Filthy Crown: A Single Dad Age Gap Romance (Crown Brothers Book 1)

Filthy Crown: Chapter 12

It’s been two weeks since the creek and Jack hasn’t looked me in the eye since. We were supposed to go get my phone, but he’s been radio silent, giving me the bare minimum in communication.

I mean, can I really blame him? I was like a horny possessed stage five clinger. Hadn’t even been around him for twenty-four hours and I was throwing myself at him like my life depended on it.

Groaning into my hands, I try to shove the memory of his massive length out of my mind but it’s useless. I’m like an addict wanting more and the knowledge that he’s no good for me does absolutely nothing to assuage the need.

He’s way older, my uncle—though the lines on that are grey—and he’s already abandoned me once before. Who’s to say he won’t do it again? Besides, I’ve already made up my mind that I’m leaving with the kids when I turn eighteen.

God forbid he goes and abandons them too after they grow attached. Nope. I won’t let that happen. Over my dead body.

“Pen, are you coming downstairs?” Amanda calls me from my bedroom door.

“Yes, pumpkin. Are the guests here?”

My little sister nods enthusiastically. “Yes, and Ashley is here too.”

The men of WRATH are here with their families. Jack wanted to thank them for what they did for us and they’ll be staying for a couple of days through the weekend. To say that I’m excited is an understatement.

I’ve never been one for girlfriends, but everything that I’ve been through recently has me jonesing for some girl time. Ashley offered when I last saw her and I’m definitely taking her up on that now. “Okay, I’ll be right down. Let me get dressed first.”

Amanda scurries off while I happily drag myself out of bed. Maybe I can get Mary to whip up some of her delicious cinnamon rolls to take over. Those things are gold.

I’m putting on the finishing touch of gloss on my lips when a shadow by the door catches my eye. Turning, I see Georgina standing there with a skintight top and skinny jeans.

“Can I help you with something?” I look at her with apprehension. Yes, she’s technically the live-in housekeeper, but she knows my room is off limits. I made that clear on day one.

“I just wanted to see if you needed new linens.” She gives me a smile, but I can see it’s as fake as her cheery disposition.

“I know where the linen closet is, and I can change them myself. Same goes for the kids’ rooms.”

She gives me a curt nod and mumbles something under her breath.

“What was that, Georgina?” I am not having any of her disrespect. I don’t care what position she holds in Jack’s life.

Damn, is he sleeping with her too? Ugh, he’s not sleeping with me. He isn’t mine, and I need to stop acting like it or I’m setting myself up for failure.

“Nothing, Penelope. I just think that if we’re going to live together until you’re off to college, we should probably get along. How about joining me tonight for some popcorn and a movie? Maybe a little girl bonding will help us get to know each other a little better and this,” she waves a hand between us, “tension can go away.”

I position myself right in front of her face and speak deliberately slow, “See, under any other circumstance, I would accept. But for some reason, you’ve disliked me from day one, and whatever you’re concocting now feels like a trap. One I will not fall for, so that’d be a hard pass for me.” I walk around her and leave her while she opens and closes her mouth like a flailing fish.

Call me cruel, but I’ve seen her eyes and feel the vibe she’s putting out. If I’ve learned anything in my short life, it’s to always trust your gut, and my gut is telling me she’s rotten to the core.

Me and the kids are getting out of our four-seater side-by-side when we’re ambushed by twins. They look to be about eight and look a lot like Aiden, one of the men on our rescue mission.

A gorgeous dark-haired woman with slate gray eyes comes running behind them, a baby boy on her hip. “Boys, give our guests some space. Forgive them, they’re on hyper-drive since being let loose on all this open space.” She extends a hand, her eyes friendly and warm. “I’m Bella. Their sister and occasional babysitter. And this here is Ethan, he’s my baby boy.”

“Wow, you have your hands full with all these boys.” I smile, shaking her hand. “We came by to drop these cinnamon rolls off as a thank you for everything the guys did for us.”

“Oh, you didn’t have to. That’s their job. Besides, setting us up with this much needed retreat is thank you enough.”

“It’s amazing isn’t it? I still can’t get over all the beautiful trees. Behind this cabin there’s also a creek that leads to a small waterfall.” My whole body heats at the memory of what happened there.

She smirks, “Sounds like quite the waterfall.”

I choke on a laugh. “It is.” Looking around, I see people moving about inside the cabin. “Is Ashley here? I wanted to have a chat if that’s okay.”

Bella points at the twins and Alex playing in an actual treehouse I’d missed the last time we were here. To their left, I see Amanda playing with a little blond girl who has what looks like a parade of dolls going on. “It looks like the kids are all fast friends now. Let me introduce you to the ladies of WRATH.”

That’s when I see the women close to where the toy parade is. They’re all stunningly beautiful. I suddenly feel frumpy in my cutoff shorts and black tank top.

“Pen!” Ashley shrieks, standing up and speed walking toward me. As soon as she reaches me, she pulls me into an embrace as if we were long-lost sisters.

“Ashley, it’s so good to see you.” I hug her back as best I can without dropping the baked goods in my hands.

“You too, sweetheart.” She pulls back and sees the plate I’m holding. “And what’s in here? It smells amazing.”

“Mary’s cinnamon rolls. I brought them over as a thank you.”

She tugs at my arm, pulling the plate and handing it over to a redhead who’s peeling back the foil before I’ve even sat down.

We’re all in a semicircle with a clear view of the kids playing. It’s the perfect spot, with green leaves and white tree trunks as the backdrop. “Let me introduce you to the ladies. You’ve already met Bella, she’s William’s wife.”

My brows raise because I’m pretty sure she’s close to me in age and William has got to be around my uncle’s age. If Ashley notices my facial expression, she doesn’t say, continuing on with her introductions.

Next, she points at the redhead, who’s already got a mouthful of cinnamon roll. “That’s Alyssa, she’s Hudson’s wife and they’re expecting their first baby.”

Then she points to a blond who’s trying to pry the plate of rolls from Bella. “That would be Cassie. She’s our stylist and Ren’s other half. As you can see, both her and Alyssa are expecting, and they are ferocious over anything sweet.”

I chuckle, “Next time I’ll be sure to bring extra.”

“Yes, please!” They both chime in unison and we all laugh.

“And that’s it. Well, Charlotte is inside with Aiden.” She rolls her eyes. “They’re probably getting it on in some secluded corner of the house. I swear, those two can’t get enough of each other.”

Bella holds her hand up. “Please stop. That’s my dad you’re talking about and I don’t want to hurl up this delicious roll!”

These ladies are a trip and I can tell that I like them already. Funny thing is, they all look to be in their early to mid-twenties, and each one of them is paired off to an older man of WRATH securities.

“Is that how you all met? Through WRATH securities? Were you all rescued too?” My brows furrow, trying to figure out how these modelesque women all paired off with these gorgeous hunks.

The blonde, Cassie, cackles. “Something like that. The men all met in high school, with the exception of Aiden. He’s my husband’s big brother and Bella’s dad. They all started WRATH securities later on and we all just fell into the mix.”

Bella chimes in, “You already know Aiden is my dad, and Cassie is my best friend. So that’s sort of how she met my uncle Ren. Then there’s Ashley, who’s my husband’s little sister and has known the men all her life.”

Ashley smirks. “Then there’s Charlotte who knew Aiden from when he and her older sister dated.”

My brows raise and I feel my forehead get tight. That must’ve been a doozy. Can’t imagine Charlotte’s sister took too kindly to that.

“What about you, Alyssa?” I ask, wanting every detail.

The redhead gives me a mischievous smile. “Hudson is my stepbrother. That’s how I met the ladies.”

Oh my. All sorts of taboo age-gap going on here. Unable to keep my mouth shut, I blurt out, “It’s like you’re all of my favorite book tropes come to life!”

The ladies let out a collective cackle, and I can’t help but join in. “Well, maybe someday someone will write our love stories.” Ashley smiles at the lot of us. “Now, before we continue with our conversation, there’s something you need to know. We don’t do secrets and we never do judgment. If you’re okay with that, then, welcome to the ladies of WRATH.”

All of the women nod, humming their agreement.

“But I’m not with any of the WRATH men? How could I be a lady of WRATH?” My brows push together, feeling like I’ve won the friend lottery and having done nothing to earn it.

Ashley waves her hand. “That’s semantics. You’re an honorary member.”

I blush, overcome with emotion. Here I was, putting myself out there for a new friendship with Ashley, and I gained a whole tribe. I’m about to tell them as much when a familiar voice cuts me off, sending a visible shiver running through me.

Turning toward the voice, I see Jack strutting through the pathway. He’s talking to Hudson, the man who rescued us from the room of horror.

Just then, the vision of my mother’s body lying on the ground flashes through me and I let out a choked sob. I’m overcome with emotion, my body breaking out into a cold sweat as I begin to shake.

I’m squeezing my eyes shut when I feel strong arms engulf me in their warmth. The scent of leather and cigar surrounds me, and I immediately melt into the hard body it belongs to.

It’s Jack. I’d know that smell anywhere.

Blinking my eyes open has me staring straight into his. God, I’ve missed them. He’d denied me this connection for days and I’ve been a starved woman.

Staring deeper into his hazel eyes, I’m brought back to the present. “Jack. What are you doing here?”

“It doesn’t matter. Talk to me, Pen. What happened?” His brows push together, his perfect pout is turning down into a frown.

I blink again, trying to gain my mental footing. “I saw Hudson.” Looking back toward the trail, I see he’s now much closer standing next to the redhead named Alyssa. “I guess it must’ve triggered something in me and I saw my… I saw the room back in Mexico.”

“God, Pen.” Jack snakes his hand behind my head and pulls me forward, his lips finding the top of my head. “You scared the shit out of me.”

Tilting my head up at him, I give him a cheeky smirk. “Seems I’m in the habit of doing that.”

His face flushes red and I wonder if he’s remembering the waterfall like I am.

Jack clears his throat and releases his very tight grip on me, rubbing his hands up and down my arms before finally pulling away completely. “Are you okay now? Do you want me to call Dr. Leventhal? This is definitely something you should discuss with him.”

My palms go up in supplication. “Please, no! I’m fine. I promise. And yes, I agree. I’ll bring it up with him tomorrow.”

He nods, pointing toward the cabin. “Okay. I’ll be inside talking with the men. Holler if you need anything. Maybe I can follow you and the kids back home when you’re ready.”

The corner of my mouth lifts into a half smile. He’s genuinely worried, and it shows. “That sounds good.”

With another nod, he disappears with Hudson to discuss god knows what. After what just happened, I don’t even want to know. It’d probably trigger another memory. Something I definitely don’t want to deal with right now.

I’m staring in the direction they went when a woman clearing her throat has my attention falling back on the ladies of WRATH.

The blond one named Cassie purses her lips and raises a brow. “So aside from the freak out, that was interesting.”

My face flushes with heat and I’m sure I resemble the bottom of her Louboutin flats. Ashley wasn’t kidding when she said she was their stylist. Girl has great taste.

Bella shoves at her shoulder. “Give the girl a chance. She just met all of us. You can’t start prying secrets from her.”

Cassie snorts. “How else are we supposed to break her in?”

Ashley places her hand on my shoulder. “Seriously, don’t let her bully you into anything.”

“I’m no bully!” Cassie scoffs in indignation.

I shake my head and laugh. “I’m more concerned that you guys think whatever that was between Jack and me was more interesting than a full-blown panic attack. I swear it felt like I was going to die.”

Alyssa flashes me a sympathetic smile. “We’ve all been in shitty situations and understand they’re a part of trauma. Remember, no judgment. Ever.”

“Well, as much as I appreciate your friendship, there’s nothing going on there. Jack is my uncle, and that’s that.” I try to be convincing with my words, but I don’t think anyone’s buying it.

Ashley’s the first to call me on it. “Last I recall, you said something along the lines of ‘he’s not my uncle.’” With a raised brow and pursed lip, she begs me to argue.

“Fine, there’s something there. But it’s totally one sided and shouldn’t even be a thing. I don’t trust him, and even if I did, he doesn’t feel the same about me.”

Bella’s face contorts into one of incredulity. “Girl, the way he was holding on to you like you were the most precious thing since sliced bread says otherwise. That man looks like he worships the ground you walk on. Just you wait.”

Ashley nods vehemently. “I agree. Give it some time. Whatever it is will work itself out between you two.”

I snort. “Yeah, when pigs fly.”

The girls finally drop the topic of Jack and me, moving on to their plan for the next couple of days, making me promise I’ll come back for another visit. I quickly promise I will and drive conversation as far away from my non-love life as possible.

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