Fierce King: An Enemies to Lovers Romance (L.A. Ruthless Series Book 1)

Fierce King: Chapter 32

I pulled at my restraints and the soft leather of Alejandro’s belt pinched my skin, but I couldn’t help it. I was desperate to touch him.

I wanted to pull my fingers through his thick dark hair and rake my fingernails down his back. I didn’t want to know what had happened today to make him come home in desperate need of this, but he was fucking me like a man possessed – and I loved it.

There was no tenderness from him at all. He was all anger and fire and fury, but I didn’t care. I let him take what he wanted, because I knew that was what he needed. And I so wanted to be what he needed, and I didn’t even know why.

I should hate this man. This devil. But, I couldn’t any longer. He was breaking down every last line of my defenses and there wasn’t a single thing I could do to stop him.

His fingertips dug into my ass cheek and I cried out, half in pleasure, half in pain, as he increased his efforts. He pounded into me, driving at that sweet spot inside me over and over again until I could feel myself falling off the edge of the cliff.

I shouted his name as my orgasm crashed over me like a tsunami and he bit so deeply into the tender skin between my neck and my shoulder, that I was sure he must have drawn blood. But the pain was blocked out by the euphoria coursing through my body like it was the blood in my veins.

He gave a final thrust as he found his own release and then he collapsed on top of me – his skin damp and his breathing heavy from his exertions.

If my hands were free, I would have wrapped my arms around him and buried my fingers in his hair. But my wrists were still bound, and my legs were trembling so bad that I could barely lift them.

We lay there for a few moments, barely moving, before he lifted himself up and reached up to free my wrists.

I rubbed at the tender skin but noticed that it wasn’t broken. Then Alejandro stood up and walked to the bathroom without saying a word, leaving me lying alone.

I heard the shower being switched on and I got up from the bed. I ran a hand over my neck and shoulders and rubbed at the bite mark, checking for blood, but there was none.

I looked towards the bathroom and took a deep breath. I could pout at how he had just walked out of the room without a word after what we’d just done, or I could accept that I was married to a man who had more demons than hell itself.

I walked into the bathroom and looked at him standing in the shower with the hot water running over his muscular body. I would never get used to the sight of him naked. He was a work of art.

He looked up and saw me standing there watching him. ‘Ven aquí,’ he ordered.

I licked my lips. I wasn’t sure I could take much more of him right now. But I did as he asked me, stepping into the hot shower with him.

He slid a hand around my waist and pulled me to him, before settling one hand on my ass as the other moved to the back of my neck. He wrapped my hair around his fist and then tilted my head up to his before sealing his mouth over mine.

He kissed me – not like before, but softly and slowly, lazily exploring my mouth with his tongue as his hands pressed me tightly to him. I wrapped my arms around his neck and my body melted into his until I could hardly tell where he ended and I began.

I felt the fire inside igniting with fervor, as though I was always on a pilot light around him, and all he had to do was touch me and I was in full flame.

We stood there like that for a long time, with the water running over our bodies as he kissed me. This was a different claiming than what had just happened on the bed. He was still taking everything from me – demanding my submission. But this was much more dangerous than before. I was falling and I had no idea how to stop.

I don’t know how long we stayed like that, but suddenly the water shut off, and then he was lifting me into his arms and carrying me back into the bedroom, his lips not leaving mine the whole time.

He lay me down on the bed, both of us dripping wet and then he settled between my thighs and we kept on kissing. I felt his erection pressing against my abdomen, but he didn’t attempt to move or do anything about it.

When he finally broke our kiss, I looked into his eyes. ‘You have the darkest eyes I have ever seen,’ I said as I traced my fingertips along his jawline.

‘They’re as dark as my soul, princess,’ he growled.

‘I don’t think that’s true,’ I whispered.

‘Really?’ he frowned.


‘Even after what I just did?’

‘What did you do?’ I grinned at him.

‘Tied you up and fucked you?’ he said with a flash of his eyebrows.

‘Well, I enjoyed that though,’ I purred in his ear.

‘You did, huh?’ he growled.

‘Yes,’ I said as tilted my hips, pressing my groin against his cock and making him groan.

‘We need to eat,’ he said as he nipped at my neck.

‘I have something right here you could eat. I figure you owe me after you just tied me up and fucked me,’ I smiled at him.

‘But you just said you liked that?’ he grinned at me.

I placed my hands on either side of his face. It was nice to see him smiling. Whatever the reason for the bad mood he was in when he’d got home, he seemed like he was over it now. ‘I did. A lot!’

He made a noise in his throat that sounded like a half growl and half groan and it made me giggle.

‘You want me to eat you out, princess?’ he whispered in my ear.

‘Yes please,’ I panted.

‘If I do, will you come to the kitchen and eat dinner with me after?’

‘Yes,’ I panted. ‘I’ll eat whatever you want.’

He chuckled to himself and then his head disappeared down the bed and between my thighs.

‘I’ve never tasted my own cum before,’ he growled as he slid his tongue inside me.

‘Alex,’ I groaned, already on the edge.

‘It’s okay, princess, I got you,’ he said before he ran his hot, thick tongue right up to my clit, sucking it into his mouth as he rimmed either side of it.

I came so hard I almost passed out.

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