First Eclipse

Chapter 20

Tim watched the royals come and go from the dining room. Some of the other guards went to rest for an hour or so, but he chose to stand here in the hall. He wouldn't have rested if he had tried right now. His mind was all over the place. He planned to stay and talk to Fauna, but all of the Gemini women had gathered around her, talking about what was going to happen or what had already happened. Tim didn't want to get in the way of that. It was cowardly. He knew it, but his legs refused to go over there and interrupt all of the women to single Fauna out. While he'd been standing here for the last forty minutes, he'd regretted not talking to her.

Daxx and King Chase came out and started walking down the hall.


He blinked and looked to see they'd both stopped and were looking at him. With a long strides, he caught up.

"Everything okay?" Daxx was giving him that look that asked if he was having an aneurysm.

"Yes." He barely nodded.

Chase grinned. "Your mouth just used the word yes, but your face is saying everything but that."

He sobered. "Did you think of something we didn't cover?"

Tim stared at him for a moment before he realized he was talking about when they went back to the encampment. "No. No, sir."

"Do you need a nap?" Daxx scoffed. "I need one, but there's no time. If you want to go, we can get someone else to..."

"No." He said it a little too loud and then cleared his throat and shook his head. "I'm good to go." He nodded. "I just think-no, I know I found my mate, and I haven't told her yet." Chase grinned.

Daxx looked around the hall like she was going to manifest. "I give you enough time off to socialize?"

Tim smiled and shook his head. "No."

She frowned.

"I mean, I haven't been socializing. She's " He exhaled. "She's not from Alterealm." Chase started chuckling. "Let the games begin." He started walking the other way. "Chase?" Daxx watched him. "You aren't going to offer some words of wisdom?" Chase lifted his hand. "He was born here, and he's a big boy. He'll figure it out."

Daxx growled. She looked at Tim and then poked her finger into his chest. "Stay. Don't move." She went back into the dining room, and less than a minute later, she came back out. "Get in here." She scowled at him.

He followed her, wondering how he'd upset her. She said stay, he had, then she's mad he didn't follow?

"Sit." She pointed to the long table the family only sat at.

He was going to clarify, but the expression on her face told him he should just sit. He slipped into the closest chair and then leaned forward and tried to adjust his sword. It was uncomfortable, so instead of trying to figure it out, he leaned on the table and looked at her.

She was mad texting on her phone. "Paisley went to get Autumn and Alona. The rest will be here momentarily."

"The rest?" Was there to be another meeting without the men? It wouldn't be the first one he'd been witness to. Those meetings usually got him in trouble.

"Yes. We're―" She waved her hand around and scowled. "-intervening before this gets out of hand."

Tim had no idea what she was talking about, but he knew he well enough not to ask questions when she had that hard focus look on her face.

Bethany rushed into the room. "I gave up a nap for this. What's going on?"

Daxx held up her hand and typed on the phone.

Beth looked at him and gave him a funny look because he was sitting at the table. Her eyes widened. "Did you think of something else for the plan?" She sat down in one of the chairs and eyed him. Why did everyone suddenly think he was a master strategist? Tim shook his head. "I..."

"We're here." Alona and Autumn came in. The fierce warrior had her baby bundled against her chest in one of those cloth carrier things.

Alona looked at Daxx and then Tim. "Girl meeting means one thing." She smiled at him and rubbed her hand over her very swollen belly. "Do we know her?"

How did she know? Was he wearing a sign that said, 'I found my mate?'

"Know who?" Autumn started rocking back and forth.

"Tim's mate."

Autumn looked at him and grinned. "Congrats."

"A mate?" Bethany looked excited. She looked at him. "May it go smoother than mine did." She nodded.

Tim turned and looked at the huntress. She was off the phone and standing there, eyeing him.

"Sorry, I had to go back and get the notebook." Paisley came rushing in and looked around. "Kinsley will be here in a second, and Rea is grabbing a drink." She pointed to the kitchen. Daxx had called a meeting because he knew who his mate was.

Kara and Crissy appeared over in the corner at the same time.

"Did we miss it?" Kara slid into the nearest chair.

"No. Just waiting on the others." Daxx nodded and then crossed her arms over her chest.

Kinsley came in from the hallway at the same moment Reagan entered from the kitchen.

Tim had to hand it to them when they called a meeting; it happened fast. He doubted the men could be rounded up that fast.

"Tim has found his mate," Daxx said. He felt like a big spotlight was suddenly shining on him as they all looked at him and smiled. "She is not from Alterealm," Daxx added. The smiles all faded, and in their place were harder expressions and head shaking.

Without pausing the rocking, Autumn came over to him and poked the table. "Get her a porter. Two of them, she can stick one in her boot." She nodded. "That's important." "Yes." Kara nodded. "With trackers, both of them."

"Wait." Paisley held up her hand and eyed him. "What realm is she from?" She looked around at the other women. "We don't know enough about some of the others to advise." "Good point." Beth pulled a notebook across the table and opened it. "We should write that down." She glanced around. "Anyone have a pen?"

"Oh." Crissy set her backpack on the table and started digging in it. "I didn't see it." She looked down the table at Tim. "Or, I don't know I saw it, but I have." She froze and stared at her hand for a second. "Yes." She nodded and then looked back at him. "Gloves. You need gloves." She frowned. "She does." Pulling out a pen, she held it out to Beth. "We have to get her gloves-" She nodded and turned back to him. "What kind does she need?"

Tim opened his mouth to tell them that wasn't necessary.

"Do we know her?" Kinsley asked, then perched on the table. "Is she a guard?" She shook her head. "That's doubtful. We've been too busy for socializing."

Daxx came over to him, and her gaze narrowed. "Do you have a prophecy?" Before he could speak, she turned to look where Crissy had been. She wasn't there. Daxx sighed and bent down, looking under the table. "Criss, is there a guard prophecy?"

Crissy popped up at the end of the table like she was on a spring. "No. Well, not guards." She paused. "He could be part of another one." She looked at him. "Are you?"

Tim shook his head.

"No, he's not, Daxx." Crissy squatted down again.

Daxx nodded and turned back to him. Her look pinned him in place. That look was usually reserved for when people used the words 'not allowed' while speaking to her. "You will tell her everything. I mean it, Tim. Everything. Even things you don't think are necessary-you tell her anyway because there is no such thing as coincidence. You got me?"

He nodded and prayed this talk was over.

"We really should speak to her." Reagan sighed. "Men try, but there's always a piece missing."

Daxx snorted.

Mitz came in from the kitchen. She was carrying a small brown paper bag. She glanced around at the women. "You covered the porter and gloves?" They all nodded.

"Good." Her smile was motherly, and Tim understood why many referred to her as the mother of the realm. She came down the table and set the bag in front of him. Giving him a gentle smile, she turned and walked out of the room without saying another word.

Tim looked at the bag and then around at the women. He moved just his eyes back to the bag.

"What's in it?" Autumn started humming.

"Are you going to look?" Daxx glared at him.

Tim frowned. "It's for me?"

She scowled at him. "She set it right in front of you."

He jerked his chin and looked at the bag again. Pulling it closer, he slowly opened it and peered inside. It was cat treats. He scowled at it. How did Mitz know?

"Well?" Paisley slid along the edge of the tale. "What is it?"

Tim closed the bag. "Cat treats." He said it quietly, hoping that it would end the strangest, most confusing conversation he'd ever had.

"Cat treats," Bethany mumbled and turned to look at some of the others.

"It's Fauna." Kara blurted out, startling him and some of the women.

"Shh." Autumn began rocking again.

"It makes sense," Alona said as she sat down. "They're part of this just as" She waved her hand around. "all of us."

Beth nodded and then looked at Kara. "That makes Tawny a part of it too."

Just a heads up: is the only place to read the complete version of this book for free. Don't miss out on the next chapter-visit us now and continue your journey! Kara gave her a surprised look.

"Think about it. Without her, Tim-" She pointed to him. "-wouldn't have been on that mountain with Fauna..."

Paisley nodded. "They wouldn't have found the cave..."

"Or the campground and evil twin." Daxx smiled and then looked back at Tim. "Which means you're going to do this right."

"Do what right?" Prince Leone came in and gave the woman a wary look. "You're planning something that's going to make one of my brothers growl, are you?" He turned to look at his mate. "Or that involves dancing, right?" Beth's expression was pure amusement. "No dancing." She looked at Tim. "Nothing that will make any of my brothers-in-law growl like bears either."

The prince looked relieved and then asked Tim, "What did you do to be put in the hot seat?"

Tim opened his mouth and then blew out a breath. "I was just getting some" He looked at Daxx. "Advice." He nodded and then stood up.

"Birds made of stone." Crissy blurted out. "Which means they can't fly." She frowned. "Or breathe. That's sad." She blinked and then looked right at Tim. "We have to find the birds." Grabbing her backpack, she raced toward the door. "I have to tell Vic."

"Birds made of stone?" Autumn looked at Leone. "What does that mean?"

Beth got up. "A statue or some kind of " She paused. "I don't even know."

"When she looked at you, does that mean it's you that has to find it, or she was just saying it, and you happened to be in her line of sight?" Reagan asked him.

Tim lifted his shoulders and held them like that for a moment while he considered it. "I don't know."

Leone rubbed a hand over his face and then got out his phone. "We need to find out." He shook his head. "I'll get Vic to clarify." He gave Tim a side-eyed look. "It's easier that way."

Tim nodded. Whether it was up to him to find these birds or not, he didn't care. Her sudden epiphany had ended the women's intervention. They weren't wrong about any of what they told him. He'd been here for all of their mating's, even placed a few bets with the other guards, but he'd prefer to deal with his without an audience and betting pool. Picking up the bag, he glanced at Daxx. "I should go, uh, get that porter."

"Two." Autumn pointed at him. "You need two."

"Yes." He nodded, bowed his head briefly, and then left the room.

When he stepped out into the hallway, Sith and Woods were walking toward him.

"We're going to play a round of Rock Band; want to join?" Woods grinned. "If I lie down right now, I won't be getting up for at least five hours."

Sith nodded. "Same." He looked at the bag in Tim's hand. "Everything all right?"

Tim looked at the bag. "Yeah. Miss Mitz gave this to me for one of the Gemini women." It wasn't unusual for Mitz to send one of the guards on short errands. Most times, they welcomed it. Standing outside doors was the most tedious of their tasks. Well, except for trying to locate the princesses and queens, that was trying at times, too.

"So-"Woods motioned down the hall. "You in?"

Tim shook his head. "No. I should take care of this before we have to meet up."

Woods chuckled. "You can't avoid a rematch forever, my friend." He walked away.

Sith eyed him for a moment. "What's really going on?"

Daxx came out of the dining room. "You still here?" She pointed to the bag. "Get it taken care of. I can't have my blocker distracted by mushy stuff."

Tim watched Sith raise an eyebrow and give him a curious look. "I'll go now." He bowed his head quickly and then flipped the cover open on his porter. There were four buttons for four locations on his. Right now, he didn't care which one he hit; he just needed to not be here.

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