Fight (The Aurora Marelup Saga Book 3)

Fight: Chapter 1


I rise out of bed and stretch slowly. I slept, but I’m still fucking tired. I swear, nothing I do seems to alleviate it. I head to the kitchen in my fuzzy sleep pants and Dominik’s sweatshirt that I stole from his bag yesterday. I move silently, walking barefoot through the marble halls heading towards the kitchen. I must be radiating my aggravation due to my exhaustion because everyone clears the halls when I pass them.

Upon reaching the kitchen, I find Klaus teaching the chef some of the dishes of his clan. I guess I had a great idea when I chose to have heritage food nights to sample all the different foods out there. Dominik, Jayce, and Alaric are at the table having giant, fluffy waffles. My stomach begins to growl, and everyone turns to face me.

I roll my eyes and take my seat at the table. Dominik smirks and pulls at his sweatshirt I’m wearing, letting me know he knows I took it. I shrug my shoulders, looking at him, then over to the chef. He comes running over with my steak smothered in salsa, fried peppers and onions, and homemade burrito wraps.

Nicodeamus enters the kitchen and starts laughing at my antics. “Seriously? What the fuck, Dad? Can’t I enjoy what I want to eat without it being amusing?” I practically growl out my words as I feel my beast make herself known.

Nicodeamus raises his hand, trying to show he meant no harm. “I’m sorry, daughter. I’m just a little concerned for you. With everything that needs to come to pass, we have a guest among us, I believe.” My father’s eyes are those of his dragon, and my eyes shift to those of my beast as we stare at each other.

I’m cranky, tired, and really not in the mood for his games. I start shoveling my breakfast into my mouth. Tired, hungry… yeah, I’m a fucking ray of sunshine over here. The royal physician decides to come into the room and begins to approach me.

A wave of frost shoots out in all directions from me as I stand to face him head-on. “Leave us alone!” My voice is not my own: its tone is that of my beast. My arms and hands shift rapidly. I am on the defensive, and I’m not sure why. I’m feeling my beast fight me for control. She hasn’t done that since the time Dimitri smelt of the other woman.

Alaric waves the terrified physician off and comes to hold me, trying to soothe me. The soft rumble of his dragon puts my beast at ease. Alaric moves me to his side of the table, and I climb onto his lap and press my forehead to his throat.

Nicodeamus clears his throat. “Aurora, I believe we need to have a talk, sweetheart.” Nicodeamus pulls up a chair close to Alaric and waits for me to lift my head.

“I don’t want to. I don’t feel good, and I’m fucking tired.” I yawn promptly after speaking, then place my forehead back against Alaric’s throat. One of the guys must have ordered hard-boiled eggs, and the smell makes my stomach instantly protest. I leap off Alaric’s lap and run out onto the balcony where I vomit my breakfast over the railing. Jayce is at my side, holding my hair back so I won’t get puke in it. Eventually, all my mates and my father come outside with me.

Great. I look and feel like shit, and now everyone wants to be all Kumbaya up in this mother. I’d start growling at them, but quite frankly, I don’t have the energy right now. My father holds out a glass of ginger tea to me and I sip it slowly. I’m stressed the fuck out, and everyone is staring at me like, hell, I don’t even know right now.

“Aurora, daughter, you’re carrying the next heir. One of these geniuses got you pregnant while you were in heat.” Nicodeamus gives the boys each a sharp glare before looking at me tenderly.

“Depending on which male is the father, you could possibly deliver in as soon as three months or as long as seven months. Your mother carried you to term at five months because of your hybrid status.” I’m hearing the words coming out of his mouth, but it isn’t registering just yet.

I hand my father back the glass and walk away from the group. Dimitri always used to hold me when I didn’t feel good, so he is the one I logically seek out. Dimitri, however, is still in bed, sleeping. He looks so peaceful, all stretched out on his huge bed. I approach slowly from the far side of the bed and snuggle into his side. He reflexively turns and kisses my forehead, mumbling something about how’s his cub.

I flat out tell him, “I puked, I’m tired, and my dad is talking crazy talk.” Dimitri turns and curls his large form around me and buries his nose in my hair like he always does. I almost fall asleep instantly in one of the safest places I know.

I know my mates seek me out at some point, but I am too tired and snuggled to care. Some poor male servant enters Dimitri’s room, I’m guessing to wake him up like usual. Dimitri’s shift happens instantly. His bear leaps off the bed and rises up onto its hind legs, roaring at the man.

My mates and father come as quickly as they can. Nicodeamus attempts to talk Dimitri down from his rage, not having seen me in his bed. I yawn and slowly slide out of bed to come up to Dimitri’s side. I look up to his angry bear and wrap my arms around his middle the best I can. Slowly I feel his bear settle within my grasp, and I back away, allowing him to land on all fours. Dimitri’s bear sniffs me from toes to nose, making sure I’m okay. Three times his bear presses its nose to my lower stomach then looks up to me.

I don’t understand what he’s getting at. Carefully, I climb onto Dimitri’s back and lie down. At least with me up here, he won’t do anything rash. My father ushers the frightened servant away before closing and locking the door behind him. Dimitri brings me back to what’s left of his bed; I slide off and make myself comfortable.

Dimitri’s bear meanders over to the ensuite bathroom, where he chooses to resume his human form. Dimitri comes back out in sleep pants and a bathrobe. “Aurora, I could have killed that man. If you’re going to climb in bed with me, lock the door. My instinct to protect you and your child is too strong.” Dimitri’s eyes beg me to understand him, that he’s not mad at me: he’s worried for the rest of the population.

I sit there staring at Dimitri and think back over the last two, almost three weeks of being here. My eyes widen as all the pieces of the puzzle snap together. I look between the twins and Alaric, then over to my father. My hand lands on the small swell of my stomach, and I lightly rub the small dome.

“Holy fuck!”

Yeah, not exactly the most eloquent way of announcing a pregnancy, but hey, it’s me, right? I’m about as subtle as a freight train. I start crying. I can’t fucking help it. I’m scared more than anything. Me? A mom? Whose fucking brilliant idea was that? I have severe anger issues! The guys are honestly not sure what to do with and for me right now.

Dimitri kneels before me and lays his head on my lap and hugs my legs. Out of reflex, I start to run my fingers through his thick brown hair. I slowly begin to calm down and relax again. I begin to hum the old Romanian lullaby he used to sing to me as a child.

Nicodeamus ushers the boys out of Dimitri’s room, then comes to sit beside us. “You two share a bond that spans more years than anyone here. It’s hard to go from guardian to lover. The bond is there; I see how you two seek each other out for comfort.” Dad tilts his head as he studies Dimitri and me.

“For example, what happened here today. Aurora wasn’t feeling well, so who did she seek out? Dimitri, you bring her a different kind of safety and security that her bonded mates can’t. Aurora, Dimitri has been your rock since you were itty bitty. You both have a mental block that’s preventing this bond from blazing to life after that witch’s brew.” Nicodeamus slowly rises and leaves the room.

Dimitri slowly climbs onto his bed with me and lays his head entirely in my lap so he can look up at me. I can see the turmoil behind his brilliant amber eyes. I know he loves me, and I know it’s more than just as a guardian. I can’t and won’t push him; he needs to come to this conclusion on his own. I’m just glad I’m not nuts. My wolf was right; he is ours. I lean down slowly and gently place a kiss on his full, pouting lips. My hands caress his beard-covered cheeks as my fingers thread through his facial hair.

I always had a thing for the big guy, so I honestly can’t help myself. Kissing Dimitri feels like coming home, where I’m always safe and protected. Dimitri breaks the kiss and sits up, kneeling on the bed with his ass resting on his heels. He carefully lifts me up to straddle his lap, which I do willingly. I wrap my arms around his neck and look deep into his eyes. He’s fighting his instincts; I can see it. Part of me is upset he doesn’t want me, and the other part wants to rip Elena’s head from her shoulders.

“We don’t have to do anything, D. I don’t want you to feel pressured.” I smile at him and lightly kiss his lips, trying to reassure him.

Without hesitation, Dimitri launches forward and pins me beneath him on the bed. He captures my lips with a renewed passion that he’s never shown before. I can’t help but sink into his embrace and follow his lead. Dimitri’s hands roam all over my body, caressing every curve. Every new sensation is driving me nuts. I have to have him. My beast demands it. I break the kiss and begin to nip and suck at his throat. His moans are music to my ears.

I feel his rather large erection press against my lower stomach as he begins to grind against me. I take a chance and bite his collarbone hard, drawing a small amount of blood. In an instant, I can feel Dimitri’s hands shift as he begins to shred the offending clothing off my body. It takes Dimitri mere moments to have me bare before him. We’ve been naked before each other many times in the past, but this time is different. Dimitri’s gaze isn’t passive like it has been for most of my life. His gaze burns with an inner fire that I never thought I’d see from him. He’s staring down at me, looking like he’s ready to devour me. Suddenly, he shakes his head as if clearing a fog and looks embarrassed. I feel the evidence of his excitement roll down my side and onto the bed. Dimitri was so excited he experienced premature ejaculation.

“I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to,” Dimitri says in a hushed tone, low enough for only me to hear. He leaves the bed quickly, only to return a few moments later with a washcloth and a towel to clean me up.

Once I’m clean, I kiss him again before moving to his closet to find something to wear. I find Dimitri’s fuzzy sweatshirt that I’ve always loved. I slip it on over my head, and it goes down to my knees. I have a woman’s version of blue balls.

I exit Dimitri’s room, and in the sitting room stand all my guys. I roll my eyes at them, then duck into my room. I shower quickly and dress in leggings and Dimitri’s sweatshirt. Just before I leave my room, I can hear my father and Dimitri talking about what happened. My father sits there, giving him words of encouragement, and advises him to jerk off before he tries again. I stifle a laugh, picturing the look on Dimitri’s face after my father says that. I can’t help but shake my head at my father’s logic. I turn and go out on my balcony and look around outside. On the terrace next to me stands Klaus, looking out over the frozen landscape.

“Penny for your thoughts?” I figure I’ll break the ice.

“Just a bit homesick, princess.” Klaus shrugs his shoulders, then turns to face me fully. He looks a lot like the guy that played the most recent version of Superman. Thick, broad shoulders, a strong jawline and thick, dark-brown almost black hair. He’s now the leader of the German Lycan pack due to the death of his father at the Strigoi’s claws.

“A lot has changed in a short period of time, and it’s a lot to adjust to,” he says with a sigh before raising his eyes to meet mine. I don’t take it as a challenge, so I don’t push my Alpha power on him.

“Yeah, tell me about it…” I say as I rest my hand on my stomach for a moment.

“Tell me about your pack, Klaus. What’s your home like?” I lean on the marble railing, looking over at Klaus as he studies me. Snow is gently falling between us, giving the moment a very fairy tale feel.

Klaus smiles at me, then looks out over the frozen landscape, getting a dreamy look as he thinks about home. “I believe you would love it, my Queen. My family and pack are from the Swartzwald, otherwise known as the Black Forest. There are roe deer to hunt and plenty of wild boar. The forest seems to go on forever. I love being in the woods with my pack. You have to hunt with us before we attack the Strigoi.” Klaus turns and looks at me with so much joy and excitement.

It makes my heart melt the way he’s looking at me right now. My wolf softly makes her content sound in the back of my mind and gently says, “Mine?

Her voice uttering those words makes me step back. I shake my head for a moment, and that movement causes Klaus to become concerned. He jumps the distance between our balconies to be at my side in an instant. He envelops me in his strong arms to support my weight. The boys all come charging in, feeling the change in me. All of them are concerned for my health and that of my pup.

Alaric swoops in and scoops me up. He carries me to the bed and lays me down. The royal physician checks me over and suspects my blood sugar must have dropped from getting sick this morning. Jayce grabs Klaus and they run out of the room to get me food and drinks. I shake my head and look at my father.

“Guys? Can I have a few moments alone with my father?” I look between Dominik, Alaric, and Dimitri, and they all nod slowly and reluctantly leave the room.

Nicodeamus comes to sit beside me on the bed and kisses my temple. “What is it, daughter? Are you not well? What do you need of me? Name it, and it’s yours.” My father gently rests his hand on my stomach, attempting to sense the baby. He smiles at what he’s feeling, then looks to me, waiting for my response.

“I need your counsel more than anything, Father. My wolf asked me if Klaus was mine just before I got lightheaded. Is it possible that he’s the mate I should have had before those assholes did what they did?” Nicodeamus comes to sit beside me, and I lean my head on my father’s shoulder. I’m hungry, tired, and still aggravated at Sebastian’s and Elena’s betrayal.

Nicodeamus adjusts himself on the bed, then taps his fingertip on his chin, pondering my question. He gently kisses my forehead then begins to speak. “He’s not a bad choice as a mate. I’m glad your wolf chose him over his brother. They did send a nice group to the original base, and I’m glad they were there with us during the attack on the road.” My father hugs me the best he can, then gets up off the bed.

“I’d better let all the boys in so they can see you. We shouldn’t allow them to worry too much.” Nicodeamus makes it to the door and turns to smile at me once more before letting the guys back in.

Jayce and Klaus have enough food to feed an army. I find out that everyone is staying with me to have brunch. Everyone finds a spot on my king-sized bed and begins to eat. I feel much better having all of the guys this close to me. Alaric apparently has something on his mind and clears his throat before beginning to speak.

“Not to ruin the calm atmosphere we have going on here, but we need to consider heading to the palace post-haste, to fully claim the throne. We have a large enough contingent of dragons to fly there in about two hours or less, as long as the winds are favorable. Aurora and Nicodeamus would be with me, if that’s ok with you, sir?” Alaric bows his head to Nicodeamus as he steps back into the room. He knows that his offer could be taken as an insult because Nicodeamus is also a dragon.

Nicodeamus stands and moves to the same side of the bed as Alaric and places his hand on Alaric’s shoulder. “I would be honored to be able to fly with you and my daughter.” Alaric stands, and he and Nicodeamus embrace.

I’m guessing it had to be a big deal. How the fuck should I know? I’m sitting over here stuffing my face with all kinds of food, honestly not giving a fuck about too much. A knock sounds at my door, and the boys all go on high alert. I’m guessing their animals are even more protective now that I’m pregnant. I watch the door as Alaric goes to answer it. It’s his mother, Katherine, come to visit.

“Arrangements are all made. We have enough dragons as well as flight cars for the troops to be carried in. We will be accompanied by our people as well as some of the Red and Black Dragons. Apparently, your father, Alaric, was not as liked as we were led to believe. After the display you and Aurora put on at the first wedding, you have gained a ton of supporters.” Katherine moves past her son to come over to my side. I’m still leery as fuck when it comes to her, and to be honest, I really don’t trust anyone outside of my core group.

“Aurora, I had clothing specially made for you for the flight as well for your arrival at court.” Katherine removes the large velvet pouch from under her cloak and offers it to me.

My eyes move to Klaus and he accepts the pouch and opens it for me. Within the pouch sits a beautiful crown cut from a single piece of ruby. I look it over, then lower my head to Klaus, who places it upon my head. Surprisingly, it is a perfect fit. I hear a gasp and look over to my father who looks like he’s seen a ghost.

“What is it, father?” I shoot myself to the edge of the bed then move quickly to his side.

Nicodeamus kisses my temple and smiles as he gently removes the crown from my head. “This once belonged to the Blood Queen. She was your great-grandmother on my side. You want to talk about a woman who ruled by her talons and frost? That was her.” Nicodeamus laughs a bit.

“It’s truly fitting that you now wear her crown; it will make a bold statement when we arrive at the palace. There’s going to be a point you won’t be able to shift, so we must make our point while you can.” Nicodeamus gently places the crown back on my head, then kneels before me and kisses my stomach.

“Never fear, little one, you will always be protected. Wait till you’re old enough for story time. The stories we will tell you about your mother will impress you immensely.” Nicodeamus kisses my stomach once more, then stands and kisses my forehead.

Katherine looks gobsmacked by the information she just witnessed and heard. “You’re pregnant? When did this happen? Who is the father?” She looks frantically between all of the guys, and I just start laughing, one of those Joker laughs that are quite unnerving.

“Does it truly matter? I am queen; my blood runs through this baby’s veins.” I fully unleash my Alpha powers on the room. I am borderline in a rage over Katherine’s line of questioning. My bonded mates do not bow or break under my power, and my father remains standing as well. Klaus resists much longer than Dimitri does, and poor Katherine hits the floor the minute I had to urge to subjugate her.

“My mates shall be referred to as Their Royal Highnesses from now on, Katherine. If I even think you are the slightest bit of a threat to what’s mine… your head will go on my throne.” I walk away from Katherine and sit next to my father. I am waiting for her to challenge my authority.

Alaric comes up behind me and wraps his thick arms around my body. His large hands rest on the small swell of my stomach. “Mother, you have gone too far this time. You need to respect Aurora’s mates the same way you respect me. They are my brothers in arms, my bond mates. I am king, and so are they as far as Aurora and I are concerned.” A rumbling growl from his dragon echoes in the room, showing his displeasure.

“If this is a problem, I will not allow you near our child. I say ‘our’ because no matter who sires the children, they will all be ours at the end of the day.” Alaric’s words make me tear up as I look at the other males gathered. They each raise their fists over their hearts in a sign of solidarity. Alaric bows his head to each male in turn.

“My love, please release everyone. We need to get going.” I nod slightly and rein my power in.

Carefully, I turn in Alaric’s arms and kiss him. In turn, he passes me off to Dominik, who kisses me passionately before passing me off to Jayce. Jayce is such a show-off, sweeping me into a dip and kissing me enthusiastically. I’m giggling when he finally stands me up and passes me off to Dimitri. I look up to the big guy, and he suddenly looks bashful. He knows he’s not a bonded mate, but Alaric’s mom doesn’t. I grip his cheeks with both hands and pull him down to me for a nice, gentle, longing kiss. I feel his shaft harden between us, and I smile. Mission accomplished.

Dimitri reluctantly passes me off to Klaus. Klaus and I look shocked that we have ended up together. I watch his wolf’s amber eyes flare to the surface, and I smile at his bold move. My beast isn’t thrilled with the challenge, so she makes her presence known. Without warning, my beast urges me to bite him. My canines elongate as I feel scales rippling up and down my arms and spine. I hear the guys as if I’m underwater. My vision blurs for a moment, then the next thing I know, I taste blood in my mouth. I struggle with my beast for control, and eventually, she backs down. I find myself with Klaus’s shoulder in my mouth, my canines sunk deeply in his flesh.

I’m almost to the point of panic when I feel the burning, stinging pain of him biting my shoulder in return. Klaus just so happened to bite me over Sebastian’s original mark. The bond snaps into place, and the ghost of Sebastian is just about gone. I no longer feel him the way I use to. I release Klaus’s shoulder and lick the wound clean, and he does the same to mine. The room is so silent you can hear a pin drop. What potentially could have been a dangerous situation has become a thing of beauty. Klaus’s right-hand grips the back of my neck, and he presses his forehead to mine.

He whispers ever so softly, “I’m glad you never stopped looking for me, my angel.” He kisses my nose before releasing me into my father’s care.

Nicodeamus and I sit back and watch the guys hug it out and do their guy things. I just shake my head at their antics, and I look longingly at Dimitri. “Will he ever come around, Father?” My eyes turn to gaze up at my father, hoping for him to impart some great wisdom to me.

“In time, daughter. The big guy has been through so much. He will probably feel better back on his home turf, in Romania. I plan to seek out his clan, if any live, for him to have some form of closure.” Nicodeamus kisses my forehead and ushers me through to my dressing room. The gown and the flight attire are hanging on several hangers around this ornate room. Three handmaidens rush over to help me dress for this momentous event.

It’s the first time in the Ice Dragon Palace history that a half-breed and a hybrid will sit upon the throne. The gown laid out for me is a baby blue with sapphires and diamonds sewn into the dress’s bodice. The corseted top emphasizes my ample breasts and Alaric’s scale. Again, with this gown, the sleeves are a large, flared tear-drop shape. I feel like a medieval queen rather than a modern one.

Formalities suck. I look down, and the slight dome of my stomach is visible, and ornate gemstones emphasize its presence. I roll my eyes, thinking that Alaric has done this on purpose. Next, the handmaids help me slip into the thick, caribou, floor-length coat. I notice hand sewn wolves and dragons adorn the length of the baby-soft leather. The fur on the inside is super soft and very warm. The handmaids then give me riding gloves and special fur-lined boots. A small satchel is handed to me, containing my dress shoes for when we arrive. I return my crown back into its velvet pouch and slip it in with my shoes. An arctic fox hat is given to me, and I clip the chin strap in place. Once I am fully dressed for the journey, the handmaids lead me outside to a great field filled with dragons as far as the eye can see.

I don’t need any assistance spotting my mate among the other dragons. His horns reach high above his head. I gently reach inside my coat and rub his scale. The minute I touch it, his great head whips around to look at me. I remain where I am, not wanting to venture out into the snow and the ice in my human form for fear of injury. I spot my father sitting in front of Alaric’s wings in a notch between his spines. Nicodeamus looks almost as excited as I do about this flight.

Alaric’s great dragon stops before me and lays down flat on the ground. Dimitri and Dominik rush over to my side to help me get onto Alaric’s back. I’m not that far along, I don’t think, but then again, I’m not sure when I got pregnant. With the aid of Alaric’s wing and the steadying hands of Dominik and Dimitri, I take my place behind Alaric’s crown of horns. I look back and wave at my father before patting Alaric’s neck.

I reach out to him through our bond. I’m ready, my love. Let’s fly!

His response through the bond is almost immediate. As you wish! Alaric says, filled with love and his own excitement.

My silly mate is quoting one of my favorite movies of all time. I giggle softly and grip the horn closest to me as I feel his dragon rock a bit as he stands. Once standing, he roars, sending the Black Dragons into the air first as our guards. When he feels the moment is safe enough, he leaps up, launching us into the sky.

I hear my father, Nicodeamus, screaming his excitement and joy into the afternoon sky. Your father seems to be quite pleased, my love. Are you happy as well? Is the baby ok? Alaric asks, happy yet concerned for our well-being.

We are well, love. No nausea and no discomfort. As for my father, you’ve given him the gift of flight again. I laugh a bit through the bond. You do realize you are going to be his favorite after this? I state as I try not to laugh. Poor Alaric doesn’t know how badly my father yearned to be sky-bound again. I can feel his dragon jiggle a bit as if laughing to himself.

I look at all the other dragons flying around us in formation. It’s truly a beautiful sight to behold. I watch a myriad of colors move around us as we fly. We have a good tailwind, and the dragons get to glide on the thermals more often than not so as not to expend excessive energy.

We fly over small villages and mountain ranges. It’s amazing how far one can see from up here. I try not to move too much so I don’t distract Alaric. His dragon occasionally makes noises, and the four Black Dragons with us turn in unison so Alaric can show me the sights he wants me to see on our trip.

The palace’s spires can be seen in the distance, nestled in the cliff face of one of the tallest mountains. There is no access except if you can fly or be carried up there by the looks of it. Strategically, it’s probably the safest place for me to birth the next heir. First, the boys and I have to make our presence known within dragon society. I watch the palace and see a contingent of dragons fly out toward us. I feel quite anxious. My beast wants us to shift and be ready.

Alaric reaches out to me to try to calm me. It’s normal protocol, love. Please calm down. We mustn’t appear hostile. I can’t fight with you and the baby on my back. I will not risk you two. Alaric’s voice is pleading. At his urging, I settle down and rest my hand on my stomach. Fuck, it feels like the fucking thing has grown. Maybe it’s just the way that I’m sitting. Nope, I’m pretty fucking sure it’s bigger. Fuck my life. How the fuck am I supposed to battle like this?

Alaric roars out several times and banks to his left, showing his cargo to the incoming dragons. I raise my arm and show off my brand, the mark of the House of Marelup. I know the dragons have phenomenal vision, so I know they see it. What appears to be the leader roars at us, then turns back to the palace. Great move, love, showing off your brand. Apparently, Sebastian sent word ahead that an imposter was going to be here to kill them off.

Alaric has a bit of a laugh to his voice. The dumb fuck is here somewhere in the castle. Apparently, he has an Earl’s protection for his visit. This should be interesting, Alaric says, still laughing mentally. I’m not finding it funny at all. I’m fucking pregnant and getting fucking huge, and now my psycho ex-mate is here. I’m going to use his intestines for garland.

Alaric lands in the central courtyard, and I don’t budge till my guys come to get me. Alaric keeps his head held up high and remains standing till our close-knit group gets to us. I’m already on edge knowing Sebastian is here somewhere in this fucking maze of a castle. I’ll kill the motherfucker for what he did. After what feels like forever, the guys finally make it over to us. Dimitri and Klaus are the ones to help me down most of the way, and I’m handed off to Dominik and Jayce.

Jayce has decided to shift to his Dire Wolf form because he feels he can better protect me that way. I’ll be honest, I do feel better with one of the twins as their wolf. Jayce presses his muzzle against my stomach, and he makes me laugh. I run my fingers through his fur and rest my hand on his shoulders as we walk. Alaric and my father flank my left and right side. Dimitri takes point, while Klaus and Dominik bring up the rear protecting our backs.

I have put my crown back on my head, as well as the dress shoes that were given to me before we departed. I pass off the bag of extra riding gear to Klaus’s brother to hold for me. We arrive at the palace’s double doors, and a fat, balding man with a sash and medals meets us at the door. “Your Highnesses, I am Ulrick, Duke of the southern province. I welcome you to the Ice Dragon castle.” He bows quite stiffly.

Every move he makes, I analyze the fuck out of it. My estimation is he’s hiding something, and he’s protecting Sebastian. My resting bitch face is perfect, nothing is betrayed. Alaric steps forward and introduces us to the Earl. The Earl’s eyes widen as he looks at me. He recognizes the crown, and he acknowledges my name and father. I don’t bother moving from Jayce’s side, nor do I try to extend my hand for the Earl to kiss. On the flight over, my father educated me on how my great-grandmother used to be. I am emulating her the best that I can—the I don’t give a fuck game is strong with this one.

Once inside the castle, Jayce growls lowly in the back of his throat. I speak to him through the bond. What is it, love? I run my fingers through his fur, trying to calm him down.

I scent Sebastian, he’s not far away. I gently pat Jayce’s back once he finishes speaking to me.

I know, I smell him too, I reply to him through the bond, allowing Alaric, Dominik, and now Klaus in on the conversation. Klaus looks at me, shocked that he just heard me. Dominik goes on to explain to Klaus about the bond and how it all works.

We continue through the halls and are led to a suite similar to the one we shared at the Chalet. Dominik strips and shifts to his Dire Wolf; he and Jayce search the rooms making sure they are safe and secure. “Is this truly necessary?” the Earl states in a rather uppity tone.

Oh, fuck no, I’m not having this. I motion to my guys, and they move to stand beside me. Jayce and Dominik flank my sides as I stare at the Earl. “Kneel,” I say—it’s the first word I have spoken since my arrival.

The Earl starts laughing at my request. “Me? Kneel? To you? Ha! You’re just a mutt that won’t last a day on the throne.” The Earl keeps laughing as I slowly remove the flight coat, passing it to Dimitri.

I unbutton the top of my sleeves so that they fall to hang loosely at my side. I smile and wink at Alaric before looking back to the Earl. “You have been weighed and measured.” I shake my head at him and shift my arms to my armored gauntlets. Thick, pearl-white scales cover my arms from elbow to fingertips; my nails turning into long, thick, curved, white dragon talons. My eyes shift to my beast’s mercury orbs with the black dragon slits; small, pearl-white dragon scales decorate around my eyes and down the bridge of my nose.

“You are Earl no more.” I unleash the full weight of my Alpha power, making the Earl crash to his knees before me. I hear several people fall and glass shatter.

“I’m not the one who needs to worry about surviving with me on the throne. My mother was Anca. My great-grandmother, the Blood Queen. Who the fuck do you think you’re talking to, you insolent whelp? You want to call me a mutt?” My upper lip curls up to expose my canines that have descended. “For a pure-blood, you’re too inbred to remain in power. I now strip you and your family of title and lands.”

With a flourish of my hand, I curl my fingers in so that I can examine my talons before looking back up at the Earl. “If you’re not careful, your skull will join my collection.” Alaric comes up to my side and kisses my cheek. I slowly release my grip on my power, reining it back in. Ulrick is ghost white as he looks at my partially shifted form. Alaric stands beside me, his arms shifted to look exactly like mine. We present a unified front. Ulrick starts begging for forgiveness: apparently, Sebastian had gotten to him first and fed him lies. Oh yes, I will be hunting Sebastian down real soon.

Dimitri ejects Ulrick from the suite. As soon as the door closes, I shift back to fully human and almost collapse from exertion. The boys grab hold of me and move me to the big bed. Alaric and Nicodeamus leave the room, seeking out food and drink for me. Jayce and Dominik, in their wolven forms, lie on either side of me, keeping me warm and safe so the others can move about and unpack.

I see the worry on Dimitri’s and Klaus’s faces as they look at my semi weakened state. I gently rub the small swell of my stomach as I ponder the events of our arrival. There are several things I know that are true. First, my ex is here spreading lies and sowing the seeds of fear among the ranks. Second, he wouldn’t be here of his own volition; he’s definitely not smart enough to target this place on his own. Third, my strength is directly tied to how well I’m being fed while carrying my baby.

It’s been about a week and a half since I enjoyed the twins during my heat, and less than a week after it was Alaric. Any of the three of them could be the father; the big difference is the gestation length. The door opens suddenly with Alaric and Nicodeamus carrying trays of food. Katherine and Alaric’s sister, Sabine, enter the room behind the guys. It’s the first time I’ve seen Alaric’s sister in her human form. She’s beautiful and is almost a carbon copy of her mother.

Dominik and Jayce start to growl at Sabine, she’s someone new to them, and I’m not feeling well. My father and Alaric set the spread for me to eat at the table in the middle of the room. Jayce and Dominik move their large wolven bodies, assisting me to the chair at the head of the table. They flank my side, watching the room very closely. “What brings you to my chambers, Katherine?” I ask before sniffing the leg of lamb several times before biting into it.

“We wish to check on the child you carry. Rumors have it that it’s very powerful,” Katherine states with a hopeful look in her eyes. I narrow my eyes as I look at her. A deep, rumbling growl escapes my lips as the tabletop begins to freeze before me.

I look between the guys, shifting my eyes to that of my beast, and really look at Katherine and Sabine. I don’t see anything out of the ordinary with them. I reach out through the mate bond to the guys. Alaric, I know it’s your mom and sister, but their interest concerns me greatly; I’m not comfortable with them being here. What are everyone else’s thoughts? I leave it as an open question to the group. Maybe I’m just paranoid, or perhaps I’m onto something?

The twins chime in together almost precisely at the same time. We trust your instincts: if you say something is wrong, then we believe you. Both guys’ wolves nuzzle me at the same time, emphasizing their stance.

I can tell that Klaus is struggling with trying to use the bond since it is not fully cemented in place. I extend my hand to him—direct contact will allow the connection to flow much easier for him. Gently, Klaus takes my hand in his much larger one. My grandmother is a very experienced midwife, perhaps we can send for her? The other guys nod in agreement with Klaus’s suggestion.

Alaric, love, please take some guards and Klaus back to his pack. Gather his grandmother and whatever she feels she needs to take care of me. For all intents and purposes, I must not appear weak at any time. My mates nod at me, and I look to Dimitri.

“Care to escort me around the castle while Alaric is busy?” I manage to gorge myself on enough food that I feel my strength returning in full. I carefully rebutton my sleeves then extend a hand to Dimitri. He places my hand on this thick forearm and allows me to use him to steady myself. “As for my child, Katherine, its power is none of your concern. If you’re not careful, you’ll find yourself right along with Ulrick.”

“As you wish, my Queen,” Dimitri says with a smirk as we watch my father handle the in-laws. Dimitri opens the door, and Dominik and Jayce step into the hallway before us. We leisurely stroll through the halls, looking at art and listening to the local gossip. Apparently, the servants are singing my praises for putting Ulrick in his place.

We finally find the throne room, and I move towards it. Dominik and Jayce both start growling immediately, which halts me in my tracks. Sebastian comes strolling out from behind the throne, missing half of his left arm. Gee, I wonder how that happened? I should have taken his heart instead.

“Is it mine?” Sebastian asks, looking at my elaborate dress that emphasizes the small curve of my growing belly. He attempts to move closer, Dominik and Jayce immediately move in front of me. My Dire Wolf mate’s hackles stand on end as their heads lower into attack mode. I can see the venom dripping from Jayce’s canines, I look at Dominik, and I can visibly see the tension in his coiled muscles.

Dimitri is the only one that appears to be completely calm. Dimitri moves to wrap his thick arm around my middle, opening his hand wide, and palms my belly, covering it completely. “It’s not your’s, you dumb fuck, it’s mine,” Dimitri growls and bares his teeth; I witness his canines descend while his eyes take on the amber-gold color of his bear. It’s the first time he’s shown any possession over me; I’m getting wet just thinking about it.

Dimitri’s proclamation visibly shakes Sebastian to the core. I can see the white-blue of his wolf’s eyes glowing from where he stands on the steps leading up to the throne. “If he charges, he’s mine. I’m going to provoke him a bit more first.” I speak through the bond so that everyone knows what’s going on. I rest my hands on Dominik and Jayce simultaneously, silently telling them to move to the side. I turn my head and kiss Dimitri on the lips passionately. Sebastian’s growl is unmistakable. At this point, I’m pretty sure I’ve got him.

Sebastian starts to clap and sarcastically say, “Bravo!” over and over.

I break away from Dimitri and look at Sebastian. “All you had to do was give me an heir, then the Lycan throne would have been mine. But no, you had to send Andre to investigate all the elder families. You signed his death-warrant that day.” I feel scales emerge along my spine and ripple from my hairline base down to my tailbone. My stomach twists in knots, listening to Sebastian, thinking about Andre and how he died. Shot down like common prey instead of face to face like men. Sebastian drones on, eventually snapping me out of my inner monologue.

“It’s your fault, really, that he’s dead. Poor bastard trusted the wrong people.” Sebastian slowly strolls down the stairs, enunciating every word spoken. He’s smart enough to remain out of my physical strike zone, that cocky grin I used to find sexy now grates on my nerves. “If you haven’t connected the dots, Aurora, I killed Andre.”

I shift my eyes to that of my beast. I focus on the area behind the throne while Dominik and Jayce scan the rest of the room. Sebastian has at least four others behind a secret passageway behind the throne. I reach out to my father and inform him as to what’s happening. He, in turn, learns from Alaric how to access that area from a different room. “I figured you did. Let’s face it, you and your witch of a mother got too comfortable and sloppy.” I start to laugh as I lean back against Dimitri’s broad chest. Slowly, I close my eyes and open the bond wide so that all of my mates hear everything.

“By some miracle, I ended up being sent, by Vlad’s sister,”—I hold up one taloned finger—“to his other sister, who just so happens to have a son.” I hold up a second taloned finger, counting off the facts. “Elena purposely spiked my tea then sent three genetic rejects and you to meet me.” After raising the third finger, I shake my head and then raise it to look at Sebastian again. My steel-grey eyes lock on him; I’m starting to enjoy this way too much.

“Of course, the first Strigoi attack I experience is with your pack. Coincidence? I think not.” A fourth finger is raised. “Then, there was your cousin’s attempt on my life and two different females, one of which was probably your true mate.” I raise a fifth finger, then lower one, counting now up to six. “Oh, and don’t get me started on the Strigoi camp stationed not far from your pack!” I lower another finger now up to seven. My eyes move between Jayce and Dominik then back to Sebastian.

“Your greed robbed us both of our Lycan’s true mates.” Smirking, I look down for a moment then smile broadly as I look back at Sebastian.

“Well, actually, just you. I found mine. You’ve been reduced to a feather-light ghost in the back of my mind.” A maniacal laugh escapes my crimson lips.

“Hell, I probably killed your true mate at your camp.” I flex my taloned fingers that I had used to count with before resting the tip of a talon on my chin.

“I wonder which bitch it was?” I narrow my eyes on him; his grief-stricken reaction tells me that he’s more attached than I am. This is handy information.

I slightly pull away from Dimitri and rest my hand on his side where Sebastian had touched the blade to his ribcage. “What’s the one thing I’ve always said, Sebastian?” I turn to face him and slowly prowl towards him—my ample breasts struggling to break free of my heart-shaped gown top. I step more towards his left side, stopping within my striking distance. Under the sleeves of my beautiful gown, I calmly flex my hands, itching to sink my talons into his flesh. I look up to Sebastian adoringly, all the while plotting his death that’s seconds away.

Hesitantly, he raises his hand and rubs the back of his knuckles along my jaw. His touch repulses me to the point my stomach starts to turn sour. I keep telling myself, just a few more seconds. “Care to remind me, beautiful?”

He leans in slowly, and just before his lips touch mine, I lunge forward and drive my talons up into his stomach, continuing up into his chest. I feel that all too familiar tearing of flesh and the sliding of scales over intestines. The muscle that separates the abdomen and rib cage really isn’t that strong and easily grants passage to his vital organs. The rhythmic beating of his heart in my hand is soothing. Small pulses of blood run down my inner forearm as I look up into his shocked eyes. His lungs slowly expand, touching my sharp, bladed scales; I know every breath he takes is shredding his lungs to pieces. I give his heart a bit of a squeeze to emphasize the dire situation he’s currently in.

Quite literally, I have his heart in my hand. I quickly take my left hand and cut his right hand off, then grip his throat—the dripping of his blood echoes in the silent throne room. His blood has managed to ruin my pretty gown, and it’s sprayed all over the throne room floors. Sebastian is gasping for breath as I slowly apply pressure to his heart. I feel when Alaric and Klaus use the bond to watch through my eyes.

“Sebastian, tsk tsk tsk… My golden rule hasn’t ever changed. Never fuck with those under my protection and never threaten what’s mine!” As I scream the final word, I rip down, pulling his still-beating heart free from his chest. His blood runs slowly between the spaces of my scales. My left-hand moves quickly as I use my talons to sever his head from his body. In a very “300” style move, I kick his chest, sending his body to the floor in a pool of his own blood.

I bend my knees and pick up Sebastian’s head with my free hand and turn to Dimitri. Drawing in a deep breath, I stare at Sebastian’s head, his admission of killing Andre echoing in my head. My eyes then look at Sebastian’s heart in my bloody talons, the quivering mass of smooth muscle still twitching randomly. I’m finally free of his false echo, and I’ve managed to avenge one of the people I’ve loved most.

Without hesitation, I close the distance between Dimitri and me. Tears are streaming down my cheeks because of what I need to say next. “I want you to have these. Our Andre has been avenged.” I swallow hard; I’m all choked up with emotions I can’t easily process on my own. I hold Sebastian’s head and heart in my now human hands offering them to Dimitri.

Dimitri accepts my gifts then kisses me softly, his lips lingering on mine. “He would be very proud of you right now. He would also be proud that you kept your promise to him when you set him free.’ Dimitri reluctantly moves over to one of the closest tables and sets down Sebastian’s head and heart. He wipes his hands on his pants and then comes over to me, smiling ever so softly. His thick arms slowly band around me, holding me tight and flush to his chest. I feel his lips lightly press against my temple before resting his cheek on top of my head. We stay like this for what seems like hours when in reality, only several minutes pass. We hear the sliding of stone, and the smell of burnt flesh hits us. My father emerges from behind the throne, four heads in his hand dangling by their hair. He chucks the heads towards the table where Sebastian’s head now rests.

‘It’s about bloody time that wanker finally got what he deserved,’ My father says with almost too jovial of a tone for someone who has just finished killing four assassins. He smiles at Dimitri and me and gives us a slight wave before herding the twins out of the room. Dimitri and I can’t help but laugh as we watch my father herding two large male Dire Wolves out of the room.

Dimitri gently cups my cheek, and I raise my gaze to look at him. Lightly, he kisses my lips, then smiles. ‘I have always loved you, Aurora. Regrettably, I’m just not ready yet to take the next step. As much as my bear wants me to, mentally, I’m having a hard time getting over being your guardian all these years. I hope you understand that it has nothing to do with you; it’s my own hang-ups. Nico is right, it’s all mental with me.’

I listen ever so carefully to every word that comes out of Dimitri’s mouth. He’s speaking honestly and from the heart. I value that. I guess in my heart, I always knew he would end up being mine someday. My wolf isn’t a crazy bitch after all. Since the ascension, my instincts are sharper, my emotions run deeper, and to have him be by my side for the rest of my life would be my greatest treasure. Treasure? Now I’m genuinely speaking like a dragon. Maybe my dragon side is much stronger than I initially believed?

‘Dimitri. You have always been my rock, my strength, and as frightening as it sounds, my sanity,” I say as I take both of his hands in mine and look up to him.

“Without you, I probably would have gone on many more bloody rampages. Let’s face it, neither one of us knew what we were dealing with when it came to me.” Tilting my head to the left, I feel my cheeks flush under his intense gaze.

“I’m the first of my kind, a true hybrid of two powerful species. Some days I don’t even know what to do with myself.” I release my grip on his hands and slide them up my face and into my hair.

“The instincts that both creatures have are sometimes at war with each other.” I remove my hands from my hair and snuggle back in close, hugging him around his waistline, resting my head on his chest.

“You will always be the one who I come to for comfort, for protection, for shelter.” I lift my head up to look into his hazel eyes. “But you also have to understand each of the others have their own qualities that I need to seek out as well. You know I hold none above the other. But you do have an advantage over the others. You’ve been with me since day one; you’ve seen me at my best, and well, at my worst.’

I smirk and start to laugh ever so softly. ‘We’ve cleaned up some real fucked-up messes together over the years. Like the intestine Christmas tree decorations. I’m still not too sure what to make of that, really. I remember Dad said it had something to do with the ascension, the internal wars that my dual natures had amongst themselves, struggling for power.” I shrug my shoulders.

“But I honestly can’t blame either of them for what happened. They were protecting what was theirs. If those two assholes didn’t interfere when they did,” a soft growl escapes my lips.

“We would have been together all this time uninterrupted, and you would have been the first mate.’ Tears roll down my face as I make the admission to him. I see tears form in the corner of my Great Bear’s eyes. The huge softy is feeling how I feel at this moment, that we were both robbed of precious time.

I swear to myself and to the others that are with me, I shall seek out my vengeance. Elena is next on my hit list, and trust me, once my child is born she will have limited days left. I have a very good feeling as to where I may find her. For now, though, I will not expose my suspicions. I don’t want to panic the others.

In a rather romantic move, even for this Great Bear of mine, he scoops me up in his arms and carries me to the dining hall. The rest of my mates still here in the castle are already sitting at the table waiting for me. Each piece of meat put on the table is closely examined by my father and the twins. No one is taking any chances of anything getting to me that can harm the baby or me. I guess I’m not the only one whose instincts have been kicked up a notch by the impending birth of my heir. Dominik’s phone pings with several messages in rapid succession. Silence falls over the dining hall as we look at him, waiting for him to finish reading all the messages.

“According to Alex, there has been a lot of movement at the American Lycan camp. A good number of the Lycans have started to head their way down to our home. They are seeking refuge in case of retaliation by either the Strigoi or Sebastian’s family.” Dom looks up briefly before returning to the messages.

“I told him to vet each individual thoroughly before allowing them into the compound. We need our forces as strong as possible for the next leg of this journey. I don’t think the American Lycans will be able to hold up against the Strigoi. Still, at least the extra numbers will bolster our ground defense,’ Dominik states before he fires back several more messages to his brother and receives two more back just as quickly.

‘Okay, Alex says that he will look into everything and everyone. He allows them to set up camp in the desert instead of letting them into the heart of the fortress. He doesn’t want them in there on the off chance anyone decides to cause a coup.’

As I listen carefully to what Dominik is telling me, I look over at my father then to Dimitri, seeing as both of them have more experience when it comes to wartime. They both gave me a slight nod, and I look back to Dominik. ‘Tell Alex that his plan is solid, and I appreciate him being so cautious with our people. When we reach the German Lycan camp, I will send for them. Keep up the training, and don’t let anybody slack off; the war is coming faster than we think.’ I go back to eating my leg of lamb that I’ve had sitting in front of me for the last ten minutes.

I’m starving, tired, and there’s way too much shit to get done. Nobody ever said being a queen would be easy, nor would it be easy to wage and win a war. My boys are taking excellent care of me, making sure my drink is full, as well as my plate, and that everything I need is within reach. We missed the Krampus celebrations in Germany at the beginning of the month; I’m really disappointed about that. Right now, we are setting up for Christmas that is only three days away.

Father receives word that Alaric and Klaus have acquired Klaus’s grandmother and are on their way back with a good headwind. I should see them within the next two hours. I watch as the servants move around the room, changing the decorations to get ready for the holiday. I’m kind of upset I didn’t get to go shopping for my mates, but I carry the greatest gift of all right now.

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