Fierce Obsession: LA Ruthless: Book 4 (L.A. Ruthless Series)

Fierce Obsession: Chapter 9

My entire body is alive and sizzling with nervous energy as we walk through the stadium. I loved the whole night. All of the fighters were so skilled. I figure I picked up a few tricks I can try on Toni at our next training session — not that she wouldn’t already know them all herself. Damn, hadn’t thought of that!

“You enjoy yourself, baby?” Jax asks, pressing a kiss on my forehead as he slings an arm around my shoulder.

“Yes. I loved it. Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.”

“It’s a shame we couldn’t go back there and speak with Toni though,” I say with a sigh.

“She’s busy with press and PR people and she has a few meet the fans things to do,” he says with a shrug.

“I guess,” I say, feeling a little deflated. “Would have been nice to see her is all.”

“You’ll see her, baby,” he laughs softly. “She’s meeting us in a bar a few blocks away when she’s finished up in there.”

“She is?” I stare at him.

“Yep. You think she would come all this way and not say hi to her biggest fan?” he teases me.

“I’m not her biggest fan.”

“No?” he laughs again and the sound rumbles through his chest.

“Maybe one of the biggest, but not the biggest,” I admit.

“I have to warn you, she can be a bit of an asshole after a fight. Must be all the adrenaline and the adulation going to her head or something.”

“She’s always an asshole,” I remind him.


Toni rolls her glass in her hand making the ice clink against the sides. She licks her lips as she signals the waitress for a refill.

“I see you still love your bourbon?” Jax says with a smile as he leans back on the bench, his arm draped around my shoulder.

“Can’t beat it.” She winks at him. “Reminds me of our weekend in Cabo.”

Jax shakes his head and groans.

I look between them both. “Cabo?”

“Cabo, baby,” Toni winks at me.

“You two went to Cabo together?”

“We didn’t go together. We were there at the same time and we…” Jax runs a hand over his jaw.

“You what?”

“We hooked up,” Toni says with a shrug as though she didn’t just drop a grenade into the room.

“Y-you two?” I give my full attention to Jax.

“We didn’t exactly hook up. Not with each other,” he says before shooting Toni a warning glare.

“So, what did you do?” I frown at him. I hate that I feel like the only person at the table who doesn’t know what’s going on here. Jax assured me he and Toni had never had sex together. Did he lie to me?

“Oh Jax. It was years ago. Before you even knew Lucia here,” Toni says with a wicked laugh. “She knows you were a wildcard, don’t you, honey?” she almost purrs the last word and it makes my cheeks flush pink for some reason.

“Yes,” I say, narrowing my eyes at her. “But I didn’t know that you two had…”

Toni pulls a face, bordering on disgust. “Oh we didn’t do anything to each other. I don’t dig guys that way.”

“You’ve had way too much to drink, Moretti,” Jax says quietly.

“So what did you do?” I lean forward in my seat, desperate to know what the hell she’s going on about.

“You mean who did we do? What was her name, Jax?”

“I don’t remember,” he growls.

“Casey? Kayleigh?” She frowns as though she’s deep in thought. “Can’t recall her name, but damn she had a sweet pussy.”

Annoyingly, I gasp out loud like a naïve schoolgirl and that makes Toni smile. I knew Jax had a varied and interesting sex life before we met. I’m pretty sure he whored his way through the entire state of California, but it’s something he doesn’t like talking about with me.

“I’m almost certain it can’t be as sweet as yours, Lucia, because I have never seen our Jackson here so in love.”

“Enough!” he barks.

“No,” I shake my head. I want to know more and not because I’m jealous but because something about it sounds kind of hot. I imagine for a second being the lucky recipient who got to be taken care of by Jax and Toni at the same time. “You two had a threesome?”

“We sure did.”

“How? What?” I look between the two of them again.

“Lucia, no,” Jax says with a sigh.

I place my hand on his thigh and squeeze. “Please? I’ve never done this kind of stuff. Tell me.”

He rolls his eyes so I turn back to Toni, who seems more than happy to relive their wild time in Cabo. “You’ll tell me, right?”

She leans forward, signaling me to lean in too, and when I do she whispers. “I can tell you, but I’d rather show you, honey.”

“Not a fucking chance,” Jax says as he runs his hand down my spine and I’m not sure whether it’s that, or what Toni just said, or maybe both, but a shiver of excitement skitters through me.

“Looks like you’re gonna have to tell me then, honey,” I say to Toni with a flash of my eyebrows. She opens her mouth and sucks in a shallow breath that makes me smile. I love to see her rattled, even if it was just for a second.

“You asked for it, princess.” She glances at Jax quickly before she goes on talking. “Jackson had already hooked up with this chick when I bumped into them. We went for a drink and then back to her room. Her and Jackson were fooling around on the bed, and then…” She licks her lips before she looks to Jax again. “You want to tell the rest?”

“You’re doing just fine on your own,” he replies.

She laughs before her eyes fix on me again. “I bet Jackson here that I could eat her pussy better than he could and she was up for that too, so we did. It was so fucking hot, Lucia,” she whispers, her eyes darkening at the memory. “She sat on his lap and he held her wide open for me while I ate her.”

“Oh,” I gasp as wet heat sears between my thighs. It sounds so freaking hot and I’m just listening to the story.

“And then when she was on the edge, he slipped his cock into her ass and fucked her while I made her come. Twice.” She holds up two fingers.

“I don’t think you can take all the credit for that,” he says and she grins at him.

“I suppose not,” she admits with a shrug. “We made a pretty good team. I mean how many times did we make her come that night?”

“I don’t recall,” he mutters.

“Quite a few,” she purrs.

“Wow!” I whisper as heat creeps up my neck and onto my cheeks.

“We never did find out which one of us ate pussy better though, did we?” Toni arches an eyebrow at him.

“No. And we never will,” he growls as he wraps his arm around my neck possessively and pulls me close to him.

“Aw, that’s such a shame,” she pouts as the waitress comes over with her drink.

“Thank you,” Toni says with a smile and a wink and our young waitress smiles right back. I’m not into women, but there is something about Toni Moretti that is completely captivating. She takes a sip of her bourbon and then looks at me.

“Imagine how hot it would it be, Lucia, to be sitting on your husband’s lap and have him holding your legs open while he watches another woman eating your pussy and making you come?”

I squeeze my thighs together as the thought makes heat sear between them. Toni watches me like a predator watches its prey and I feel Jax’s eyes burning into me too. I glance at him to see if I’m imagining it, but he’s staring at me intently, assessing my reaction, and I don’t know what the right one to have is. He’s my husband and I adore him. He is everything I want and need, but I can’t deny that the image Toni just conjured in my mind has me feeling all kinds of things I shouldn’t be.

“So, I’m not flying home until the day after tomorrow. Do you two lovebirds have plans I can gatecrash?”

“We’re on our honeymoon,” Jax reminds her.

“I know, but you don’t fuck all day and night do you?” She narrows her eyes at us. “Do you?”

“Pretty much,” I say with a shrug.

“Straight people,” she says, rolling her eyes and shaking her head.

“You could come for dinner tomorrow night and see our new house? If you promise to behave?” Jax offers.

She flutters her eyelashes at him. “I always behave, Decker.”

“Hmm,” he mumbles.

“That would be great. You should see the place. It’s beautiful,” I add.

“Then I’ll swing by. At six?”

“Six is fine,” Jax replies.

“Great,” she knocks back the last of her drink and checks her phone. “My driver is outside. I’ll catch up with you two fuck-bunnies tomorrow.” Then she stands on shaky feet.

Jax reaches out and steadies her but she slaps his hand away and frowns at him.

“I’m fine, Decker,” she snaps. “I just kicked Sonya Kim’s ass. I can get out of this bar.”

Then with a final eye roll, she leaves the bar, leaving Jax and me alone.

“Can we go home too?” I whisper.

He arches an eyebrow at me. “You tired?”

“Not even a little,” I say, taking his hand and standing up.

He stands too, before dipping his head low so he can whisper in my ear. “You’re getting fucked so hard when we get home. You know that, right?”

“I’m counting on it, cowboy.”

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