Fire with Fire

: Chapter 14

I HEAD TOWARD ASH’S VOICE AND RUN INTO HER AND a few of the girls from the squad. She’s all tipsy and happy, and she shrieks my name and threads her arm through mine. I guess because Rennie hasn’t caught up yet, she can be as friendly as she wants and act like nothing’s wrong. I couldn’t care less about any of that right now—all I care about is that Mary is okay. I wish I could help Kat look for Mary, but I don’t even have my car. It’s still at the elementary school.

Everyone’s heading for the parking lot, and then we’ll drive over to party in the big cemetery in Canobie Bluffs. People are starting to pile into cars, and I spot Reeve alone, leaning against Alex’s SUV, staring off into space. Just the sight of him makes me sick.

I can’t help myself.

I break away from the girls and march right up to him and say, “Hey. Reeve.”

Reeve turns to me and smiles. The freaking jerk actually smiles. “Hey, Cho. Are you headed to the cemetery?”

My voice shakes as I say, “You’re cruel. I knew you could be mean sometimes, but I never knew you could be so incredibly cruel.”

Bewildered, he says, “What are you talking about?”

“I heard you,” I say. “I heard what you said to that girl in the maze. ‘Go eff yourself’? Seriously?”

“Wait a minute—”

“What did she do to you to deserve that?” My voice is getting louder and louder.

His face goes hard. “Don’t worry about what girls I talk to. That’s none of your concern.”

“I’m not concerned—”

“Then mind your own business.”

I want to scream, It is my business! but I can’t and still protect Mary. So instead I say, “You know what? I’m glad you broke your stupid leg. I’m glad you can’t play football and that no college wants you on their team anymore. You deserve everything you’re getting, because you’re not a good person.”

Reeve goes the color of a sheet, but I don’t let myself feel bad for him. Instead, I give him the dirtiest look I can conjure up, and then I turn on my heel and run toward Ash’s car.

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