Feral For Her Freedom

Chapter TWO

I awoke with a jolt, a small gasp escaping my lips as I was thrown forward. I blinked away the sleep, my eyes focusing on the front windshield. A herd of deer were crossing the road, their eyes glowing in the headlights of the bus. I tried to move my arm that had gone numb only to find I couldn’t.

My eyes drifted down to where my arm was being held hostage. A young girl no older than eighteen, was curled up on her seat with my arm hugged tightly between hers, her head resting on my arm as she dosed.

I nudged her, tugging at my arm.

Her eyes flew open and she scrambled up, her wide and frightened eyes looking around.

“Can I have my arm back?” I demanded.

She looked at my arm, still tightly held by her hands. She released her hold and looked up at me sheepishly. “I’m sorry.”

My answering glower made her gulp as I coldly stared down at her. “Who are you and how did you get here?” My words were icy, but I wasn’t about to start being nice. Zeta was hunting me, and I was on a bus heading to The Finding, I had more to worry about than hurting a young girl’s feelings.

I certainly had not had a bus buddy when I’d gotten on the bus which meant we’d stopped somewhere when I’d been asleep, and I needed to know how far from reaching our final destination we were.

I quirked a brow, prompting her when she didn’t answer.

“O-oh.” She blushed a deep shade of red and wrung her hands nervously. “I um…I uh…”

“Do you not know your own name or why you got on this bus?” I asked her dryly, not impressed by the female.

“My name Elysia Brooks, I am eighteen years of age. This is my first season, and I am traveling from the territory of Brown Creek from the Eastern Province to The Finding to see if I can find my consort,” she robotically stated.

A little bit surprised by her very formal introduction I said, “Relax, it’s not like I’m an agent of Zeta interrogating you.”

The girl collapsed in on herself. “I’m sorry, it’s just …I’m so nervous.”

“Why are you so nervous about meeting the love of your life?” I couldn’t help the sarcasm that dripped from my words. I arched a brow when she stared at me dumbfounded, her jaw dropping open. “Well?” I hedged.

She bit her lip looking unsure. I shifted in my seat, my sharp look turning into one of concern. My brows pulled together in confusion. Did this female not want a consort either? Could I have misjudged her?

Looking at her now, I could clearly see I had missed all the signs. She was wringing her hands together, a nervous habit to try and calm herself down by giving her control over something. The constant shifting of her eyes, unable to hold my gaze, or look at anything for an extended period of time. Her shyness was not because she was timid it was because she was scared. Clearly this female would rather not be here, so why was she?

“I–I don’t want a consort,” she admitted softly. Then realizing what she had just said her hand flew to her mouth. “I–I mean I do want a consort! Of course, I do. Who doesn’t want to find their consort? I’m just not ready for a consort yet. I can’t help feeling that—”

I pressed my finger to her lips to silence her. “Enough of your annoying voice.” I couldn’t help being rude. I disliked people and only interacted with them if I had to. Faking smiles and being respectful to males was enough of a hassle. I had no desire to also facade as a congenial optimist trying to make friends everywhere I went for the sake of females I wouldn’t see more than a handful of times. “If you don’t want to find your consort, why the hell are you going to The Finding?”

She instantly opened her mouth to correct me. “I do want a consort, just not ye—”

“You’re a terrible liar,” I told her outright, “I’d work on that. Especially because after you find your consort, you’ll need to get comfortable lying through your teeth for the rest of your life. If you can’t lie better than you just did, your consort will probably teach you to in a very unpleasant way. So…” I stopped talking when I saw that the poor girl looked about ready to cry. “Look,” I huffed, “this can’t be your fourth season yet. If you aren’t required to go, why are you?”

“My parents forced me. They hate me because I was born female. They counted down the day till my first season to send me off in hopes I find a consort. They want someone else to take me.”

It wasn’t unusual for parents to send their daughters to The Finding their first or second season because they wanted to be rid of them. Females did not improve their parent’s status. Even if the parents were unranked and their daughter ended up as the consort of a Two, their daughter’s new status would not raise her parents in rank.

The moment a female found her consort she was switched from her old family to her new one. It was like the old one never existed. Only the males could help their parents climb through ranks based on their success.

Giving her the only advice I could, I told her, “Consider all your options. When it seems like you have none, remember that there is always at least one other option.” She could see what I meant in my eyes. You always had two choices in any circumstance.

The choice to live or the choice to die.

It was the bitter truth but sometimes death was better than the alternative. Our world had become so twisted that taking your own life was an open door for many. It was plan B for a lot of females.

“Attention,” the bus driver called through the speaker system, “we will be taking a break at the rest stop to switch drivers and use the restroom facilities. Please be ready to board the bus again in twenty minutes.”

I sighed in relief. I could easily slip off into the darkness without any notice. My only problem would be this girl next to me. I didn’t want her ruining my plans. If she told anyone that I was missing they might send someone to search for me. However, I couldn’t ask her not to tell. If others on the bus noticed that I was no longer on the bus as well and the authorities were called in, she could get in trouble for keeping silent.

Meandering my way to the bathrooms I waited my turn in line. I glanced at the mirror on the wall and stared at my reflection, understanding why the girl had struggled to meet my eyes.

I wore such a severe expression meant to intimidate and ward people off so often that it had become my resting expression. My nose was straight, and my lips were thin and flat, always set in a tight line. My only truly attractive features were my eyes. I had hazel eyes, flecked with gold and a dark ring around my irises. Perhaps if my eyes weren’t always cruel and cold, they might even be considered stunning.

No matter how many females commented on my looks and called me ugly, I never became unsure of myself. I was plain, yes, but being beautiful would only attract male attention and I certainly didn’t want that.

Exiting the facilities, I made my way over to one of the benches and stretched out my legs. When I was positive no one was looking I slipped off into the night, walking further and further away from the lights until they were just a glow beyond the curtain of trees.

Without further ado, I kicked off my shoes and ripped off my clothes as I entered my pure state, my claws shooting out from my fingers and my sharp teeth punching through my gums as they elongated.

I grabbed my clothes and shoes in my hands, debating whether I should burn them so there was nothing for Zeta to track, or if I should leave a false trail. Although I would have preferred to burn them, I didn’t have anything to start a fire and a fire might be too risky.

I traveled a good distance before I found the perfect opportunity. A small hole, probably home to a squirrel, was in a large oak tree. The hole was high enough up that I’d definitely need to climb, so I extended my claws and with a running leap I latched onto the lowest branch and hoisted myself up. Making sure the hole was empty of any creature that might snap at my fingers, I then proceeded to stuff my clothes and shoes into the tree. Jumping from my perch, I landed on my feet, the cool night wind not bothering me in the least even though I was naked.

As long as I didn’t travel upwind, I would be fine because my scent wouldn’t carry.

On my journey I found a nice mud hole. I coated my body in the thick mud, knowing it would help disguise my scent.

Traveling onward, I started tripping over my feet in the early hours of morning. I was exhausted and desperately needed to sleep.

Unfortunately, I couldn’t halt unless I had all of the right circumstances. I pressed on, forcing myself to stay awake when finally, my prayers were answered.

The strong stench of bear wafted through the air. My ears perked, listening for danger. Following my nose, I padded towards the den, sniffing for the bear. I poked my head around one of the trees and spotted the den that had been burrowed at the base of a large tree. It was small, so it was probably home to a black bear.

She had cubs, I could scent her milk, but they had left a while ago.

Carefully making my way into the den I sniffed around. There was half of a dead fish which I promptly lathered my body with several times to further disguise my scent. The only thing better would be—I grinned wide.

There, in the corner was a large pile of bear droppings.

I had long ago gotten over the concept of dignity. There was nothing I wasn’t willing to do if it meant I wasn’t caught by Zeta and forced to find my consort. By the time I was done, my skin was stained a dark brown color. It took me a few minutes to not want to gag at the smell that permeated my sensitive nostrils but soon I was adjusted to the stench.

I jogged away from the den, not wanting to be there when the mother bear returned. I took residence under a bush and curled up into a ball. I just needed a quick nap to recoup and then I would be up and on my way again. I closed my eyes and slept.

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