Finding Lilibeth

Chapter 4

Mark had just arrived at the hospital and was talking to the doctor about Lilibeth. He winced when the doctor described the damage that Jasmine had inflicted on the little girl. She would have to remain in hospital for a few days due to the damage to her arm. Lilibeth also needed to be put on a proper nutritional diet as she was malnourished. It was hard enough placing a child in foster care let alone a child who required extra assistance. The doctor assured Mark that with the right diet that Lilibeth would be right in a few months.

Mark excused himself from the doctor as his phone began to ring. "Mark Little speaking" he answered the phone. "Mark, this is Darren Staples. I'm actually calling about Lilibeth. I was wondering what hospital she is in?" Darren asked timidly. "She is at the children hospital, I'm just going to see her now after speaking with her doctors. Is there something I can help you with? Have you signed the papers Mr Staples?" Mark asked hoping he then could rush through an adoption for Lilibeth.

Darren took in a deep breath, if this really was his child then she wouldn't be going in to foster care. "I would like to meet her please?" Darren asked. "Uh sure. I will be here for about an hour as I need to speak to Lilibeth about what is going to happen to her now" Mark replied. "I will be there in 20 minutes. Thank you" Darren said before hanging up the phone.

Mark shook his head. He never understood people who walked away from children at all. He also didn't understand why Darren wanted to meet Lilibeth now after 8 years. Could he not just sign the damn papers and try to give the child a decent life?

Lilibeth was sitting up in bed with a nurse checking her vitals. She was scared, she had woken up in the hospital alone and no one would tell her where her mother was. They kept looking at her with sympathy and asked her if she was hungry and in pain. She was frustrated that no one would tell her what was going on.

Mark walked into the room seeing Lilibeth sitting up in bed. She looked so small in the bed that he couldn't help the smile spread on his face. "Lilibeth right?" Mark asked the girl who was glaring at the nurse next to her. "Are you going to tell me where my mum is?" Lilibeth asked causing the smile to drop from Mark's face. He nodded his head to Lilibeth before looking at the nurse and asking her to leave.

Once Mark and Lilibeth were alone, Mark sat in the chair next to the bed. "Lilibeth my name is Mark Little and I was appointed as your social worker. Can you tell me what you remember?" Mark asked gently. He wanted to know how much the child remembered if anything at all. Lilibeth glared at Mark. "I remember everything. Can you tell me where my mum is?" Lilibeth gritted out. She had remembered her mum hurting her, she didn't remember how she got to the hospital or where her mother went.

Mark studied the girl for a minute before clearing his throat. "Lilibeth, after your mum, Umm, hurt you. The police arrested her and you were brought to the hospital. You required surgery for your arm. Your mum signed away her rights sweetheart. She knows that she isn't good for you and wants better for you. She is sick and knows she can't take care of you" Mark told the girl and watched and tears raced down Lilibeth's face. Mark on pure instinct reached out to wipe Lilibeth's tears away only to cause Lilibeth to flinch away from his touch.

"What happens to me now?" Lilibeth whispered out after 10 minutes of sitting silently crying. Mark couldn't help but wonder how she mastered the skill of crying without making a sound but quickly dismissed it as he didn't want to think about everything the little girl had gone through prior to him picking up her case. "Well ..." Mark began only to be interrupted by a knock at the door. The nurse popped her head in the door "sorry to interrupt but there is a Mr Staples looking for you" the nurse told Mark. "Hold that thought Lilibeth, I will be back in a few minutes and will let you know what happens next. Excuse me" Mark told the little girl before following the nurse out of the room.

Mark spotted Darren straight away. He was in an expensive suit and stuck out like a sore thumb. He immediately straightened his back and walked over with confidence. "Mr Staples, I'm Mark Little" Mark said confidently. Money didn't mean anything to Mark when it came to the safety of children. He had been in rich homes and poor homes to remove children because unfortunately no matter your financial status, there was always people who harmed children.

Darren greeted the social worker asking for his ID to check that this wasn't a scam. A small part of him still hoped this was. "You wanted to meet Lilibeth?" Mark asked when Darren hadn't said anything. "Umm yes, please lead the way" Darren replied. Mark headed back to the room which Lilibeth was staying in before stopping. "She is in a cast and has some bruising on her face and body. She is asking about her mother and what happens next" Mark told Darren before knocking on the door and entering the room.

Lilibeth was still sitting up in bed with tears streaming down her face and silently hiccuping. Mark motioned for Darren to enter the room. Darren looked at the little girl on the bed and saw the tears. He knew there was no denying the child was his as she was the spitting image of his sons.

Lilibeth didn't even look to see who had walked into the room. She was worried about what would happen to her now. All she had was her mother because her mother made it known that her father never wanted her. She was never good enough for him apparently and now she was not good enough for her mother either.

"Lilibeth" Mark called to girl but for no response what so ever. "What's wrong with her? Is she deaf or something?" Asked Darren. Mark pushed the man back out of the door. "She is not deaf, she has just learnt her mother signed her away and is traumatised not only from the abuse but the fact she is alone now. You saw the girl now sign the papers so I can get her a home" Mark fumed out. "She will be coming home with me" Darren stated with finality on his voice.

"What?" Mark asked in disbelief. "She is my daughter, she will be living with me from now on. Get the paper work sorted. When is she being released from hospital?" Darren asked. "Mr Staples, I will need to check your home to make sure it is suitable for a child before she goes with you" Mark stated. "That's fine. You may do that now although I would prefer the chance to inform my sons before hand if that is possible" Darren stated in his business voice. "I will be there in the morning" Mark said before Darren handed him a card informing him to call his assistant for the address and walking out of the hospital.

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