
Chapter 4 - Richard

I can’t believe this is happening. The coolness of the water running between my fingers is too real to be a dream. I can still see a blue and green haze, but my vision is so blurry that I’m not sure if it’s real or just a figment of my imagination. The sound of water droplets falls into a pool, echoing in my ears, as the fresh air creates a unique scent that fills my lungs, feeding them.

The sensation of the water dripping into my mouth is refreshing and quenches my thirst. Life is dripping into my mouth. My heart thumps stronger, and my skin doesn’t feel like it is burning anymore.

Everything hurts as I try moving, but it is a whoosh in the water that makes me groan and hurry. Am I about to be flooded and drown now?

My senses come alive as I feel my body being reinvigorated. A cool breeze carries with it the scent of waterlilies. Life seeping back into me. Only the sound of my heartbeat fills my ears, pulsating with renewed blood flow. And the gentle rustling of leaves overhead adds to the peacefulness of the moment. A cool air gently eases the pain of my burned skin, leaving me feeling refreshed and renewed.

I am alive, this is real?

Vivid colors overpower my vision as I open my eyes properly for the first time. The grass is greener than I’ve ever seen anywhere in my life.

“The horses?” I groan and shift my body so I can check.

Most are lying down resting, but are eating the surrounding grass. I push myself up to count them, and as if it is a miracle, all of them are here.

I gaze up to the sky and thank whoever helped guide us here. I’m not a believer in God, but after this I might start thinking there is more out there, a force to call out to in dire needs. But then I remember my father, the house, everything has now gone. Tears spring to my eyes again, and I fold over on my hands and knees at the water’s edge.

Although I made it, he was actually in a much worse condition than he had let on. Despite my lack of medical knowledge, I understood that coughing up blood was an alarming symptom. Dad concealed his health and would have never made it here.

“He’s gone,” I wept into the water.

Gazing into the crystal-clear water, I am astounded by the surreal landscape unfolding before me. I can’t believe that such a tranquil oasis exists amid this arid desert. The dazzling sunlight reflects off the water, creating a kaleidoscope of colors that dance across the lake’s surface. As I peer down into the depths, I’m struck by the silence that surrounds me, broken only by the gentle twitter and chirping of birds around me. Despite the warmth of the sun overhead, I shiver as a cool breeze brushes against my skin, carrying with it a faint scent of waterlilies again. The fish below seem unfazed by my presence, gliding effortlessly through the water, their scales glinting like diamonds in the sunlight. I am left in awe, wondering just how deep this miraculous lake goes.

As I lower my hands into the sparkling water, I’m taken aback by the refreshing coolness that envelops them. I lift the water to my face, and I’m greeted by the invigorating scent of freshness. The water feels like a balm to my skin, washing away the grime and leaving me feeling renewed and revitalized.

For the first time I stand, and my legs don’t give way. I spot Lipton and go to check on her, removing the saddle and bridle she had on. She immediately gets down to roll, and I let out my first chuckle of happiness.

My body throbs with pain, and I can feel the heat still emanating from the long trek here. The dust from the journey clings to my clothes, and my boots are matted to my feet with sweat. I can sense a dampness at the bottom of my boots, and the smell of my perspiration is overwhelming.

As I take in my surroundings for the first time, I strain to hear any sounds of life nearby, but the only noise is the sound of my labored breathing. With steady movements, I remove my boots and socks, before removing the rest of my clothes.

As I plunge into the cool, crystal-clear water, I feel a rush of pure ecstasy. The scorching heat and sweltering humidity had left me parched and drained, but now, the refreshing embrace of the water hugs me with life. The shimmering ripples and the lush green foliage surrounding the lake are a feast for my eyes. I bask in the water’s sensation, caressing my skin, feeling as though I have entered a whole new realm of bliss. It truly is the most incredible feeling in the world.

Breathing in deeply, I am enveloped in the rich, earthy scent of the water and the sweet fragrance of nearby flowers. Even though I can’t see any waterlilies, their lingering scent surrounds me. As I swim through the cool water, the dirt and dust washes away, leaving a trail of residue behind me. The gentle sound of my splashing water fills my ears, and the sun’s warm rays caress my skin. It’s a peaceful and rejuvenating experience.

The sun! It’s not burning, and there are no fireballs falling from the sky. It is like a normal summer day here. It’s clear that this is a place of great significance to the Nymora tribe - an oasis they kept hidden from outsiders for centuries.

A splash from behind me alerts all my senses. I twist in the water, not seeing anyone. My heart beats wildly, out of control. Although the waters are crystal clear, I see nothing. Panic fills me. What if there is someone here watching me? I’ve never met anyone from the Nymora tribe before, so I wouldn’t know what they looked like. Would they kill me for trespassing?

“Hello?” I called out. “I mean you no harm. I’m only here for rest and to give my horses water.”

The words flow out, but no one answers.

Everything goes quiet. Then another splash behind me happens and I spin in the water. Ripples disperse from where something has gone under.

“Who is there?” I call out and start swimming back to where I left my dusty clothes.

Beneath me, a dazzling display of emerald and amber dances and glimmers like the sun’s rays on the surface of the sea. Heat mingles with the scent of waterlilies, filling my senses with a wondrous warmth as I float atop this ethereal blaze.

As I gaze down into the crystal-clear water, I am utterly captivated by the mesmerizing creature swirling below me. Its iridescent scales shimmer and glisten in the sunlight, creating a breathtaking kaleidoscope of colors. The water ripples around it as the fish gracefully moves through it, its fins slicing through the water with ease. Never have I seen a fish with such entrancing scales, and I find myself utterly lost in its beauty.

Shit! I’m naked. What if it thinks my dick is food? As much as I want to stay watching this creature, I swim to the side.

Before I have a chance, a flash of red dashes in front of me and for the first time I see the fish’s face.


It has a face. A beautiful woman’s face. Red fiery hair flows down her as she surfaces next to me.

“Hi,” she says.

As I struggle to recall the events that followed, an overwhelming sense of paralysis engulfs me. My body freezes, and I feel helpless as I gasp for air amidst the water. The sound of my heartbeat echoes in my ears, drowning out any other sounds. I can feel the water closing in around me, the pressure building in my chest as I sink deeper and deeper.

Next, arms wrap around me and we fire to the surface, and I fill my lungs with air. I was always rubbish at holding my breath under water. As I gasp and splutter, I find myself in the arms of this incredibly beautiful woman.

As her cheeks turn a bright shade of red, I can hear her breath hitch in her throat. I glance down towards where our bodies touch. I suddenly realize that my body is reacting in a way that I cannot control. My skin feels hot and prickly as my hardening member presses against her, sending shivers down my spine.

I’m naked and hard! This is embarrassing.

Her emerald green eyes match the color of her scales. I furrow my brow as I take her in.

“You… You’re a mermaid?”

She still has me in her arms, her breasts press up against my chest, and her nipples harden against me. This only makes my dick grow harder, and I let out an embarrassed groan.

Her sweet voice whispers, “My name is Storm,” and my eyes roll back in my head. I become overwhelmed by the scent of waterlilies, and the sight of her luscious lips forming the words.

My heart races uncontrollably, my vision blurs and my ears start to ring. Fear fills me, and I feel a sudden rush of dizziness. Unable to control my body, it goes limp as I lose consciousness.

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