Finding Destiny


It has been two months since I last saw or held her in my arms. I can still hear her screaming out my name for help. I live that memory over and over every night in my head. I do not remember the last time I had a good night's rest. For just a split second, she connected with me. And all I heard were her pleas for me to help her while trying to fight someone off. When I tried to communicate back to her, there was no response. My heart stopped beating that very moment.

I began to panic, and the madness of my wolf and monster came over me. I felt helpless and useless for the first time in my existence, knowing I could not help her when she needed me the most. Sighing, I stare out into the water. This pain I am feeling in my chest is brutal and hurts like hell. She is the reason I breathe and live, but right now, I am losing and feel the oxygen being sucked out of my life since I lost her.

Destiny is my whole world, and Trey Ardelean, Destiny’s father, kidnapped and took her from me. All because he lost my mother when she refused him and the love he thought he would gain from her, but it did not go his way.

Now he makes me and Des suffer for his terrible judgment that went wrong. When Des found out that her father intended to get my mother Cristina to fall in love with him when her heart already belonged to someone else, my father, she was furious and disappointed in him. Des did not think that her father was such an evil person that he would go to the extent he did to get her to love him. She could never forgive him.

Destiny went to warn me, but he held her hostage. He spellbound her so she could not have any contact or connection with me. Trey knows how to work with black magic and spells. He had Mage Descendants in his family history. Not only was he a marine, but he was also an expert in dark magic. My mother sure knows how to pick them.

You must be asking yourself, how does he know this? Well, let me tell you the reason on how. I know this is because one of the newborns that surrendered to my uncle confessed what had occurred that night. He was not there, but Viktor was. Viktor was eager to share what happened to everyone he met that night. Except he never mentioned where she was headed.

We only know that she was put on a ship, and the only person to know her location is Trey. When he returned to the island with Trey, the night Des disappeared. Viktor had also vanished with Trey and a couple of other newborns right after the battle between The Dire Wolves and Bampires.

My uncle took the rest of the newborns with my aunt JessBlue back to our planet. She wanted to stay and help me find my mate, but I told her to go ahead. Let my siblings know that I love them very much and hope to see them one day. However, that day will not be right now. My only focus is finding Destiny, my mate.

My aunt said once she had settled all the newborns, she would return if needed with my uncle. They know how to track me down if They were to arrive back on earth. My uncle offered some of his Bampires to help me, but I declined. I will not put myself in a situation and make myself a target. Even though I know my uncle will protect me, I am not ready to reveal Morpheus to him, his Bampires, or the world.

Yes, I am a Hybrid, but my mother and uncle have taught me to not use our powers on earth. Only in MNB. The world my uncle created for us. Besides Trey has always maneuvered as a human instead of a Bampire. That is why I am on a ship, not moving at lightning speed. We never want to show who we are to the world. We will become a target and my species will be in danger. Plus, Trey thinks that I am just a young Bampire who is in love with his daughter and will not be a threat to him. However, Trey does not know what he got himself into when he took away the two things I love the most in life.

I have been to every single ship port in the united states. I have covered the North, South, west, and East, and we still could not find her. Now I will be heading toward the other side of the world. I have this strong feeling that she might be somewhere in Europe.

“Marcus, what time does the next ship leave the port?”

I sigh, looking out into the night's dark sky of the bay. “In about an hour, Morpheus.”

“Do you think we will ever find her, Marcus?”

“Of course, we will find her. I am barely holding on to my sanity, Morpheus, and I need you not to lose faith. It would help if you were my strength right now, as I need to be yours.”

“I know Marcus, but all I keep thinking about is what are they doing to her. That scream was traumatizing, and I cannot shake it off, Marcus.” I growl at the memory. “They were torturing her.”

The anger begins to flow through me. My eyes shift to black with swirls of red, and I feel my inner Bampire demon coming forward. He is not a pretty sight to meet. “I promise we will find her, Morpheus, and when we do, every single creature who has crossed her path and laid their hands on her will not live another day—starting with Trey first. He will regret the day he took Destiny away and betrayed us.” If you knew my father, you knew he was capable of anything to find my mother. Well, like father like son. I am worse and fiercer than my father.

“Excuse me, sir, but we are ready to sail in five minutes. Make sure you are on the ship.” The Captain yells out from the deck before walking back to the ship's wheel. “Morpheus, it is time for you to merge back inside of me. We have to board now.”

“I am ready, Marcus” He enters my body, and I start to walk up the ship's ramp. I walk up, and the workers yell orders and move cargo around fast, placing themselves into positions for departure. “Raise the anchors and start pulling on the sail ropes. Let's go. We do not have all-night people. Make sure you are feeding enough fuel to the engine.”

The anchor is pulled up, and the ship starts to embark away from the port on its trip, heading towards the black sea to reach the southeastern part of Europe. This ship is the only ship heading in that direction. We will start there and work our way around the rest of Europe and any other continent we must reach to find Des.

The captain sent one of his shipmates to show me where my sleeping quarters would be below the deck for the next few weeks. Once I am in my cabin, the shipmate leaves the room. I walk toward the window, Morpheus coming to the front of my mind. “Let me out, Marcus. Just command my invisibility cloak to appear.”

“Just give me a minute to myself, please.” I continue to look out into the dark sea. Where are you, Des? Could you give me a sign of where I can find you? You have no idea how I am losing my fucking mind from not having you by my side.

My dark side that has never surfaced before is coming out of me, which is not good. She is my calm to my storm; I am a tornado ready to take anything in my path and destroy it to find you. Willing to kill whoever crosses my way for the information I need to have you in my arms again. Wherever you are, my love, hold on, and please do not lose hope. I am coming for you.

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