Filthy Crown: A Single Dad Age Gap Romance (Crown Brothers Book 1)

Filthy Crown: Chapter 1

This cannot be happening… Again.

Pressing the heels of my palms to my eyes, I let the memories flood through me.

Four years to this day, we lost both of our parents at the hands of a bloodthirsty cartel. How sick and twisted is fate to have us now lose a brother to the very same assholes who ripped our family apart so long ago.

“Jack, are you listening?” My brother, Matthew, breaks me from the horror film replaying in my head.

“Yeah. I get it. It makes sense for the kids to come stay with me.” I rub a hand over my face and let out a deep sigh.

“Hell yeah, it does,” Jace, the youngest of five, chimes in. No doubt thrilled to have dodged the bullet of parenting. “You’re the oldest, most established brother. Besides, you own tons of vacation properties so you’ll have an endless supply of ways to keep the rug-rats entertained.”

I roll my eyes. “They won’t be here on an endless vacation, Jace. Kids need stability, not to be traipsing around from one property to another.”

“You know what I mean. You have this massive ranch, with acres for them to play in. You also have the staff to step in when you’re too busy with work.” Jace cocks a brow, tilting his head toward Mary, who’s dropping off a tray of drinks.

“Thank you, Mary. That’ll be all.” The matronly woman leaves my study with a small nod, her eyes swimming with pity.

Jace is right. My staff is like family, and that’ll definitely come in handy when caring for two kids and a teenager. But even so, there’s no compensating for my failures. How will I keep three damaged children when I couldn’t even hold our family together after our own parents’ death?

After the devastating news, each of the Crown brothers went their separate ways. Hell, it’s a miracle we’ve stayed in touch at all these years.

“I’ll agree to take on the kids if you’ll agree to weekly video chats. There’s no way in hell I’m doing this alone and I need to know that we are all in this together.” I raise a brow, begging them to argue. I’ve been a shit brother, but if I’m doing this with the kids, then I’ll have to give it my all. That means roping in the uncles.

Both men give me a tight-lipped nod.


“I’m not exactly jumping up to become daddy dearest, but I’m only a couple of hours south if you or the kids need anything. Hell, even if it’s just a breather. I’ll watch them for the weekend.” Matthew shoots me a sheepish smile, knowing full well he’s just as capable of taking on the kids as I am.

“So, it’s settled. You’ll be their guardian.” Jace lifts his drink, as if toasting to the resolution. “Matthew travels all the time because of work. I’m not equipped to care for myself, let alone kids.” He’s right about that, too. “And Hunter… Well, he’d just scare the shit out of the children.”

I let out a deep chuckle at his last words. “That’s for sure.” Hunter is a through-and-through mountain man. He’s always been brilliant, his mind preferring solitude to that of human company. It’s why he’s become a recluse, living up in the mountains and only touching base twice a year.

It’s the reason he isn’t here with us right now. He isn’t even aware that we’ve lost Austin.

“Fuck. Who’s going up there to tell him?” Matthew rubs at the back of his neck.

Since Hunter doesn’t have a phone line, the only way of updating him would be to trek out to his cabin.

I lift my palms up. “Not it. I’m taking on parenting duties so it’ll have to be one of you two knuckleheads.”

“Fine.” Jace scrunches his face as if he’s smelled something foul. “It’s the least I can do since I live the farthest away and won’t be able to pop in like Uncle Matt here.” He juts his chin out to Matthew.

I bring a tumbler of amber liquid to my lips, taking a long pull. “Speaking of which, have you given my offer any thought?”

Jace shakes his head vehemently. “Thanks, but no thanks. Why would I want to come work for you when I own one of the hottest nightclubs in Florida? Business is good, and I’d be a fool to throw that away.”

Mathew sighs, “Because that environment is toxic, little bro. To be honest, I’m surprised you haven’t knocked someone up or called us to bail you out.”

“I’m not stupid, Matt. I wrap it up. No glove, no love.” Jace states matter-of-factly.

I choke on my drink. “You do know that those things aren’t one-hundred percent foolproof, right? There’s always room for error. And lord knows the last thing you need is some VD or baby momma drama when I’m pretty sure you don’t even know how to wipe your own ass.”

“Ha. Fucking. Ha.” Jace stands up, forcefully placing his rocks glass on my desk. “Laugh all you want. I’m the only Crown brother who’s living it up. Meanwhile, y’all are slaves to your careers. When’s the last time any of you got ass?”

I groan. Not even remembering the last time I dove into a woman’s sweet warmth.

My staff is like family and there’s no way I’d shit where I eat. Pair that with a lackluster night life and, well, it leaves for a very boring sex life.

“I can’t speak for Jack, but I’m more than satisfied.” The smug bastard takes a sip of his drink, his eyes glazing over, probably thinking of his latest conquest.

I crack my knuckles, needing to get our conversation back on track. “Are you two Casanovas going to stick around until drop-off? WRATH securities will be here tomorrow evening with the kids and I think it’d be best if they saw they have more family than just me waiting for them.”

Both brothers nod before Jace speaks up, “Yeah, and then I’ll head to Hunter’s cabin on my way out.”

“I’ll have Mary take you to your rooms.” Picking up the phone from my desk, I ring her office. “I’m sure y’all are tired from travel and stress. It’s been one hell of a week.”

They nod again, Matt rubbing at the scruff on his jaw. “Yeah. It sure has. And it’s probably going to get crazier for you.”

His brows raise. The implication of parenting struggles not lost on me.

My mind floats back to my brother, Austin. Damn him. We don’t have all the details, but we do know that his family’s abduction was no mere coincidence.

What the hell was he thinking getting involved with the Las Cruces Cartel?

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