Finding II: White Dove Academy

Chapter Reunion

We've been walking for almost two hours now. We've taken breaks and stuff, but still, my legs literally feel like jelly. Ryder and Monti have been talking about Zayne and Henry non stop. I think they both needed someone to vent to about their hardships. We come up on a road. "Ah! This look familiar! It's the road that leads to Brisbow!! It's the one where me and Henry said goodbye to our family at," Ryder yells out. How does he have so much energy? "How are you still so energetic? I think I just lost 80 pounds with just walking." Momo says breathing heavily. "I second that," Zero adds. "I third that," I say. We walked down the road, which was another 10 minutes and we finally saw the Brisbow building. Ryder runs to it excitedly, and he said he'd be back so we could rest while he went and got his family.

Ryder POV

I ran inside the building with so much excitement. I cant wait to see them!! It's been so long! I wish Henry was with me. I go to Lye's dorm first, and I knock but no one opens it. I go to the girls dorm, and I knock on Peach and Cherry's room. No luck. Then I go to the cafeteria...oh my God. There they were, at the lunch table. "GUYS!!" I yelled out, and everyone looks at me. "RYDER!!" They all yelled out at the same time. I run to them, they run to me, and we all hug. "Oh my God!!" Peach yells out. "I fucking missed you!!" Lye yells as well. "Where have you been?! You didn't write us!!" Cherry adds on. "I'm sorry!! I'll explain everything later! Come with me though!" I say and they follow me out of the building.

"Hey guys!! I brought them!!" I yelled back to my other group. "This is my family. Lye, Peach, and Cherry." I introduced them. "H-H-Hi...I-I'm Momo.." Momo says nervously while looking at Peach. Why is she so nervous? I briefly think back to what Momo said before. I forgot that she liked girls. I chuckled and Peach says, "Hi! I'm Peach!" "I'm Zero," "Oh cool!! Your names Zero?! That's awesome!!" Lye says aloud but Zero looks away flustered. This guy really can't handle compliments. Reese looks annoyed at Zero and introduces himself. "I'm Reese," "Nice to meet you all," Cherry says with a smile. "Guys...this is Monti...He's Zayne's adoptive father.." They all stared at him in awe and they looked at each other, then they all started sobbing. They go up to Monti and instantly hug him. I chuckled remembering I did the same thing.

"I'm sorry!!" "Me too!!" "We couldn't protect him!!" They all told him. Monti hugs them back and tells them that it's okay. This goes on for five minutes and Lye asks, "Wait...where's Henry??" I looked down with a sad expression. I felt like crying again. "Ry? What's wrong?" Peach asks with tears in her eyes still. "No...please don't tell me..." Lye says getting ready to cry again. "No! Well...I don't know.." I say starting to cry again. "What?!" Cherry yells out. I explain to them everything that's happened. Lye looks at the sky angrily and screams, "Those White Dove mother fuckers!!" "Lye!! Calm down! We don't know if he's dead yet!" Cherry yells out. I look over at peach who's crying again. I hugged her and she hugs me back.

"I'm sorry Ry, seeing Henry disappear must've hurt so much." She says to me. I looked at her and said, "It did, it still does, which is why, we need to get him back. I don't know how much more of this I can take." I look at all of them determined and Peach says, "I want to help!" before wiping her tears away. "I do too!" "Me three!" Both Lye and Cherry say as well. "I knew you guys would want to, okay! We now have seven people!" I say enthusiastically. "Wait, what about Monti? Is he not going?" Peach asks him. "No I'm sorry hun, I ain't got no magic. I'm jus gonna show y'all da way." Monti says while looking a bit guilty.

"It's okay! You being there will be enough," Lye says with a smile. All of a sudden Zero pulls me a side and says, "I like them, your family... I like them." He says with a smile, I smiled back and said, "I do too." "Alright, Monti!! Lead the way!!" Peach yells out. "Okie dokie!" He replied. "Wait! Let's bring some food and water. It's gonna be a long way." Cherry says stopping us. We all agreed and me and Cherry go to the cafeteria to grab a butt load of food and stuff it in Lye's back pack. "I have to carry it?!" Lye protests. "Yes babe." Cherry says to him. He blushes and grabs the bag. He's so down bad for her. After that Monti starts leading us towards this demon lair. I felt kinda nervous though, I hope Henry is okay.

Please, please, please!! Be okay. So then when I see you, I can kill you myself. "What's wrong Ry? You look like you're ready to beat someone up." Lye asks me. "I am, I wanted to help Henry, but he just had to knock me out and get himself into this mess. Now I'm gonna knock him out when I see him." I say putting my fist up and cracking my knuckles. "Haha! That's so like you Ry." Lye says to me. "Uh...hey..Peach.." Momo says to her. "Oh, hi..uhh..Momo right?" "Yes! Um, I love your hair," Momo says to her. Peach blushes and says, "Thank you." They look so cute together. I wonder if Zayne would be happy to see Peach moving on. Another 5 miles and we're still walking.

"How far is it?! I'm gonna die of heat and starvation." Reese tells us while looking really tired. I go to Lye and open his back pack, and I pull out a multigrain bar and a bottle of water and give I it to Reese. He eats it in under a minute and downs the water as well. "Jesus, are you good?" Lye asks him. Reese nods and continues walking. He looks like he hasn't eaten anything in days. Is he really okay? " "Ree, you sure you're okay?" Momo asks him worriedly. Reese nods, and Zero goes up to him and grabs his face. "You don't look so good," he says, but Reese pushes him off. Is he blushing or is that just because it's hot out here? "I-I'm fine guys, come on, let's just keep walking." Reese says reassuring us. We all looked at each other and kept walking.

Another 5 miles goes by, and we all get really tired. This place really is far... "Reese!!" I looked over to see Reese passing out, but Zero catches him before falls. Zero sets him on the ground gently and we all stand around him. "Oh my God! Is he okay?!" Peach asks concerned. "Ree!? Ree, wake up!!" Momo says trying to call out his name. She throws water on his face, but still nothing. Zero touches Reese's forehead and says, "He's burning up!" "Oh no, we need to do something!" I yelled out while panicking. "Panicking won't do anything Ry, we need to take him under some shade," Cherry says. Zero lifts him up, and carries him with both hands.

We keep walking to find some shade, and we eventually find a tree. Zero goes over there and places Reese down under it. He sits next to him, and says, "Reese.." he looked so sad. "Get a water bottle and put it on his head, it should help." Momo says, Peach grabs one from Lye's backpack and gives it to Zero. He puts it on Reese's forehead, and says, "Please be okay." We decide to take a break, and we all agreed if Reese doesn't wake up in 20 minutes. We will start walking and Zero will carry Reese. I hate that we can't be of help to him. After 15 minutes we see Reese moving. "He's waking up!" Zero yells out. We all go over there, and Reese is opening his eyes.

"I-It's hot.." Reese manages to say. "I know Reese, I'm putting the water on your head to cool you down. You were burning up." Zero says moving Reese's hair off of his face. "Can you walk Ree?" Momo asks him. "Y-Yeah." Zero helps him get up, but he falls back down. "Reese!" Zero yells out. "It's okay... I can wal-" Reese passes out once more before he could finish. "Is he okay?!" Lye yells out. "Put him on my back, I'll carry him," Zero says. We all put Reese on Zero's back, and he lifts him up piggy back style. "Alright, shall we continue?" I asked while looking at everyone. They all nodded and we kept walking. Now I'm worrying about Henry and Reese. This really isn't good for my mental health.

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