Find Beauty After Leaving Wrong Love novel

Chapter 1

Chapter 1 

My husband sent our six–year–old daughter to buy the latest milkshake for his childhood sweetheart. On the way, my daughter Emily got 

passed away. 

han accident, and by the time she was rushed to the hospital, she had already 

I called my husband to confront him, but he hung up on me. 

It wasn’t until Emily’s funeral that I received his belated call. 

“Emily is already six years old. If she can’t even do this, what’s the point of raising her?” 

His childhood sweetheart laughed beside him. 

“Rose, it’s all my fault. I suddenly craved that milkshake, and if I don’t get it, I can’t sleep at night.” 

I was bedridden with a high fever due to an infection. I’entrusted Emily, to my husband, Jeffrey Strong, and went to the 

But I didn’t expect that just when I was in treatment, the hospital called to inform me that Emily had been in an accident and was in critical condition. 

When I rushed to the emergency room, Emily was already lying on the bed, barely alive. 

My six–year–old daughter, so small, was covered in blood, lying there all alone. Bright red blood dripped from the bed to the floor, a painfully stark sight. 

Emily was still clutching a torn milkshake bag in her tiny hand. 

I rushed over immediately; 

Emily opened her eyes and. Seeing me, she cried. 

“Mommy, Daddy said that if I got Ms. Joseph her milkshake, he will accompany me to participate in kindergarten activities.” 

As she spoke, blood trickled from the corner of her mouth. 

Hearing her mention Ms. Joseph, I instantly understood. 

Louise Joseph was Jeffrey’s childhood friend. 

“Emily, stop talking. Mommy will save you. You’ll get better. It’s all Mommy’s fault. I shouldn’t have left you with Daddy‘ 

I cried uncontrollably. 

Emily lifted her hand slowly to wipe away my tears. 

“Mommy, don’t cry. It’s all my fault. I spilled the milkshake, and Ms. Josep didn’t get to drink it. Daddy won’t take me to the kindergarten event now. I don’t want Daddy to be mad at me!” 

As Emily finished speaking, her small hand fell from my face, and my heart twisted in unbearable pain. 

“Emily, don’t sleep. ‘Daddy won’t be mad at We love you so much. How could we ever be mad at you?” 


Emily coughed up more blood, her eyes rolling back. She couldn’t even hold my hand anymore. 

“Mommy, can you tell Daddy I’m sorry I couldn’t get Ms. Joseph her milkshake?” 

With those words, Emily closed her eyes forever. 

“Emily, wake up! Mommy can’t live without you. Don’t sleep!” 

Despite my heart–wrenching cries, she didn’t open her eyes again. 

Remembering Emily’s last words, I felt a wild beast gnawing away at my sanity. 

I took out my phone and called Jeffrey, but he hung up on me again, and I received a message from him shortly after. [I’m busy. Don’t call and disturb me.] 

I opened my Instagram and saw that Louise had just posted an update. 

[Thanks to my dear neighbor, who always fulfills my whims. He drove 60 miles in the scorching heat to get me my favorite cake. I feel very happy to have you around.] 

The photo showed Louise and Jeffrey with milkshakes and cakes. 

Their location was tagged as Blido City. 

Anger surged through me, and I trembled as I sent Jeffrey a message. “Jeffrey, let’s get a divorce!” 

Then, I blocked him. 

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