Fighting For Eternity

Chapter 11: Sword Realms, Martial Intent

A sharp red sword slices up to down from ranked 6th to ranked 4th. Everyone on its path was dead leaving none alive. It was a shocking sword qi. It was actually not a sword qi instead it's like attacks of overlord dragon sword art. In flood dragon murdering sword, a large sword blade sized qi is realized with sword aura making it like a sword qi.

At the same time, a voice rang on Fei mind.

"Congratulation on gaining title Beast Slayer"

"Congratulation on gaining Secret Skill 'Berserk'"

Beast Slayer- Title

Effect- 30% extra damage to beasts. Decrease 30% of attack damage from the beast. Using it can increase the beast taming success rate.

Condition- Effect only takes place for 3 minutes.

Berserk- Secret Skill

Level- 1

Rank- Divine

Effect- Double the strength, speed, defense, intelligence, qi, blood, overall comprehension of arts, and everything the Host is personally related with for 3 minutes.

After result- Weakness for five minutes, potential damage

Upgrade cost- 5000 divine points

"Awesome. I can not only powers up my fighting strength but also comprehension. Damn this is a pure divine skill." Fei laughed and look at the surrounding.

People around him were looking at him in awe. Their jaws were dropping on the ground. He walked up towards them and said "Hello there I haven't got a chance to introduce myself. My name is Xia Long Fei."

Only then most of them come to sense and start introducing themselves. The first one was Xiao Zhen the Zhao Tan. Others didn't talk much.

They convinced villagers to stay in the village tonight and the villagers also agreed. Since they killed so many monster beast, on the night the whole village was having a great party forget about the day incident.

Most of the cultivators were in 14 to 15 so they didn't have wine, only meat.

A middle-aged woman carried her child inside her house and let him sleep on the bed. Most of the houses were destroyed and the remaining house, only females and children were allowed to sleep.

Xiao Zhen and his group help those villagers on managing households, also building tents for them.

At night, Xiao Zhen, Fei, Zhao Tan were sitting near firewood eating meats and chatting at that time Xiao Zhen looked, Fei

"Brother Fei, are you really in the body refining stage?" Xiao Zhen asked

"Of course I am" Fei laughed a little then gave his answer.

"But you were so powerful just now" Zhao Tan interrupted them by exclaiming Fei powers.

"Yeah, your power is nothing like Body refiner" Xiao Zhen added his view

"It's just my martial arts are on great accomplishment as well they are strong and with sword aura, my attack strength increase by lot" Fei just disclose some of his advantages

"But our sword aura is not so powerful like yours" Xiao Zhen pouted and said

"Brother Xiao, you are from Peerless Sword Sect right, then you must have known about sword realms can you explain it to me?" They already introduced each other which is why Fei knew that.

Xiao Zhen was first surprised at such a question then he said "Well! Brother Fei, I also know only about the first three realms of Sword. Sword realms start from Sword Aura, Sword Intent, and finally Sword Qi. Sword Aura is the realm where martial artist fighting will and his sword will merge with his sword creating Sword Aura.

It is said, the only a handful of people can create sword aura since it required dedication on swords as well as fighting will. Of course, there is also easier way to increase sword aura like practicing Basic Sword Art, Gaining enlightenment from Swordmasters, using sword related heaven and earth treasures. Sword aura is also divided into nine levels and only reaching a peak of nine level one can start creating his/her sword intent.

Sword intent is like a sword aura, just without the swords. One needs the sword to create sword aura but without swords, in hand, one can create sword intent. Sword intent is a manifestation of sword aura. It can be practice like sword aura though it required Intermediate Sword Art, not Basic.

Finally is Sword Qi, where swordsman and create a sharp thread qi cover with sword intent, it can be used to attack others without martial arts. Sword Qi is made of profound knowledge on swords, his/her sword intent, and finally his/her spiritual qi inside dantian. Sword qi can be stored inside the dantian and can be used whenever necessary.

Since I am talking about the sword realm, Brother Fei I also have something to talk about the martial arts realm, do you want to know?" Xiao Zhen asked eagerly

"Aren't they Beginner, Entry, Small Accomplishment, Great Accomplishment, Perfection, Fine and Detailed Realm, and finally True Meaning?" Fei explained himself and question Xiao

"Yes, this is correct but there is something you forget i.e. Art Intent" Xiao Zhen mysteriously said

"Martial Art Intent?" Fei got confused and asked him again.

"Yes, martial arts intent is very rare even among geniuses the only a handful of people can achieve this realm. Brother Fei you should know that from Beginner to Perfection, increasing each realm can produce more power in the same art. The martial artist can draw 20% of power at Beginner, 40% of power at Entry, 60% of power at Small Accomplishment, 80% of power at Great Accomplishment, and finally 100% of power at Perfection of any martial arts.

After that comes a Fine and detailed realm which increases power by 120% as for the true meaning realm it is around 150% which means even in the highest realm of martial arts power displayed is only one and half times than normal i.e. 1.

But Martial arts intent is something different from normal intents. Martial arts intent is also divided into the same realm of martial arts the only difference is power displayed. In the Beginner stage of Martial art, an intent person can display two times the power of martial arts at perfection. Likewise, Entry can display three times, Small accomplishment can display five times, Great accomplishment can display seven times finally Perfection can display ten times the original power.

But the premise for martial intent is the Realm of Perfection. Only those martial artists who have practiced their martial art to Perfection can enter the realm of Intent but before comprehending martial intent, a person needs to reach perfection in martial art he wants to comprehend."

Fei sucked a large breath; he was astonished hearing about Martial Intent. Finally, he made big decisions to reach the Martial Intent realm in every martial arts he practice.

"I never thought there were so many mysteries hidden in martial arts" Fei murmured silently

"Brother Fei lets go back now," Xiao Zhen said and returned with Zhao Tan

All alone, Fei was thinking something

'I reached Great accomplishment but couldn't go further, there must be some reason behind it' Fei thought hard coming with many conclusions.

'System said, I was born with a talent that surpasses heaven but the problem is, my talent is sealed. Not only my talent but my perception isn't that great. I must get opportunities to improve myself or else I will be left in the dust" Fei thought moving towards his tent.

But on the midway, he remembers something and changes his route.

A flash appeared in front of him.


Two metals collide, each of them taking a step back.

Fei was able to stop that sneak attack with his sword but couldn't get proper support to retaliate.

This attack was done by a red dagger holding a red-clothed man with a mask covering his face.

Fei couldn't see but guess this person is not an assassin.

Fei frowned and asked, "Who are you?"

"Brat, you disturb our plan so you have to die," Red clothed person said in a low voice

"Who will die is not cleared?" Fei sneered at him and thought 'I can't make much mess otherwise people will feel insecure, so I have to finish this fast'

"Humph" Red clothe man snorted revealing his aura

Qi Refining Peak

Sensing his aura, Fei frown and thought 'They must have underestimated me but this is also a good thing'

"Berserk"contemporary romance

With his words, his aura was realized to peak, surpassing the realm of Body Refining.

"You" Red clothe man was just going to spout some nonsense, his head fell down.

Fei used Sword Aura + Thunder Qi + Dragon Elephant Qi + Flood Dragon Murdering Sword.

This attack was also his most powerful attack. A sharp red sword glow cut down the neck of that person.

Fei goes near him, and check his body. He found one spatial ring on him using the blood of a dead person; he successfully opened his spatial ring.

He found various clothes, Aphrodisiac, Blood pills, Martial arts but what took his attention was a crystal.

This was a red crystal known as the spiritual crystal that contains a large amount of spiritual qi and it is also very pure but this is just a low-level spiritual crystal.

Spiritual crystal is divided into four types starting from Low, Middle, High, and Top. Not mentioning Top and High-level spiritual crystal even middle and low levels are important resources. He put them on his spatial ring and walks towards a tent.

He didn't knock directly entering and said "I think we should have a little talk"

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