Finding Destiny


I arrived at Ardelean Castle, where Viktor was already waiting for me in the west wing with all the maps and coordinates I needed to hand over to the King. “Hello Viktor, I see you have everything prepared.” I point to the briefcase in his hand. “Yes, Slogan, and here are the account digits Trey told me to give you so you can make the transfer.”

“Thank you for working so fast and efficiently. It would help if you thought of switching sides and working for me someday. Think about it. I can use someone like you, and I would pay you way more than what Trey has to offer you.”

“You are far too kind, Slogan. But I am loyal to Trey. If something were to happen to him, I would consider your offer.” He tells me with a smile.

“Now, I want you to work for me even more. I love your loyalty. It means you will not betray the ones you work for and protect. Well, my offer still stands for when you are ready. I will be heading back now. Your boss may be shitting on himself since the King did not let him come back and sent me instead” I laugh hard at my last statement to Viktor.

“Oh, by the way, can you please tell Trey for me that Howard went missing from the Inn, and we have no trace of his whereabouts? I think his daughter’s mate has arrived and is now on the hunt. So, I need Trey to hurry back, Slogan.”

“I will let him know.” I opened a portal and took myself back to Klystron. I wrapped myself back to the front of the tower and headed back to the throne room, where I was met with Trey and two Klystronian guards. “About time you got back, Slogan. Give the King what he wants so I can fucking get out of this place and back to my life.”

“Easy now, Trey. You were in good hands because your head was still attached to your body. Oh, by the way, Viktor told me to tell you Howard is missing, and he thinks your daughter’s Bampire mate might have something to do with it. To hurry home is what he said to tell you.” Trey became uncomfortable with the news I delivered to him from Viktor. I smirked, knowing this guy has a lot going on.

“Now, where is the King so we can get on with this, and I can take you back home, Trey.”

“I have no idea he just walked off after you left and has not returned. I have been here for god knows how long waiting.”

“I see.” I turn away from Trey and catch the guard’s attention.

“Excuse me, but can you get the King for us? Let him know Slogan has returned.”

“Very well, wait here.”


King Gladius

I walked into the throne Braka where Slogan and Destiny’s father awaited. “I see you are back so quickly,” I said grimly since I was balls deep inside Trey’s daughter when I was interrupted. I bring my hands to my nose so I can smell her aroma that still lingers on my fingers while tasting her juices on my tongue.

“I have brought you all the information Trey said he would deliver. His guy was detailed and did not disappoint you, my King.”

“Is that so? Well, let’s see it. Bring me the manuscripts.” Slogan opens the briefcase, removes all the papers, and walks up to me to hand them over before backing away. Trey opens his mouth next.

“It will take you about two months to arrive at this location. If you leave from earth, it will take about four to five months to arrive, king Gladius.”

“Trey, your daughter, tastes very delicious, by the way. I am a bit angry you both interrupted us. I tell them while I look them in the eye. “However, I want this over with so I can return to my Queen, who is waiting for me and does not like me to have her waiting.”



I am furious he left me here to go fuck my daughter. I should not be upset, but for some reason, I am. I knew I thought I heard her voice screaming out a loud cry.

“What have you done to her?”

“Does daddy all of a sudden now care what happens to his daughter?” Before I can answer him. Gladius appeared beside me, transformed into his Klystronian skin, and grabbed me by my throat, with his tentacles wrapping and squeezing me until I could barely breathe. Shit, I’m about to piss on myself from the fear I am feeling. I look to the side, and Slogan is calm, not even worried if I die or live.

“Do you think you can speak to me that way, Trey? From what I know, she is no longer your daughter or your burden. Remember you sold her to me, or do I need to remind you instead? Answer me, or I will kill you right now, Bampire.”

“No.. king Gladius! You do not need to remind me. I am sorry for my outburst.” I say in a strained and strangled voice.

“I am glad you came to your senses, Trey. I thought I had to drain you of your blood and feed your soul to my guards.”

He drops me to the ground and slithers his way back to his throne before transforming back into a human body. I am still not used to this. My body is dizzy from all this energy floating around us.

“Now that I have everything I need, you may leave. Mr. Slogan will transfer your Romanian Leu by the end of the day tomorrow. Trey, I need you to understand that you will never see your daughter again. I will rid her memories of you and anyone important to her. The only thing she will know of importance in her life is my people and me. Do you understand me? You cannot come back for her ever. Oh, and if that boyfriend of hers arrives, I will kill him. She is mine. I will never let her go.”

This bastard is already obsessed with Destiny. Shit, what have I done? I feel guilty but fuck it. A deal is a deal. I rather she is Queen to this king creature than be Boy’s mate.

“Yes, I understand, King Gladius. Thank you for doing business with me. It has been an honor. Once again, please accept my apology for my recent outburst that should have never happened.” I quickly bowed down to him until he told me to rise.

“Get up, you fool. Both of you leave my planet and never come back. Slogan, call me tomorrow so we can complete the transfer, and Slogan, I will kill you both if you bring him back here.”

“Understood, king Gladius.”

“Now leave. I need to go back to fucking my new Queen!”

Slogan grabbed me by my shoulder and rushed us out of the tower. “You idiot, you almost got yourself fucking killed back there, Trey. You couldn’t just keep your mouth shut when he mentioned Destiny. All you had to do was stay quiet. At least you are alive. You have other issues to worry about when you arrive back on earth. Viktor is waiting for you now. Let’s fucking go.”

I was about to yell at Slogan when a big boom sounded ahead of us, and the ground started to shake. When we steadied our balance and looked up at where the bright light was coming from. It was from the crater. “Slogan, what is that? What just happened? Did you leave a portal open or something?”

“No, I did not, but we are about to find out. Come on, let’s move.”

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