Fierce Queen (L.A. Ruthless Series Book 2)

Fierce Queen: Chapter 9

Alejandro stood by the front door and glanced at his watch and I bit back a smile. He hated to be kept waiting and he was barely able to hide his frustration.

‘Lucia!’ he shouted. ‘If you’re not down here in two minutes we’re going without you.’

There was no reply and he shook his head in annoyance. I slipped on my heels and walked over to him. ‘She’s just nervous about what to wear,’ I said with a smile, placing my hand on his cheek. ‘She’s been excited about this all day. She’ll be down soon.’

‘She’d better be,’ he growled.

It had been two weeks since Lucia had first arrived at our house, and we had discovered that tomorrow was her seventeenth birthday. Alejandro had arranged for us to have dinner at a very exclusive restaurant and Lucia had been beside herself all day deciding what to wear. The two of us had gone shopping earlier, and she had ended up being so torn between five different outfits that I’d insisted on buying her them all. She needed some new clothes anyway.

Alejandro sighed as he continued looking at the stairs. Then he turned his attention to me, sliding a hand over my hips and onto my ass. ‘You look beautiful by the way. Red really suits you.’

I looked down at my new dress. It was cut just below the knee, but it was tight and accentuated my slim waist and curvy thighs. ‘You think?’ I said as I bit on my lip and placed my hand on his chest. ‘I’m really glad you like the color, because it’s exactly the same shade as my panties.’

‘Fuck!’ he said as he sucked in a long breath.

I leaned closer to him, my lips brushing his ear. ‘They’re see through too.’

He squeezed my ass possessively. ‘Don’t tease me, princess, or we won’t make it to the restaurant.’

‘You can’t disappoint Lucia. I just told you, she’s been excited about this all day,’ I grinned at him.

‘She’ll forgive me when she sees her birthday present,’ he growled as he moved his head and ran his teeth along my jawline before nipping and tugging on my earlobe sending a shiver of pleasure through my entire body.

I laughed as I wrapped my arms around his neck. ‘Actually, she probably will.’

We had only found out yesterday that it was Lucia’s birthday. As well as arranging this birthday meal, Alejandro had ordered her a brand new car and it was being delivered the following morning. I had been surprised by his generosity, not that he couldn’t easily afford such a lavish gift, and he was usually generous with his money, but he had been so resistant to Lucia staying with us. It seemed she was working her way into his affections despite his insistence that she would be out of our lives as soon as possible. I looked up at him and smiled.

He smiled back at me, and I felt a rush of wet heat as he pressed his body against mine. ‘I’m going to tear those panties off you as soon as we get back home then,’ he growled in my ear before he sealed his lips against mine, licking along the seam until I opened my mouth, allowing his tongue to swirl against mine. I leaned against him as my legs started to tremble.

‘Oh my God! Can you guys keep your hands off each other for like two minutes!’ Lucia sighed behind us.

Alejandro removed his hand from my ass, and I turned to see her walking down the stairs in a beautiful aqua blue dress which was the perfect tone for her skin.

‘You look beautiful,’ I said to her with a smile as she walked towards us. She stopped at the bottom of the stairs and gave us a twirl.

‘You certainly do, chica,’ Alejandro agreed.

She blushed slightly and walked towards us. ‘Gracias,’ she said quietly.

An hour later, we were sitting on the terrace of the restaurant. I looked out over the ocean and let out a contented sigh.

‘I think this is the most beautiful view I have ever seen in my life,’ I said.

‘I couldn’t agree more, princess,’ Alejandro said as he winked at me and I realized he wasn’t talking about the ocean.

Lucia giggled as she looked at the two of us.

‘What’s so funny?’ I asked.

‘You two,’ she replied. ‘You’re so sweet together.’

‘Sweet?’ Alejandro asked with a frown.

‘Yeah. Like whenever you’re near to each other, you’re always touching.’

I almost choked on the mouthful of water I’d just taken. ‘What?’ I spat. Had she noticed Alejandro’s hand squeezing my thigh a few minutes earlier? No. She’d been reading her menu and his hand had been under the table. It had been perfectly innocent compared to what he usually did when we were in a restaurant together.

She started to laugh louder. ‘I don’t mean like that. I mean look at you now. Your shoulders and hips are touching. Alejandro has brushed your hand or your arm at least half a dozen times. Most couples don’t sit that close together at a restaurant, you know. At least most that I’ve ever known. I just think it’s sweet how much you guys are into each other, that’s all,’ she said with a shrug.

‘I don’t think I’ve ever been called sweet before in my entire life,’ Alejandro said as he picked up his glass and took a drink of his wine. Then he sat back against the seat and put his arm around me.

‘I never said you were sweet,’ Lucia said with a roll of her eyes. ‘I’ve just never really seen a couple like you two before.’

‘What about your mom and dad?’ I asked and I felt Alejandro tense beside me.

‘No way,’ Lucia shook her head and picked up a bread roll. ‘They …, well, they weren’t like that at all.’ She sniffed before taking a bite from her bread.

‘Wait until you taste the lobster here, Lucia. It’s incredible,’ Alejandro said in an obvious attempt to change the subject.

We had finished our meal and were waiting for dessert when the waiter brought over a bottle of champagne to our table and placed three flutes down in front of us.

‘Gracias,’ Alejandro said as though he was expecting it, and the waiter smiled and walked away.

‘What’s this for?’ I asked.

‘I have something to tell you both,’ he grinned as he lifted the bottle from the bucket and popped the cork. ‘And before you get too excited, Lucia, this is practically alcohol free,’ he said with a flash of his eyebrows.

‘Damn!’ she said with a smile as Alejandro filled our glasses.

I watched him with a smile on my face. Whether he would admit it or not, Lucia’s presence in our lives was bringing out a softer side of him.

When our glasses were full, he handed each of us one. ‘I got a call from my lawyer today. The paperwork making you and I Lucia’s legal guardians has all been signed off. It’s official. You’re stuck with us for a few months yet, kid,’ he said.

I opened my mouth in surprise and Lucia gave a squeal of delight.

‘Wow! That was quick,’ I said.

He shrugged. ‘I pulled some strings.’

‘Thank you,’ Lucia said, her face shining with happiness.

I swallowed the lump in my throat as we raised a glass in a celebratory toast.

‘I’m so excited, I think I’m going to pee,’ Lucia said with a grin as she stood up from the table. ‘Be right back.’

I watched as she walked to the restroom, with Hank keeping a close eye on her from his vantage point near the front of the restaurant. When she was out of our sight, I turned to Alejandro and placed my hand on his thigh. ‘That was very sweet of you to rush those papers through.’

He scowled at me. ‘That’s the second time tonight I’ve been called sweet, princess. Don’t go making a habit of it.’

‘Well, it was,’ I said as I leaned closed to him. ‘I love seeing the softer side of you.’

He edged his face closer to mine. ‘Don’t get used to it, Alana,’ he growled. ‘There is nothing soft about what I’ll be giving you as soon as I get you alone.’

I opened my mouth in mock indignation. ‘Is sex ever far from your mind?’ I whispered.

‘Not when you’re sitting next to me in that dress and see through panties, princess,’ he leaned even closer until his lips were brushing my ear. ‘If Lucia wasn’t with us, I’d have fucked you in the car on the way here and took those panties of yours hostage. Then you’d have had to sit here eating your meal with my cum dripping down your thighs,’ he growled.

My insides turned to hot liquid as he planted a single, soft kiss beneath my ear.

‘You’re a devil,’ I whispered and he laughed softly.

‘That’s better,’ he said in his low, growly voice that reverberated through my body.

‘But, seriously, thank you so much for what you did for Lucia. I would have hated her to go back to the Bakers.’

‘I know.’

‘Have I ever told you how much I love you?’

‘Not often enough, princess,’ he said as he lifted my hand from his thigh and kissed my fingertips. ‘But I look forward to you showing me later, because our teenage runaway is on her way back over.’

He released my hand and I faced the table again and saw Lucia walking back to us.

Lucia had eaten so much ice cream for dessert that she had declared herself fit to burst and after another heartfelt thank-you and a round of hugs, had taken herself off to bed as soon as we’d got home.

‘Do you fancy a quick nightcap?’ I asked Alejandro as we walked down the hallway.

He glared at me, those dark brown eyes almost black as he licked his lips. ‘Okay. My office. Now.’

I swallowed. His office was soundproof. He did keep some of his finest Scotch in there, but we’d usually have a nightcap in the den or in the garden. There had to be an ulterior motive for him wanting to go there instead. There was nothing soft or sweet about him right now. My fierce devil was back, and I loved it.

I walked down the hallway to his office with him close behind me. I stopped at the door. It was locked. He stopped behind me, so close that I could feel his hot breath on the back of my neck. He reached in front of me, his hand sliding between me and the door as he slowly keyed in the entry code, prolonging the contact between his wrist and my groin.

Pressing his body against mine, I felt the heat from his skin even through both sets of our clothes. Then his other hand snaked around my waist until I was completely caged in by him. He was wearing my favorite cologne of his and the scent of him was heady and intoxicating. It was a complete, overwhelming assault of the senses and I suspected he knew exactly what he was doing to me.

His breath skated over my neck and our bodies were pressed so tightly together it was hard to fathom where I ended and he began.

‘Voy a follarte tan malditamente duro,’ he growled in my ear and I felt the rush of wet heat between my thighs as my legs trembled. Even if I hadn’t known what that phrase meant, I would have been a quivering mess. But, I did know, because he had said it to me so many times before. I’m going to fuck you so damn hard.

Dear God, he was going to nail me into oblivion.

The lock opened with a loud click and Alejandro pushed the door ajar, allowing me to step inside. He followed me into the room, kicking the door closed behind us. Now nobody would hear a thing.

I turned around to face him and he stood there, staring at me, his eyes roaming over my body as though he were a starving lion and I was his prey.

‘Take everything off except the panties and the heels,’ he ordered.

My hands trembled in anticipation as I reached for the zipper at the back of my dress and pulled it down. Then I shrugged the fabric off my shoulders and pulled the material down over my hips and legs until it was a pool of red at my feet. I unclasped my bra at the front and my heavy breasts sprung free – my nipples already hard under the heat of his gaze. I dropped that too and stepped out of the dress.

Alejandro licked his lips as his gaze travelled over my body and down to my sheer, red panties. ‘They are fucking dangerous, princess,’ he growled as he walked towards me.

‘I’m not sure panties can be dangerous , Alex,’ I breathed.

‘Hmm. We’ll see,’ he grinned at me. ‘I can see they’re already damp,’ he said as he looked down at them and I felt the heat searing across my cheeks. ‘I wonder how much wetter I can make you without even touching you?’ he flashed an eyebrow at me.

I bit my lip as he edged even closer until I could feel his warm breath skittering over my skin.

‘What do you think, princess?’

‘A lot more,’ I whispered. I was sure he could make me come just from his dirty talk, but I’d much prefer he used other means.

‘Shall we try?’

‘I’d rather not,’ I said as I stood there with my hands by my sides. I was desperate to reach out and touch him, but his office was his domain and he was in complete control here.

‘No? Why’s that?’ he growled as he leaned his head closer, until his lips were dangerously close to the skin on my neck.

‘Because I want you to touch me,’ I gasped.

At my words, he placed his lips on the base of my throat, kissing me softly and making me groan out loud.

‘Greedy, princess,’ he chuckled. ‘You remember how you told me about those panties just before we were leaving, so that I would spend the whole evening thinking about them and not being able to do anything about it? You knew I would be picturing your hot pussy and wishing I could bury myself in it, didn’t you?’

‘Yes,’ I admitted.

‘So, maybe I should leave you all hot and wet and wanting me? Maybe I should make you stand here while I jerk off just looking at you?’

‘You’re not that cruel,’ I panted as his lips dusted over the skin on my collarbone.

‘Oh, I am,’ he chuckled. ‘But I have a better idea,’ he said as he stepped back. ‘Up onto the desk,’ he jerked his head upwards and I moved back and perched on the edge of the desk.

‘Sit all the way back, princess. I want your feet on it too.’

I scooted back until I was sitting on his desk with my ass in the middle and my feet planted on the edge. I watched him as he pulled up his chair and sat down. Then he unzipped his suit pants and pulled out his cock. His eyes locked onto mine as he squeezed the shaft in his strong hand, and I licked my lips in anticipation as I watched a bead of pre-cum run down the tip.

‘Open your legs, slip your hand into those panties and play with that pretty pussy of yours. I want to watch you make yourself come.’

I felt my heart starting to hammer in my chest and the heat flashed across my cheeks. ‘What? Alex, I can’t,’ I gasped. I had never done that in front of him before. At least not like this, not when he wasn’t involved in some way.

‘You can and you will, princess. What is the point of wearing see through panties if not to put on a show for me? Because that is what you wanted, isn’t it?’

I swallowed as I looked at him. This hadn’t been exactly what I’d had in mind.

‘Don’t make me ask again, Alana,’ he warned. ‘You make yourself come now or you won’t be coming at all.’

I took a deep breath and slid my right hand into my panties, through my wet folds and onto my clit. I closed my eyes and started to draw slow circles around the swollen bud of flesh.

‘Eyes on me, princess,’ he barked.


I opened my eyes and they locked with his as I kept on moving my fingers in slow, teasing circles. His eyes were full of fire and they burned into mine. The waves of pleasure started to build and I bit down on my lip to stop myself from moaning loudly. His eyes moved lower until they were fixed on my fingers between my thighs, and he kept on watching me intently, a wicked grin on his lips as he began to stroke his cock.

I arched my back and let out a groan. ‘That’s it, princess,’ he growled. ‘I can see your cream soaking those sexy little panties.’

I sucked in a breath and lay back on the desk so I could use my other hand too. I slid it inside my panties along with my other hand and pushed two fingers inside my wet channel.

‘Fuck, Alana!’ he hissed loudly as I started to work myself up to release. Thrusting my fingers in and out while rubbing firm circles on my throbbing clit. I heard him growling in Spanish and it only spurred me on. I closed my eyes now that he couldn’t see my face and imagined it was his strong fingers inside me rather than my own.

The pressure between my thighs intensified until my thighs were trembling.

‘I can see you’re almost there, princess,’ Alejandro growled from across the room. ‘Your panties are soaked with your cream.’

It was as though his words tipped me over the edge and my orgasm washed over me slowly in long delicious waves. I lay back, panting for breath, my hands still inside my wet panties when I felt his hands on my wrists. He pulled my hands away and pinned my forearms to the desk at either side of my head.

‘My turn,’ he growled and then he bent his head low, pressing his face against the damp fabric between my thighs and inhaling deeply. ‘You smell fucking delicious, princess,’ he growled and then his fingers were hooking under the band of my panties as he slowly started pulling them down my legs.

I leaned up on my elbows and watched him. ‘Not tearing these ones then?’ I asked with a flash of my eyebrows.

He shook his head. ‘Not these ones,’ he grinned. ‘I want to see that again.’

When I was naked, he dropped to his knees and wrapped his hands around the back of my thighs, pulling me closer to the edge of the desk. Then he ran his thick, hot tongue through the length of my folds. ‘Your cream is so fucking good, princesa,’ he groaned.

I felt another rush of wet heat as his tongue started to swirl around my clit. The pressure started to build in my core, travelling up from my toes until every nerve ending in my body felt like it was on edge and ready to explode. My head tingled and my thighs trembled, and then he pulled me closer, sucking me hard as his tongue continued to swirl and my climax tore through me, ripping me open as I screamed his name.

He stood up and wiped his face with the back of his hand before grinning down at me. ‘I do love to hear you scream, Alana,’ he smiled at me before grabbing hold of my hips and reminding me what he’d said when we were standing outside his office thirty minutes earlier.

He slammed into me so hard, I gasped for breath. I clenched my walls around him, drawing him in further, because I couldn’t get enough of him. He looked down at me, holding me with the intensity of his gaze as he fucked us both to a shuddering climax.

When we were done, he wrapped his suit jacket around me and lifted me into his arms. I snaked my arms around his neck and melted into his body, feeling completely sated and spent.

‘You are incredible, princesa,’ he whispered in my ear as he carried me upstairs to bed.

‘You’re pretty incredible yourself,’ I murmured.

Half an hour later, we lay in the dark, listening to the sound of our breathing in the quiet stillness.

‘What happened with Lucia’s parents?’ I asked Alejandro, remembering her reaction in the restaurant earlier when I had mentioned them.

‘Her mother killed herself when Lucia was eight. She blames her father for her death.’

‘Oh. That’s awful. And was he responsible?’

Alejandro pulled me tighter to him. ‘Maybe? She intended to kill herself. She left a note. I knew Miguel Ramos to be a double-crossing snake, and a cruel and vicious Cabrón. But then he was an enemy of my family, so why wouldn’t he present like that to me? Only from what Lucia has told me, he wasn’t any different with his own family.’

‘Oh, that poor girl,’ I whispered.

‘Hmm. She said her brothers weren’t much better. I don’t know, Alana. Who knows what that kid has had to endure in her life? I hate to think about it.’

‘Me too. Maybe now that she knows she’s safe, she might get help if she ever needs it. You know, like therapy?’

‘Maybe? We have to let her make her own choices though. She’s still a kid, but she’s not. You know what I mean?’

‘Yes, I do. I’m just glad she has a safe home here for now though. Thank you for that.’

He kissed the top of my head. ‘Anything for you, princess. You know that,’ he said softly, but I knew that he was lying. Lucia Ramos was getting through the King of L.A’s titanium armor and there wasn’t a thing he could do about it.

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