Filthy Crown: A Single Dad Age Gap Romance (Crown Brothers Book 1)

Filthy Crown: Chapter 24

“Did you bring everything you needed?” Ashley asks from the front passenger seat. We’re in a blacked out Suburban and this is giving me all sorts of déjà vu.

But instead of her and Titus taking us to Jack’s home in Colorado, now we’re all leaving and headed to a safe house somewhere outside of Dallas, Texas.

I’ve never been before, but the weather seems mild and the scenery is a hell of a lot more city than the ranch.

Finally pulling my vision from the vanishing skyline, I look toward Ashley. “I have everything except for my hairbrush. I couldn’t find it anywhere.”

“Did you misplace it?” Jack cuts into our conversation, his broad shoulder bumping into me as he speaks, the small contact sending a shiver up my spine.

Stop it. I scold my treacherous body. I’m still mad at him for pushing me away and thinking he knows what’s best for me.

“No. I don’t think so. I’ve always left it in the same place, but I can’t be too sure with how crazy things have been lately.” I’m chewing on my bottom lip, wondering where I could’ve left it when Jack reaches out and plucks the tender flesh between his fingers.

“Don’t do that, Pen.” He closes his eyes before releasing his hold and turning toward the front of the vehicle. “Ashley, is there somewhere we can stop for a hairbrush or is this something you carry at the safe house.”

Ashley smirks, her eyes dancing between Jack and me. “We have brushes at the house, but I’d be happy to accommodate any special requests. I know I’m particular about what I use on my hair. Just let me know, Pen, and I’ll hook you up.”

“Thank you.” I let out a sigh. I’m not looking forward to this new form of captivity. It may not be as bad as the cartel, but the kids and I are still being held against our will, unable to leave the property. That’s definitely going to mess with our heads. “Maybe you and the girls can pop over if things get too boring and we can have a girls’ night.”

Titus bristles at my words, and Ashley doesn’t miss it. Placing her hand on his bicep, she tries to smooth over the request. “That sounds like fun. I’m sure our big strong men can make something happen. After all, what good is having a security team for a family if they can’t even accommodate a couple of girlfriends hanging out.”

Oh, she’s good. Complimenting him to where his refusal would be seen as his inability to protect us seems to do the trick.

Titus gives her side eye, but the smirk on his lips tells me he knows full well what she’s doing. Even so, he doesn’t dispute her, signaling that he’s already softening to the idea.

Thank god, because I don’t know how I’m going to handle being locked up in close quarters with Jack. Not after everything that’s happened this past week.

I meant what I said. I’m not going to keep throwing myself at him. I’ve already done it way too much and with his track history of leaving me hanging, I’m not willing to risk my heart anymore.

I turn toward the back of the SUV and see that the kids are asleep. I don’t blame them; we’ve been driving for what feels like ages.

“How much longer?” I whisper into the cab.

“We’re here,” Titus announces, his booming voice making the kids stir.

I turn to look out the window and see we’re pulling into a gated neighborhood, the main road taking us down a winding path to a cute little farmhouse settled amongst a thicket of trees.

My eyes narrow on the modest structure. “How many rooms are there?” I’m trying to gauge by the size, and it’s not looking very promising. Especially not if Mary will be staying with us.

“Four bedrooms and a study,” Jack speaks up. “You’ll take the master. The kids will each have their own room. And Mary will be just down the hall if you need help with anything.”

My brows push together, wondering where it leaves him. “And you? Where will you and your brothers stay?”

“He’ll be sleeping in the study. As for Jace, Hunter, and Matt, they’ll be in the house caddy corner to this one with Dr. Leventhal, his associate and Georgina.” Ashley raises a brow, giving me a mischievous smile.

“Georgina? But I thought you fired her.” I shoot Jack an accusatory glare, wondering why this tramp is still around.

His eyes bore into mine. “She’s no longer my employee, but I couldn’t throw her on her ass and leave her to fend for herself with all that we have going on right now. What if they’ve made her a target because of her connection? Would you really be okay with something happening to her because of us?”

His words hit deep, and even though I know they make sense, I can’t get my jealous heart to calm the fuck down.

Blowing out a frustrated breath, I change the topic back to our living situation and choose to ignore Georgina and her skank-ass ways all together.

“Well, you don’t have to sleep in the study. I can just share a room with Amanda.” I’m staring straight at him, asking him to make sense of this. Who’d want to sleep in a study instead of an actual bedroom if they don’t have to?

“Dr. Leventhal thinks it’d be best if Amanda kept some semblance of routine. She’s always had her own room so this move shouldn’t make her sleeping situation any different. He thinks it could make her night terrors worse.”

I cross my arms and pout. That’s the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard. If anything, I think it would comfort her, having her big sister close by. “I think you need to question whoever said Dr. Leventhal was the best. Maybe get a second opinion, because some of his suggestions seem illogical.”

“I’ll do that, Princess.” Jack smirks, making my heart rate spike and blood boil all at once.

“Wanting a second opinion isn’t amusing, Jack.” I’m glaring at him when the door to the SUV opens. Turning to look, I see one of the security detail is standing guard. “Is all this really necessary? Having someone walk us to a door?”

I’m in denial. If the cartel is still after us, then yes, of course this is necessary. But my mind doesn’t want to accept it. I finally got a taste of freedom after a week of hell, and I’m just not ready to give it up.

I’m about to step out into the drive when Jack’s strong hands pull me back into his chest, his lips hovering over the shell of my ear. “Listen here, Princess. When I say something, it isn’t a suggestion. You’ll obey me or so help me god, my spanking you raw will be the least of your worries.”

A shiver wracks through me, his words turning me on. Instantly, heat pools at my core and my pussy clenches. God, why does he have to be so infuriating and sexy all at the same time?

Jerking myself free, I don’t even bother looking back. Instead, I look toward the rear, pulling Amanda free from her car seat and into my arms.

My panties may be soaked and I might be pulsing with need, but Hell will freeze over before I ever show that man he affects me.


I swear that girl is trying my patience.

Gritting my teeth, I watch Pen and her detail disappear into the house with both kids still knocked out from the trip.

I’m still staring at the closed door when Titus comes up beside me, his open palm slapping me on the back. “I wish I could tell you it gets easier, brother. But it doesn’t.”

“What doesn’t?” I turn to look at him and see that the corner of his mouth is tilted up in a smirk.

“You know what I’m talking about. Especially now that you’ll be on lockdown together. But hey, look on the bright side…”

“There’s a bright side to this?” I raise a brow incredulously.

“Yes.” Titus leans in, his words whispered for my ears only. “Texas doesn’t have a Romeo and Juliet law, so there’s nothing stopping you if it’s consensual.”

His words wash over me as the realization that Pen is now fair game hits me square in the chest.

My heart pounds as my mind reels. Visions of my fat cock thrusting in and out of Pen’s little cunt flash before me, the sinful thoughts making me swell to the point of pain.

What kind of filthy fuck am I? Here we are, in a safe house, and all I’m thinking about is ramming my cock into Pen’s tight little pussy.

Shaking my head, I try to rid myself of these images. I need to do a better job of keeping things straight. I’m her guardian, not her lover.

“Thanks for the info, brother. But I’m still her uncle.”

Titus raises a brow, his smirk never leaving his lips. “You and I both know that’s legally inaccurate.”

“Even so, Pen has attached a familial relationship to Jack.” Dr. Leventhal speaks up behind us and my skin prickles, wondering just how much he’d heard. “I think Jack is the best option for a guardian, seeing as how he’s the eldest and can provide some sort of structure for her before she’s off to college.”

Maybe he didn’t hear everything. A man can only hope. “Yes. She’ll be staying at the safe house with me. Thank you again for your help with the kids. I understand these aren’t normal circumstances, but I want you to know that my brothers and I appreciate you working around our particular situation.”

“No need to thank me, Jack. You’re already paying me more than enough to compensate for any discomfort the living arrangements may cause. If it’s okay with you, I’d like to come over tonight and check in with the kids. Make sure they’re settling into their new environment.”

“Actually, I’d prefer it if you came in the morning.” I look back toward the house and wonder if the kids are still asleep. “Today has already been trying enough, and I want to make sure they’re settled in before we start poking at any feelings. Just give them some room to breathe, yeah?”

Dr. Leventhal gives me a tight smile, clearly unhappy with my demand, but I couldn’t care less. Those kids deserve at least one night of normalcy, or as close as we can get to it with everything going on. “Very well then, I’ll see you all tomorrow morning.”

Titus speaks up, reminding us of his presence. “I’ll have one of our men walk you over.” He’s speaking into his radio when someone emerges from a neighboring home. “Our team is occupying the entire street. Should either of you need to leave the premises at any point, there’ll be someone at your disposal. We just ask that you don’t exit your homes without first alerting a team member.” Titus motions toward the man who’s dressed in civilian clothing. “Doctor, whenever you’re ready.”

Dr. Leventhal nods, following the guard and disappearing into his temporary home.

Reaching a hand toward Titus, I try to convey my gratitude for what feels like the millionth time. “I don’t think I could ever say it enough, but thank you.”

“No need, Jack. It’s what we do. Besides, you’ll be hosting the team every summer, so I’d say it’s more than a fair trade.”

I chuckle. “It’s nowhere near the same, but I’ll take it.”

Titus’s smirk returns. “Now how about you stop wasting time out here and go face the music. Doesn’t seem like your little lady is too happy with you right now.”

I give his shoulder a shove. “If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you were rooting for our sick little relationship.”

Titus outright snorts. “Brother, if that makes you sick, then all the men of WRATH belong in a mental ward. Trust me, you guys aren’t anything special, so stop torturing yourself over it.”

I’m shaking my head as I walk into the house, wondering if his words hold any water. Now that laws aren’t an obstacle, what’s holding me back from taking what I want?

Nothing. Absolutely nothing.

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