Finding Destiny


Morpheus and I stood there watching Howard go up in flames as he screamed his last breath until nothing was left of his flesh. Once I knew it was over, we started to run up the route to the mountains where the Ardelean Castle was. “Destiny, my love, I am coming for you. If you can hear me, I need you to hang in there a little longer.”



“Rogorio, make sure you clear the staff out of the castle. Tell them to take the rest of the night off. Viktor, prepare the tower on the last floor of the west wing. We will use that part of the castle when Slogan arrives. Then I will fetch my child.”

“Yes, master Trey, I will dismiss them all now.”

“I’m on it, Trey. I am heading to the west wing to prepare.” It’s a lovely night for destruction as the heavy rain comes down with lightning and thunder so loud it hurts your ear. I know Slogan has arrived because all you here is the cling sound of the door handle hitting the door, letting me know of his arrival. I open the door to see him standing outside with his cane that has a silver skull head as the handle, black trench coat, and hat.

“Please come in, Slogan, and welcome back to Ardelean Castle.”

“Trey, I do not have much time to spare, so let’s get this done quickly.”

“Yes, of course. Viktor, can you please escort Slogan to the west wing tower where we will conduct the portal? I will go and retrieve Destiny.”

“Yes, boss! Mr. Slogan, please follow me.” They left toward the stairs leading to the west wing, and I headed to the basement where I kept my daughter.



I was sitting on the bed against the wall when my father, Trey, barged in. “Get out..!” he walks up to me, grabs me by the shoulder, and pulls me to my feet. “You are coming with me, Des; let’s go.” I try to fight him off, but he is much stronger than me. “Where are you taking me, father?”

“Don’t be such a brat, Destiny, and walk. We are going on a trip to meet your new mate.”

“No... No, no, let go of me. You cannot do this, father.” As we climb some small, narrow stairway, I lash at him with my hands and legs as I try to punch and kick my father.

“You will learn your place very soon.” we reached the top of the stairs, where my father opened a door and threw me in, making me fall to the floor.

“This is your daughter, Trey? She is a real beauty.”

“Yes, she is just like her mother. Now let’s get started, Slogan. The faster, the better.”

“ You cannot do this. You must stop and let me go farther!”

“Slogan, you can start to open the portal.”

Very well, Trey,” He says as he let out a laugh before spinning his hands into a ball and began chanting something out loud in our Romanian tongue that started to make a swirling light of energy. You could feel the charge and power emitting in the room. "Alright, Trey, grab her and walk through the portal now.

"Boy, Help.. me. If you hear me!"



Morpheus and I made it to the top of the mountain and saw the clearing of the bridge that connects you across to the castle. Morpheus, you will be going into invisibility mode once we cross over. I can smell and feel her presence. She is here. As I look up, I notice there are a lot of floors and windows. She last told me she was in a basement. So, we will head under the castle first since that is where she told me she was. I love having my wolf beside me and fighting together instead of being inside me. It allows my Bampire to awaken as well. They both have a great bond with each other. I am grateful for it. When we fight, it’s a remarkable sight to see.

We are walking by the gates when I hear screams coming from on top of the Castle. The sounds of my mate in need of help. Morpheus, it’s time to climb. He nodded, and we both went running, leaping to the side wall of the castle. Our claws were embedded in the stone partitions as we quickly climbed. There is a bright light shooting up to the sky. “What in the world is happening, Morpheus?”

“I have no idea, but we are about to find out.” Once I reached the top, I saw Trey, Destiny, and some other person I had never noticed before jumping into the light, and as soon as we crashed through the window, shattering glass all over the floor, the light disappeared. It vanished, not giving me time to reach her. “No! Destiny.” I was so close. She was in arms reach, and now she’s gone. But to where?

“What am I going to do now, Morpheus?”

“You are going to open that portal. That is what you are going to do, Marcus.”

“And how will I accomplish a thing I have never tried before?” Morpheus growls at me in anger and frustration. I think I just pissed off my wolf again. The last time I did that was the night we went looking for Destiny at her house, and I did not listen to him when he knew something was wrong.

“For fucks sake, Marcus, you are a fucking Royal Bampire Hybrid! You can do more things than anyone else can. You need to focus. The energy in that spot is still strong. Feed it, Marcus, with your mind. Let your Royal Bampire open it. It can be done. Do not underestimate your abilities. All Royals can alter time and freeze time. Then that also means you can also open portals. Now concentrate and feed your power, which will open it to the exact location they went.”

I take a deep breath and walk to the area with the lingering magical energy. The light swirl fog is barely visible, but you know it is there. I stretch my hands to that location. I call my inner Bampire monster to the surface. I feel my eyes shifting from black to red. He is now in control. “I see you have convinced Marcus of the powers he is capable of through me. Good thinking Morpheus.”

“Well, just hurry and get the damn portal open.”

“Very well.” My eyes and hands started to beam with a bright light creating an energy power source. The more power I fed it, the brighter the circle became and began to form a swirl. I cannot believe that it’s fucking working. The motherfucking portal is opening. Morpheus howls in excitement that he was correct about my abilities.

“Marcus, you are doing great. Keep feeding it. Just a little more, and you will have it completely reopened.”

“Once it opens, we will have only thirty seconds to pass through the surge. Do you understand Morpheus?”

“Yes, I do, Marcus.”

“On the count of three, Marcus, we will jump through. Ready?” I nodded, giving him the signal.

“Okay, here we go! One… Two… Three… Jump Now!

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