Filthy Crown: A Single Dad Age Gap Romance (Crown Brothers Book 1)

Filthy Crown: Chapter 33

It’s been two months since Mexico, and everything is so different.

For starters, Austin has been staying at the ranch. Between Pen and Mary’s granddaughter, he’s had all the help he needs with the kids, giving him time to recover from the mental scars that wandering the Mexican desert caused.

I’m not going to lie, it was quite a shock seeing him after thinking he’d been dead. It was great news, but shocking nonetheless.

The men of WRATH found him roaming around in the Mexican desert, trying to find his way back to his kids. He was a dehydrated mess, but once he physically recovered, there wasn’t anything that could hold him back from going after Pen.

Now that we’re home, he’s back to working on himself. Despite his amazing physical recovery, he still needs help with the emotional trauma. Thankfully, the men of WRATH have been able to help with that transition, setting him up with a therapist that’s been fully vetted.

Although the situation with Pen and Dr. Leventhal worked out in the end, there’s no way we’ll be taking that sort of risk again. It was by sheer luck that no harm came to her, only made possible by the fact that the Cartel leader who hired Leventhal was Pen’s biological father. The chances of that happening again are non-existent.

Even so, Austin still feels guilty for everything that went down with the Las Cruces cartel—especially for Blanca—and frankly, it’s the only reason he hasn’t torn me to shreds over having touched his stepdaughter, let alone claiming her as mine.

And Pen. Oh, Pen.

She’s been a handful, that’s for sure. With Jackson Crown, Jr. set to arrive in six months, Pen’s curves have only gotten fuller and all the more tempting. It’s taken everything in me to give her the space and time she needs, and I’m hanging on by a thread.

“Sir, everything’s ready,” Sam calls from the door and I get up from my desk where I’d been staring aimlessly at my computer screen.

“Thank you, Sam. I’m hoping this does the trick.” I let out a breath while running a hand down my face, praying that this is enough for her to see that I mean what I say.

Sam pats me on the shoulder, a broad smile playing on his lips. “Sir, if you don’t mind my saying. I think Miss Penelope forgave you a long time ago. That girl is head over heels in love with you, and at this point, I think she’s just busting your balls because it’s fun.”

I narrow my eyes at him but know that there’s probably some truth to that. “We’ll see.”

Leaving Sam behind, I go in search of Pen. I’ve played her little games long enough. Now it’s time to make her mine.


Two months. Two long-ass months of pure-fucking-torture.

Watching Jack strut around the house in his tight shirts and gray sweatpants has my lady bits about to shrivel up and die. I know it’s my own doing. I should’ve forgiven him a long time ago, but what can I say… I’m stubborn and proud as hell.

At this point, it’d be obvious to a blind man that I’m Jack’s forever. The way he dotes on me, making sure I have everything I need and never once letting me go without, speaks volumes. To top it all off, his caveman possessive ways have come out in full force now that I’m pregnant. He needs to know where I am at all times and doesn’t let me go outside a two-mile radius unless he’s by my side.

Yeah. It’s clear that man isn’t letting me go.

As I let out a shaky sigh, my body tingles with need, remembering him in the hallway without a shirt—freshly showered with drops of water still clinging to his bare chest. Lord have mercy. Bringing the glass of Mary’s lemonade to my lips, I take a sip, my throat having suddenly gone dry. Yeah. It’s time.

I’m sitting on the porch swing about to go in search of my man, when a large figure steps in front of me, as if I’ve conjured him with my very mind.

“We’re leaving.” Jack takes the glass from my hands and places it on the wooden railing behind him.

“Oh, are we now? And what if I don’t want to go?” Blinking up at him in surprise, I can’t help but sass him.

“Too bad.” He leans down, his muscular arms picking me up bridal style and carrying me over to a four-seater ATV. “We’ve played things nice and slow for a while now. But I’m over it. You’re mine, always have been. I see it. Your stepfather sees it. Your biological father sees it. Hell, even the damn dog sees it.”

“We don’t have a dog, Jack.” I giggle in his arms as he lowers me into the passenger seat, making sure I’m buckled up.

“But if we did, he’d fucking see it too.” He raises a brow, the soft smile on his lips begging me to argue.

I remain quiet as he rounds the ATV to the driver’s seat, knowing he’s one-hundred percent correct. “That’s what I thought. Now be a good girl and let Daddy take you for a ride.”

At his words, my pussy throbs and my lips suck in a sharp breath. Unable to stay still, my bottom wiggles against the seat, betraying what I really feel. Yeah. It’s no secret I want him. No, scratch that. I need him.

“Jack,” I mewl, and it takes a strength I didn’t know I possessed to keep my hands to myself. If I touch him now, there’s no guarantee I won’t jump him right in front of the house.

“Just you wait, Princess. What I’ve got in store for you…” Jack’s words die off as he pulls out and heads to god-knows-where. All I know is that we need to get there, and fast.

After what seems like hours, we finally reach our destination, the cabin where I first climbed him like a tree. A blush heats my face at the memory. God, what I’d give to feel him between my thighs again.

Stepping out of the ATV, I’m immediately taken aback, my eyes going wide at the carpet of pink and red rose petals blanketing a path toward a trail I know all too well.

“Oh my God, Jack. Did you do this?”

“I had Sam do it for us. Come, there’s more to see.” Grabbing my hand and interlacing our fingers, Jack walks us down the trail and out into an open space in front of the waterfall.

As soon as we’ve hit the clearing, my mouth drops open in surprise. I’ve only seen things like this on Pinterest. I didn’t think people did this in real life.

Twinkle lights are strewn between the trees, creating a sparkling canopy for a massive blanket covered in pillows and votives. A knee-high table sits in the center, with a lone wicker basket sitting atop it.

“This is stunning,” I whisper, unable to convey what I truly feel. Finally turning to Jack, I feel my eyes welling up with tears.

“I’m glad you like it. In full disclosure though, I might’ve gotten some pointers off the internet.” He gives me a sheepish smile, but in truth, that doesn’t matter to me. It’s the thought that counts.

“So, what’s this all for?” I shake my head and let out a nervous laugh. “Whatever it is, it must be really important.”

He raises a brow before sweeping me off my feet, carrying me to the blanket and placing me on one of the large pillows. “I told you. I’m tired of waiting.”

“Oh, so this is your shot at seduction?” I smirk, giving him a hard time, but truth be told, I wouldn’t object if he threw me down and had his way with me right here, right now.

“If I’m lucky, that’ll come after. But the whole point of this is to make it clear to you, once and for all, that you are my everything and that I’m never leaving your side.” Jack pulls open the picnic basket, handing me a set of papers that had been sitting inside.

“What’s this?” My brows push together as I look down at the document, unsure of what this all means.

“It’s a contract. I’m giving you everything that I own. Every cent, every square inch, and every stock. It’s all yours. All you have to do is sign.”

My mouth drops open in shock. “Jack. Have you lost your damn mind?”

“No. Never been clearer. There’s no need for me to worry, because I’ll always be by your side. I’m never leaving you, so I’ll never be without.” Before I can even respond, he maneuvers onto one knee, pulling out a little red box that makes my breath hitch. “Penelope Garcia, will you do me the honor of being my sugar momma?”

Oh. My. God.

My eyes fill with tears as the reality of what he’s offering sinks in. He’s willing to give up everything he owns, just so I’ll feel safe in our relationship.

This strong man loves me to the point of selflessness and here I’ve been torturing him for the past two months, making him suffer because of my own emotional baggage.

Jack’s face goes from hopeful to worried with every passing second I don’t respond.

“Pen?” His eyes bounce back and forth between mine, begging for me to say yes.

I will. There’s no doubt in my mind that I will be Mrs. Jack Crown, but I have to make something clear first.

Shifting off the pillow, I get onto my knees, holding out the contract and ripping it to shreds. “How dare you, Jack Crown? How dare you think I’d accept this?”

Jack’s face falls as he gives me one curt nod, thinking he understands what I mean, but never being more wrong. “It’s the only way I could think of showing you I meant what I said. That you are everything to me and without you I have nothing.”

My hands push at his shoulders while big fat tears stream down my face. “You big dummy! Don’t you see I already know that? I’ve always known that. It’s me who should be sorry. Placing my trauma on you and making you work harder for my affection.” I crawl onto his lap, my legs straddling him. “You’ve always wanted what was best for me. Even when you pushed me away, you were doing it for me. It was misguided but well intended, and I shouldn’t have taken out my baggage on you. Could you forgive me?”

“God, Princess. There’s nothing to apologize for.” Jack’s strong arms wrap around me, his hands pressing my chest into his. “Let’s just say we both could have handled that a hell of a lot better and from now on, we’ll talk shit out before rushing to make decisions. Deal?”

My tear-stained lips turn up into a smile, matching the one on Jack’s handsome face. “Deal. Now ask me again. Except skip the sugar momma part. I’d much rather you be my daddy.”

His cock jumps at my words, bumping up against my ass and making me squirm. Jesus. That brief touch felt so damn good I can’t help but groan, all while rolling my hips in search of more.

“Baby, if you keep moving like that, there won’t be much more talking going on.”

I throw my head back and laugh, knowing he’s right. “Okay, okay. Go ahead and ask again. I promise I’ll be good.”

Jack brings one hand between us, his palm holding up the little red box. “Penelope Garcia, will you do me the honor of being my wife, my forever?”

“Yes! Yes! Oh my god, yes!” I fling my arms around his neck, peppering his face with kisses. The force of my pouncing has us toppling, Jack laid out on his back as I writhe against him.

“Thank god. One more second, and I wasn’t above tying you up and using coercion.” With one smooth move, Jack removes the ring from the box and places it on my finger, the weight of it on my hand feeling perfect.

With my palms on his chest, I prop myself up, admiring the large oval diamond sparkling in the light. “You know, tying me up could be fun, too.”

Jack groans beneath me, his hard length pressing up between my folds and making me squirm. “Don’t tease me with a good time, little girl.”

“Oh, Daddy. Teasing means not following through…” I rotate my hips and bear down on him, pulling a deep rumble from his chest, “but I have every intention of finishing what I’ve started.”

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