Firebolt (The Dragonian Series Book 1)

Firebolt (The Dragonian, #1): Chapter 14

TODAY WAS A NIGHTMARE.  With Becky still stuck in the infirmary, classes were ten times worse. I never realized how vital her quick explanations about foreign words were to keep me on track.

In Art of War, Professor Mia gave me Colin, Becky’s old sparring partner, to fight against. I was less than thrilled. He was brutal, and I saw my ass a million times in the first half hour. My arms were covered with bruises and scrapes that burned like hell and it looked as if I had fought an entire army.

Every single muscle ached and felt drained.

To make things worse, Lucian was nowhere to be found. Arianna had made me feel so insecure, and I hoped with all my heart she hadn’t gotten to him too. I knew I should have stopped seeing him, but it was too late. My feelings for him had grown overnight, and I didn’t know how I would possibly cope without him. I became worried, and I knew something was wrong during lunchtime when he was still MIA.

After class, I fell on my bed, completely defeated. When I woke, Becky sat on her bed chatting with Sammy. The bruises around her eyes were completely gone, and she appeared to be fine.

“What’s up, girl, did you miss me?” She grabbed her side when she moved too fast trying to get up off the bed.

“Don’t, just take it easy.” Sammy helped Becky onto her feet.

“Can we go to dinner now?” Becky said.

“You sure you are up for it? We can bring you something back,” Sammy said.

“No, Constance said the faster I get on my feet, the better.”

In the cafeteria, everyone was congratulating her. She really loved all the attention, and I just shook my head. Lucian was still nowhere to be found, and by now, I was really worried.

We went to bed around ten, after Becky told us all about the fight from her point of view. She told us the minute the scene changed, the entire crowd disappeared. It was only her and George somewhere in the desert.

On Monday morning, we woke an hour earlier to give us plenty of time to help Becky get ready too. I was worried about Lucian, but kept it to myself.

“Are you sure you are ready for classes?” Sammy asked. She reminded me of a mother hen, the way she fussed over Becky.

“I better be otherwise George will get a lightning bolt against the head.”

We laughed. It took a long time to dress her, leaving us less time than usual to get ready. Sammy took a shower, while I brushed my hair and tied it up in a smooth ponytail.

“So, how are things going with you and Lucian?” she asked quietly.

“I don’t know, Becky,” I said.


“I didn’t see him yesterday at all. He’s clearly ignoring me. What if Arianna got through to him?” My eyes started to sting. I couldn’t imagine myself without him.

“He is probably just doing the gentlemanly thing by giving you some space.”

Maybe she was right. I would give it time. The bell rang loudly as Sammy emerged from the bathroom.

“Ah crap, I’m starving,” Sammy complained.

“Before you know it, it will be lunch,” Becky said, trying to console her.

I didn’t care about food at that moment. I was just glad Becky had come back. We both helped her down the stairs.

“Shoot!” Becky said.

“What is it?” Sammy asked.

“I forgot to pick up my new schedule.”

“Schedule for what?” I said.

“Classes. It’s so going to suck not being able to share any with you, Elena.”

“What do you mean?”

“I’m starting a new schedule now that I have claimed George. He’s going to be a thorn in my butt.”

“New schedule?”

“I know it sucks. At least you don’t have a second shadow.”

“So you’re not going to be in class with me anymore.” My air pipe tightened, making it difficult to breathe.

She shook her head.

“Without you, I’m so screwed. I’m going to fail.”

“You’re not going to fail, Elena, we’ll help you.” Sammy said..

“How, Sammy? You don’t have one class with me and everything is already sounding like Greek.” I was very close to tears.

“Look, I’ve got to go. It will be fine, Elena. We’ll sort it all out later. Now, we all have to get to class before the second bell rings,” Becky ordered.

I sulked as I walked to my first period. They were wrong. I was so screwed.

I made it to my seat just in time when the second bell rang. Sir Edward began with a new chapter, and I barely took any notice of what he said. The pop quiz after was hard. Mystery was one of the only classes I didn’t suck at, but I found myself struggling just the same.

Without Becky, Art of War was even more painful. My bruises from last week hadn’t even healed properly, and I learned that Collin was now my permanent partner. He didn’t know what the word “mercy” meant. I felt as if I was about to die when the bell rang for lunch. I barely made it to the room to take a shower.

I winced as the hot water ran over my cuts. The water around my feet swirled in a pinkish current as it mixed with the blood from my wounds.

Becky and Sammy were waiting for me at one of the tables when I eventually entered the cafeteria.

They waved excitedly, but their smiles disappeared the moment they saw me. I limped toward the table as my tears threaten to spill.

“Elena, what’s wrong?” Sammy asked.

I fell down on my arms and complained softly. This was so embarrassing.

“Elena?” Sammy patted me on the back.

I looked up. “I’m not cut out for any of this!” I yelled. The entire cafeteria fell silent, but I didn’t care anymore. “Just look at me!” I showed them my elbows.

The girls tried to soothe my uncertainty.

I decided to leave, as their feeling-sorry-expressions just prompted tears. Where the hell is Lucian?

I lay on my bed when Becky and Sammy entered.

“Elena, it’s going to be fine,” Becky soothed.

“How, Becky? I feel so stupid.”

“You’re not stupid, okay. You’re dealing with so much, and it’s a wonder that you’re still sane, Elena. Most of the people that come from the other side lose their minds in the first week.” Sammy tried too.

“I can understand why.”

“Come here?” Becky hugged me. “We’ll help you, promise, and before you know it, everything will be a walk in the park.”

“Becky, it’s not that easy. I didn’t grow up with dragons. No offense, Sammy.”

“None taken.”

“And I never had anything like this on the other side. I’m not just dealing with things I never dreamed of in a million years, but I have to deal with you guys, Lucian, and everything else that goes with it,” I bawled.

“What do you mean, deal with us?”

I took a deep breath. “I already told you guys, my father made us move every three months so friends weren’t really a priority. The paranoia always drove them away.”

“Well, you’ve got some now,” Becky said. “The way I see it, Paegeia should’ve been your birthplace, Elena. You belong here and I’ll make sure that you understand everything.”

“I’ll help,” Sammy promised.

I wiped away my tears as the bell rang for the second part of the day. Everybody in Professor Gregory’s class stared at me as I walked in. The familiar new-chick’s-first-day-at-school-feeling came back and it was so bad that my stomach turned.

“Good afternoon, guys,” he said as the second bell rang.

“And, ladies,” Riley sang annoyingly.

“Sorry, ladies. Elena, Master Longwei wants to see you in his office, please.”

The feeling became even worse after his words sank in. I got up and put my books into my bag. I left as he began his lecture.

The last time I was in the headmaster’s office I had received the biggest scolding of my life. What does he want now?

It felt as if it took an eternity to get there. I knocked timidly.

“Enter.” His voice came from inside the room. I found him sitting behind his desk busy with paperwork.

“You wanted to see me, Master.”

“Yes, Elena. Sit down, please. I heard what happened today in the cafeteria,” he said. “I’m going to cut to the point. You have so much to deal with, and it was wrong of me to throw you in the deep water before you were ready. You are struggling to cope with all of this, and now I’m forcing you to learn everything in such a short period of time. I know you are not doing very well in your classes, and all of your professors are worried that you started this year a little too late. What I suggest is that you take it easy, and then next year you can enroll with the first-years.”

“Please don’t do that, Master. I swear I’ll work harder,” I pleaded.


“Please, sir. Don’t fail me because you think I can’t make it. Fail me for the right reasons. Just give me a chance,” I begged. “I will even take extra classes after school. Becky and Sammy said they will help me to catch up. Please.”

“Elena, it is too difficult.”

“I don’t care. I just want a chance.” I was adamant. Silence filled his office, and he frowned at the papers splayed out on his desk.

He sighed. “Okay, fine if you’re up for it, I will see what I can do from my side.”

I nodded. “Thank you, sir.”

“That will be all.” He spoke with a whisper.

I wiped away a tear as I exited his office.

I found Becky and Sammy sitting in our room, and everything came spilling out.

“How can he even suggest something like that?” Sammy asked.

“Maybe he’s just worried about Elena. She did start late.” Becky said.

“I don’t care, Becky. I’m not going to be left behind.”

“Okay, easy. I’m sure Lucian will help too. He has—”

“Let’s just see what Master Longwei is going to come up with,” I interrupted, not wanting to talk about Lucian.

“It’d better be a good plan. Face it girl, you do have a lot of catching up to do,” Becky said.

“It is not impossible though.” Sammy eyeballed her. “Besides, that mark is really dark. I’m sure Elena can do it.”

“I just have to work harder,” I answered both of them and left for the library.

I had no idea where to begin, so I started searching in a section that had something to do with magic.

Lucian kept jumping into my mind, and I had to push him away in order to concentrate on my task. I found a book called Nobody’s Magic  and paged through the first few pages. It sounded like a good book about where everything started, but the way the author wrote made me wonder if he was related to William Shakespeare.

Someone spun me around, as I was going to return the book to the shelf. I found myself in a pair of arms. By the smell of his shirt, I knew it was Lucian.

“Where have you been?”

“I’m sorry, Elena, I had to do something for one of the professors. I heard what happened today. Are you okay?” He clamped both my wrists with his hands to stop my weak punches.

A tear rolled down my face, and he caught it gently with his thumb. He gave me a soft kiss, and all my doubts disappeared in an instant.

“You need a break,” he whispered once we’d finally stopped.

“Lucian, I need to study.”

“You can study tomorrow.” He grabbed my hand and dragged me to the exit. His hands were really cold, but his touch made me boil from the inside.

My stomach did so many flips it almost made me sick again.

“Where are we going?” I didn’t recognize our path.

“Have you ever been on a horse’s back?”

“No,” I said, nervous. Dad had loved horses, but he had never made the time to take me riding.

“Today is your lucky day.” He winked.

“Won’t we get into trouble?” I didn’t want to upset Master Longwei after he had offered to help me with my classes.

“It is daytime, Elena. Besides, it’s why the horses are here, for our use.” He chuckled.

“I don’t know how to ride.” I was scared What if I fall off or worse, get dragged?  My luck usually fell more in the dangerous category.

“You won’t fall, I promise,” he replied, as if he could read my mind.

We reached the stables in no time, and led me to the last stall. Hot flushes washed over my body as I struggled to keep my eyes off him. I wondered how I’d ended up with a guy like him.

We stopped in front of a big yellow-beige horse with a soft creamy-orange colored mane and tail.

“This is Ginger. Her mother was a gift from King Albert to my father,” he explained as he put a saddle on her back.

“She’s really beautiful.” I wished I had the guts to stroke her.

He crouched to buckle the girth strap underneath her. Lastly, he put her bridle on and made sure that everything was safe and secure before leading her outside.

He climbed on her back and reached out for my hand. I smiled. We were going to ride together on one horse.

I grabbed his hand, and he lifted me without any effort.

I felt a bit nervous but calmed down when I felt him right behind me. Ginger started to move and there was nowhere to hold on to, so I grabbed one of his legs.

“Sorry,” I giggled nervously.

“Don’t worry, Elena. I know the first time is usually nerve-wracking, but you’ll get used to it before we are done.” He took both reins in his left hand, while his other arm wrapped around my waist. He clicked his tongue, and she started to move forward. Her pace was extra slow, as if she sensed I was scared.

We passed the stables down to the right of the coliseum. My heart still pounded fast with every move she made.

“How are your elbows feeling?” he whispered, and kissed me on my ear.

“I’ll live.” I smiled. I didn’t want to complain around him, but had to admit they were really stinging underneath the sleeves of my jersey.

“Collin’s an idiot, Elena. One kick and he’ll go down.”

“He might be an idiot, but he’s a ‘fast’ idiot. He doesn’t even give me a chance to kick him,” I said.

“I’ll teach you the finer details about fighting,” he said.

I liked the idea of spending more time with him. “I can understand why people from the other side are going mental. Subjects here are completely the opposite of what we’re used to. If they knew that we fight here with swords and axes and it is mandatory, they would think I’m nuts.”

He shook behind me and I heard a soft snort.

“I am glad I can’t leave. I love everything about Paegeia. I can’t imagine how dull it is without dragons or being able to fight without weapons.”

“Thanks for offering me your help. Are you sure it’s not going to be a problem?”

“Elena—” He sounded surprised. “—time with you will never be a problem.” His words made me feel like one of his gems, and my one hand slid over his arm that was holding me tight.

I gasped when we reached our destination. It was on top of a hill, looking down on an immense landscape. A perfect spot for a picnic.  The view with the mountains at the back, the clouds turning pink from a dark grey gave me an urge to start painting again. I used to be good at it, but I’d lost the passion a long time ago.

He helped me down after he’d jumped off and chose the nearest flat rock for us to sit on. Gazing out over the expansive landscape, I couldn’t help but wonder that it was weird how no dragons were soaring in the sky like I thought they would be.

“So, how do things look on the other side?” he asked me.

“To be honest, I didn’t know what to expect on my first trip to Elm. I imagined totally the opposite, thinking I would have to shop with dragons and that I’d have to dodge poop droppings.”

He sniggered. “It is forbidden.”

“What? The poop droppings.”

We both laughed.

“This side looks exactly the same, except for the dragons and magic.”

“What did you learn in school then?” he asked.

“Almost the same as in Dragonia. Social studies and anatomy of different animal species. We had math too, but it’s much easier than Paegeia’s. I hate it, and you can just imagine how much I love it on this side.”

“Yeah, sometimes I have to scratch my head too. What was your favorite subject back home?”

“Art, the drawing type.”

He looked away, and when he turned back, a small smile was playing around the corner of his mouth.

“You’re really funny. I love that part of you,” he said, and gave me his million-dollar smile.

“Yeah, so Becky and Sammy keep telling me.”

We started to talk about art in Tith. He told me about an amazing gallery that sold startling pieces and someday he promised he would take me there. I liked that part of someday because I knew Arianna hadn’t gotten to him the way she’d gotten to me. We talked about all different kinds of things for hours.

“It made sense what you said before about the people going mental this side,” he said. “I mean, when things look so normal to you guys but isn’t really, I think it’s easier to lose your mind.”

“I guess. So have you ascended yet?”

“No, I’m still waiting for that part. To be honest, I barely qualified, otherwise I would have been known as one of the wannabes, and my father would have to pay a crap-load of money so that I could attend Dragonia. My mark is barely noticeable, and I can relate to what it is you’re going through a little. I had to work extra hard to prove to them that I truly belong here too. I guess it’s one of the things we have in common, sort of. I take it by now that you know that you’re the only human with a dragon father that bears the mark of the Dragonians.”

“That part still doesn’t make sense to me. I have read so many dragon stories and all of them that are born from a dragon parent can shift into dragons.”

“They’re not dragons, Elena, they’re shape shifters. It’s a completely different thing.”

“How’s that different?” I asked, confused again.

“Shape shifting is a gift, just like the ones we will receive when we ascend. The only difference is that you’re born a shape shifter. Turning into the form they shift into, now that is genetic.”

I finally understood what he was saying.

“Are there any shape shifters in Paegeia?”

“There used to be a long time ago, but, like the dragons, most of them were hunted down and killed. I imagine the ones that are still left this side hide it because there haven’t been any sightings for a long time.”

I sighed. “That’s just wrong.” It was quiet for a while. “So what will happen if you don’t ascend?”

“Nothing. You make your own future.”

“But how do you know what dragon to choose then?”

“You can choose anyone. It just makes it harder without an ability. Three of the Metallic dragons don’t even have abilities, and yet they are the most important dragons of war. Without them, the chances of winning are very slim.”

“Most of the Metallic dragons don’t have an ability?”

“Yes, it’s only the Fire-Tail and the Swallow Annex that have them,” he said. “The rest have to rely on their speed and strength. Their exterior is much more advanced than the Chromatic dragons. They are the attackers and not scared to fly in and take out the enemy in close contact.”

“Why do you fight?”

“We fight for the same reason war starts on the other side—freedom, peace, love.” He smiled on the last word and stroked my back.

He leaned in for a kiss, and I knew that it was my favorite thing in the entire world, kissing him.

“We need to go, it is almost dinnertime,” he whispered as our noses touched. I looked at my watch and saw that it was half past five. I sulked, which made him laugh.

“I know I have been neglecting you this last couple of weeks, but I promise it’s going to change,” he said, and kissed me one more time.

The ride back was too short. We ended up talking about him trying to claim Blake again.

“Lucian, Becky told me the last time you got seriously hurt. Why do you keep on trying if he can kill you?”

“Blake won’t kill me and the girls are real drama queens. They make things sound twenty times worse than they are. I barely broke a rib.”

I didn’t know if that was supposed to be a joke.

“It’s nice that you worry about me.”

“Of course I worry,” I yelled, thinking what kind of a girlfriend I would be if I didn’t.

“Are you ready to find out how it feels when Ginger runs?” he asked.

I left out a small yelp.

“Fine, I will keep it at a gentle gallop.” He clicked his tongue again, and she started to walk a little faster and then turned into a smooth gallop.

Our ride ended when we arrived back at the stable, and I waited while he removed the saddle from Ginger’s back. My head felt much lighter, and I was amazed at the effect a horse could have on a human. They were so gentle. After the ride, my problems didn’t seem quite so big anymore.

“Thank you, Lucian, I really needed that.” I hugged him from behind.

He turned around. “Everyone needs a break now and then. You will see everything is going to be fine.”

We entered the cafeteria hand in hand, and my eyes caught Arianna’s. She glared at me, clearly pissed, as if he belonged to her or something. I looked away, ignoring her, and walked with him to the buffet line.

The dinner conversation revolved around Becky complaining about George and how difficult he was making it not cooperating with her in class. I said goodnight to Lucian by the stairs and went to my room. I struggled to fall asleep, thinking about finals and Lucian. I didn’t want to fail.

When I finally drifted away, I found myself standing alone in the forest once again.

WHEN BECKY’S  ALARM woke me, my head felt stuffed, and the effects of the horse ride had vanished.

My first two periods of the day were Latin.

“Elena, Master Longwei wants to see you in his office,” Sir Deisenberg said, and I packed away my books once more.

Just like yesterday, I found him sitting behind his desk, buried in a stack of papers.

“Sit, Elena. I have spoken to a couple of the staff, and each gave me a name of their best student in all the subjects that you struggle with. Here is a list. They all agreed to help you.”

I looked at the piece of paper with the names, times, and who was willing to tutor me. I froze when I looked at Monday and saw the name written next to Enchantments—it was Arianna’s. History was on Tuesday and someone with the name of Cheng. I smiled as I saw Lucian’s name on Wednesday, right next to Art of War. My heart stopped on the name next to Latin that was on Thursday—Blake.

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