Fight for Me

Chapter Marshmallows

Layla’s POV

Well I had a weird night’s rest last night. I can’t really remember what I was dreaming about. I keep getting glimpses of being chased but then it changes to me eating cotton candy while riding a massive black wolf running through the forest.

Like, what the hell?

And why does my pyjama top smell like pine? And I could have sworn I kicked off the blanket because I got too warm in the middle of the night.

Hhfh. I release a deep sigh as I freshen up.

Apparently, today’s my day off, seeing that it’s Saturday. Great. What am I supposed to do with myself now?

Oooohh. Maybe I can check out their in-house movie theater. From what I’ve seen, they don’t make much use of it. So I might as well try it out.

Nick’s POV

Well I certainly didn’t have a great night’s rest last night. I was up all night trying to make sense of this lump in my chest keeping me awake. And then there was her scent literally stuck on my body. Lying in bed, it felt like she was with me, but knowing that she wasn’t, frustrated me again.

How the fuck can someone smell like marshmallows?! Seriously?

What is this woman doing to me? Is it really the bond?

Just as I walk out of my room I’m already hit with her scent in the hallway.

For fuck’s sake. Is this what the mate bond is? I hate the idea of having to be forced with someone. I considered the idea when I caught the scent. But realizing what she is made me wake up and realize it’s not real. It’s just in my head. It’s just the bond.

I just need to endure this for a month.

But as I make my way down, I’m faced with the sight of something I can’t comprehend, especially with the way it’s making me feel.

She’s sitting on the floor of the back porch with criss-crossed legs, eating a bowl of cereal.

I’ve never seen anybody do that here before. I was raised in my lifestyle of high-society etiquette, yet the only time I ever felt so free was out in the woods, and that was usually during times of war. But then again, I’m also in ultimate beast mode.

But she manages to act and feel so carefree in this marble-floored house. I never considered it. My father always told us to let our wolves free in the wild but to remember our human and civil nature when we’re indoors. It’s apparently what keeps a wolf from going rogue, - that reminder to not forget your human side.

But here sits a human, looking like she’s enjoying her human life on this marble floor. And she doesn’t seem to have a care in the world about it.

She keeps intriguing me.

After getting breakfast in the dining hall with the others, I go back to the office for my meeting with the head members.

“Tyler.” I nod my head towards him so he can start with the de-briefing of the report.

He sits up. “Well Alpha. We got reports that there’s a cougar-shifter in town.”

I raise my brow asking if it’s what I think it is.

“Yes, he’s a tracker.” Tyler continues. “He arrived yesterday. Nothing has happened so far.”

I sigh. “Bring him here, by force if you have to. But tell him I will not have him run around our town without my say so. So, it’s either he tells me who he’s looking for and we can maybe help him find them, or he can beg me to let him leave this town alive.”

I know these kinds of trackers. They’re hired for mainly illegal purposes, usually killing. I will not have such nonsense happening here. I’m annoyed that they even have the nerve to come near my territory.

“Yes Alpha. And moving on, we have reports from pack-less rogues in the town who claim to have spotted wild rogues near the east mountain side. And we also don’t know if this is related to recent reports of rogues gathering in the northern mountains.”

Pack-less rogues are known to be harmless. They live their lives among humans and many even mate with them. But wild-rogues are a sign of trouble.

I tap my finger on the table as I think it over. “Question the pack-less rogues and see of you can find out anything specific on these wild-rogues. And double patrol on our eastern border.”

“Yes Alpha. Other than that, there aren’t any other serious issues to discuss. However.-“

I’m already annoyed with that smirk on his face.

“Your brother called and told me to inform you that they will be visiting you on the weekend of the harvest moon.”

“They?” Why my place? They know I don’t like having guests.

“Yes. Your brothers and their mates. Apparently you don’t make the effort to visit and they miss you.”

I sigh. I knew this month was going to be a long one. I just nod my head.

I adjourn the meeting, and spend the rest of the day catching up on work.

Later that night

I didn’t even realize how late it was when I finally finished and looked up at the clock. It’s already eleven at night.

I missed dinner and I’m definitely feeling it now.

Walking downstairs I’m faced with yet another surprise of a barefoot human girl fidgeting in the fridge.

“Can’t sleep?”

She yelps as she hears my voice.

“Jesus fudge balls.” She says as she holds her hand up to her chest. “You scared me.”

I can’t help but smile at her reaction. What a way to swear. I walk towards the island counter to peek at what she has in her hands.

“You shouldn’t sneak up on people like that.” She practically scolds me.

Why does she always make me feel such strange feelings? I haven’t had someone scold me since my mother did it, and I was a pup then.

“Are you making something?” I look at the stuff she took out.

“Yeah. I didn’t eat much tonight. Fish isn’t really my thing.”

“And chicken and potatoes are?”

“Yeah.” She says matter-of-factly as she puts the stuff down and starts looking through the drawers for utensils.

But she stops when she sees me looking.

“What? You want some too? I’m guessing you must be hungry. I didn’t see you at dinner.”

I lean over the counter. “Well it depends. What are you making?”

“Nothing special that you would expect from one of your fancy chefs.” She says as she starts cutting the fillet into small cubes. “But it’s quick and easy and very delicious.” She says smiling.

“You didn’t say what you’re making.” People usually answer my questions straight up.

“I’m going to fry up some chicken into nuggets and I’m going to make crisp wedges from the potatoes.”


“Really? Then I guess you can help.” She says as she hands me a knife. “What? I’m sure you can use a knife.”

Fuck. I got myself into this.

I take the knife and make my way around the counter and next to her.

“What do you want me to do?”

“Here. You can slice up the potatoes so long.” She shifts the few potatoes to my side on the counter.

I’m not useless when it comes to weapons. So doing this is actually a piece of cake. I just didn’t think I would be enjoying this.

Half an hour later and the kitchen smells amazing, as she dishes the food for us. She places our plates at the counter and sits on one of the high stools.

As we’re eating, I can’t help but admire her. She’s so engrossed in the food, the way she moans with every bite. I was so lost in the food and watching her as I was nibbling on a potato wedge. When I reached down to my plate again, I realized it was empty.

I finished my food, and I want more. I’m sure she wouldn’t mind if I take some form her plate.


She holds her plate and turns away from me.

I’m still stunned with what just happened. Did she just smack my hand away?

I look up as I hear her giggling at my lost expression.

That’s when she walks up to me and holds a nugget to my lips. I can’t understand this woman. So, with a confused expression I slowly open my mouth and bite on it.

“All you have to do is ask next time.” She says as she eats another wedge.

What is this woman doing to me? I'm not used to having to ask for things.

I can’t believe I’m doing this.

I walk up to her and she looks up at me with those beautiful blue eyes.

I clear my throat. “May I have some?”

She smiles and she lifts the plate up to me. “Of course.”

I hesitantly take a wedge, and I realize I actually wanted her to feed it to me too. But I’m definitely not going to ask her to do that.

She ends up sharing her plate with me as we finish it. I can see her lost in me just as I am in her. I’m actually enjoying this moment. It’s quiet and nice.

But she quickly pulls away and starts placing the dishes in the sink.

I like watching her, the way she’s so comfortable, moving around the kitchen. She makes me curious. She makes me want to know more.

“Why do you like walking around barefoot?”

She turns around at my question.

“Huh? Oh, well, it’s nice.” She giggles.


She tilts her head as if confused by my question.

“Well you as a wolf should probably understand how nice it is to feel a bit free.”

“But you’re human.”

“Y-e-s. And even I like to feel the dirt under my feet every no and then.”

She wipes her hands and puts the cloth away.

“Well then, let’s go to bed.” But her eyes widen suddenly. “I mean, not together. Just, since we’re going in the same direction. Well, I’m assuming if you’re going to bed as well. You know, you can stop me at any time, from continuing to make a fool of myself.”

She covers her face with her palms, but splits her fingers to still look through them and at me.

I can’t help but smile at her actions. She’s fucking adorable.

“Come. Let’s go.” I walk knowing she’s following behind.

As I walk past her door, I hear her opening it.

“Goodnight Nick.”

I stop in my tracks and look behind me. But she already closed her door.

I haven’t had someone say goodnight to me before bed in forever. And over the past few days she has already made it clear that she’ll call me Nick. As much as it angers me and my wolf, I’m annoyingly becoming used to it.

The lump in me is starting to feel almost warm.

This woman is really something.

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