Fierce Queen (L.A. Ruthless Series Book 2)

Fierce Queen: Chapter 1

My pulse throbbed in my temples as I stood there with my mouth half open, staring at my husband. I had no idea what the hell was going on here. Alejandro Montoya was the King of L.A, and I was supposed to be his queen. I was the woman he was supposed to share everything with, even his secrets. So, what the hell was I missing here? Why had he taken such an aversion to a pregnant sixteen year old girl?

I had first met Lucy Gallagher a few months earlier at the women’s shelter I worked at. She had lied about her age to the shelter manager to get herself a bed. But when the truth had eventually come out, she had been taken into the care of the authorities. I had been the one Lucy had confided in and I felt a sense of responsibility towards her since. Alejandro had asked his lawyer to work on the case, and they had assured me that Lucy would be placed with a good, caring family. But now, she had turned up at our house – late at night and in obvious distress. So, why was my husband turning her away?

‘What is it?’ I asked him. ‘Why won’t you let Lucy in here?’

He turned to me and frowned. His tongue darted out of his mouth as he licked his lower lip before running a hand through his thick, dark hair in exasperation. ‘Because her name isn’t Lucy for a start. She is not who you think she is, Alana.’

I stared at him, blinking in shock. ‘Then who is she?’

Alejandro pushed his hands into his trouser pockets and glared at me.

My heart was hammering in my chest as the possible scenarios ran through my head. None of them good, and I felt the anxiety churning in my stomach. ‘Alejandro, who is she?’ I asked again, the tremor in my voice audible now.

He sighed loudly before looking to his driver, Jacob, who had burst in on us a few moments earlier to tell us of Lucy’s arrival. ‘Let her in then,’ Alejandro snapped before he turned back to me. ‘She can tell you herself.’

Alejandro and I stood in silence in for what felt like an eternity while we waited for Lucy to be shown into the den of our house.

I glanced over at him as a multitude of questions and assumptions raced around my head, hoping for at least some hint of what I was about to discover. He stood tall and fierce, glaring at the open doorway. With his hands still in his pockets and his feet planted wide apart, he looked as though he was preparing to go into battle and I swallowed the knot of anxiety that felt lodged in my throat.

Was he nervous? Maybe?

Angry? Most definitely. I could feel it coming from him in waves as he stood there. It was hard to believe that just a few moments earlier, I had been lying beneath him on the sofa, giggling and waiting for him to tear my panties off.

I wanted to ask him again who Lucy was. I wanted to shake him and demand answers, but he looked so intense standing there, and a part of me was too afraid to find out why a sixteen year old pregnant girl had made him react this way.

Lucy walked into the room and Alejandro sat on the sofa, his eyes remaining fixed on her. She ignored him and looked straight at me, her eyes brimming with tears.

‘Lucy! Are you okay?’ I asked as I crossed the room to her.

‘Yes,’ she said as she wiped the tears from her cheeks with her sleeve.

‘Come on in. Have a seat,’ Alejandro snarled as he signaled the armchair. ‘And then you can tell us all why you’re really here, can’t you Lucia?’

As he spoke his last word, her face paled and she visibly started to tremble as she stood there looking at him. Then, in a few seconds, it was though she regained her composure and she transformed in front of my eyes, her jaw tilted in defiance as she tossed her long dark hair over her shoulder.

‘So, you know who I am?’ she said as she crossed her arms over her chest.

Alejandro scowled at her. ‘Of course I do. Did you honestly think I wouldn’t find out? I take a particular interest in anyone who gets so close to my wife, and you of all people should know that.’

She glared at him.

‘What is going on? Lucy? Or is it Lucia?’ I said as I looked between the two of them.

‘Tell her,’ Alejandro snapped.

Lucy looked at me and my heart started to hammer so violently in my chest, I thought that everyone in the room must have been able to hear it too.

‘My name is Lucia Ramos. I am the only surviving member of the Ramos family.’

‘Ramos?’ I repeated. The name sounded familiar to me.

‘Yes,’ she said softly.

‘Why do I recognize that name?’ I asked.

‘Because they were one of the biggest firms in Chicago. At least until two years ago when the entire family was wiped out. All except Lucia here,’ Alejandro answered.

I stared at Lucia. I recalled the story vividly. It had been all over the news at the time. The father and two sons slaughtered in a gangland style execution in their own home. The body of his teenage daughter had never been recovered, and she was assumed to have been kidnapped and murdered. Or worse.

I swallowed as I remembered how often I had wondered about the fate of that poor girl, and how many times I had prayed that she had escaped.

‘Please, have a seat, Lucia,’ Alejandro said again as he indicated the armchair. ‘And tell us what really brought you to L.A, and why the hell you have dragged me and my wife into your fucked up life.’

I shot him a look of annoyance. She might have lied, but she was still just a child. Did he have no compassion at all?

Lucia walked further into the room and sat down and I followed her back towards the sofa. Alejandro reached for me and took my hand, pulling me to sit beside him. I was thankful to have something solid beneath me as my knees trembled.

She stared at us both and then she took a deep breath. ‘I watched my father and my brothers slaughtered and when they came for me, I ran.’

‘And that’s it? You just ran and they never caught up with you? You expect me to believe that?’ Alejandro asked, his handsome face pulled into a frown.

Lucia glared at him defiantly. ‘I used to run track for my high school. I was the best in the district. I also knew my neighborhood better than any of those goons. So, I ran, and then I hid. I lived on the streets for a few weeks until the heat died down a little. But I knew I needed a long term plan. It was only a matter of time before my father’s enemies came looking for me, or the state found me and put me into care. So, I went to see one of my brothers friends, Blake. I thought that he’d be able to look out for me. And at first he did. He got me false papers. He told me he loved me. We were planning to move to Boston and get married, but it seemed he was just after the kudos that marrying a Ramos would give him. He was still seeing his ex-girlfriend behind my back. I caught them fucking and laughing about what a sucker I was. So, I ran. Again. I caught the first bus I could find and I ended up here in L.A.’

I sat in stunned silence, wondering how the hell this poor kid had coped with all of the tragedy in her life. But Alejandro didn’t seem to share my concern and he narrowed his eyes at her. ‘So, it was just a coincidence that you ended up in the shelter where my wife works?’ he snapped.

I frowned at him and was about to tell him to back off, but Lucia was already answering his question.

‘Believe it or not, it was. A very fortunate and happy coincidence, but I didn’t seek Alana, or you out, Mr. Montoya.’

Alejandro snorted and shook his head in apparent disbelief.

‘But why would Lucy seek me out? Or you?’ I asked. I was completely bewildered by this whole thing.

Lucia’s lip trembled and I heard Alejandro sigh deeply. ‘Because, Alana, the family believed to have murdered Luciana’s family, are … I mean, were our biggest rivals in Chicago. Our family is very well known in Chicago. And, as Lucia well knows, sometimes our enemy’s enemy can be our greatest ally.’

‘They were your biggest rivals?’ I asked, wondering at the meaning behind his deliberate use of the past tense.

Lucia laughed. ‘Before their boss and his second had their heads chopped off and put on spikes.’

Alejandro flashed her a look and she stopped laughing and clamped her mouth shut in a dramatic, teenage fashion.

‘What?’ I looked at Lucia and then Alejandro. ‘Did you have anything to do with that?’

‘Alana!’ he snapped. I should have known better than to ask such a question in front of Lucia, and I looked down at my hands. I felt completely out of my depth here.

Alejandro reached for my hand and squeezed it before he carried on addressing our guest. ‘Let’s pretend that I believe you ended up in L.A, and at the shelter by chance, what brings you here to our door tonight young runaway?’

‘Oh, that,’ she said with a sniff. ‘I hate that foster home. They hate me too. They tried to make me go to church to confess my sins. They think me being pregnant means I’m this complete lost cause and that I need to repent. They made me read the bible after dinner! And the guy is a creep!’

‘Lucy,’ I said, still unused to her real name. ‘You can’t just run away. Did you even tell them you were leaving?’

She shook her head.

‘They’ll be worried about you. You’re going to have to call them,’ I insisted.

‘Okay. But can’t I stay here with you guys tonight?’ she asked, her eyes wide and imploring.

‘No!’ Alejandro barked.

I put my hand on his knee and squeezed. ‘Maybe just for tonight? It’s late.’

Alejandro shook his head.

‘Please?’ Lucia pleaded.

He rolled his eyes. ‘Fine. One night. Then you’re out of here and back to your foster family.’

She nodded eagerly. ‘Thank you.’

‘You’ll still need to call them,’ I reminded her.

‘Of course. Can I borrow your cell?’

‘Where is yours?’ I asked her. No teenager that I knew would be without their cell phone for more than five minutes.

‘The Bakers took it off me. They said it was too much temptation. In case I spoke to any boys,’ she pulled a face and looked down at her rounded belly. ‘Like, I’d want anything to do with any boys!’

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