Fire & Pain - A Vampire's Tragedy

Chapter 9


Pascal had been silent the entire way home, but after we reached the house and the door closed behind us, he whirled around to me, anger burning in his eyes. “I thought I told you to keep quiet about your nonsense!”

I crossed my arms, glaring at him. “It didn’t matter, anyway! They didn’t believe me and it was already decided that they would hand him everything before the meeting started.”

He narrowed his eyes at me and shook his head. “They haven’t given him everything! All they did was hand the control over the Jones’ assets into neutral hands.”

I threw my hands in the air. “Are you even listening to yourself? He isn’t a neutral person. He has an agenda, just like any other asshole in our community.”

“That community and all those people inside it kept us alive. Samuel works hard to offer us more protection, and you would do well to show more respect.”

“Why is everyone acting as if vampires can’t protect themselves? You’re all making it seem as if we are the weakest species out there. We were once the strongest of them all, and now we depend on mages to protect us. Not even humans do that!”

Pascal turned on his heels, marching to the kitchen without a word. I stomped after him, the next set of insults on the tip of my tongue.

“Not all of us have the strength to protect ourselves,” he mumbled.

I stopped in the door frame and watched him store those disgusting bottles of blood in the fridge.

“And maybe we should think about why that is. All we do is think about business and finances, and how we can be better than humans, mages, or shifters. There is no interest in growing strong ourselves!”

I wrinkled my nose when he grabbed the last bottle of blood on the table, opened it, and took a sip. The stale scent of blood hit my nose, making me gag. I couldn’t understand how he could stomach that. I barely drink any, and it’s not that we need it anyway. It might strengthen us and make us healthier, but it also makes my magic more potent. Better to avoid that before I accidentally set something on fire again.

“That’s strong coming from someone who even denies our very nature to drink blood,” he said, drinking the last drop of blood. “We can be happy we didn’t go extinct yet. I have seen times not even your worst nightmares could produce, and I’m glad when I don’t have to watch my back at all times.”

“I’m sure my worst nightmare happened in the living room only recently.”

His brows shot up. “Then maybe it is time to accept the help of people that are stronger than we are.”

I laughed. “Are you really this naïve right now? He put you all to sleep to kill my family and you still think it’s a great idea to form an alliance with him. Believe it or not, Samuel was behind it. He is a coward and you think he is stronger! We will go down again if we side with him.”

Pascal sighed, throwing the now empty blood bottle into the trash. “Arguing with you is a waste of time. Eventually, you’ll see that you are wrong and then you’ll come back, begging on your knees to be forgiven. Then you’ll be thankful for the alliance.”

“That will never happen. If anything, the truth will blow up in your face. I’m not siding with cowardly murderers. If they had come to my family fair and square, they would have lost. We always had a philosophy of being strong, and fighting for ourselves, and they knew that!”

Pascal turned to me, his eyes cold. “If that is the case, then why didn’t you live up to that philosophy before? You’re just like everyone else out there, but unlike them, you have unpredictable magic sleeping inside you, and you aren’t using it! If you don’t get it under control, you might kill someone by accident. But now you’re telling me we’re supposed to live by what your parents preached, when not even you listened to them. Stop being such a hypocrite!”

I stared at him, at a loss for words. He had a point. I acted like a hypocrite. I never understood why my parents wanted me to learn how to defend myself. Besides, I never saw or experienced any danger and I thought they were overprotective and worried too much. After their death, it felt like someone poured cold water over my head, and for the first time, I realized how wrong I had been all these years. We weren’t safe here and I never knew who the enemy was, but did they know?

What I know for certain is that the alliance with Samuel will be our downfall. He killed the strongest family in the community to spread more fear so that we wouldn’t decline the alliance. That I was sure of. But nothing I would say would convince Pascal or anyone else in the community.

Without saying another word, I turned around and went to my room. Pascal wasn’t on my side and arguing with him would only waste my time. No one sided with me, except that brown-eyed scholar. If he was telling the truth. It might also be a plan by Samuel to get rid of me. But he looked genuine, nice even. Still, could I risk meeting him?


Lucas closed his book with a thud. “Be back before curfew.”

“Yes, mum. Don’t worry, I won’t be out for long,” I said, searching for the bag I wanted to take with me. I was sure I had seen it in my closet somewhere.

“Sorry, but since Samuel’s announcement after the council meeting, things have gotten a lot stricter. I don’t want you to get into trouble.”

Little did he know I was meeting with the enemy. Samuel had been completely out of his mind since he saw Sophia alive. I glanced at Lucas. He bit his lip as he watched me, looking as if he were really worried.

I sighed. “Lucas, it’s going to be fine. I only drop by my parents’ house and have a long talk. I miss seeing them whenever I want, and who knows how long Samuel will allow us to even leave the compound, now that he has already shortened the curfew.”

He nodded. “I know, and I’m happy you get to meet your parents but watch out for dangerous people.”

I laughed. The dangerous people were in this compound, but he didn’t have to know that. “I’m literally a protector. I’m sure I will manage.”

He pressed his lips into a thin line and opened his book again. I finally found the bag in the back of the closet and pulled it out. “I will see you later.”

Lucas nodded. “See you.”

I rushed through the compound and to the city, glad no one else stopped me, as I was already running late. I pulled the bag closer to my chest when I entered the busy city, watching out for people who might steal it. This might not be the most dangerous area, but thieves linger around in any corner. I had to learn that the hard way, too.

I stopped at the pharmacy, bought medicine for my parents, then headed to the bakery to pick up freshly baked bread and their favorite pie. The scent of baked goods made my mouth water, and I wish I could have the time to sit down to enjoy a little treat. But there wasn’t any time for things like that.

The small apartment building my parents live in popped into view, the paint of the walls slowly chipping off. The road got bumpy, and only cement and gray covered the scenery. Since I joined Samuel’s blood bond, I could afford to rent them a small apartment here, but it wasn’t the quality I wish they had. Still better than living on the streets, though. At least they didn’t have to freeze in the winter or suffer from heat during the summer. It made the blood bond worth it, as much as I hate it.

I knocked on the door, and only a second later, my mother opened the door. “There you are! I have already seen you coming down the road. It’s so good to see you.”

I wrapped my arms around her petite frame and patted her back carefully. “I’m happy to see you, too.”

She pulled away from me, a smile on her face. “Your father sits in his usual spot.”

I nodded and headed to their small living room. “You renovated again?”

My mother pushed me into the room, beaming. “We did! Our neighbors renovated and had some paint left, so we exchanged it with a basket of vegetables from our backyard. The girl next door also gave us those wonderful paintings. Isn’t she talented?”

“Jean, let the boy breathe. It’s good to see you, son,” my father said, pushing himself off his chair, and pulling me into a tight hug. Warmth filled my chest as he held me close, glad he finally had some strength again.

“I’m glad you’re here, Adam.”

I nodded. “I’m happy to be here, too. But I wish I could see you more often.”

He dropped back into his chair, and the smile slipped off his face as he looked up at me, pain in his eyes.

I cleared my throat, turning to my mother. “Here, I brought you a few things.”

My mother pulled the bag out of my hands. “Oh, dear! Stop it!”

She patted my cheek and brushed through my hair, standing on her tiptoes to reach me. “You’re so good to us.”

I wish I could do more than this, knowing they gave up so much to make my life better.

My mother opened the bag, an excited squeal leaving her mouth. “Sit down, sit down. I’ll make some tea!”

I wanted to object and tell her I needed to be somewhere, but she raised her hand, glaring at me. “No excuses. We will eat pie and drink tea now.”

I sat on the sofa with a sigh.

“How is life going for you, Adam? Is Samuel treating you well?”

He had a soft smile on his lips again, but there was concern shimmering in his eyes.

“He is treating us well, as usual,” I said.

My father crossed his arms, his brows furrowed. “I don’t trust that man. You don’t look like he is treating you well.”

I shrugged. “You worry too much. I just had a lot of work to do.”

My mother placed a steaming cup of tea in front of me as she exchanged looks with my father. She looked up at me, a tight smile on her lips. “Of course, you do, dear. We are just worried and hope you’re taking care of yourself.”

She walked back into the kitchen, and came back with the fruit pie I bought, placing it on the table in front of me. We sat in silence for a moment, eating the pie, and sipping the tea, but I wasn’t tasting anything. I might as well have eaten stones, and it would have had the same effect.

My mother placed her half-full plate on the table. “We heard the Jones family got murdered.”

I winced as I glanced at her, her chin trembling, as she clenched her small hands into fists.

“Only the two youngest daughters survived, but one is missing,” my father added.

My hands started shaking, and I stuffed the last piece of cake into my mouth to have some more time before I had to say something. I chewed, and chewed, before I eventually swallowed, feeling the eyes of my parents on me. “Yes, it’s unfortunate.”

The tightness in my chest made it hard to breathe, but I still took a staggering breath, trying to fill my lungs with air.

“Are you okay?” My father asked, leaning forward to grab my shoulder.

I flinched at the touch but smiled. “The topic is just very upsetting.”

He tilted his head to the side. “It sure is. We heard the Jones family was working closely with Samuel, so it must be especially off-putting for you and the rest of his scholars.”

I simply nodded, taking a big gulp of tea to wash away the lump in my throat, even when it was still burning hot. What would they think of me if I told them I was part of the murder? Would they still love me the same?

My mother patted my knee. “We can only hope they find out who killed them. Those people deserve proper punishment!”

Wringing my hands, I smiled at her. “That would be for the best.”

And then I hoped that someone would take care of my parents when I couldn't anymore. Who knew what they would do to me if the other communities found out about the crime we committed?

I cleared my throat and stood up. “I have to go now. There is someone I have to meet.”

A smirk spread over my mother’s face as she narrowed her eyes at me. “Are you meeting a girl?”

Warmth crept up my neck, to my face, and all the way to the tip of my ears. “Mum! No, I’m not.”

She chuckled. “So, you are! My, that’s exciting. Our little Adam is finally going on a date.”

I rolled my eyes and grabbed my bag. “It’s not a date.”

She wiggled her eyebrows. “Sure, it’s not. Have fun on your not-date, then. And remember that we always taught you to be a gentleman!”

My father laughed, his rumbling laughter filling the air. “Jean, you’re embarrassing him. But Adam, don’t make a girl cry.”

“Dad!” I exclaimed, leaving the living room while they still laughed and I couldn’t help to stop the smile that spread over my lips. It might not be a date exactly, but I was happy to meet her anyway, everything considered. If she would be there, anyway.

When the altar came into view, my heart jumped in my chest as I spotted her standing there. She stood at the only spot where the sun was shining through the branches of the trees, her head tilted up toward the sun, and her eyes closed. Her light-brown hair was shimmering red in the sunlight, and once again, I wished I could have met her for any other reason than this, and without the weight of guilt on my back. But I couldn’t change the past.

I hurried over to her, and when she heard me, her head snapped in my direction, her cold, blue eyes stopping me in my tracks.

“You’re here,” I said, out of breath.

She arched her brow. “I am. And you better don’t waste my time or try anything funny.”

I nodded. “Let’s walk a little further, and I’ll tell you what this is all about.”

I walked past her and headed closer into the forest, to the abandoned cabin hidden behind bushes and trees.

“I dare you to lead me into a trap, scholar,” she called after me, and I glanced back to see her following me.

“I’m not. I promise.”

She muttered something under her breath I couldn’t understand, but I was glad she followed me without more questioning. After a while, I looked back again, to make sure she was still following me, seeing her eyes darting around the forest attentively, as if she expected more scholars to jump out of the bushes any time now. I didn’t blame her for expecting the worst, but somewhere inside me, I was still hurt.

She pulled her woolen cardigan closer around her, her eyes narrowing at me when she saw me looking at her. “What? Is there something on my face?”

I stumbled over a branch and turned my gaze back in front of me, as my head felt like it was about to emit steam. “We’re almost there.”

She didn’t answer, and we walked through the forest in silence. Eventually, I pushed a few branches out of the way, and the cabin came into view. I pulled the branches further apart and held them out of the way to let her pass.

“Did you find this place?” She asked when we reached the front door.

I pushed it open. “Yes. But it was a while ago.”

And I wish you would remember it, too.

She laughed. “And you decided to keep it?”

I smiled. “I doubt anyone cares. Come in.”

She entered the small cabin with cautious steps, and I closed the door behind me, quickly lighting the gas lamps I had placed around the room. The trees around the cabin blocked most of the run to reach it, so it was always relatively dark in here.

I felt her gaze on me, watching my every step. When I offered her a seat, she dropped her piercing gaze off me and let her eyes roam around the room, crossing her legs over each other.

“Okay, brown-eyed scholar. You got me to your secret hiding spot. What is that you want to talk about?”

I gulped, fiddling with the hem of my jacket, looking anywhere but at her. This could either end up very badly, with a cabin on fire, or a plan to rescue her sister together. I took a deep staggering breath, my eyes meeting hers, curiosity shimmering in them.

“I know who killed your family and kidnapped your sister,” I said, and her blue eyes flashed dangerously. I clenched my hands into fists. “And I was part of it.”

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