Fierce Queen (L.A. Ruthless Series Book 2)

Fierce Queen: Chapter 30

The car pulled up outside the airport and Kelsey turned to me while Hugo climbed out and got her bag from the trunk.

‘I’m going to miss you, honey,’ she said as she wrapped her arms around me.

I hugged her back tightly. ‘I’m going to miss you too, Kels. I’m so sorry you had to spend your weekend with us under house arrest.’

She pulled back and grinned at me. ‘Will you stop! I would spend a year under house arrest in that beautiful house. Tell Alejandro to get that pool house into shape and I’ll be spending every vacation with you guys,’ she said with a flash of her eyebrows.

‘I’ll get onto it as soon as we get back,’ I smiled. The pool house was under renovation, but work had stalled with everything that had been going on. Alejandro didn’t want contractors in and out of the house.

The car door was pulled open by Hugo and Kelsey gave me a final hug. ‘I’ll see you soon, honey.’

‘Hang on, me and Hugo can walk you to the check in,’ I said.

Hank, who was sitting in the front seat, spun around faster than I could even blink. ‘Please stay in the car, Mrs Montoya,’ he growled.

Kelsey grinned at me and I flashed my eyebrows, feeling like a naughty kid for suggesting such a thing.

‘Bye, Jacob. Stay fresh, Hank,’ Kelsey chirped as she jumped out of the car and took her bag from Hugo.

‘Hey, can you at least walk her to the entrance?’ I asked him with a smile.

He cleared his throat. ‘Of course, Ma’am,’ he replied.

The door closed and the automatic locks clicked. I watched Kelsey and Hugo through the window. He had taken her bag back from her and was carrying it. Then he rested his hand on the small of her back as he escorted her through the crowd. When they reached the entrance, they stopped and turned to face each other. They exchanged a few words and I wished I could hear what they were saying. Then Kelsey’s arms snaked around Hugo’s neck and she pushed herself up onto her tiptoes and kissed him. I gasped out loud as Hugo stood there motionless.

Oh, for God’s sake, kiss her back, Hugo!

As if he had heard me, he dropped her bag to the floor and wrapped his giant arms around her, squashing her body against his as they shared an intense lip locking.

Wow! Hugo Fernandez kissed like he meant it.

I sat back in my seat and smiled, feeling like a voyeur. Suddenly, I missed Alejandro.

A few moments later, Hugo was climbing back into the car next to me, with a slight flush on his cheeks.

‘Everything okay?’ I asked him as he fastened his seatbelt.

‘Please don’t tell the boss I was just kissing someone while I was on duty,’ he said as he closed his eyes and sucked in a breath.

Jacob chuckled in the front seat as he pulled the car away from the curbside.

‘You know I’ll have to though, right?’ I said, mimicking the same thing he said to me all the time.

Even Hank snorted at that. I supposed it was the closest he ever came to laughing.

‘Don’t worry. Your secret is safe with me,’ I winked at him and he leaned back against the seat with a sigh.

‘Is Alejandro at the hotel?’ I asked. ‘Can we swing by on the way home?’

‘Yes, but he said he’s not to be disturbed,’ Hank replied.

I looked out of the window and sighed. I wanted to see him so much. He had left for work before I’d even woken up that morning. I had a vague recollection of him kissing my cheek but by the time I’d fully woken up, he had gone.

‘I’m sure Mr. Montoya wouldn’t mind being disturbed by Mrs. Montoya,’ Hugo offered. ‘We could stop by for a few minutes.’

‘On your head be it, kid,’ Hank growled.

‘I’m sure he won’t mind at all,’ Jacob agreed. ‘I’ll make a detour.’

An hour later, Hugo was escorting me past the armed guards posted at the door to Alejandro’s suite.

‘I’ll be right outside this time,’ he said with a flash of his eyebrows.

‘I promise not to run away,’ I whispered, recalling the last time he had brought me here and I’d disappeared to New York.

‘Is anybody in with him?’ I asked Lorenzo, one of his guards.

‘Not currently, Ma’am. He has another meeting in fifteen minutes.’

‘Thanks,’ I said as I walked into the room and closed the door behind me.

The door to Alejandro’s office was open. I heard him talking and assumed he was on the phone. Walking to his doorway, I saw him with his back to me, facing the window and his cell phone pressed to his ear. I watched him for a moment. He was so damn beautiful. He exuded power and raw sexual energy.

His free hand was in his trouser pocket, so the material was stretched taut across his strong thighs and his perfect ass. He had on a crisp white shirt which was perfectly fitted to his muscular torso, stretching across his broad shoulders every time he moved.

I felt the rush of warmth and wetness between my thighs at the sight of him.

I cleared my throat to let him know I was there. I had learned my lesson about eavesdropping.

He spun around. There was a scowl on his face and I wondered if that was for me. But, then he started to smile. ‘I have to go, Anton. Something just came up. Keep me posted,’ he barked as he ended the call.

‘Princesa?’ he said as he walked towards me. ‘What are you doing here?’

‘I missed you,’ I said with a smile as I walked towards him too. ‘I know you’re busy, but I just wanted to see you. You didn’t kiss me goodbye this morning.’

He pulled me to him as he reached me, sliding his hands over my hips and onto my ass. ‘I kissed you before I left. I promise.’

‘Not a proper kiss though,’ I purred.

‘You came all this way just for a kiss?’ he said as his lips brushed lightly over mine, teasing me.

‘Yes,’ I breathed as I lifted my hands to the back of his head and pressed him closer to me until are lips were sealed together.

He slipped his tongue inside my mouth and swirled it against mine. My heart started to hammer in my chest as the energy thrumming between my thighs ratcheted up to dangerous levels. He grabbed my ass possessively and pressed his hips further into me. I groaned into his mouth as I felt how hard he was already. Then he kept on kissing me until my head started to spin.

When he pulled back, he smiled at me. ‘Just a kiss?’ he growled.

‘Well, I always want more from you,’ I purred. ‘But I know you’re busy.’

He glanced at his watch and groaned. ‘I have to meet with someone in ten minutes, princess. Or I would spread you open on my desk and eat your delicious pussy until you come all over my face.’

‘And then what?’ I breathed as my hands slid to the zipper of his suit pants.

‘Then, I’d bend you over it and fuck you until you were coming on my cock too.’

I groaned as my walls tightened at the thought. Reaching my hand inside his boxers, I pulled out his cock. He was stiff and hot and smooth. I squeezed him tightly and he groaned against my lips. ‘I told you, I don’t have time, Alana.’

‘Not for what you just said. But I’m sure we have time for something else,’ I purred before I dropped to my knees.

‘Alana,’ he growled as I wrapped my lips around his thick shaft, keeping my hand wrapped tightly around his base.

I swirled my tongue around the tip, licking off the delicious beads of pre-cum that had already formed as I continued fisting him at the root. His hands were in my hair as he pushed further into my mouth. I sucked on him, pressing my tongue flat against the underside of his cock.

‘Fuck, Alana! How did you get so good at this so quick, princess?’ he growled. ‘You make me feel like a fucking teenage boy when you’re giving me head.’

His hands fisted in my hair, pulling gently as he pushed himself deeper into my mouth. I removed my hand so I could take him all the way to the back of my throat and he cursed loudly in Spanish.

I placed on hand flat on his powerful thighs, and snaked one around to his ass in an effort to steady myself as he took complete control and started to fuck my mouth. I felt the tremors in his thigh muscles as his release approached. A few seconds later his hot seed spurted down my throat. I swallowed it all, sucking every last drop and reveling in the way I was able to make him lose control so completely.

He pulled me up to a standing position, wiping the sides of my mouth with his thumb. ‘I don’t know what I did to deserve that, but thank you for making this shit-show of a day a whole lot better, princess,’ he said as he tucked himself back into his suit pants. ‘I’m sorry, I can’t return the favor.’

‘That’s okay,’ I smiled. ‘I’ll take care of myself when I get home.’

His eyes almost rolled into the back of his head. ‘Oh, princess, now all I’ll be able to think about is you at home in our bed, making yourself come, while I’m stuck here.’

He wrapped his arms back around me.

‘Well, I would much rather it was you making me come,’ I whispered. ‘So, I can wait for tonight if that will make you less distracted in work.’

‘I will make you come plenty tonight. But you don’t have to wait,’ he mumbled against my skin. Then he looked up at me with a wicked glint in his eyes. ‘Are your panties wet?’

‘Of course.’

‘Give them to me,’ he ordered as he held out his hand.

‘What? And go home with no panties on?’

He looked down at my legs. ‘Your dress is long enough. No-one will see. Now hand them over.’

‘You are a serious panty fiend,’ I said with a laugh. ‘But I wanted to stop by the shelter too, and I can’t go to work with no panties on.’

He frowned at me. ‘No, Alana. It’s too dangerous. You said you could work from home?’

‘I can. But there are some things I need to go into the shelter for. I have to speak to some of the women.’

He shook his head. ‘I’m sorry, princess. It’s still not safe. I can’t do what I need to do here if I’m worrying about you. You’re safe at the house. You shouldn’t have even come here today.’

I felt the pang of disappointment and instinctively took a step back from him. He grabbed me by the hips and pulled me back to him. ‘I’m glad that you did. I needed that more than you know. But, now I need you to go straight home, and stay there, Alana. Please?’

‘Okay,’ I said softly.

‘Buena chica,’ he said as he brushed my hair back from my face.

‘I should go and leave you to your meeting then?’ I said. ‘Do you still want my panties?’

He laughed. ‘No, it’s okay. On second thoughts, you keep them on while you’re dripping with your sweet cream and sitting in a car full of my men,’ he flashed an eyebrow at me. ‘I don’t want to torture them.’

‘Probably for the best,’ I agreed, although a part of me was stupidly disappointed that he wasn’t going to sit through his meetings with my damp panties in his pocket.

He held my jaw with his hand. ‘I’ll see you tonight.’


We were interrupted by a knock at the door and Alejandro’s mask of cool, calm confidence was firmly back in place.

‘Come in,’ he shouted.

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