Fight for Me

Chapter Fight for a prize


I can hear him, Dr. Ass-Hat walking sown the metal stairs. It’s time again. Is he going to start his day with torturing one of us, or is he going to have us fight again?

“Wakey wakey!”

Clank! Clank! Clank! The guards are banging their metal batons on the cell bars.

“I’m in the mood for an entertaining fight today.” He says just as I hear one of the guards unlocking my cell door.

They keep my hands and feet chained as one of the guards wraps a noose attached to a long stick around my neck. Moving me around like I’m some common dog they caught.

They bring me to him, as we follow him to the fighting ring. I can tell that the guy behind me is a vampire. This is going to be a tough fight.

When we get to the ring, I see people surrounding it like always, - some ‘doctors’ in their lab-coats and guards. The ring looks like some UFC fighting cage. But it’s worse, because this one electrocutes you if you touch it. The guards unchain us and quickly leave, without turning their backs on us

My wolf feels pride from knowing we still put fear in these pathetic humans.

“Now, before we begin the fight, I thought we could make today a little more interesting.” The doc says as he hands out the key card to one of the guards and gives him a knowing nod.

Key card’? I’ve only seen him need it when he goes to the maximum-security cell.

My eyes widen at the thought. Is he going to have three of us fight this time? And with a woman? A woman he tortured just last night. She’ll be too weak too fight.

“Today’s fight is going to be to the death, obviously. But today’s fight comes with a prize.” He gives an ugly sinister smile, like one already enjoying what’s to come. “That’s why I chose two of the strongest fighters for today.”

“What’s the prize?” I look at the interrupting vampire.

I know he’s desperate. With those red veins popping around his eyes, he probably hasn’t fed in days. He’s on the brink of going rogue.

Hahaha! “Well, it’s whatever you make of it.” The doctor smiles as he turns, looking at the guard dragging a limping, whimpering and bloody woman by her hair.

The guard throws her at the doc’s feet. The vampire next to me is getting tensed up and the moment I smell her blood I know why.

“She’s human.” I growl out.

Why the fuck would he have a female human locked up and tortured in a place like this?!

“Yes she is.” He bends down and moves her hair out of her face as she just lies there.

She can’t even move. But before he could take his hand away, she bites his hand, hard.

Aah! “Fuck! You bitch.” He slaps her across the face.

He stands and looks back at us, cleaning his wound with a handkerchief.

“Yes. Your prize will be getting this nuisance off my hands. She has proven to be nothing but useless. Whoever wins the fight can do whatever he wants with her, - claw her apart, drain her blood, fuck her, kill her for all I care. She’ll be yours to do with as you please for the day. I doubt she’ll live past it.”

I look at the vampire next to me. I know he’s hungry, and smelling her blood is not helping him. He’ll tear her apart if he gets to her.

But what need do I have to fight for a dying woman? But then again, not fighting means death.

What the fuck am I gonna do?

“Let the fight begin!” He shouts as the crowd begins to rouse.

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