
Chapter 6 - Richard

“Tell me the truth, Richard,” she purrs.

My skin feels like a thousand tiny needles are pricking it, and a rush of goosebumps spreads across my arms, making the hairs stand on end. The sound of my heartbeat fills my ears and my cheeks burn with embarrassment. With a gulp, I try to swallow the lump in my throat, but it feels like it’s stuck there.

Something about her turns me on. My dick is rock hard and I’m hiding it with my hat. She lays in the water like a goddess. Mermaids are not real, I keep repeating to myself. But here she is floating in the water facing me. Her body is stunning and her breasts are milky white, and nipples are pink and pert.

“I should be grieving the death of my father,” I say, confusion and grief filling my insides. “Yet here I am talking to a mermaid, and...” How do you say to a mythological creature that she turns you on and I’m wondering how I can have sex with her?

“And what? Richard,” she repeats.

As I observe her, the soft blades of grass beneath my feet send their fresh fragrance intoxicating my senses. And when her hands lay gently on the lush greenery in front of me, a jolt of electricity fires up through my toes. Her hair glistens in the sunlight, the droplets cascading down her neck in a tantalizing stream. The sight of her creamy breasts and pert nipples sends a shiver down my spine, urging me to reach out and cup them in my hand. Her irresistible allure drew me closer to her.

I’m completely mesmerized by her.

“Are you real? Is this place real?” I hope I’m not dreaming and instead I’m out dying in the middle of the desert somewhere.

“I’m as real as they come, Richard. Would you like to touch me?”

As my eyes meet hers, a surge of desire courses through my veins. My heart races and my breath quickens at the thought of what I want to do to her. The air is heavy with anticipation, and my skin tingles with the electricity of our connection. My dick has a mind of its own, and I can’t help but let out a gasp at the sight of her. Her lips curl into a seductive smile, and the scent of waterlilies fills my nostrils. Oh, how badly I want her. I yearn to feel her soft skin against mine and taste her sweet lips. The hunger in my eyes must be apparent, as she leans in closer, her body language inviting me to take the next step.

“Come for me, Richard,” her sultry voice whispers as she pushes her body into the crystal water.

I watch as the sunlight dances across her skin, highlighting the intricate patterns of shimmering scales that adorn her body. The water ripples around her, and I feel a rush of desire as I move towards her, my heart pounding in my chest. I turn and drop the hat so she won’t see the effect she has on me. As I drop into the water, I reach out to touch her fin, and she pulls away, teasing me with a coy smile.

She flicks it up and splashes me, then disappears under the water. The sight is beautiful to watch as she glides effortlessly through the water. Golds and greens shimmer, and her fiery red hair sets the lake ablaze as she surfaces.

My dick hasn’t gone down and I think it is ready to explode. When she circles around me, her fingers glide over my shoulders and I struggle to stay afloat. In a state of bliss induced by her, a moan escapes me and I search for something to hold on to.

“Here let me.” She offers me her hand.

Our fingers lace together, and I closed my eyes seeing stars. “Who are you?” I shudder as my erection presses against her because she has twisted in front of me and holds me close to her.

“I should ask you the same question. In all the years I’ve been here, not one man has ever entered this oasis. Why you? What were you really searching for?”

“Hope, and life.” I stare deeply into her piercing green eyes. Suddenly, a vivid image of my father lying motionless, calling my name, floods my mind. The sound of his desperate voice echoes in my ears. The intense emotion hits me like a ton of bricks, causing tears to well up in my eyes and a sharp pain in my chest. Did I really abandon him?

Her gentle hand rests on my chest, just above my heart. As I close my eyes, I can feel an overwhelming sensation of love and warmth spreading throughout my body. The touch is soft and comforting, and I can hear my heartbeat, beating in sync with hers. The feeling of the hand on my chest is like a soothing balm, easing away any tension I had been holding onto. It’s as if all the troubles of the world have melted away, and all that’s left is this moment of pure love and comfort.

I open my eyes and find Storm gazing at me, her own eyes glistening with tears. “What happened?” She glides us both through the water.

“It was a few weeks ago, and a heat wave struck. It threw the world into a disarray, chaos as life started dying slowly. Then, about a week ago, the heat tripled and only got hotter. Fire fell from the skies and hit. My dad and I run a ranch. He kept insisting that there was a sacred place where a lake was hidden. While I was trying to get the horses out, fire rained from the skies and hit.”

“He didn’t make it, did he?” The way her voice soothed me made it a little easier to speak about it.

“I’m still trying to get my head around it all. And you.”

I surrender to her for the very first time, allowing myself to become fully immersed in her presence. Her soft touch sends shivers down my spine, and I can’t help but be enchanted by the sound of her soothing voice. It is a moment that I will never forget.

We float in the water, and our skin and scales touch, creating a unique sensation. After a brief hiatus, I sense my manhood stirring once more as I trail my fingertips along her waist, grazing them over her scales. They feel different from what I imagined - surprisingly velvety to the touch.

“I’ve never had a man touch me before.” Her eyelids flutter.

“Let me get this straight. You have never been kissed before?” I pull back a little and smile. “Are you telling me that someone as beautiful as you has never kissed before?”

If this is a dream or reality, I’m going to die happy before the world explodes or something. Her cheeks flush with a pink hue and her eyes become greener.

“I’d like you to be my first.” Her arms loop around my neck. It is her tail that holds us afloat.

I can’t remember when I last kissed someone, and my nerves start to get the better of me. She is a mermaid. I’m going to kiss a freaking mermaid!

Her tongue licks over her bottom lip as she stares at me, and I gulp. My heart is doing silly things inside my chest, and my dick… It presses up against her scaly skin, rocking against her as she flaps her tail in the water, keeping us steady.

Our lips haven’t touched, but I’m already seeing stars because of what she is doing with my dick. I slide my hand behind her head and wrap my fingers in her hair. My lips are still dry from being burned, and wetting them helps only a little.

I press my lips gently against hers, feeling the softness of her skin and the warmth of her breath. The sweet taste of her lips invades my senses, and a rush of desire courses through my body. As I open my mouth slightly and deepen the kiss, I am overwhelmed by the passion and heat of the moment. Our bodies press together, and I can feel the pounding of her heart against my chest. The scent of her fills my nostrils, and I am lost in the experience’s intensity.

It transports us to a different world. Our lips meet and her warm breath flows into me, mingling with my own. The taste of her on my tongue ignites a fiery passion within me as we move in unison. As we spin, I am lost in the moment, feeling her body against mine and the electricity between us.

Her beauty overwhelms me like a tidal wave. The sound of her soft moans is like music to my ears, and I can’t get enough of it. The smell of her fills my nose, intoxicating me with its floral scent. Her nearness almost suffocates me, yet I cannot help but crave it even more.

I am drowning in her presence.

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