Feral Wolf

Chapter 10

I stood in the middle of the training fields as I stared at my mate, who was only wearing a pair of athletic shorts that were painfully distracting. I shook out my legs and then tied my hair into a ponytail. Alpha Altair had asked to join us after he saw us walking down the hill.

I walked to the sandy circle that we had created as a ring for fighting. My warriors stood back and watched. Since it was Brontes’ first time doing this, I had asked Alpha Altair to help me demonstrate. He walked up to the ring in his shorts and no shirt confidently. When he got to his side he rolled his shoulders.

“I won’t go easy on you.” His voice dropped a degree.

I arched an eyebrow as I began watching his feet move, “Did I ask you to?”

He chuckled, “No, but I just wanted to let you know.”

He was sneaky but I caught his quick foot movement before he could take a swing at me with his right fist. I quickly grabbed onto it and moved my foot into the opening of his legs before lifting up my elbow high enough to smack him across the jaw and running it back to smack him across the other side and with my body weight I pushed him away. He fell back and wiped the blood that leaked from the corner of his jaw.

A smirk was on his face he stood back up.

“Lucky. Let’s go again.” He spat out and I smirked back at him.

His feet moved with a little more caution now as he eyed me for an opening. He had bodyweight and height advantage. When my father taught me he taught me to fight against it. I was not a tall person. I was fit but not tall nor would I say I had the strength of a male wolf but who was to say that strength determined the winner. It was intelligence and knowing your partner’s weakness in order to win.

I threw the first punch at his right cheek but he blocked it efficiently, catching me before I could do it. Before he could do anything I swung my feet out and kicked his knee. He buckled to the ground just the way I wanted him to. I was now taller than him and my advantage was greater. I twisted around and wrapped my entrapped arm around his neck and squeezed.

He squeezed his hand in between my hold and pushed my arm away from his neck. He grabbed it before I could take it back from him and flipped me onto the ground. The impact almost knocked the breath out of me. I gasped and he took the opportunity to straddle me.

I heard Brontes’ aggressive warning growl to my side as he did not like the scene that was happening in front of him. Alpha Altair grabbed both my hands and pinned them above my head and leaned down.

“Yield.” He murmured softly. His eyes were hooded as he looked at me with dark eyes. My eyes drooped as I looked at his lips that look like they were descending. Brontes’s furious growl was closer now and I heard my warriors scrambling to get a hold of him. When Alpha Altair was just close enough I head butted him and he flipped back, releasing my hands and clutching at his forehead.

“Never.” I breathed out and stood up again. He followed suit.

He gave me a chuckle and then came after me again. This time he went for my waist with his bodyweight—hoping to knock me down. I moved slightly to the side and used my elbow to jam into his back. He growled loudly and fell to the ground. I kicked him hard in the stomach and he flipped over, exposing his body. My shin went to his throat and I applied pressure.

“Yield.” I ordered.

His face was turning red and I applied more pressure to his trachea. “Yield.”

He struggled but he eventually nodded and tapped my thigh. I released him and he stood up. Dirt stuck onto his back.

“I underestimated you. Your size is deceiving, Alpha Czar.” He casually spoke but his eyes were dark with want. I could smell it off from his pores. The emotions radiating off from him told me he wanted me. He didn’t care to hide his desires which I knew he knew how to do as an Alpha.

Brontes looked furious when I turned to him. He was being held down by four of my pack warriors on the ground. I walked up to them and waved them off. When my mate was released he stood up and touched me from head to my waist.

“Are you okay?” he asked.

“She barely got a scratch. You should be asking me that.” Alpha Altair retorted as he came up behind me. Brontes growled, his eyes turning to red. He placed me behind his back to hide me from Alpha Altair.

“How about you and I take a swing at it?” Alpha Altair challenged Brontes.

“What? No.” I replied from behind Brontes back.

’Why not?” They both said at the same time.

“You’re not ready.” I said.

“I won’t be if you won’t let me at least try.” He replied and I knew what he said was the truth. I had to put him out there for him to learn. I sighed and waved Alpha Altair off. I grabbed onto Bronte’s face and pulled him down.

“Listen to me carefully, don’t be irrational. You have to fight smart. He is a trained Alpha, you are not. Look at his feet and his stance. It is an indication to you what he plans to use next. When you have him under you, don’t let him slip.” I instructed. He nodded as he walked to the middle.

Brontes was about two inches taller than Alpha Altair but strength wise I thought they were both the same. I just hoped that Brontes heeded what I told him.

The atmosphere had changed into a thicker, more intense atmosphere. The sun beaming up above was a torturous heat. Pack warriors were now gazing at the fight in front of them with interest. Their Alpha’s mate was taking a challenge that was issued by a trained Alpha. They wanted to know if Brontes was able to stand by me—protect me, and more importantly, protect them.

They started off with Brontes throwing moves and Alpha Altair deflecting them. I knew immediately what he was trying to do. He was trying to tire Brontes out and lower his strength. I wanted to shout at the top of my lungs for him to stop immediately and take a breather to recalculate another angle to attack but I couldn’t interfere.

When Alpha Altair saw the change he moved in and threw one of his own punches at Bronte’s jaw. His head went flying to the side. Brontes clutched at his jaw to prevent the pain and wipe the blood from his lip before standing back up.

This was too hard for me to watch. My instincts were to protect my mate. I wanted to go in there and beat him up but I held onto the ground and bit the inside of my cheek to stop myself from shouting out.

Isis came to stand beside me and her eyes widened when she saw who was fighting. I winced when I saw Alpha Altair threw another punch at Brontes’ stomach. He fell to the ground and I quickly ran from Isis’s side and fell to the ground on the edge of the ring in front of Brontes as Altair did my earlier move by holding him in a choke hold.

My face contorted in pain as I saw the bruises forming on his face. Brontes looked at me briefly before he grunted and somehow managed to flip Alpha Altair over and onto his back in front of him. I nodded briefly when I saw Brontes glance at me. He turned his attention back to the Alpha lying on the ground and this time placed the Alpha in one of his own choke holds.

“Yield.” Brontes growled lowly. A shiver ran down my body seeing the ferocious look on his face—it didn’t scare me. In fact, my wolf was itching to come out so she could throw herself at him. He looked deadly dangerous but extremely sexy with his muscles flexing as he tightened the grip when Alpha Altair struggled.

Alpha Altair let out a snarl before he tapped. When Brontes released him he coughed and clutched at his neck as he stood up.

Brontes’ eyes flitted to me and then he started walking towards me. My eyes followed his movement. I was captivated at my mate’s change in demeanor. My body was responding under his gaze with an intense arousal. I swallowed hard as he came up to me and placing one hand behind my nape in a dominating move, he pulled me up to him for a hard kiss.

When he broke apart he growled out lowly by my ear only for me to hear, “I can smell your arousal and it is driving my wolf crazy, mate. If you don’t contain it I won’t be able to control him much longer.”

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