Finding II: White Dove Academy

Chapter Trying

We go to the park again, and do the exercises; but this time, Zero is actually trying. “Good job Zero!!” Henry says enthusiastically. They do push ups, curl ups, sit ups, and all kinds of ups! It seems like Zero is still struggling, but he’s doing good surprisingly. Not to mention the fact that Henry is less hard on him. “Twenty seven! Twenty eight! Twenty nine!! One more Zero! Thirty!!! Awesome!” Henry says trying to high five a very tired Zero. “Alright, we’re done for today, if we keep this up, you’ll be bigger in no time. After that we’ll work on your sense of style. My boyfriend can help you with that.” Henry says, pointing at me. “What’s...wrong style?” Zero says still breathing hard. “It’s a bit...dull,” I add. “Oh thanks,” Zero said sarcastically. “Babe what time is it?” Henry asked me. He called me babe...

“W-What?” I said while blushing. “What?” He asks. “Y-You c-called me-” “Babe? Yeah I did. Why? You don’t like it?” “No! I do...I really do.” He smiles and approaches me. “If you like it that much I’ll have to call you that more often...babe.” He says grabbing my waist to go in for a kiss. “Ahem.” We hear Zero say still on the ground. “Oh, I forgot you were here Zero.” Henry says pretty annoyed. “Of course you did. Anyway, before I catch cooties. I’m gonna go wash in the showers. “Okay Zero! Catch you later!” I yelled out as he walks away. “I wonder how you’d react if I called you babe while I’m fucking yo-” I covered his mouth quickly. “Stop it! We’re still at the park! Let’s go back to the dorm!” I say storming off pretty embarrassed. “Yes sir~” I hear Henry say before following me.


Zero makes his way to the showers, but his shirt is still off. He grabs a clean towel from the rack and places it on the side of the shower wall. He takes off his sweat pants and underwear, then turns the shower on. The hot water splashes all over his body. He washes himself and the doors to the shower room opens. Some guys come in and one of them says, “Guys, what are we gonna do about that fucker?” He hears a guy say from the shower room. “I don’t know, he made me look like a bitch though.” He hears a familiar voice say, oh no... it was Reese. “How about we jump him?” “No, that won’t work, magic doesn’t work on him remember?” Reese responded to another guy. “They’re talking about Henry,” Zero whispers to himself.

“We don’t need to use magic, we can just use our fists, he can’t fight all of us.” “Hmm, you're right, we can try.” Reese adds. “Hey wait, I hear a shower running. What if that person heard us talking?!” The guy shouts out. “Fuck,” Zero says under his breath. He stops the shower and quickly grabs his towel. He runs out of the shower but they spot him and they go after him immediately. Zero keeps running and he makes his way back to the park. He starts hiding behind a bush. “Mommy, look a pervert!” A little girl says pointing to Zero who was only wearing a towel around his waist. “Oh my God!” The mother says grabbing her child and running away. “No I-” “There he is!” Zero gets cut off by one of the guys that was chasing him.

They chase after him again and Zero ties the towel in place so he can run. He jumps through the kid slide, and Reese and his group follow him through there. Zero is surprisingly nimble. They can’t even keep up with him, so they use their magic to try and catch him. Zero manages to dodge most attacks, but a few of them graze him. “Fuck! Come on, get him!!” Reese yells out to his group. “Ha! Catch me if you can!” Zero says climbing the brick wall that’s used for rock climbing. They all follow him up, but he climbs onto the other side of the wall. Some of them try, but most fail. Except Reese and two other guys. “Come here you fucker!” Reese yells out again. “Damn, how is this towel still on?” Zero asks himself. He then jumps down off the 1 meter wall, landing on his feet. Reese lands on his feet too, but the two other guys are too scared to jump down. “You pussies, fine I’ll go after him myself! You’re all useless!!” Reese yells at his group. Zero keeps running, with Reese running after him.

Zero runs back to the showers and goes inside. He turns on all the showers to confuse Reese. “Shit! Where are you?!” Reese yells in frustration. He checks all the showers just to find no one inside them. “I'm here,” Zero says looking down on him from atop the lockers. “Hmph, I can easily get you down.” Reese says throwing magma at the lockers, melting them in the process. “You’ll get in trouble for that ya know.” Zero says to him. “Fuck you, I don’t care, my parents have money.” “Of course, everyone at this Academy is a rich piece of shit.” Zero said back to him. “The hell did you say?!” Reese yells out angrily.

“You heard me,” Zero says jumping down on top of Reese. He holds his hands down and Reese yells, “Get off me!!” "Make me!" Zero yelled out. Reese tries to move his hands but Zero overpowers him. "When did you get so strong?!" "It's called working out!" Zero yelled back at him. Reese scoffs and knees Zero in the crotch. Who is still wearing only a towel. “Fuck, that hurt!” Zero yells out before punching Reese. “You punch like a grandma.” Reese says punching Zero back. “So do you,” Zero responds, punching Reese again. They go back and forth punching each other. “Hey!! Stop!!” A teacher said quickly stopping them, “Look at this locker room!! It's in shambles!! Oh my God! Both of you, come with me!” The teacher says grabbing them both by the ear and dragging them to the principals office.

The teacher takes them inside and sits them down and he tells the principal what they did. It was a woman with really short blonde hair and light skin. “The principal is a woman?” Reese says confused. “I will expel you, if you keep talking.” She responds to Reese. He puts his head down and she continues, “Anyway, why were you two fighting? And why is this young man naked?” She asked pointing at Zero. “It’s his fault,” Zero says pointing at Reese. “How is it my fault you dick?!” Reese said in response. “Him and his group were trying to chase me after I heard them talking about jumping another student.” Zero said fast and expressionless.

“Is this true?” The lady asked looking at Reese. “No!” He quickly responded. “Alright, I believe you young man.” She says looking at Zero. “What?! Why?! You fucking-” She looks at Reese with a glare, which quickly shuts him up. “Thanks, can I go now? I’m still naked.” Zero asks her emotionless. “Yes,” She says giving him a nod. Zero gets up and walks to the door, he lifts one eyebrow at Reese and walks out. “That little-” “Now, what shall I do with you?” She said cutting off Reese once again. Reese gulps and curses under his breath. Meanwhile, Zero goes back to his dorm, but not without looks from other people. After all, he was still only wearing a towel. He opens his door and plops onto his bed. He runs his hands through his damp hair, completely revealing his face for the first time in 8 years, and faintly smiles.

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