Fierce King: An Enemies to Lovers Romance (L.A. Ruthless Series Book 1)

Fierce King: Chapter 44

I lay on the sofa with my head on Alejandro’s lap while we watched a movie. I was wearing one of his t-shirts, which dwarfed my frame, and nothing else.

I smiled to myself. We’d had the most incredible day together. I’d wanted to go swimming in the ocean earlier, and I’d asked him if I could borrow some of his boxer shorts and a t-shirt, but he had refused, insisting that I go swimming naked and assuring me this was his own private beach where no-one would see me. I’d agreed, on the understanding that he would come skinny dipping with me.

He’d pulled off his clothes and chased me out into the water before I’d even finished the sentence. Afterwards, we’d had sex in the wet sand with the water lapping at our feet.

We’d spent the rest of the afternoon and evening eating, reading and watching TV. I had never seen Alejandro so relaxed. He was like a different person here. There was no trace of the devil I knew he could be.

My thoughts were interrupted by a warm hand on my ass, squeezing gently. ‘Are you ready for bed, princess?’

It wasn’t even nine pm, but I knew that bed meant much more than sleep. ‘Yes,’ I said as I stretched my limbs, so the t-shirt lifted up over my hips. I heard him groan and I suppressed a smile.

‘You pretend to be all sweet and innocent, but you know exactly what you’re doing to me, don’t you?’ he growled.

I sat up and looked at him. ‘I have no idea what you mean.’

‘Come here,’ he ordered as he took hold of my hand.

I moved to straddle him and he slipped his hands between my thighs and started to rub my clit. ‘Wet already, princess? You’re always ready to be fucked, aren’t you?’

I groaned as the waves of pleasure started to roll over me.

‘You’re always ready for me to slide myself inside you,’ he said as he pushed two of fingers inside and I moaned his name loudly.

‘Take off the t-shirt,’ he growled as he continued to pump his fingers in and out of me. I complied, tossing the offending item onto the floor.

As soon as I was naked, he bent his head and sucked one of my nipples into his mouth and began sucking greedily. His other hand moved around to my ass and he pulled me closer to him. I was overwhelmed by the sensations coursing through me and I started to buck my hips against his fingers. I ran my fingers through his hair as I felt my orgasm building quickly.

‘That’s it, Alana. Come for me, princess. I need you nice and loose,’ he said as he lifted his head and kissed me deeply.

The hand from my ass moved to the back of my head and he crushed me to him. When my orgasm crashed over me, he held me firm so I was groaning into his mouth.

When he finally let me go, I wrenched my mouth away and gasped for air.

‘Was that a good one?’ he chuckled.

‘They’re all good ones,’ I panted. ‘But you already know that.’

He ran the back of his knuckles across my cheek. Luckily Blake’s assault the previous day had only left a faint bruise and it was no longer painful. ‘Do you trust me, Alana?’ he asked seriously.

I blinked at him, wondering where this had come from. I studied his face and considered his question. I could lie, but I suppose he deserved the truth. ‘Yes,’ I said.

He smiled at me. A genuine one that went all the way to his eyes. ‘Good,’ he growled and then he stood, easily lifting me as he did.

He kissed me while he walked us to the bedroom and then he lay me down gently on the bed. His eyes roamed over my body as he slid his shorts down his muscular thighs and stepped out of them.

‘I think it’s about time I claimed every last part of you for my own, princess.’

His eyes burned into mine and I swallowed. I had a feeling I knew what that meant. When he walked to the nightstand and pulled out a bottle of lube from the drawer, I definitely knew.

‘Why do you have lube here?’ I asked. ‘I thought you’d never brought anyone to the house before?’

‘I haven’t. I come here alone, but a man has needs, princess.’

‘Oh? And why do you need it now?’

‘Why do you think?’ he growled and I felt my stomach contract.

‘Because you want to fuck my ass?’ I bit my lip as I looked up at him.

‘Exactly. Now turn over and stick that sweet ass in the air for me.’

I flipped over until I was on all fours and then dropped to my forearms, so my head was resting on the bed. I felt Alejandro behind me, his hands skimming over my cheeks before he slid his fingers between my thighs, through my wet folds and then up to the seam of my ass. He fingered my asshole gently, coating it with my own juices.

‘This will be cold, princess,’ he said before squeezing some of the lube there.

I flinched instinctively from the sensation of the cold gel, but it was soon warmed from the heat of Alejandro’s fingers as he slid the tip of one inside me. I gasped out loud at the unfamiliar feeling. He slipped it back out slightly before pressing in further and I groaned out loud.

It felt incredible and I wanted more. I pushed my ass back towards him and heard an animal like growling sound from him as he pushed his thick digit all the way inside me.

‘Alex,’ I groaned loudly.

He slid his finger out of me, and then his hands were on my hips as he pressed his cock at my dark opening. He pushed the tip inside and I bit down on my lip to stop from crying out.

It burned as he stretched me open but he was patient, remaining still until I adjusted to his size, and in a few seconds, the burning feeling gave way to a delicious feeling of fullness. He edged inside me further, slowly stretching me until he was almost all the way in.

I could hear his ragged breathing. His fingers dug into the skin on my hips as he grasped them harder, desperately trying to maintain some control. The low growling sounds he was making were vibrating through my body.

‘Alex,’ I groaned loudly. ‘Please?’

‘You like that, princess?’

‘Yes,’ I panted as he started to slowly thrust in and out of me. The sensation was like nothing I’d ever felt before, and just when I felt like I was on the edge of losing control, he slipped his hand between us and slid two of his thick fingers into my pussy until I felt like I was going to lose my mind. I whimpered at the feeling of being so full of him.

‘That’s it, Alana, squeeze me,’ he groaned as I clenched all of my muscles around him. Then he fucked my ass while he finger fucked my pussy to the same intense rhythm.

I felt the orgasm building and building until it felt like it was going to burst through me like a river breaching its banks. The pleasure was so intense, I could hardly form a coherent thought. I pushed back against him so I could take more of him and he responded by giving me everything he had.

‘Alex,’ I groaned. ‘I love you.’ I hadn’t mean to say it, but in the heat of the moment, the words had tumbled out of my mouth. I didn’t even have time to regret them as my orgasm tore through my body.

‘Fuck, Alana,’ he growled as he pumped himself into me and his own orgasm hit.

When he pulled out of me, we collapsed onto the bed and he pulled me into his arms. ‘That was fucking incredible,’ he gasped.

‘I know,’ I agreed.

‘You’re fucking incredible, princess,’ he said with a kiss on my head as he wrapped his arms tighter around me.

‘You’re not so bad, yourself, Mr. Montoya.’

When we’d caught our breath, Alejandro sat up. ‘Come on, let’s get cleaned up,’ he said as he stood up and pulled me with him.

Half an hour later, we were lying in bed again, fresh from a very long shower, during which Alejandro had tenderly washed every part of my body.

I lay with my head on his chest, listening to the sound of his heartbeat.

‘So, are we going to talk about what you said to me before, or are we going to pretend it never happened?’ he asked.


‘What did I say?’ I asked, feigning my ignorance.

‘You don’t remember telling me that you loved me when my cock was buried in your ass?’ he said with a laugh.

‘Oh, that?’ I felt the skin on my cheeks flush pink.

He placed his index finger under my chin and tilted my head so he could look in my eyes. ‘Did you mean it, or was it the orgasm talking?’

‘Do you want the truth?’ I asked him.

‘Of course I do,’ he said with a frown.

‘Then yes. I meant it.’

I wondered if he’d be angry with me for complicating things, or laugh at me for being so foolish. Alejandro Montoya didn’t do love.

‘I love you too, princess,’ he said before bending his head to kiss me softly.

I felt like my heart was going to burst out of my chest with happiness. Was this for real? ‘I thought you didn’t do love?’

‘That was before I met you.’

‘But why me? All of those women you’ve dated, why do you love me? The woman you could barely stand to look at on our wedding day?’

He ran his fingertips over my cheek. ‘When your father and I came to our business arrangement, one of the reasons I agreed was because I thought you were a spoiled little rich girl who was too wrapped up in herself to consider anyone else. I knew I could never even like someone like that, let alone fall in love. I thought that you were marrying me for the lifestyle I could offer you, and the money. I hadn’t realized that you did it only out of love for your father.’

‘But why did you want to marry someone like that?’ I blinked at him.

‘Because I wasn’t supposed to fall in love with you, Alana. Love is messy and complicated, and I didn’t have time for that. But you are nothing like the woman I thought you were. I may have stolen you, but you have stolen my heart, princess. You are the most precious thing in the world to me.’

I blinked at him. This really couldn’t be true, could it? It was like some kind of fairy tale. ‘You love me while we’re here, in this place where nobody can reach us. But when we get back to the real world, what if you feel differently?’

‘I won’t, because I didn’t feel differently in the real world. But I didn’t tell you that, because I thought you could never love a monster like me.’

I placed my hand on his cheek. ‘You’re not a monster. Not to me.’

He pulled me tighter to him and kissed me so hard I almost forgot my own name.

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