Fierce Betrayal: A Dad’s best friend/ Age gap romance (L.A. Ruthless Series Book 3)

Fierce Betrayal: Chapter 10

I sing along to the radio as I drive. Jax sits in the passenger seat chuckling to himself every time I can’t hit the high note. It’s Friday afternoon and we have finished our last meeting for the week. I know he doesn’t usually work office hours but he’s tried to have a little structure for my first week, before he allows me anywhere near the real business of my father’s organization—where all of the fun stuff happens.

I’m driving today because he declared he needs a day off from being my chauffeur, which is fine by me. I love driving. It gives me a sense of freedom.

My phone rings and Archer’s face flashes up on the screen of my dash. My finger hovers over the button. I’m not sure I want to take this call with Jax listening in.

“You not going to answer that?” he asks.

I roll my eyes and press the button to answer.

“Hey, Lu,” Archer’s smooth, deep voice fills the car.

“Hey,” I reply.

“You still on for tonight? We need to get my favorite chick a big fat—”

“Archer!” I interrupt him before he finishes that sentence. “You’re on speaker and my dad’s friend is in the car.”

“Your dad’s friend?” he purrs. “Not Mr. Decker by any chance?”

“Yes,” I reply.

“Well, hello, handsome. Remember me?” Archer immediately camps it up and Jax rolls his eyes.

“Hello, Mr. Henderson,” he replies, his voice as smooth as chocolate.

“Yes, we’re still on for tonight. My place at eight,” I say.

“Fabulous. I’ll see you later. Kisses.” He blows a kiss down the phone and hangs up.

“Your dad’s friend?” Jax asks with an arch of one eyebrow.

I frown at him. “You are my dad’s friend.”

“Right,” he mumbles.

“What else did you want me to say?” I ask as I glance between him and the road. What’s his deal? He is the one who is always reminding me that my father is his best friend.

“Nothing.” He shakes his head and stares out of the window.

I sigh inwardly. I feel like I can’t win with him sometimes. “If I’d said you were my friend then he would have gone and finished that sentence, and neither of us wanted that.”

“About you going out to chase dick tonight?” he snaps.


He stares out of the window and the tension in the car becomes unbearable.

“Are you mad at me for something?” I eventually ask.

“Not at all, Lucia,” he replies with a fake smile.

I shake my head and go back to focusing on the road. Asshole!

Archer lies on my bed, his muscular arms behind his head as he watches me try on every dress in my closet.

He has dismissed almost every single one. Too frumpy. Too flowery. Too frilly. Too old. Too pink.

“Argh. I have nothing,” I groan as I take off the green halter that even I hate. I have no idea why I allow it to take up space in my tiny closet.

“Yes you do. That hot little black number you tried on a half hour ago.” He flashes his eyebrows at me before taking a sip of his Cosmopolitan.

I shake my head. “It’s too revealing.” I shake my head.

“Lucia Montoya!” He stands and places his drink on my nightstand before picking up the tiny black dress and handing it to me. “You have a rocking body. You are twenty-one years old. We’re going to the hottest freaking night club in California. Show a little skin, baby.”

I take it from his hands. The fabric is so thin it’s almost sheer. I haven’t worn this dress in over a year. Not since the night I got drunk on tequila and Jax had to come rescue me from a dive bar.

I hold it up against my body. “I’ll have to wear a G-string,” I sigh. “They’re so freaking uncomfortable.”

“Oh for the love of God!” he snaps.

“You walk around with a wedgie all night then. See how you like it,” I challenge him.

“Girl, if it would get me the dick that dress is going to get you, I would. Now put the fucking dress on.”

“Okay.” I relent and go to my underwear drawer to find a G-string.

“If you are ever going to get over Jackson Decker, then you need to get under someone else. And fast,” he reminds me.

“I know,” I sigh. He is the only person who knows about my Jax obsession and the poor guy has had to listen to me talk about him for the past hour and a half.

He wraps his arms around me. “He is a damn fool not to want you, baby girl.”

I lean back against his hard chest. “Thank you, sweetie.”

Then he slaps my ass. “You’re welcome. Now get dressed so I can go act all rich and important in your daddy’s club.”

Putting my empty glass onto the bar and with a wave to Archer, who winks at me to signal he is more than happy to remain chatting to the muscular blond at the bar, I follow the guy I’ve been chatting to for the past five minutes to the dance-floor. His name is Chase. He works in security and he has sandy brown hair, blue eyes and tattoos all over his forearms. He might be just my type.

We worm our way through the crowd until we find ourselves a space. It’s so packed in here, we are already pressed up against each other before we even start dancing. But that is fine with me. Archer is right. I need to get me some action and forget all about Jax. And Chase is hot, right? I mean he’s not Jax-hot, but he’s got that tall and mysterious thing going on. I bet he has some hard abs under that shirt of his, too.

I lick my lips as I look up at him and he is staring back at me with pure undisguised lust in his eyes.

I can do this. Right?

He slides his warm hands around my waist and pulls me closer to him. The heat from his body seeps through the flimsy fabric of my dress and I lean into him and wrap my arms around his neck. This feels nice. I have forgotten the pleasure of two bodies molded together. The closeness. The heat. We are ultimately primal creatures after all, craving connection, no matter how fleeting. Our hips sway in time to the music and when he rocks his groin against mine, I feel his erection through his jeans.

He dips his head low and his breath dances over my neck, sending a shiver skittering up my spine. I lean my head back to give him easier access when I feel my cell vibrate in my purse which is sandwiched between us.

I contemplate not answering it, but it could be my mom about Matthias.

Taking it out of my purse, I glance at the screen. It’s a text from Jax.

Big Bad JD: Lose the asshole.

I roll my eyes and open my purse to put it back inside and the cell vibrates in my hand.

Big Bad JD: Now!

I glance around the club. Damn Jackson Decker. He must be in here somewhere. Of course he is. It’s Friday night and he’s looking for some action too, but who the hell does he think he is, telling me who I can dance with?

I put the cell back in my purse and Chase smiles at me. “Everything okay?” he mouths.

“Yeah,” I smile as I edge closer to him again. He places his hands on my hips as we move to the music and I’m not entirely unhappy when they slide to my ass. I think Chase and I are going to get along just fine.

As our bodies press together again, my cell starts vibrating like crazy. We both glance down at my purse which is nestled between our bodies. “Sorry,” I mouth as I take it out again. If this is Jackson, I’m going to block his damn number.

Big Bad JD: Don’t make me come over there

I type out a quick reply.

Lucia: I’m just dancing.

Big Bad JD: That is not dancing

Lucia: You’re worse than my father

Big Bad JD: If he puts his hands on your ass one more time…

Lucia: You’ll what, Jax?

Big Bad JD: Don’t fucking test me, Lucia!

I frown at the screen. Don’t test him? Seriously? What the hell is his problem? He’s made it abundantly clear that he has zero interest in me. I click on his contact details and press block. I smile at my own genius. That will teach him. I’ll unblock him again tomorrow of course, but for tonight, I need a breather from him.

I need a breather from being me.

“Is everything okay?” Chase shouts over the music.

“It is now.” I smile at him and wrap my arms around his neck.

He smiles back and puts his hands on my hips again. A few seconds later Señorita comes on. “I love this song!” I shriek and Chase laughs as he grinds his hips against me and bends his face close to mine. A few seconds later, his hands slide onto my ass again. I look into his eyes and they are still dark with lust. Maybe I can do this random one night thing after all?

It’s the expression on Chase’s face that tells me something is drastically wrong. He goes from smiling to looking like he is about to pass out in a matter of seconds. I feel heat at my back as another hard body is pressed against mine and I am suddenly sandwiched between two men.

“If you want to have the use of those hands in the future, I suggest you take them off her ass right now,” Jax growls loudly over the music.

Chase does as Jax says without even an ounce of resistance and while I know that the man behind me is kind of terrifying, it still it annoys me that Chase would give me up so easily. For all he knows, I might be about to get kidnapped, or carried off by some serial killer. Chase skulks off into the shadows and I spin on my heel and come face to face with an incredibly angry Jackson Decker towering over me.

“What the hell is your problem?” I push him in the chest but he remains in the same position, like a wall of rage.

“I warned you,” he snarls.

“You’re an asshole,” I snarl back and then I turn around and make my way through the crowd, marching out of the club with Jax hot on my heels.

“Lucia,” he calls after me.

“Leave me the hell alone,” I shout as I keep walking straight out of the club and into the cool night air.

“That guy was an asshole,” he snarls as he reaches me. “He had his hands all over your ass in the middle of the fucking club.”

“We were dancing, Jax. That’s what people do when they dance.”

He grabs me by the elbow, stopping me in my tracks and turning me to face him. “That was way more than dancing.”

“Well, maybe I wanted to do more than dance, Jackson,” I hiss at him as I start walking again. I am so over him treating me like a child. “Even my father wouldn’t have embarrassed me like you just did in there.”

He takes deep breaths, his nostrils flaring as he tries to keep his temper in check. It’s not often Jax loses his cool, but when he does—well, we just saw the outcome of his last little temper tantrum. “That’s because your father doesn’t look at you the way I do,” he growls.

I frown at him. “And how exactly is that, Jackson?” I use his full name again, because he and I are no longer friends as far as I’m concerned.

“God help me, Lucia,” he hisses through gritted teeth. “You drive me fucking crazy. Now get in the fucking truck.”

I glance behind me to see that we’ve somehow walked to his truck and I hadn’t even noticed. His truck isn’t some old pick up. It’s a Hennessey Goliath with a custom interior, dark tinted windows and sleek black lines. The perfect fit for a cowboy in LA. “I can find my own way home,” I snap.

“Who said I’m taking you home?” he snarls as he opens the door wide.

Something in the tone of his voice makes my internal organs turn to molten lava. I roll my eyes and climb inside, scooting over to the passenger seat until he climbs in beside me and locks the doors.

He turns in his seat and stares at me. “What were you really doing with that jackass, Lucia?” he asks, his tone softer now.

“I was dancing,” I whisper. I don’t have to explain myself to him, but I can’t help being open with him. I always have been. I feel like he can see into my soul.

He narrows his eyes at me. “You would really have gone home with him?”

“Yes,” I admit.

“Jesus!” he hisses as he shakes his head.

“What?” I snap. “I’m a grown woman, Jax. If I choose to have sex with a dude I meet in a club, then that’s my business. It’s what people do. You do it often enough.”

He rubs a hand over the stubble across his jaw. “You don’t though. Trawling clubs for action isn’t usually your style.”

Damn, I hate that he knows me so well. “Yeah. Well the guy I’d really like to go home with doesn’t even know I exist.” Crap! Did I just say that out loud?

“He doesn’t?” Jax frowns at me.

I swallow hard as my heart starts pounding in my ears. “Well, he does. But he doesn’t see me that way.”

Jax’s eyes drop to my thighs. They are almost completely exposed thanks to my mini dress which has only hitched up higher now I’m sitting in this truck. He runs his tongue over his lip and I swear my ovaries just exploded.

“You said my father doesn’t look at me the way you do, Jax. How do you look at me?” I ask. I am tired of this back and forth between us. Me trying to forget about him and find someone more attainable, and him being so damn sexy and attentive that he pulls me back in.

“Fuck,” he groans.

“Jax, please? Why are you doing this to me? You don’t want me, so why are you bothered what guy I go home with?”

“You think I don’t want you?” he growls and his words vibrate through my body and make a beeline straight to my groin.

“You made that pretty clear,” I snap and then I turn to open the door and climb out of his truck, but he lunges forward, his hand covering mine as he stops me.

“Lucia,” he says, his breath dusting over my hair and making goosebumps prickle along my forearms. I turn my head and he is leaning over me, his body just inches from mine in the confines of the truck.

“What Jax?” I breathe.

“I’m going to burn in hell for this,” he growls.

“For what?” I whisper as the air crackles between us.

He doesn’t speak. Instead he seals his lips over mine. I gasp and when I do he takes the opportunity to slide his tongue into my mouth as his hands fist in my hair.

Oh, sweet Jesus! I have never been kissed like this before. Wet heat pools in my core as he literally tongue-fucks my mouth. I wrap my arms around his neck and pull him closer to me. He shifts his weight slightly, his hands sliding over my hips as he turns me on the seat and lifts me until he can settle between my thighs. He rocks his hips against me until I feel his cock, hard and thick and encased in his jeans, pressing against my pussy through my panties which are now embarrassingly damp.

His hands slide beneath my dress, skating up my outer thighs and making every nerve in my body tingle with hot, sweet anticipation. He reaches higher, until his fingers hook into the waistband of my G-string.

I wrench my lips from his and gasp out loud as my heart beats wildly in my chest. Damn! We’re really going to do this? Right here in his truck?

“Jax,” I breathe.

“Is this okay?” he growls.

“Yes,” I gasp. I mean it’s way more than okay.

He leans back, pulling my panties over my hips and all the way down my legs. When he’s removed them, he stuffs them into his pocket before he leans over me again. I reach for his belt and tug at the leather, desperate to touch him too, but he grabs my hands and stops me, pinning them against the window behind my head as he positions himself between my thighs. “Not yet, Angel.” He grins at me.

“Jax,” I hiss as he rubs the seam of his jeans against my clit.

“Fuck! I can smell you, Lucia,” he growls. “You’re soaking through my jeans, Angel. Tell me who you’re dripping wet for? Me or that creep you were just dancing with?”

I blush at his words. “You,” I pant before he kisses me softly.

Then he pushes himself back again and drops his head between my thighs and runs his tongue the length of my pussy. My hips almost shoot off the seat as a hot spike of pleasure rockets through my body but he is too quick for me. He keeps my wrists pinned with his left hand while he uses the other to push one of my legs over the back of the seat. Then he switches his grip, holding my wrists with his right hand so he can press his palm against the inside of my other thigh, flattening it against the seat until I am completely spread open for him. Holding me in place, he nuzzles my clit with his nose while he laps at my opening.

“You taste even sweeter than I imagined you would,” he groans as he brings me to the edge of an orgasm quickly.

He releases my wrists and wraps his hands around the backs of my thighs so he can pull me closer. I plant my hands on the window behind me, hoping that the dark tint will obscure us from view, as wet heat surges through my core. I have never felt anything like this before. My head spins as warm pleasure sizzles and dances through my legs and stomach before converging in that one sweet spot where he has his mouth.

“Jax,” I whimper.

“I’m so fucking desperate to be inside you, Luce,” he murmurs as he pushes two of his thick fingers deep into my pussy and my whimpers turn to loud, unrestrained moans. My walls clench around him as spots flicker behind my eyelids. When he swirls the tip of his tongue over my clit, I shout his name as my climax crashes over me like a full scale tsunami.

My thighs tremble. My head swims. I gasp for breath as he pushes himself up onto his forearms and looks down at me with pure fire in his eyes. The thought of what might happen next makes my heart begin to race and my blood thunder in my ears. His face is glistening with my arousal and he licks his lips, making me blush.

He reaches down and brushes a strand of hair from my face. “I have waited so fucking long to do that.”

“Really?” I breathe out as the waves of my orgasm keep on pulsing through my body.

“Don’t pretend you didn’t feel this between us, Angel. Isn’t this what you were hoping for when you were grinding yourself all over that jackass in the club? That I’d carry you out of there and fuck you instead?”

“I thought…” I swallow. Of course I felt it, but I assumed it was all me. I feel so out of my depth here. This is everything I’ve ever wanted, but I can’t let him know that. Jax is all about the casual hook up and if he knew just how much being with him like this meant to me, he’d drive me straight home. “I didn’t even know you were there tonight. And in case you haven’t noticed, you haven’t fucked me.” I narrow my eyes at him.

His eyes twinkle in delight. “My little wildcat,” he says with a grin. “But I am going to fuck you, Luce.” He reaches over to the glove compartment and pulls out a condom before he turns back to me. “If I’m going to hell, I might as well go all out, right?”

“Yes.” I nod my agreement. I have never wanted anything more in my life.

His eyes darken. His Adam’s apple bobs in his throat as he swallows and the air in the truck is thick with heat and desire.

“How about you climb onto the back seat so I can fuck you properly?” he growls. I push myself up and do as he asks, shifting through the gap in the seats until I’m sitting on the bench.

Jax follows me, squeezing his huge frame through the space until he’s kneeling on the floor in front of me.

He unzips his fly and pulls his cock free and I swallow. Jesus! He is huge. I mean, I’m no virgin, I’ve got a kid, but I’ve had sex with like four guys in my life and none of them were hung like him.

He must see the look of surprise in my eyes because his brow furrows in concern. “You okay, Luce?”

I bite my lip. How do I say this and not give him an ego the size of Texas? “You’re pretty big,” I whisper.

He gives me one of his slow, sexy smiles before he tears open the condom and rolls it down over his thick shaft. “I won’t hurt you, Angel. Promise,” he whispers as he leans over me again, the tip of his cock nudging at my entrance. “Besides, you’re soaking wet. I think you can take all of me like a good girl.”

Damn! The rush of heat almost winds me. Why is that so hot? I blush again and he smiles at me. He makes me feel so nervous and inexperienced.

He gets up onto the seat, grabbing my hips and pulling me toward him until he’s kneeling between my thighs. “You’re dripping all over the seat of my truck,” he growls as he looks down at my pussy. Then he leans over me and starts to trail soft kisses along my throat. His stubble gently tickles my skin and I squirm but he holds me in place with the weight of his body.

“You want me to fuck you, Lucia?” he whispers in my ear and I feel another rush of wet heat between my thighs.

“Yes,” I pant. “Please, Jax?”

“On one condition,” he growls.

“What?” I whisper as he edges the tip inside of me.

“After I fuck you in my truck, you come home with me and let me fuck you in my bed. Just give me one night with you.”

That’s not a condition, that’s like a dream come true. “Yes,” I gasp and he edges in further, stretching me wide open. I hiss at the burning sensation and he kisses me softly. “Relax, Angel. Let me all the way inside. I want to feel your tight little pussy squeezing my cock when I make you come again.”

I groan as I wrap my legs tighter around him, pulling him in deeper even as it burns.

“Fuck, Lucia,” he hisses. “You’re so fucking tight.”

“I want all of you, Jax,” I plead. “Please?”

“Soon,” he growls as he edges deeper inside. “I should take you to my bed right now and take more time with you, but I am fucking desperate to be inside you.”

“I want you right now,” I pant.

“You have any idea how hard it’s been trying to keep my hands off you,” he growls as he thrusts deeper and I moan loudly.

A group of club-goers walk past the truck and hover nearby, talking and laughing and I clamp my hand over my mouth.

Jax removes it and narrows his eyes at me. “When you come for me, I want to hear every single sound you make. You got that?”


With a final roll of his hips, he drives all the way inside me, and I cry out in pleasure and pain. But it is a delicious pain and I want more of it. “Fuck me, Jax,” I beg him.

“Fuck,” he hisses as he starts to drive into me so hard that my head bumps against the door of the truck, but I don’t care. This is everything I have ever wanted. My walls clench around him as he buries his head against my neck, wrapping me in his huge arms as he nails me to the seat. It’s full of passion and longing. Raw and primal. But I have never felt so wanted and desired as I do being banged in the back seat of Jackson’s truck with people all around us, separated only by a dark pane of glass.

“Your pussy,” he growls in my ear, but I don’t hear the rest of his sentence, if indeed he even finishes it, because I come hard, and loudly. Crying out his name as he drives into me further while he grinds out his own release.

When he is done, he lifts his head and stares at me as we both pant for breath. “You,” he pants and swallows hard. “You’re gonna be my fucking undoing, Luce.”

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.