Finding Lilibeth

Chapter Epilogue

Lilibeth had been living with her Gramps for a year now and she was doing well. She loved going to school and had made friends there. She was seeing a psychologist along with her brothers to deal with trauma but she was truely a strong little girl who had survived.

Lilibeth still slept with Gramps every night because she still got nightmares. Gramps didn't mind at all though, he enjoyed his little girl being in his arms. Well she was his granddaughter after all. Dj had officially adopted Lilibeth as his daughter after her mother took an overdose. Darren had told child services she should be put into an orphanage because that was where she belonged. Julian helped his grandson pay all the legal fees to fight for custody of Lilibeth and had it rushed through the courts.

Lilibeth was closest to Dj, he was always there for her especially when uni was finished. He and Zac had taught Lilibeth to ride her bike and Dj had held onto the back of the bike when the training wheels came off teaching her to ride without them. Now Lilibeth never got off her bike or her skateboard at all. Dj also taught Lilibeth to swim. He was patient with her when she refused to get her face wet and eventually got her to be able to swim a full lap. She was now confident enough to go to proper swimming lessons and had learnt how to swim backstroke.

Zac was still with his boyfriend and had just finished highschool. He had applied to uni doing a social work degree. He wanted to help kids like Lilibeth and his brothers. His counsellor helped him see how toxic his home life was and he wanted to stop that happening to other kids. He and Lilibeth were close too, they would have movie marathon nights in Zac's room falling asleep in the early hours of the morning.

Leo had gained Lilibeth's trust and they would often skate together. He taught her how to skate the bowl which she loved to do. Leo would take her at least once a week and had even taught her a few tricks she could do while riding. Leo had settled quickly into the house and saw how a real home should be. He was happy here and was thankful to his Gramps for taking him in. He settled into his new school and had repeated year 10 due to how much schooling he missed. Gramps even helped him to get his license and a car.

Lex had fallen off the wagon several times. He hadn't physically harmed anyone again but he had scared Lilibeth with slamming things and throwing things. The third time made Gramps act placing him into a live in rehab facility. He had been doing well there and was having weekend visits now at home. Lilibeth still didn't trust Lex but he didn't blame her. He had let her down but most of all, he let himself down. He wanted to be better for himself and he was trying but he did find it hard.

Beau and Darren were both in prison. Darren was found guilty of the murder of Tarni and Beau was charged with accessory after the fact for keeping it secret when his father confessed to him. Beau saw nothing wrong with what his father had done and had also murdered someone in cold blood in prison. Both Darren and Beau were facing 25 years to life in prison. Lilibeth was glad she would not have to see either of them any time soon. It was bad enough she shared the same blood as them.

Gramps was happy. His house was full and so was his heart. He missed his daughter every day but knew she would be happy he was taking care of her children the way she would of. He loved every one of his grandchild even Beau, he knew that Beau was a product of his father and in a way he blamed himself for not stepping in sooner to save him. But Beau made his choices as an adult and there was nothing that Julian could do to help him anymore. Which clearly hurt him a lot.

Dj had finished uni and was now taking his father's position in the company which his Gramps started. He didn't think he was ready but his Gramps was there every step of the way and knew that Dj was made for the position. He was now the legal guardian of his little sister as there father still had parental rights while in prison and wanted her sent to an orphanage one her mother passed. He didn't think she deserved a family and blamed her for where he was. Dj won with the help of Gramps.

Miss Emma and Gramps cared for Lilibeth while Dj was at work. Gramps would take Lilibeth to school and swimming lessons and enjoyed doing it. Gramps said it kept him young, he would also help Dj with paper work while Lilibeth was at school.

Gramps and Dj were currently setting up for Lilibeth's 9th birthday party which was tomorrow. They wanted her to have the best day ever but Lilibeth had explained her birthdays always resulted in pain for her. The entire family wanted to change that for her and had organised a big celebration as god knows she deserved happy memories.

Gramps had invited Lilibeth's entire class to be there as it was the first birthday party Lilibeth ever had. They had hired a cater and would have a mini carnival set up in the backyard for everyone. Things would start arriving at 7am so the party could start at 11am.

Dj had brought Lilibeth a surf board because she wanted to learn to surf. He also got her surfing lessons. Gramps had got Lilibeth a new skateboard and an iPad. She had never owned an iPad and sometimes used Zac's to play games. Lex was also going to be here in the morning to celebrate. Lilibeth had invited him and he didn't want to let her down again.

Lilibeth had slept in her bed last night but ended up with Gramps again because birthdays had never been a good day for her. Gramps and Dj couldn't wait to change that and Dj was up early to let the team in to set up the party and let Lex in. After that, they got the cake and breakfast set up before heading up to Gramps room to wake Lilibeth up. They knew she would be in there. They were having cake with breakfast as Lilibeth told them she never actually had a birthday cake. Today she would have three, one with breakfast, one with her friends and then one after dinner. She was going to be spoilt and everyone could not wait to do it.

The family had changed but they were happy they found Lilibeth because she truely had changed the family for the better. Finding Lilibeth was the best thing that ever happened to the family even with all the bumps in the road. Finding Lilibeth helped them to find family.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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