Fierce Queen (L.A. Ruthless Series Book 2)

Fierce Queen: Chapter 35

I walked through the house to the kitchen, repeating the phrase I’d heard over and over in my head. I had never so much seen Hank crack a smile before, so whatever the joke was must have been incredibly funny. I could ask Alejandro what they had said, but I had hardly seen him this past week. He was doing everything he could to find the person responsible for shooting his father, and that meant he was spending most of his time at the hotel. He still came home every night, but sometimes it was after midnight before he finally got back. I missed him, but I couldn’t tell him that because he had more important things to deal with.

I sensed some distance between us, and I didn’t know if he was still angry with me because he’d had to follow me to New York, or over the Bobby situation, or whether it was simply because we hadn’t spent much time together.

Lucia had made herself a girlfriend who lived nearby. Alejandro knew the family, and they had good security at their house, so she often went there after school, still in the company of one of Alejandro’s guards of course.

I walked into the kitchen to find our housekeeper, Magda preparing dinner.

‘Evening, Alana,’ she said with a smile.

‘Hi, Magda. Need any help?’ I replied as I walked over to the counter to stand beside her.

‘No, thank you, Dulce niña. I’m almost done.’

I leaned back against the counter and popped a piece of bell pepper into my mouth. Magda was putting some dishes into the sink by the time I’d finished eating it. ‘Magda, what does la llevamos por las dos puertas mean?’ I asked with a smile.

Magda turned to me as she almost dropped the plate she was carrying onto the floor. She fumbled and managed to prevent it from slipping from her hands but her face turned a bright shade of red and she stared at me with her mouth gaping open.

‘Alana!’ I heard a voice behind me and realized Alejandro had just walked through the door. I smiled at the sight of him. I hadn’t expected him home so early. He was dressed in one of his impeccably tailored suits and as usual, he looked good enough to lick from head to toe.

Although his reaction did make me wonder what the hell I had just said. ‘What?’ I said with a shrug. ‘I was just asking.’

Magda cleared her throat and carried on clearing the dishes as Alejandro crossed the room to me. ‘You almost gave Magda a heart attack,’ he said half scowling, half grinning. The he slipped an arm around my waist. ‘Come with me,’ he growled, then placing his hand on the small of my back, he guided me out of the kitchen.

‘What?’ I whispered as soon as we were in the hallway.

‘Tell me again what you just said. I need to make sure I heard you right.’

I blushed. Whatever it was, was obviously either very offensive or very inappropriate. ‘La llevamos por las dos puertas?’ I said quietly. ‘Maybe I’m pronouncing it wrong?’

‘Oh, you’re pronouncing it fine, princess. But where did you hear that?’

I swallowed. ‘A couple of the guards said it to Hank just now and he burst out laughing. Like tears coming out of his eyes, laughing. I’ve never even seen him smile before. I thought it must have been something really funny.’

He rubbed a hand across his jaw. ‘Hmm. It’s not exactly funny. But I’ll deal with those canallas later. Where is Lucia?’

‘She’s at the Neilson’s again. Why? Do you need to speak to her?’

He shook his head. ‘No. Just checking we’re alone,’ he said as he started walking towards the stairs.

‘So, what does it mean?’ I asked for the third time.

He stopped in his tracks and grinned at me, before bending his head and brushing his lips across my ear. ‘Come with me and I’ll show you,’ he growled before grabbing hold of my hand and leading me to the bedroom.

As soon as the bedroom door was closed, Alejandro walked me to the bed and silently undressed me, running his hands over my body and planting soft kisses as he exposed my skin to the cool air. When he took off my panties, he held them to his face, inhaling deeply.

‘Fuck, princess, you smell delicious, do you know that?’ he said and then he gave me a quick kiss on the lips before pushing me back onto the bed.

‘I’m glad you’re home early,’ I whispered.

‘So am I, princess. I’ve missed you, and I’m sorry I haven’t been around much,’ he said as he started to undress. ‘But, I’ll make it up to you.’

I watched him intently, enjoying watching his deft fingers removing his clothes until he was naked too. He licked his lips as he looked down at me, as though he wanted to devour me and I felt the thrill coursing through my body. What the hell had I asked Magda in the kitchen?

Alejandro walked to the nightstand and took out a bottle of lube, as well as the vibrator he’d bought me a few months earlier when I’d complained about missing him on his trip to Chicago. He placed them down on the bed beside me and I swallowed.

‘So, are you going to tell me what it means now?’ I breathed.

He crawled onto the bed, holding himself over me. ‘Well, the literal translation is we took her by the two doors. Do you know what that means, princess?’ he growled before he sucked one of my nipples into his hot mouth.

I remembered now the looks on their faces and the way Hank doubled over with laughter, and it made sense that Magda almost dropped the dishes when I asked her to translate. ‘I think I have an idea,’ I groaned as one of his hands slipped between my thighs.

‘Tell me what you think it means,’ he said as he moved his head southwards, planting deliciously soft kisses over my stomach.

‘That those two guys had sex with a woman at the same time?’ I panted.

‘Yes. One fucked her pussy, while the other one fucked her ass,’ he said as he moved his head between my thighs and planted a soft kiss on my clit.

‘Oh?’ I groaned as he slipped two fingers inside me.

‘And obviously, there is not a chance in hell that I would let anyone fuck you, princess, but I can show you how it would feel to have both of your beautiful holes filled at the same time. So, I need you really relaxed for me,’ he said and then he sucked my clit into his mouth and I felt the endorphins coursing through my body as he sucked and rubbed on my most sensitive spots.

‘Alex,’ I groaned as he brought me to the edge of ecstasy and kept me teetering on the brink until I could hardly stand it any longer and I started begging him to let me come.

He chuckled against my skin as he finally gave me my release. As the orgasm washed over me in long rolling waves, he crawled back up the bed until he was lying beside me.

‘Turn onto your side, princess,’ he said softly in my ear.

I did as he told me, so I was facing away from him, my legs still trembling. He reached over and grabbed hold of the lube and the vibrator. I heard the cap of the lube snapping open and then the sound of some being squirted into Alejandro’s hand. My legs trembled as I felt him behind me coating his cock ready to slide into me.

He pressed his lips against my ear. ‘Open those legs wide for me princess. Let’s put all that yoga you do to good use,’ he growled.

I raised my right leg into the air and he pressed closer to me. I heard the vibrator buzzing to life before he slid it inside my pussy. I groaned out loud and he kissed my neck at the same time. He slid the toy in and out of me until I felt the familiar pressure building in my abdomen and my legs began trembling again.

‘You ready for me too now, princess?’ he asked as he stilled his hand.

‘Yes,’ I panted. The vibrator felt good but there was nothing better than the feeling of him inside me. He pressed his cock against my ass and pushed the tip in a fraction.

‘Alex,’ I moaned at the stretch. Having my pussy full of the vibrating toy while he pushed his cock inside me felt overwhelming and I had to take a deep breath.

‘That’s it, princess, breathe. You can take me too,’ he growled in my ear. ‘Keep those legs spread until I’m all the way in.’

‘Okay,’ I nodded and he pushed in further. Then he started to thrust the vibrator slowly in and out of me again. As he pulled it out for the third time, he took the opportunity to push his cock all the way into my ass and I cried out in pleasure.

‘You okay, princess?’ he whispered as he planted soft kisses on my neck.

‘Uh-huh,’ was all I could reply.

‘I want to make you squirt while I’m fucking your ass. You think you can do that for me?’


‘Good girl. You can put your leg down now. Rest it on mine,’ he said softly.

I lowered my leg, resting it on his and hooking my foot over his calf, so that we were spooning comfortably. Then he started to fuck me slowly. Each time he pushed the vibrator back inside me, he pulled out slightly and the pleasure rolled through me in wave after wave. He continued like that, over and over until I felt like my insides were going to explode.

‘Reach down and rub your clit, princess,’ he growled

‘I can’t,’ I breathed. ‘It’s too much.’

‘Alana!’ He warned. ‘Do as you’re told.’

With trembling fingers, I reached down and started to rub my swollen clit gently while Alejandro fucked my ass and pussy to a slow, steady rhythm.

‘Alex,’ I gasped as the tears started rolling down my cheeks. ‘Please?’

‘Come whenever you want to, princess,’ he chuckled. ‘I’m not stopping you.’

‘You are,’ I groaned. He was slowing his pace to keep me teetering on the edge.

‘Next time will you think twice about asking my housekeeper to translate for you?’ he chuckled softly in my ear.

‘No. Not if it leads to something like this,’ I breathed.

‘Joder! I love how much you enjoy being fucked, princess. Because there is nowhere I’d rather be than buried inside you,’

He thrust deeper into me, pushing the vibrator deep inside at the same time and I felt the torrent of cream rushing from me.

‘Alex,’ I shouted as the tears ran down my face.

‘That’s it, princess, come for me,’ he growled as he came too, hot and fierce, pumping every last drop into me.

My body trembled as he pulled the vibrator out of me and tossed it onto the floor. Then he slowly slid out of me and I moaned at the loss of fullness. He rolled me over and pulled me to him until I was lying on his chest with his strong arms wrapped around me. I took deep breaths as I tried to slow my heart rate and recover from the complete sensory overload.

‘You understand what la llevamos por las dos puertas means now, princess?’ he chuckled.

‘Yes,’ I panted.

‘Good. And I hope you don’t ask Magda to translate all of the filthy things I say to you when I’m fucking you,’ he laughed again.

‘Of course I don’t. I think I’m going to have to find a class and learn Spanish.’

‘Hmm, I would love that,’ he said as he placed his hand under my chin, tilting my head up so he could look at my face. ‘But until then, I can think of a few phrases I can teach you.’

‘Let me guess, they all involve fucking?’ I raised an eyebrow at him.

‘No,’ he said with a grin. ‘I’ll also teach you how to tell me you’d like to suck my cock too.’

I shook my head. ‘You’re a sex maniac.’

‘Me? You’re the one who’s soaked the bedsheets with your cream, princess.’

I blushed and he bent his head to kiss me.

‘Hey, I do know some Spanish,’ I said as I broke our kiss.

‘Do you?’

I nodded. ‘Lo eres todo para mi.’

He blinked at me in surprise. It was something he said to me often ‘And what does that mean, princess?’

‘You are everything to me.’

He smiled at me. ‘Te quiero.’

I knew what that meant too. ‘I love you too,’ I replied and then he kissed me again and I thought that I had never felt so happy in my whole life as I did right now. When we were alone together, it felt like nothing else in the world existed, and I had started to live for moments like these when we could just be us. But, with everything going on around us, I wondered how long before we were facing our next obstacle.

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