
Chapter 9 - Storm

It was the hardest thing I had to do, but he has a life to return to. I understood what the buildup of the thunderstorm was; it was me giving him the life back he wanted.

The memory of his face lingers in my mind like a vivid painting, every detail etched into my consciousness. As I ran my fingers over his jawline, I felt the rough texture of his stubble against my skin, a faint scratching sound accompanying each stroke. His gaze was intense, piercing my soul as if we had a connection beyond words. At that moment, I knew our relationship had undergone a profound shift.

I descend into the abyss, the water pressure increasing with every passing moment. As I look back, I see the silhouette of my future standing on the edge, his face a mask of worry and fear. The dim light from the surface fades away, replaced by the eerie glow of bioluminescent creatures. The sound of my breathing fills my ears, amplified by the water’s density.

I feel the chill of the deep, cold water enveloping me, and yet, I can still sense the warmth of my tears running down my cheeks. The salty tang mixes with the metallic taste of my fear. My heart aches with longing and sadness for my soulmate, my other half, who I left behind on the surface.

Soon, everything will be as it should.” The echo vibrates through the water.

“But my heart aches still.”

As it should. You have felt love, a connection to someone. Your sisters are all ready to be freed.”

Was I the last one? We were all put in this world for different reasons. “I’m ready.” I whisper out into the abyss.

With each passing moment, I feel more and more captivated by the deep blue depths of the lake, compelling me to move closer. I don’t stop swimming until my lungs are aching, making it impossible for me to take another breath.

He is long gone, and I’m all alone. I need him to survive, so I can inhale the same air he does. As I reach the bottom, unable to breathe, the gods speak.

“Now is the time to right all the wrongs. You have one chance at life. If you choose him and he doesn’t accept, then you will be alone for the rest of your life. What do you choose?”

“I choose him.” I answer with no doubt in my mind.

Bubbles form at the floor of the lake, giving me the breath I need. I’m sent hurtling upwards from the lake and into the skies above. Rain pours down on the earth below, giving them a new life.

A fierce whirlwind envelops me, causing me to spin uncontrollably. The wind howls in my ears, drowning out all other sounds. Time seems to rewind before my eyes like an old filmstrip, with each frame flashing by in a blur.

Will he remember me?

Everything slows down and I’m left standing on the roadside, dressed in only a shimmering green dress and sandals.

“I have legs!”

“Yes, you are now human. Your destiny awaits you down that road there.” My father smiles. “You will have to remember one thing, though.” He fades away. ”

“Remember what?” I reached out to him.

“Life will circle back around.” And with that, he disappears.

My heart fills with new emotions. Anxiety and rejection. What if he doesn’t want me? With every beat of my heart, palpitations course through my new body and tingles ignite my nerves, creating an indescribable sensation.

I take my first wobbly step forward. A sign stretches over the track going off the main road. Copper Ridge Ranch. Blooming flowers and long grasses adorn the sides of the track leading to my new home. The view before me is truly mesmerizing. A seemingly boundless expanse of land stretches out as far as the eye can see. And a ridge of mountains forms an impressive skyline in the far distance.

The air is warm from the sun, and the breeze gives you a refreshing blast as it occasionally blows past. A vast difference to what Richard said, not that he will remember.

My only hope is the memory of our intertwined hearts and the rush of emotions will flood his mind. The pull of our connection should be strong enough to provoke him to take a leap of faith and accept me.

I hope so.

The ranch comes into view and my nerves fire down, every part of my body awakening my soul to his. “Please remember me.” I whisper to myself as I get closer.

My heart beats stronger.

An older man leans against a fence, who I presume is Richard’s father. He is watching a herd of horses come in. I smile as a man on a horse rides in after them, and I recognize the horse.

A tear rolls down my cheek.

He looks exactly the same as he did when I saw him yesterday. It is difficult for me to determine how much time has passed for him, though.

I watch from afar, enough distance to make sure I give him time to finish doing his checks.

The magnetic force emanating from him is simply irresistible, impossible for me to ignore. I hope he feels it too. The sun is setting, casting a golden glow on my fire red hair, which cascades down my back and sways gently in the breeze. As I take a step forward, the soft grass under my feet tickles my toes, and the feeling of anticipation builds in my chest.

I step into his view. He looks over and our eyes lock and everything else fades away. Goosebumps form over my body and my nipples harden. The charge within me ignites towards him is so intense that it propels me forward at full force.

With each step, my feet carry me forward, a sense of uncertainty filling my every move. His gaze is intense, staring at me with an unwavering focus that sends my heart pounding in my chest. Despite my nerves, hope swells within me, filling me with a sense of possibility.

“Evening, miss,” his father beams as he turns to face me. “Are you lost?”

“No sir. I believe I have found what I am looking for.” I smile at him and turn my gaze back to Richard.

My stomach churns and knots, writhing with a mixture of hopelessness and desolation as I meet Richard’s gaze. There’s an eerie silence that settles between us, interrupted only by the sound of his slow, labored breaths. His eyes are unreadable, void of any emotion, and I can feel my heart pounding in my chest. As he blinks, he rubs his chin, the rough stubble scratching against his palm, and I can’t help but feel a sense of unease at his indifferent demeanor.

Please remember me.

All of this will be for nothing if he doesn’t remember. My bottom lip trembles and tears cloud my vision. I promised myself that I would not cry, but a tear finds its way down my cheek.

“Miss, would you like a cool drink?” His father holds out a hand. “I’m Jeffery Tallon.”

“Ella Storm.” I shake his hand, and it fills me with warmth. His kindness flows with positivity, and he gives Richard a wink.

“A beautiful name for a beautiful lady.” He kisses the back of my hand before letting it go. “It has been a long day, but I shall give you a moment. My son seems to have forgotten his manners.” There was a sparkle in his eyes.

I watch as the man walks away and I hold my breath. Richard’s presence is next to me, and I turn my head to face him. His gaze is piercing and fills me with hurt, like an icy wind blowing through my chest. I realize with a sinking feeling that he doesn’t remember, and my heart sinks like a stone in my chest.

My world crashes down, and I am lost.

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