Filthy Crown: A Single Dad Age Gap Romance (Crown Brothers Book 1)

Filthy Crown: Chapter 29

The scent of roses hits me as I roll to my side. Roses?

I try to open my eyes, but they’re caked shut, my head throbbing as I try to remember how I got here.

Taking my fingers, I rub at my lids, forcefully prying them open despite my head protesting the light.

What in the world?

I’m in a room. No, a damn suite. Laid out on a massive canopy bed, the thick fabric surrounding me doing nothing to block out the daylight.

Looking down at my body, I see that I’m no longer in a towel, and instead I have on a pale yellow sundress. Oh, god. Someone dressed me. Someone saw me naked. Did they touch me?

I need to get out of here, fast. Stepping down off of the mountain of blankets and pillows, I see an enormous vase of yellow roses on a bedside table. It’s so huge the circumference of the bouquet takes up all the space.

Coming closer, I inspect it for a card, but there’s nothing. No sign of who it’s from or why it’s here.

Spinning around, I see that the room is nothing short of opulent. The art on the walls, the oriental rugs on the floor. It all screams money.

Whoever brought me here has a shit ton of it. Way more than the Crown brothers.

Fear settles deep in my gut. Surely, whoever has this kind of money has the power to keep me hidden. My knees wobble, threatening to give out.

I need to get out of here. Rushing to a set of French doors, I pull them open, only to be met with the most amazing bathroom I’ve ever seen. It puts Jack’s en-suite to shame.

Marble floors cover the entire room with a beautiful vanity situated right in the middle with designer cosmetics displayed perfectly for use. Is all of this for me?

Curiosity gets the better of me and I walk further into the bathroom. Seeing there’s a smaller set of French doors to the right, I pull them open and gasp.

The walk-in wardrobe is full to the brim, every imaginable piece of wardrobe hanging there like some sort of designer boutique. Stepping in, I let a hand caress all of the gorgeous Yves Saint Laurent heels. Every one in my size.

Freaked out but curious, I pull a drawer open and see silk undergarments in every neutral shade. Pulling a bra closer, my eyes practically bug out when I see that it’s also in my exact size.

Dropping the offending piece, I run out of the wardrobe and back into the room. Heading straight to the only other doors, I pull one open and come to a screeching halt when I see an armed man standing there. He’s dressed in all black, his sunglasses hiding his eyes and concealing his intent.

As soon as he sees me, his hand flies up to his ear and he presses something before speaking. “She’s up.”

Dropping his hand, he gives me a broad smile. “If you’re ready, miss. I’ll take you to your father.”

My breath hitches and all air leaves my lungs. “What—What did you just say?”

Surely, I must be hallucinating. This shit can’t be real. I don’t have a father.

“Your father, miss. I was instructed to take you to him as soon as you awoke. That is, unless you’d rather freshen up beforehand.” His face flushes, making this moment even more absurd. Here is this looming figure with guns strapped to either side of his frame, and he’s…. blushing. “Marta, the head maid, dressed you, but you can change if you wish. She placed everything you’ll need in the en suite.”

I’m standing there blinking, dumbfounded. So those things were for me. Bought for me at my father’s request.

Not even wanting to know how he knows my cup size, I simply shake my head. “No, that won’t be necessary.”

“Okay. Please follow me.” The man walks down the hallway, and I do as he says. I follow.

Not because I’m some obedient little girl, but because I need to get this production over with as soon as possible so I can get home. Get to wherever Alex and Amanda are.

This man who thinks he’s my father, he’s wrong. It’s not possible, and the sooner he sees that, the sooner he lets me go.

We step into a main hall and I see that the opulence hasn’t stopped at my room. No, it’s carried throughout this entire villa. Calling it anything else would be a disservice to its beauty.

I wonder if we’re in the States anymore.

Looking at my guard, I quirk a brow. “Where are we?”

“Your father will answer that.” He steps aside and motions me into a room. “This way.”

The door opens and I see a massive figure silhouetted by the sun. He’s standing in front of a window, looking out into what I can now see is the ocean.

My guard speaks, making me jolt where I stand. “Sir, your daughter.”

The imposing man slowly turns and his familiar eyes land on mine. I know those eyes. I see them every morning when I look in the mirror. My brows are pushing together as the door behind me clicks shut.

“Please sit.” The man motions to the chair, and I do as he says, but only for fear of falling if I stand any longer.

I’m blinking up at him when his words hit me straight in the chest. “I’m so sorry for your loss, princess.”

Not only has he used the term of endearment Jack has given me, but he’s speaking of my loss. My mother. Austin. How does he know?

He takes the wingback chair next to mine, his elbows dropping to his knees as he blows out a long breath. “This isn’t how I pictured our meeting. I’m not in the business of saying sorry, but in this case I truly am.”

I keep blinking, wondering if I’m going to wake up any minute and see that this is all some bizarre dream. “Please don’t call me that. I’m not your princess and you’re not my daddy.”

“You will always be my princess, Penelope, and I will always be your daddy.” The man sits back in his chair, unfazed by my words. If anything, he seems pleased with my grit. “You look just like her, but you have my eyes. I didn’t know what to think when word reached me that my rival cartel had you. I swear I’ve never felt such fear and anger, all for a child I had no idea existed.”

Rival cartel. His words filter through my confusion, something mom said before she died falling into place. In a flash of black, I’m taken back to that room, the scent of copper filling my nose.

She tries to drag her beaten body over to me, attempting to use herself as a human shield. But she’s too weak after her last beating and every move she makes is accompanied with a full-body flinch.

“Dumb bitch.” The man pulls Mom up by her hair, placing the barrel of his gun to her temple.

“You’re the dumb bitch.” Mom spits in his face, the bold action earning her a punch to the ribs. Still, she gives the man shit, diverting his attention from me. “Her father is going to have your head.”

“Oh my god. You’re my dad.” I’m shaking, my hands trembling as I run my palms up and down my thighs, trying to calm myself. “She knew this whole time, and she never told me the truth. All she said was that you walked out and wanted nothing to do with us.”

“Seems like she was lying to the both of us. No. She never told me about you and the only reason I found out you existed was because my rival cartel thought to use you as a bargaining chip. They knew they were in deep water with me and their time was coming near. When your mom mentioned my name and said I was your father, they kept you alive.” He runs a hand over his tired features, his jaw working behind his scarred fingers. Now that I’m truly looking, I see it. The familiarity of his features. There’s no denying it. He’s my father. “I suppose I could see why she hid you from me. She didn’t want this kind of life for you.”

He stands, his feet carrying him over to a bar in the corner where he fills a rocks glass with amber liquid. “No matter. You’re here now. This is where you belong. You’re the heir to the Cardenas throne. Our very own cartel princess.”

My eyes go wide, my mind reeling with what he’s just said. “Oh, no. I’m no princess. I’m just a normal girl. A girl who lives in Colorado with her brother and sister.” My throat constricts as my mouth goes dry. “Amanda and Alex, what did you do with them? Where are they?”

He nods, a smile playing on his lips as he brings his glass to his mouth, not answering me until he’s had a sip. “Loyal, I see. That’s a good trait for my successor.” He walks back to the window, giving me his back, proving that he’s not afraid of me or what I can do. “They’re safe. Last I heard, they were back in the care of this Jack.”

He says his name like it’s the gum beneath his shoe. “How do I know you’re not lying?”

My father turns to me, a wide smile splayed across his face. “I should have known that a Cardenas would demand proof. You are my daughter, after all. Hell, I had that doctor swipe your hairbrush just so we could run a DNA test, making sure Blanca wasn’t lying.”

My mouth drops open at this revelation. I knew I didn’t misplace my damn hairbrush. “Fine. The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. So show me. Show me my brother and sister are okay.”

He raises a brow but says nothing, simply walks around his desk to a laptop that’s cracked open. Pressing a couple of buttons, he finds what he’s looking for and turns the screen so it’s facing me.

There, as clear as day, I see Amanda and Alex running into Jacks’ arms. A church I’ve never seen before in the background.

Pulling me from the screen, my father clears his throat. “I give you my word that they are safe and being watched over. No harm will come to them.”

My face heats remembering the men who took us in Mexico. “But your rival cartel, they’re still after us.” My hands go to either side of my face, running through scenarios where both Amanda and Alex are taken from Jack. Hell, my dad did it, so who’s to say they can’t. Panic consumes me as I press my hands onto my father’s desk. “They killed Mom and Austin. They won’t stop until they get them too.”

My father’s eyes close, his face taking on a pained expression. “Like I said, I’m so sorry for Blanca. I wish I could’ve saved her, but I was away on business. As for the kids, you don’t have to worry, princessa. The men that hurt you, that took your mother, they’re all dead. And the ones that worked for them, we got them too.” A glint of evil flashes across his face before a wicked smile forms on his lips. “Those pendejos thought they were real smooth, hunting you down in Colorado, but they weren’t counting on the fact that I had someone on the inside. As soon as we discovered their location, my men went in and handled it. Nobody fucks with a Cardenas.”

A shiver runs through me, not even wanting to think about what his version of handling things looks like.

Not wanting any part of this, I walk backwards until my knees bump against my chair, lowering myself onto it before I topple over from all of this information. “But I don’t belong here. I belong home, in Colorado.”

Darkness falls over his features. “You are Daniel Cardenas’ daughter. You’re my daughter. You’re the cartel princess and you will be staying here. This is your home now.” He stands and walks to the door, opening it wide before turning around to address me. “Marco here will take you back to your room until you’ve settled down. I understand this is a lot of information for you to take in, but you will take it and you will step up to your duties as my only living flesh and blood. You are a Cardenas and I won’t let you forget it.”

Without another word, he steps into the hallway, leaving me gawking after him with only the company of my guard.

Marco steps to my side, waiting for me to rise. I do, because there’s no sense in me staying here. Not when I have an escape plan to hatch.

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