it.

“Jesus, Tamara,” Luca huffed.

“What? Your Monday night special doesn’t seem to mind.”

“Oh my god, do you call your hookups that?” I asked, laughter spilling out. “Luca, that is … wow.”

Mack laughed, a bit hesitant. I could tell she was trying to gauge my feelings, and god, she was the best friend ever. I met her eyes, grinning.

“Tuesday night temptation, Wednesday wonder,” Tamara said, arching her brows. “The ladies know what we’re getting with him. One night, that’s it, but it’s worth it.”

“Good to know.” I moved to stand next to Callum. “Four shots of whatever is closest to you.”

“’Atta girl.” She grabbed a bottle of rum and poured us shots. I felt more than heard Luca stand right behind me. His hips came up to the middle of my back, and his powerful thigh pressed into my side, his presence overwhelming me in a strange, wonderful way. For a hot second, I wondered about how he’d be in bed.

Attentive? Selfless? Focused? Heat rushed me head to thighs, and I cleared my throat. Eric hadn’t been bad in bed, but he wasn’t amazing, and based on how friendly Tamara was with him, Luca had to be amazing.

Callum leaned closer to me, his breath hitting my face. “Where is he?”

“Back right.” I’d definitely seen him when we’d walked in, but Tamara distracted me enough that I hadn’t looked back. I wasn’t sure if he’d seen me. But now that the reason we were here dominated the conversation, my nerves returned full force. My fingers shook against the bar as I tapped them over and over.

“Dude with the hat and the girl?”

“Yes.” I exhaled, thankful Tamara slid the glasses our way. Without waiting for the others, I took mine and downed it. The welcomed burn continued down my throat, and I wiggled my hips. Shit. I forgot Luca was right there, and with my movement, he stiffened. “Sorry.”

“No, you’re fine.” He gripped my hip now, his other hand taking the shot. “Come on. Let’s sit.”

He squeezed my hip once then released me. He held out a hand, and I stared at it, blinking away any uncertainty. I had to sell this. I flashed him a smile and stared up at him. The same intense look I’d grown used to was there, his eyes narrowed and his jawline sharp as hell. I took his hand, and he interlocked our fingers. None of the weird, mitten-holding of hands. He held my hand, and for some reason, that was hot?

“Okay, lovers, what are we doing? Dancing? Darts?” Callum moved to the beat just as a group of girls spotted him. He groaned. “Walking temptations.”

“You never turn it off, do you?” Mack asked.

“Never, baby.” He gave Mack a heated look, running his hand over his jaw. He then smiled bashfully at me and winced. “Mom, can I go play with them? Please?”

“Oh my god,” I said, laughing. “Yes.”

“You’ll be okay?” He flicked his eyes to Luca.

“What the fuck, man?” Luca asked.

“I was gonna come here with her without you, and you have your growly, grump face going on, so I wanna make sure she’s comfortable.” He held out a fist, and I bumped it. “Don’t wait for me.” He cupped his boobs. “There’s a ninety percent chance I won’t be coming home.”

My lip quirked, and soon enough Callum strode off, leaving me, Mack, and Luca. My fingers were still interlocked with his large ones. “Should we—”

“Shit, he’s staring hard.” Mack narrowed her eyes, her grip on the table tightening. “Don’t turn around, Lo.”

“What’s he doing?” I asked.

“Frowning at you two.” Mack tapped the side of her lips. “Honestly, this is great, you flirting with Monroe. His reputation precedes him, and clearly Eric knows about him. His face is red.”

This is so messed up. Why had I ever thought this was a good idea? Pretending to be over everything? Moving on? My stomach rolled with discomfort, and I let go of Luca’s hand. The absence of the heat startled me.

“What’s wrong? You tensed.” Luca bent forward, a familiar frown on his face. He lowered his head so we were eye to eye. “Do I make you uncomfortable?”

“What? No.” I brushed my hair over my ears, a huge rock forming in my gut. Eric was watching us! What did that mean? Was he still looking? God, why did I care? That made no sense. He’d treated me poorly at the end and hadn’t communicated what I meant to him the entire time. “It’s this situation.”

Mack sighed. “Eric played her, bad. Lied about their relationship, said it was casual the whole time and nothing serious even though it was almost a year. Told her baseball was more important, and if she wanted to continue being a fuck buddy, he’d let her, but he couldn’t do more.”

“Jesus, Mack.” I glared at her. “Laying all my business on the table.”

“Forgive me for kinda wanting Grumpy McGee to beat his ass.”

“No, he can’t do that,” I said, staring at Luca. His entire body stiffened, and his face had red splotches on it. “He can’t risk getting injured for football. My brother would kill me if I caused him to get hurt.”

“Dean should also beat Eric’s ass.”

“He doesn’t know the whole story,” I fired back.

Luca craned his neck to look over his shoulder, his jaw tensing. “Lorelei,” he said.

He pronounced each syllable with intention and a deep, gruff voice that sent a burst of heat through me. I liked him saying my name like that. “Hm?”

“Eric looks like someone who doesn’t know how to please a woman, and if I ever were to punch anyone in the face, it’d be him. He has my top spot.” His dark stare met mine, the absolute seriousness of his words plastered on his face.

I nodded, my own face tingling with warmth. “Good to know.”

“He’s also on my punch in the face list, followed with that beezy from Indiana.” Mack pounded a fist into her palm.

My lips twitched. “You’ll carry a grudge until you die.”

“Hell yes I will.” Mack hit her fist on the table, her face paling as she looked over Luca’s shoulder.



My ex appeared right next to us. Eric O’Shea, the face of the baseball team with his pitching arm. Blond hair swooped to the side and the charisma people would kill for. Heartbreak and anger fought for control, and I opened my mouth to say something, but no sound escaped. It had been a month since we were face to face, and my stomach bottomed out with nerves.

Luca wrapped his beefy arm around my shoulders and nuzzled me into his chest before positioning us to face Eric. Time slowed down as I stared at my ex. He looked good. Dark blue shirt and jeans, the damn hat I bought him, and no girl on his arm. There definitely had been one though. I saw her.

“The ex, right? Derrick?” Luca asked.

I wanted to laugh and thank him profusely. Derrick. Classic. My lips curved up even though my insides were a war zone. “Eric, but yes.”

“Close enough.” Luca left no room between our sides, our bodies pressed so tight together you couldn’t fit a penny there.

Eric ran a hand over his mouth, his eyes bouncing back and forth between us. “Are you with Monroe?”

“She is, yes.” Luca answered before I could, and I nudged his side.

“I can speak, you know.”

“Right. I forgot.” He playfully rolled his eyes, and my smile grew. I was aware, deep down, that this was an act, but I kinda liked this version of him. Goofy, territorial, decisive. Getting Eric to plan anything had been exhausting.

“But yes.” I held Eric’s gaze. “Luca and I are…what are we doing?”

“Besides fucking?”

Oh my god.

My face heated, and my thighs tensed. It was hot in the bar. Like, had their air broken suddenly or had they accidentally turned the furnace on? I laughed, nervously, and Luca’s stoic face broke out in a huge smile. “God, don’t be an ass.”

He faked a wince. “Might be too late. Derrick might be upset.”

“Eric, come on.” I nudged my hip into his, and he did it right back. Eric cleared his throat, and I glanced at him.

His frown deepened, the familiar curve of his lips not quite as pleasing as it once had been. He cleared his throat and shifted his weight from left to right. “How long has this been going on?”

“Mm, it’s recent.” I shrugged. “We’re keeping it casual. Sports will always come first. You know how that is.”

“Now, what do you want? We’re busy, and you interrupted for what?” Luca asked.

Eric took off the hat and ran his hand through his hair so it stuck up on the end. I used to love that gesture when he was nervous, but now it looked dumb. His jaw tensed as his attention shifted on me. “Lo, could we—”

“Eric, baby!”

A beautiful, leggy blonde walked up to him and threw herself at him. He caught her, and his cheeks pinkened.

“Can we go? I want to watch Ted Lasso again,” she purred into his ear.

Ted fucking Lasso.

The show I made him watch with me. I felt like I was living in an Olivia Rodrigo song, and I hated it. I’d begged this guy to watch the show with me, and he’d complain because he’d rather do anything else. He thought soccer was boring. But wow… not with this new girl. Eric paled as he rubbed the girl’s back.

“Continue with your night, Eric.” Ice laced my tone, and I bit my lip to prevent from saying anything else. Luca stepped closer to me, placing a hand on my shoulder and gently squeezing.

I needed that reminder to ground me, and damn, I liked it.

Eric nodded before walking away with the leggy blonde and I deflated. The anger swirled and billowed, like smoke coming from a grill, and I gritted my teeth. “That rat bastard.”

“I hate him,” Mack said. “Didn’t he complain about soccer the entire time you were together?”

“Yes.” I breathed hard, hoping to exhale all the negativity in my mind.

“Vent or fix?” Luca asked.

“What?” I snapped. His question made no sense.

“My grandma does this thing… do you want to vent right now about him? Or do you want a fix?”

“I’d love a fix for this.” I tilted my head to each side, cracking my neck and wishing I did another shot at the bar. “But I’m angry. I had to beg him to watch Ted Lasso. Beg. Like, pout and he’d act like I was so irritating. He made me feel annoying.” I rubbed my eyes, irritated that I’d put on mascara so I surely had racoon eyes.

Luca squeezed the back of his neck and stared hard at me. Indecision clouded his face before he held out his hand again. “I have an idea. Let’s walk Mack home and then I want you to come with me.”

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.