Fire of the Inquisitor

Chapter 8

The village curfew had already been called by the time Helena had finally finished her duties at her uncle’s home. When she first started working for her uncle she had always tried to finish her work before curfew and had always failed. Now, she felt it kind of romantic to be the only one besides the sentries walking the streets. The curfew was designed more to enforce the standard day established by her uncle than for safety. The citizens aided the illusion by draping their homes to make them as dark as possible. It truly felt like Helena was alone as she left her uncle’s home and approached the clock in the village square.

From the time a child is born in the village Nova Edenis, they are told what their real homeland was like, painting tales of green pastures and mighty blue seas. However, Helena was always most drawn to the stories of the sky and more specifically how it looked at night. So, when she looked up past the clouds of fog and giant stalactites she imagined that could see the stars shimmering, even though she knew deep down that they were only crystals.

“I never knew people as young as you ever look up toward the sky,” a raspy voice said behind her.

Helena jumped and turned to see a person wearing the armor of a sentry behind her. “You must be wondering what I’m doing out after curfew,” she said, as she fumbled for the brooch that signified her exempt status.

“Of course, we know you sister Helena.” the soldier approached her slowly. “We know you have a thing for older creatures, like that old dog of yours and your uncle Octavius.”

“How do you know that?” Helena took a step back. She had never heard anyone address her uncle so informally besides herself.

“We like to keep an eye out for people who share our outlook on life,” the soldier said, pulling off her helmet to reveal her long hair.

“I didn’t know they allowed women to be sentries,” Helena said.

“The don’t allow us to become sentries,” the soldier placed in emphasis on the word allow, “but men can be easily persuaded can’t they?”

“So do you do this for a thrill?” Helena took another step back.

“I did it so I could talk to you.” The woman’s voice had turned from the raspy boy like voice to a deep and sultry one. “You must have a lot of questions.”

“Just one really,” Helena said.

The woman smiled. “I can give you answers you’re looking for, but not here.” She looked at the water clock that was constantly being monitored throughout the day. “You never know who could be listening.” The woman put her helmet back on and took up her raspy voice again. “Come to the horreum tomorrow after curfew for a gathering that I think you will find rather stimulating.”

Helena nodded, mostly because she didn’t know how to respond.

“Well off to my duties,” the woman said. Helena watched as she marched away toward the outer wall. Tall and muscular she really played the part of a male sentry convincingly.

Helena rushed home after the woman had walked out of sight. Her mother was still awake as she often was and of course, Bowman was happy to have her home. Helena went through her end of day routine as normal without giving much thought to the strange meeting that had occurred in the square, but as she lay in bed trying to sleep it was all she could think about. Finally, deciding as she drifted off to sleep that she had no choice, but to go to that meeting in service to her uncle.

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