Finale: A Dark Gang Romance (Academy of Stardom Book 4)

Finale: A Dark Gang Romance: Chapter 24

I’ve changed into my after show outfit that I picked out for tonight, and instead of my usual jeans and hoodie combination, I’m wearing a mid-thigh, black halterneck dress paired with flat pumps. Clancy looks up from her spot at the dressing table and smiles.

“Are you off to somewhere nice with Xeno and York?” she asks me, pulling on a pair of tight, leather hotpants and shrugging on a cropped, faux fur coat over her tank top.

“We’re hanging out here for a little while before heading home,” I reply, brushing through my still damp hair. I don’t tell her I’m about to dance for three of the scariest guys I’ve ever had the displeasure of meeting. Knowing Clancy, she’d want to meet them not realising that she’d just be another sheep walking into a lion’s den.

“That’s great. You all deserve a little R&R.”

“Where are you off to tonight?”

“Foxtrot, in Bermondsey. Lola and I are meeting River there. We’ve got an uber coming in five to collect us.”

“Foxtrot? I’ve heard good things about that club.”

“Yeah, us too. It’s got three floors apparently, and each floor has a different theme. Tonight it’s seventies disco, club classics and hip-hop. We’re probably going to spend most of the night on the club classics floor.”

Lola laughs. “Not all night, love. I reckon River wouldn’t mind hanging with me on the seventies disco floor. You know how much he loves John Travolta aka Tony Manero from Saturday Night Fever.” She rolls her eyes and Clancy bursts out laughing.

“Yeah, true! God, if I didn’t love him so much I’d seriously worry about his taste in men.”

“Oh, I don’t know, Travolta circa 1994 in Pulp Fiction is pretty fucking hot,” Lola retorts with a smirk.

Clancy rolls her eyes. “Which is why you both get on so well. The two of you have the same taste.”

“Well of course we do, we happen to adore the same beautiful redhead,” Lola counters, holding her hand out for Clancy to take. She stands, and side-by-side the contrast of their appearance is stunning to look at. Clancy is a redhead with freckles and pale skin and the perfect opposite to Lola, who has ebony colouring, deep brown eyes and tight curly hair. Lola is tall, athletic, with curves in all the right places, and Clancy is petite with a toned figure. They make up a beautiful couple, add in River’s quirky, good looks, and the trio is fucking gorgeous.

“Anyway, we gotta run,” Clancy says, giving me a quick hug. “Tonight was epic!”

“Have fun,” I reply, stepping aside as the pair leave. I hear them chatting briefly to someone in the corridor and when I poke my head around the door, I see Grim striding towards me. She smiles, but it doesn’t reach her eyes.

“The Deana-dhe are waiting for you in the gym. Arden says you agreed to dance for them?”

“I did.”

Grim sighs. “You can back out. This isn’t a debt. You don’t owe them anything.”

“I need to know who Arden was talking about.”

“I thought you might.”

“You believe him then? You think he can see into the future somehow?”

“I believe there are some things that can’t be explained. I believe that there are some people who are more sensitive than others. I also believe there are fakers and crooks out there who prey on people’s weaknesses and exploit them.” She crosses her arms beneath her breasts and leans against the doorframe.

“Do you think the Deana-dhe are fakes and crooks.”

“Like I said before, I think they’re clever and manipulative. I also believe that Arden was telling the truth, which is why I don’t think you should go through with this.”


Grim bites on her lip, watching me carefully. “Would knowing the answer make a difference to the outcome? There are some things you can’t change, fate is one of them.”

“You sound like you’re talking from experience, Grim. Don’t tell me you’re some kind of witch as well as a badass gangster.” We both laugh at the direction this conversation has headed. I haven’t even had a drink tonight, let alone any form of drug that might explain why we’re even entertaining this notion. Maybe that’s the power of the Deana-dhe right there.

“I’m pretty sure there are quite a few people who’ve called me a witch in the past and meant it,” she grins. “But seriously, I trust my gut and intuition, but I’m not gifted, if you can call it that. For some, seeing things is a curse. I suspect it’s like that for Arden despite how things appear to the contrary.”

“Who?” I ask, intrigued now. I never thought Grim would buy into this kind of thing, but here we are talking about psychic shit like it’s as real as we are. I guess I must believe a little in it too given I’m about to dance for three men who’d kill first and not bother to ask questions later.

“Christy…” Grim’s voice trails off when she meets my gaze.

“You’re half-sister?”

“Yeah. She’s been known to predict things. Scares the life out of Beast, and as you know, he’s not scared of anyone, but he is wary of Christy, just like he’s wary of the Deana-dhe.” Grim smiles then, a genuine, warm smile that lights up her face. “Christy is formidable. A beautiful ballet dancer with this inner strength that is remarkable given her history. She’s a lot stronger than she seems on the surface.”

“She sounds incredible.”

“She is. She’s been through a lot emotionally, physically too. Her past, it has scarred her in more ways than one.”

“I’m sorry to hear that.”

“People often misjudge her, much like people have misjudged you. I think you’d like her.”

“I’d love to meet her one day,” I say, meaning it.

“You will. One day.” Grim flicks her gaze down, worry creasing her brow.

“What is it?” I ask, resting my fingers gently on her arm.

“Just something Christy said to me on the phone the other day. Nothing that should concern you.” Grim plasters on a smile, but before I can push further, her attention is caught by footsteps striding along the corridor. “It’s Xeno and York, neither look particularly happy,” she says.

“Better leave them to me then.”

Grim squeezes my arm, then walks towards her office at the other end of the corridor and gently closes the door behind her.

“I’ve just had a very interesting conversation with Arden,” Xeno says the moment I step out into the corridor. His eyes rove over my outfit, his teeth clenching tight.

“Is that right?”

“Yeah, he said you’d agreed to dance for them,” York continues. “Want to tell us what the fuck is going on?”

“I need to know who he was talking about,” I reply. “I don’t expect you to understand. I know how you feel about them, but I have to know.” Stepping around them, I walk towards the gym area where Beast and Dax trained the other day. It’s separate from the main warehouse floor and sits on the far side of the building.

“It’s bullshit. You know that right?” Xeno asks, his hand clamping around my upper arm as he prevents me from going any further.

“You can’t trust a word they say, Titch,” York adds. “And I sure as fuck don’t trust their intentions. They were interested in you, that much was clear from our meeting.”

“They’re not going to abduct me, if that’s what you’re worried about,” I counter.

“Of course that’s what we’re worried about. The Deana-dhe never take an interest in anyone, but all of a sudden they’re willing to give you information for a dance? Fuck that!” Xeno exclaims. “You’re not doing it.”

“I think that’s Pen’s choice, don’t you?” Arden says, appearing in the corridor like a fucking ghost.

“Where the fuck did you just spring from? Don’t tell me you’ve got mystical powers to add to your all-seeing eye?” York says with an arch of his brow.

Arden barks out a laugh, completely dismissing York’s sarcastic remark and looking directly at me. “I can see why Malik Brov wanted you,” he says. “There’s something so alluring about a woman who has multiple men willing to die for her. Not to mention your ability to dance. He would’ve had you locked up in his castle and doing unspeakable things to you if Beast hadn’t ended his life.”

“You fucking cunt!” Xeno exclaims, rushing forward just as Beast steps into the hallway from the warehouse.

“Woah! What the fuck is happening here?” he exclaims, reading the situation in an instant, and holding his hand out to prevent Xeno from getting any closer to Arden.

“Pen here has agreed to dance for us, and her men aren’t happy about it.”

“No shit… Pen?” Beast frowns, questioning me with his eyes.

“I’m not doing this because I want to. I’m doing it because I have to. I can’t lose any of them. I can’t.”

“You won’t. How many times do we have to tell you this?” York says, frustrated.

“Lose them? What the fuck did I miss?”

“That night we met up with Hudson at Tom’s. Arden here filled Pen’s head with his fucking sorcery bullshit.”

“Where the fuck was I when this was going down?”

“You were at the bar nursing a couple of shots after Arden agreed to take a debt from Grim.”

“Fuck, man.” Beast grits his jaw.

“Psycho here said that we will defeat David and Santiago but that one of us sitting at the table would pay a high price,” Xeno explains.

Beast’s face pales. “Who was sitting at the table?”

“That’s irrelevant when it’s horseshit! “Please don’t tell me that you buy into this crap too,” York counters, trying to edge around Beast.

Beast throws his arms out, preventing York from moving. “Who was sitting at the table?” he repeats, firmer this time.

“Me, Xeno, Dax, Zayn, Pen, Hudson, and Grim. D-Neath was in the toilet and you were at the bar,” York says.

Beast looks at me, swallowing hard. “And to find out who it is, you have to dance for them?”

Privately,” York stresses.

“It’s just a dance, that’s it,” I say, casting a look at Arden.

“Right,” he agrees, but there’s something about his expression that gives me pause.

“Arden, these people are my friends… Is this really necessary?”

“It is if she wants to know,” Lorcan says, striding down the hallway with Carrick close behind him. The three of them all give off the same menacing vibe despite their relaxed demeanour. They’re so certain of themselves, so sure that they’re untouchable and it irks me. I wonder what it would take to bring them to their knees. Not me at any rate.

She has a name, have a little respect and fucking use it,” York counters.

Lorcan laughs, but it’s dark and filled with menace. “Make me.”

“That’s enough!” Behind us, Grim approaches. “This is my club, and I won’t have any fighting here. Understand?”

“We’re not interested in fighting tonight. Just having a friendly discussion,” Carrick says looking bored, especially when he focuses on me. “I’m not all that bothered about seeing her dance, anyway. On the other hand, that fiery little redhead sure looked interesting.”

“Leave Clancy out of it!” I snap.

“So she does have teeth,” Carrick says, chuckling. “Maybe you’re not so boring after all.”

“Shut. Your. Mouth!” Xeno snaps, Beast’s fingers curl into his top, shooting him a warning stare as he shoves Xeno back none too gently.

“Look,” I say, breathing deep and refusing to rise to the bait. “I’m not doing anything other than dancing. I just did the same out there in front of dozens of men and women. This is no different.”

“Nothing is cut and dry when it comes to the Deana-dhe. You get that, right?” York says, turning to me. He reaches for my face, cupping my cheek in his hand. “Let’s say that Arden can somehow see into the future, what makes you think knowing who’s gonna get hurt will change anything?”

“That’s exactly what I said,” Grim mutters, shaking her head.

“I’m doing this with or without your backing,” I say stubbornly, refusing to answer his question and stepping around him before he can stop me. I duck under Beast’s arm and walk towards Arden.

“Wait! I have a proposition,” Xeno says, stopping me in my tracks.

Arden grins, and in that instant I know that this is what he wanted all along.

“Xeno, no.”

“Cold feet?” Arden asks.

“Maybe we’ll let fate decide what happens after all. Like everyone keeps telling me, we can’t change fate, right?” I ask, swallowing heavily as Xeno steps up beside me and entwines his fingers with mine.

“Are you sure you want to take that chance?” Carrick asks, his black eyes boring into me.

Xeno’s nostrils flare. “If she dances for you, then so do York and me. She does this with us or she doesn’t at all.”

York flanks my left side. “Take it or fucking leave it.”

“Well, shit just got interesting,” Lorcan says, and I try not to tremble at the way his grey eyes cut like a steel blade right through my chest.

Arden pushes off the wall, locking eyes with Xeno. “I’m not an unreasonable man. I’m willing to bend my own rules just a fraction. I will tell Pen what she wants to know if you dance as a trio… On one condition.”

“Oh, here we fucking go,” York mumbles.

“And what’s that?”

“No holding back.”

“What the fuck is that supposed to mean?” Beast mutters.

“Done!” Xeno agrees, taking my hand and striding past the trio. Behind us, York follows.

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