Finale: A Dark Gang Romance (Academy of Stardom Book 4)

Chapter Finale: A Dark Gang Romance: Prologue

Motherfucking cunt.

I’m going to kill the bastard. I’ll wrap my hand around his throat and squeeze. I’ll do it with a smile on my face and peace in my heart. I’ll watch with glee as the blood vessels pop in his eyes, as they bulge out of his motherfucking head. I’ll absorb his oxygen like some soul-sucking monster and enjoy every last fucking breath.

He dares to come after my brothers?

He dares to threaten the girl I love?

He dares to taunt her with messages that have twisted her up inside?

He doesn’t get to fuck with her, with us.

He will die.

Snapping my head up, my fingers curl into my palm. My muscles tense with adrenaline. My heart fucking kickstarts into a higher gear as I will myself to get to my feet.

Xeno was right when he said that violence was brewing inside of me.

I feel it now. It’s an inferno, burning me up from the inside out. I’ve felt it smouldering inside my chest ever since Frederico had a knife pressed against Kid’s throat. Wait, who am I trying to fucking kid? It was ignited ever since the moment I allowed the only girl I’ve ever loved back into my heart. It’s grown in size since I held her in my arms and fucking loved her with every part of my tainted, broken soul. Loving us has put Kid in danger and that knowledge has fuelled the fire inside. My need to protect her spreads like liquid heat inside my veins with every passing day. I made a promise to her as a kid, and I will not break it. Not now, not ever.

We sealed that promise with a kiss, her first kiss, one that scorched away all kisses that came before that point until they were nothing but dust. I had known in that moment, when she’d looked up at me with flushed cheeks and love in her eyes, and asked me if I’d always protect her, that I would. That I would die to protect her. She was always my hope, my home, and I was always her dark angel.

So, you see, it doesn’t matter that I’m bleeding out.

It doesn’t matter that my skin is pale, and my heart is fighting to keep me alive.

It doesn’t matter that Xeno is roaring at me to stay the fuck down, or York is beating a man to a pulp to get to me. It doesn’t matter that Zayn is cutting through more men to do the same, his knife glinting in the light, blood dripping from the blade.

All that matters right now in this fucking moment is Kid. If it’s the last thing I ever do, I will kill that cunt David. I will set her free of the cage he’s inflicted on her soul.

That’s my final vow as I push myself up off the floor and stagger towards him.

“No fucking more!” I roar.

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