Feral Wolf

Chapter 25

I was jarred awake when I heard a knock at my bedroom door. I turned slightly to see that Brontes was still sleeping next to me and then glanced at the clock to see it was just about dinner time. I stood up and padded my way to the bedroom door. My legs were sore and my body was still humming with pleasure from Brontes’ lovemaking. Opening the door, I saw that it was Mathias standing there with one of my pack warriors.

“Alpha, I am sorry to interrupt you but there is something crucial I need to tell you.” Mathias looked serious enough that I knew I had to listen to him. I nodded.

“Give me a second.” I closed the door and pulled on a pair of grey sweats before stepping out of the bedroom. I waved Mathias with me and nodded for the guard to leave. “Let’s talk in my office.”

I waved him to sit in the chair in front of my desk and walked around to sit behind it. He looked around nervously before looking back at me.

“I went to dinner tonight and I saw a particular female that I recognized.” He started. “I think her name is Clara.”

My eyebrows furrowed and I pursed my lips into a frown. “What about her?”

“When we were sneaking around the camp, I saw her sleeping with a few hunters. She was one of the rogues that was working directly with the hunters in capturing our kind.” He stated. “I am surprised you have her in your pack.”

Clara was a traitor.

The rage inside of me grew in vast amounts and I stood up abruptly, sending my chair flying back. Mathias jumped and lowered his head in submission. A growl escaped my lips.

“Leave!” I roared loud enough that I think everyone heard it. I was seeing red and I didn’t want to hurt him. Mathias scrambled out of his chair and hurried to the door. I began walking with a purpose in mind. My steps never faltered and my skin prickled with fur.

When I made it downstairs to where everyone was sitting down to eat, my eyes scanned the room until I landed on who I was seeking. Everyone turned to look at me as they could feel the anger radiating from me. Isis stood up to walk to me but Orion held her down.

I walked up to Clara and grabbed a fistful of her hair and dragged her skinny body outside. She was screaming and wriggling to escape me. I tightened my grip and when we reached outside I threw her on the ground. I grabbed the hem of Brontes’ shirt I was wearing and lifted it over my head, leaving me in my tank top and sweats. I placed my hand behind my back and began pacing in front of her. She snarled and glowered at me.

“Tell me, Clara. How much information have you given the hunters during your time here?” I asked as calmly as I could, but my voice shook with each word.

“Like I would tell you.” She spat with disgust at me. I growled and slapped her across the face.

“Answer me.” I growled out. “I have little patience nor time to deal with you.”

“You can all die together. I don’t give a-” I slapped her again before grabbing her hair again and pulling her head back.

“I dare you to say that again.” I gritted out.

Everyone came out to stand around me. Brontes had finally woken up, probably from the rage that was boiling inside of me. It was affecting him the same way.

“Calliope- ” He started but I threw him an angry glance, which shut him up.

“Brontes, help me!” Clara’s voice changed to a plea. I yanked her head back more and she spat in my face. I closed my eyes and counted to ten before opening them again and I punched her hard on her nose, hearing the sound of bone crunching,which satisfied me in ways I couldn’t imagine.

“Calliope, what are you doing?” Brontes’ voice came back again.

“Brontes! Do not question me.” I threw at him angrily. His eyes flashed fury and he growled his unhappiness at my threat.

“I am not questioning you, Calliope.” He growled out. I need you to protect yourself. I need you to be safe.

I turned to look at him briefly before nodding my response. Then I turned my fury back to Clara where I released her hair and moved to her wrist, twisting my hand enough to crack her wrist bone. She screamed in pain and I knelt to her level.

“Tell me. How much information have you given the hunters?” I ordered again. “The next answer will determine how much pain you will receive. Consider it thoroughly before you speak.”

She whimpered and then looked at me with venomous eyes. I showed no remorse or mercy.

“I d-demand a fair fight.” She said uneasily.

A soft, harsh laugh left my lips and I released her hand, standing back enough for her to stand. She thinks she deserves a fair fight. Traitors don’t get fair fight. Traitors die the worst way possible.

“Clara has committed a crime. She has been the mole who has been feeding information to the hunters who roam the edge of our territory.” I said, my eyes never leaving hers. My pack growled their displeasure. A few snarled and threw insults.

I began pacing again, my eyes never leaving hers. “She’s a traitor to our kind and she asked for a fair fight.”

My pack angrily spat their refusal. They wanted blood for the lives we had lost in the past. Brontes looked surprised and disgust was clear in his face and eyes as he looked at Clara with new pair of eyes. Little Clara was not so innocent after all.

“I demand a fair fight!” Clara said, a little louder.

“A fair fight you want?” I laughed softly before throwing my arms out wide in front of me. “Then a fair fight you will get. Come at me, mutt.”

She looked at me hesitantly before lunging at my throat. Her inexperience made it easy for me to effectively maneuver behind her, and I slammed my elbow into her back with a swing, sending her flying to the ground. She scrambled up onto her feet and a snarl escaped her disgusting lips.

“You know what I told them? I told them all about your weak spots. I told them the layout of your home.” She began spilling. “I was the one who led them to your cattle.”

A slow smirk came to my face as I watch her taunt me. She wanted to get me enraged enough so I would attack her recklessly. She was too naïve. I walked over to her casually.

“They are coming and they are coming soon. You won’t know what hit you and it will be too late.” She said with a sadistic smile as she lunged at me. I lowered my body enough to send a gut punch to her stomach. She bent over and hurled the food she’d just eaten. My hand went to the back of her neck as my claws extended and dug into her skin. I yanked her spine and she fell to the ground.

“You’re wrong, mutt. They don’t know that I am coming for them and what I am capable of.”

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