Finale: A Dark Gang Romance (Academy of Stardom Book 4)

Finale: A Dark Gang Romance: Chapter 16

“How about a game of truth or dare?” York suggests, swiping his hand through his hair, slicking it back off his forehead.

Xeno rolls his eyes. “What are we, fucking teenagers? I’ve got better, more adult ideas on my mind,” he says, taking a swig of his beer as he looks at me.

“Yeah, we all know what those ideas are because we’re all thinking them ourselves,” Dax chuckles, his fingers sliding along my thighs beneath the water. He teases me, gently cupping my pussy and allowing me to rock into his hand before removing it and placing it on my thigh once more. Every now and then he circles his hips, and I feel his cock sliding across the skin of my lower back, and my core clenches, desperate for more.

“What’s wrong with a game of truth or dare?” I say, biting on my lip as another familiar hand slides up my thigh reaching for my pussy. I glance at York, holding in a moan as he looks at Xeno and Zayn as if he isn’t circling my clit with his finger right now.

“Yeah, why not? We never did play the game when we were kids. Come on, Xeno, you might enjoy it,” York teases, his fingers doing the same to my pussy.

A dark glint shines in Xeno’s eyes. “Fine, but let’s up the ante a little, shall we?”

York grins. “Oh, I like it. How’s this going to play out?”

“Ah, fuck, no,” Dax grumbles. “You two are a fucking nightmare when you get like this.”

“Like what?” I ask, coughing on a moan and trying not to fidget too much in Dax’s lap because his boner is growing by the minute and I’m getting off on York’s fingers.

“York goads Xeno into doing things he’s not interested in and Xeno gets his own back by shifting the goalposts. I’m pretty fucking certain they both get off on the high stakes. Ain’t that right, Zayn?”

“Yeah, that’s exactly right,” he replies, shaking his head and taking a deep pull from his bottle of beer.

“So what are the stakes then?” I ask, stiffening when Dax reaches between my thighs and finds York’s hand there. York chokes back a laugh, and Dax presses an open-mouthed kiss on my shoulder to stifle his own reaction. I’m not sure if it’s a laugh he’s trying to hide or a grumble of annoyance, but when neither move their hand, and they begin to pleasure me in tandem, I’m guessing it’s the former.

“Yes, what are the stakes?” York asks nonchalantly, hiding the fact that his fingers are currently intertwining with Dax’s whilst they rub me off.

It takes all my willpower not to moan and give us away. Thank God I can use the recent lovin’ and the heat from the water as an excuse for my flushed skin. I don’t think either Zayn or Xeno would be pissed off if they knew what was happening under the water, given what’s just taken place between us all, but there’s something thrilling about the secrecy of what we’re doing that turns me on and takes my mind off of everything else going on.

“Okay, so these are the rules. This is a hard truth and no holds barred dare. If you choose truth, then the questioner doesn’t hold back on what truth they want to hear. I’m talking deep. No pussyfooting around. Go for the jugular. Got it?”

We all nod. Well, to be fair, I kind of groan my agreement seeing as York’s finger is slowly circling my clit and Dax’s finger is dipping into my pussy.

“If you choose dare, and then refuse the dare because you’re too chicken-shit, then you pay a fine of five thousand pounds. It goes into a savings account for Lena’s university fees, or whatever she wants to put it towards for when she’s older.”

“What? No,” I protest.

“Those are the rules, Tiny,” he replies, challenging me with his stare.

“That puts me at a disadvantage, because I don’t have any money, let alone five thousand pounds to throw about like that.”

Xeno shrugs. “Then do the dare,” he says, shrugging.

“Fine,” I say, deciding then and there, I’m going to choose a truth. It’s not like they don’t know everything there is to know about me already.

“We’ll take it in turns to ask the question or provide the dare. So, either make your dare really fucking good or make your truth really hard to answer.”

“Fuck sake,” Zayn mutters, glaring at York.

“You’re fucking on!” York laughs, removing his hand and squeezing my thigh. He leans over and presses his lips against my ear. “Hold onto that thought.” Half a beat later, Dax has gently removed his finger, leaving me wanting and totally wound up.

“So who’s going first?” Xeno asks, sliding a little lower beneath the water. He keeps his gaze on me, his eyes sparking when our feet touch. He slides his foot up my inner calf, then higher still, grinning mercilessly at me as it reaches my inner thigh. When he presses the ball of his foot gently against my pussy, I bite on my lip. My clit is already throbbing from York and Dax’s treatment, and now Xeno is teasing me with his foot. Who knew that could feel so good?

I bite on my lip to stifle the moan and Xeno grins sexily before sitting back up. It’s all I can do not to slap the water in frustration. These guys are determined to torture me. I guess this is payback for me mercilessly sucking their cocks and teasing them in turn.

Despite being on my knees surrounded by four alpha men, in that moment I had felt powerful. It was the most erotic, thrilling thing I’ve ever done, and I plan on doing it over and over again.

“I’ll go first. Let’s get this over with,” Zayn says, rolling his eyes whilst the three of them laugh.

“Okay then, mate. Truth or dare?” York jumps in and asks before the rest of us can.

“Truth, you cocksucker,” Zayn snaps, narrowing his eyes at York. “There’s no way I’m taking a dare. I know what you’re like. You’ll probably ask me to climb this building butt naked.”

“Actually, that’s not a bad idea,” York muses. “I mean, I’d give you time to train, maybe you could get Jefferson from Callous Crew to give you some advice, huh? I bet he wouldn’t hesitate to scale this building, the fucking daredevil.”

Zayn raises a brow, unimpressed. “Just ask the fucking question, York.”

For a minute, York contemplates his question then clears his throat. His demeanour changes from joyful to serious as he examines Zayn. “How many times over the years did Jeb cut you?”

Blanching, Zayn’s skin pales. It’s clear from his reaction that he’s never had this discussion with the guys and he’s certainly not happy talking about it. I understand his reluctance to open up about something he feels ashamed of. When you suffer physical abuse like we have, you either try to hide it from everyone or pretend it doesn’t affect you in any way. To make matters worse, Jeb abused Zayn as an adult, and that can’t be something that’s easy to bear. It’s obvious he doesn’t want to revisit it. “Fuck you, York. I’ll pay the damn fine,” he snaps, looking away from us all.

“The fine is only applicable if you don’t take the dare,” Xeno says, his voice even.

Zayn snaps his head around to look at Xeno. “Fuck this shit.” He moves to stand, and I reach for him, grasping his fingers.

“I’m sorry, this was a bad idea. You don’t have to say a thing if it’s too painful,” I say.

“The fuck he doesn’t,” York counters. “Sit down, Zayn, and let it out. You don’t have to hold onto that shit anymore. Why the fuck did you think I asked the question? Titch isn’t the only one who needs to let stuff go.”

Zayn’s nostrils flare, but he sits back down. “You’ve seen the state of my chest. Let’s just say it was a lot and leave it at that.”

“How many times,” York insists.

Zayn’s nostrils flare. “Forty-six. He took a knife to my chest and cut me on forty-six different occasions. Are you happy now?”

“The fuck?” Dax grinds out, his fingers tightening on my hips.

“Of course I’m not fucking happy. I love you man…” York says earnestly.

“What’s done is done. I got my own back. The fucker’s dead.”

“You said you took the punishment for our wrongdoings. Is that right?” York persists, not letting Zayn close down the conversation.

“Yeah, I was cut whenever one of you talked out of turn towards him or simply pissed him off for some stupid reason only he could come up with. Some cuts were more painful than others, but I’d bare every single one of those cuts again if it meant making sure one of you wasn’t punished instead,” Zayn says, lifting the bottle of beer to his lips and knocking back the remaining liquid.

“Zayn,” I whisper, sliding off of Dax’s lap and into his arms.

“It’s alright, Pen. I’m good.” He folds his arms around me, and I press a kiss against his cheek, my fingers running over his scars beneath the water.

“You’re a good man,” I say, pressing a kiss against his lips.

“One of the best,” York says in earnest. “We owe you one.”

Dax and Xeno nod in agreement, their silence a sign that they’re just as cut up about his confession as York and I are.

“Actually, you owe me forty-six ones,” Zayn replies with a grin, and even though it isn’t funny, we all laugh, feeling lighter for it.

“Okay, Xeno, your turn. Truth or Dare?” Dax asks him.

“I’m pretty fucking sure you know everything there is to know about me. I’ll take a dare.”

Dax grins wickedly. “No sex with Tiny for the next two months, including foreplay,” he says without preamble.

“What? That’s not a dare, that’s a fucking punishment!” Xeno exclaims.

“Mate, suck it the fuck up. Dare’s a dare. The question is, are you man enough?”

“You fucking arsehole! I always knew you were jealous of my dick. Afraid of a little competition, are we?”

“Me, jealous of your dick?” Dax scoffs, rolling his eyes. “I’m not being funny, but have you seen the size of my cock?”

“We all know that it’s not the size that matters, but what you can do with it that counts,” Xeno counters with a smirk.

Dax grins. “Isn’t that what every small-dicked man says?”

York barks out a laugh, throwing his head back. “Where’s the fucking popcorn? This is gold! I knew playing this game was genius.”

“I know, let’s ask Tiny, shall we?” Xeno says, turning to me.

“Wait, what? Are you actually admitting you’ve got a small dick?” Zayn asks, his face deadpan as he joins in on the banter.

“Fuck off. No, I’m not… Tiny?”

I blow out a breath looking between Dax and Xeno. “You seriously expect me to answer that?”

“This can be your truth,” Xeno suggests. “Come on, Dax won’t be offended when you put him in his place. He’s still your dark angel after all. Can’t give him all the kudos for every damn thing. He’s got to be shit at something.”

“What is this, some kind of cock-off?” I retort, rolling my eyes.

For a beat there’s stunned silence until all four of them burst out laughing. I join them, my heart expanding with all the comradery and banter. It reminds me of how we used to be, and what we can have in the future if we get through everything stacked against us.

“Seriously though… Give me your truth,” Xeno persists, wiping at his eyes. I don’t think I’ve ever seen him laugh so much he’s cried. Normally that’s York or Zayn, and even then they’ve been high.

“Well, that’s easy. I don’t even think about it. I love you all equally, your cocks included. Also, I’d just like to point out that I get to decide who I have sex with and when. Just saying…”

Dax flicks some water at Xeno, smirking, and for a moment I think Xeno is going to punch him. Instead he just smiles. “I’ll take the goddamn fine, you cock, because there is no way in Hell that I’m abstaining from loving our girl for two fucking months.”

Dax laughs. “Thought you might.”  A look passes between them, and I realise then that Dax dared Xeno the impossible so that he would have no option except to pay the fine and Lena would have a nest egg for her future. God, I love these guys.

“Who’s next?” York muses, pointing between himself and Dax. He captures my gaze, and something flares within them. A challenge maybe? I remember our conversation from earlier, and the way the two of them seem so at ease with each other, both as people and sexually, and an idea forms in my head. “Remember, Titch, if you’re gonna go for a dare, go big or go home, right?” York reminds me.

Dax looks between us, his eyes narrowing, but there’s a hint of something playful too, and that gives me the courage to go with the flow. Biting my lip, my cheeks heating and my clit throbbing at the thought of what I’m about to do, I open my mouth and let the words tumble out. “This is a joint dare, for you both,” I say.

“Hmm, a joint dare? Interesting,” Xeno interrupts, looking between the three of us. “Before you make the request, Tiny, I’m going to make a suggestion.”

“What’s that?” Zayn asks, shifting me so that I’m sitting across his lap, bridal style.

“I think we should up the ante even more.”

More? Why the fuck would we agree to that, Xeno?” Dax asks, shaking his head.

“Done!” York exclaims with a grin, steamrolling into the agreement without so much as considering what it is Xeno might suggest.

Dax groans “Thanks, man, now I can’t say no without looking like a pussy.”

“But you’d be a pussy with a really big, monster dick…”

Dax leans over and whacks York around the back of the head. “I could fucking murder you sometimes. It’s just as well that I love your crazy, annoying arse.”

“There is always an out,” Xeno interjects.

“Yeah, yeah, five thousand pounds. I know.”

“Not this time. I’m upping the ante, remember? You can refuse Tiny’s dare but then you’ll have to pay twice the fine. That’s ten grand into Lena’s pot each.”

“Fucking perfect. Cheers, York. Talk about getting stitched up,” Dax grumbles, but honestly he doesn’t look too pissed off about it. I’m betting ten grand is pocket change to them both, and for the first time I wonder just how much they’re worth. “Fine. Let’s do this.” Dax looks at me, his elbows resting on the side of the jacuzzi, his thick, tattooed fingers swirling in the water. “What’s the dare, Kid?”

“Yeah, what’s the dare, Titch?” York teases, he’s eyes glinting.

Biting on my lip, I debate whether I should go ahead with it. What if I’m reading things wrong and they’re not as open sexually as I think? “Maybe this isn’t such a great idea,” I murmur, dropping my gaze away. Fantasies are just that for a reason. Just because the thought of them kissing and jacking each other off is a turn-on for me, doesn’t mean to say it will be for them. I don’t want to make them do something they don’t want to do.

“Fuck that! Say it, Titch. Whatever it is, we can always say no. We have that choice,” York reminds me.

“Go on, Kid. Be brave. Dare us,” Dax orders, his voice lowering in a way that makes my toes curl.

“Okay, I dare you to kiss each other. Full tongues, and….” Xeno stiffens beside me and Zayn’s eyes widen as he takes a sip of his beer. Cleary, neither of them were expecting this turn of events.

“And?” York asks, focussing on me intently.

“And jerk each other off,” I blurt out, my cheeks blushing furiously.

“Atta girl,” York smiles as though he knew exactly what I was going to dare them to do.

Zayn chokes on his beer and Xeno’s eyes pop open in shock. I don’t think I’ve ever seen either of them as stunned or as speechless as they are right now.

“Fuuuucccckkkk,” Zayn says, recovering from his shock. “Smart move, Pen. Smart move. Good way to rinse the guys of their cash.”

“I wasn’t trying to rinse them of anything,” I whisper, my cheeks burning now with embarrassment. Neither Dax or York have said a word, or even moved an inch, and it’s starting to feel really awkward. What the hell was I thinking?

“You weren’t? Woah… Does this turn you on, wanting to see them kiss and touch each other?” Zayn asks gently. The amusement in his voice is gone. He’s not judging, just curious. I’m so grateful for that because right now Xeno is burning a hole in the side of my head. I’m not sure if he’s on board with my desires or disgusted by them.

“Yes. It turns me on,” I say, feeling brave as I glance at Xeno. “I mean. You all turn me on and well, I just… It’s just something that…”

“No need to explain, Titch,” York shrugs like it’s no big deal. “I ain’t afraid of my sexuality. I love women, specifically you, and if it turns you on wanting me to kiss and touch big boy over here, then I’m game.”

“You are?” Xeno asks, shaking his head, clearly still shocked, but there’s a hint of amusement in his eyes that relaxes me a little.

“Why the fuck not? Dax?” York asks, turning to Dax.

Dax shifts forward, his hands dropping beneath the water. “Well, it’s not as if I haven’t touched York’s cock before today…”

“Fucking hell,” Zayn says. “Why am I the last to know anything?”

“It was by accident,” I explain. “When we were together before, Dax was half asleep and—”

“And he grabbed my dick,” York finishes for me.

Zayn laughs and shakes his head. “Well, shit.”

“I do have one request though,” Dax says, flicking his gaze to Xeno for approval.

“And what’s that?” Xeno asks.

“If I’m gonna jerk off York for our girl’s pleasure then I’m gonna need my own visuals, because as much as I love York, and admit he’s a good-looking fucker, I might need a little help in making sure I don’t let anyone down. Catch my meaning?”

“Yeah, I get you. Zayn, are you in?” Xeno asks.

“If by in, you mean inside of Pen, then of course the fuck I am.”

“Oh, God,” I mutter, thinking maybe I’ve bitten off more than I can chew here.

“And we kiss first,” Dax adds. “Because when I’m giving York a hand job I’m going to need to be focussed on you. Okay, Kid?”

“I’m good with that,” York agrees, winking at Dax who just rolls his eyes.

“Deal,” I find myself saying, or rather, panting. “Shit, is it getting hot in here?”

York smirks. “It’s about to, Titch. It’s about to.”

Before I’m even able to prepare myself, York shifts his body towards Dax, grabs his face in his hands and slams his lips against him. For a minute I think Dax is going to pull away, but when he grips York’s hair tightly and slides his tongue between York’s parted lips I know he’s all in.

“Fuck,” I exclaim, my body reacting instantly. I press my thighs together to ease the throbbing I feel between my legs, but Zayn tuts in my ear.

“Relax your legs, Pen. You watch and I’ll play,” he urges, running his hand up my shin and over my knee, his hand disappearing beneath the water as he reaches for my pussy. When his finger slides between my pussy lips, I let out a moan, momentarily closing my eyes as he gently teases my clit. Behind me, Xeno shifts closer and reaches around to cup my breast, his thumb and forefinger twisting my nipple.

“Don’t take your eyes off Dax and York. Enjoy the show, Tiny, and we’ll enjoy you.”

My eyes snap open, then fixate on Dax and York kissing. It’s almost violent the way they grip at each other, and nothing like the way both of them have kissed me before. We’ve been passionate, sure, but this is something altogether different. When York pulls back suddenly, I see that his bottom lip is bleeding a little and it should make me feel guilty, but when York swipes his finger over his bottom lip and smiles, that guilt disappears and is replaced instead with lust that billows and expands inside of me.

“Bring it on,” York challenges, and this time it’s Dax who slams his mouth roughly against York.

They kiss like they fight, with passion and mutual respect, and when they begin to moan, enjoying the kiss beyond the fact that it turns me on, my toes curl and my clit spasms. It’s about the most erotic thing I’ve ever witnessed, and it does crazy things to my body.

“Oh God. I’m going to come,” I pant, as Zayn fingers me expertly and Xeno licks and bites my neck and shoulder, his hand cupping and squeezing my breasts. When Dax grips York’s jaw in his fingers and tongue fucks his mouth, my orgasm barrels out of nowhere and I’m crying out as it rushes up and out from my clit in one spine-tingling shockwave. When I come down from my orgasm high, York and Dax are sitting on the ledge of the jacuzzi staring at the three of us, droplets of water rolling over their skin, their cocks standing at attention.

“Now the fun really begins,” York says, smirking. He reaches for Dax’s cock, his fingers wrapping around the base and starts to gently stroke him. Dax jerks in his hold, his expression neutral until I stand, then his gaze darkens with lust as water runs in rivulets down my body. My eyes flick downwards to his cock and the lazy way York jerks him off.

“Fuck,” Dax mutters, looking from me to York’s hand gripping his cock and up to York who smiles. “That feels good, mate,” Dax admits, before turning back to me.

“I—” But I can’t find the words to express how turned on I am. All I can do is watch transfixed, my mouth parting as Dax’s tattooed fingers reach for York and begin stroking up and down his cock.

“Fucking hell,” Zayn exclaims. “You really are taking this dare seriously.”

“We’re taking Titch’s needs seriously. What turns her on, turns me on,” York says.

“Ditto,” Dax agrees.

My nipples peak into hard points as I watch them, and I slide my hands up to cup my breasts, wanting to give them something back in return. Their attention makes me feel powerful. Brazen. Swallowing hard, I find my voice. “What do you want me to do?”

“Climb out of the jacuzzi and grab the ledge, Kid,” Dax instructs roughly.

“Okay,” I reply, stepping between Xeno and Zayn and out of the jacuzzi, dropping to the other side. Turning to face them, I press my stomach against the lip of the jacuzzi and wait.

“Zayn, I want you to fuck our girl for us. Take her from behind and slide your dick into her beautiful pussy,” Dax continues, his nipples peaking and his cock growing in York’s hand.

I shudder involuntarily, and my skin scatters with goosebumps, a combination from the cooler air and the excitement I feel.

“Fuck, man,” York mutters, as Dax presses the flat of his thumb against the slit of York’s cock, then rubs it over the head in a circular motion. “You’re good at this.”

Dax grins darkly, his gaze still fixed on me. “I have a cock. I know how to use it,” he responds.

“Good to fucking know,” York mutters back, watching me.

Climbing out the jacuzzi, Zayn stands behind me, he draws my hair back away from over my shoulder and starts to kiss and lick my neck. “Fuck, Pen. Do you know how much you turn me on?”

“Xeno, condom,” Dax says, still focusing on me as I moan at Zayn’s words and his touch.

Xeno nods, climbing out of the jacuzzi. A moment later he’s back and handing Zayn a condom. “I’m going to watch you fuck our girl,” he says to Zayn, then walks around the opposite side of the jacuzzi, sliding beneath the water a little over from Dax. Now all three of their gazes are fixed on me.

Behind me, Zayn kisses a hot trail down my spine, then pulls my hips backwards so that I’m arched over the side of the jacuzzi. For a moment he licks and kisses the very base of my spine where my tailbone meets the crease of my arse. When his tongue dips lower, licking the rim of my arsehole, I let out a whimper, enjoying the unusual but not unpleasant sensation.

“Fuck her, Zayn. Now!” It’s York this time, and I can see how his stomach muscles tense and his cock jerk in Dax’s hand. I’m guessing he wasn’t joking when he said Dax was good at handjobs.

Zayn laughs darkly, and stands behind me. I hear the rustle of the foil being opened, and a moment later his heavy cock is resting on my lower back. “Spread your legs, Pen,” he says, gently stroking his fingers over my hips and arse.

With my fingers curling over the rim of the jacuzzi and my lower stomach pressing against the ledge, I spread my legs. Heat blazes over my skin, sending goosebumps scattering as Zayn lines his cock up with my entrance. I know I’m wet, and it isn’t a result of sitting in the jacuzzi. I’m wet and achy and desperate to be fucked because these men, my men, are fulfilling every fantasy I’ve ever had right here, right now, for me. I feel like the luckiest woman on Earth.

“Please, I’m already so close,” I beg, pressing my arse back against Zayn. He doesn’t need to be told twice. With one firm thrust he’s entered me and I’m clenching around his cock, screaming out his name, my pleasure twining with the rest of theirs.

His hips piston as he thrusts into me, his fingers holding my hips in a bruising grip as we all groan and grunt, moan and pant. My fingers curl over the ledge as I fixate on Dax and York, and how their fists pump each other’s cocks faster, matching the tempo of Zayn fucking me from behind. Sweat beads on my forehead from the heat of the jacuzzi and the heat building deep inside.

“Tiny, I could watch you get fucked all day, every day, for the rest of my life and never, ever tire of it,” Xeno says hoarsely, the muscles in his arm tensing and flexing as he jerks himself off.

“I’m going to come,” I say, panting as Zayn reaches around and slides his fingers over my clit.

“Then come, my love,” York urges, his icy-blue eyes flaring with heat before his eyelids drop and he lets out a long groan, his hips jerking and his stomach muscles clenching as he comes. I watch with greedy eyes as Dax slows his hand movement down, ringing out York’s orgasm, white, thready cum releases from his cock in spurts.

“Fuck! York exclaims, breathing heavily.

For a beat, he lets his orgasm wash over him, his fingers loosening around Dax’s cock for a moment. Then, like a true gent, he makes sure to finish off Dax, who’s currently eye-fucking me. The muscles in his neck are tight, his veins popping beneath his skin as he reaches climax. When he comes, he grips the side of the jacuzzi and pushes up into York’s hold, cum spurting into the water. Xeno follows shortly afterwards, calling out my name just as Zayn’s cock grows impossibly large inside of me.

My internal walls clamp hold of Zayn’s cock as I feel my own impending orgasm rush up from my curled toes, along the backs of my legs, up over my arse and back, reaching for the tip of my head. Then the feeling centres in my clit and pussy, a white-hot pleasure that makes my eyes roll in the back of my head until it explodes like a freight train out of a tunnel. I let out a strangled cry, everything going black for a moment as I milk Zayn’s cock and he empties himself inside of me.

When the fog clears, Zayn is gently pulling out of me, and the guys are climbing out of the jacuzzi, grabbing towels from a small cabinet in the corner of the room. I watch as York wraps his arm around Dax’s shoulder, slapping his hand against his chest, Xeno looking on and grinning.

“I’ve got one final request,” Xeno says, with a sly smile.

“And what’s that?” Dax asks him.

“I’ll pay ten grand into Lena’s university fund so I don’t have to clean that motherfucking jacuzzi.”

“Fuck you, I’ll double it,” Dax retorts.

“Come on, York jizzed all over your hand. I figure you’d be cool doing the job.”

“I tell you what, I’ll pay thirty grand into Lena’s fund to watch you both clean it,” York says.

In that moment, as the three of them fall about laughing and Zayn hugs me back against his chest, I know that this kind of love we all share is one in a million, and come what may, I will protect it with my life.

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