Feral For Her Freedom

Chapter TWELVE

Forcing myself to wake up was no easy feat. I was so drained and the food I’d consumed only made me drowsier. I knew eating so much would send my body to sleep so it could convert it into energy. Never had it hit me this hard though.

However, I never had been in a situation quite like this, so perhaps I should have given it a little more thought.

Still, I pushed through, knowing I was too close to my end goal to give it up for a chance to nap.

Sitting up, I peeked outside the windows to make sure no one was around. Carefully opening the car door, I set one bare foot down on the cool cement, and then the other, slowly easing my weight onto them. I was able to stand more reliantly on them now than I was able to a few hours ago and was thankful of the food I ate.

The stolen knife was still tightly clutched in my hand. I had slept with it, even in my unconscious state I had grasped it with my life, finding comfort and solace in something that could protect me.

I stood up tall, my spine cracking several times with every movement. I took a single step forward and a deafening noise had me leaping back and flattening myself against the car. Slowly one of the walls began to lift. I couldn’t remember the last time I’d seen a garage door.

Without wasting any time, I quickly wrenched the door open and dove back inside, closing the door as fast as I could. The sound continued until an audible clank was heard. I could hear the vehicle tires crunching across the gravel and then onto the smooth cement as it pulled in.

I was breathing heavily, my body shaking with fear I’d be discovered. I kept myself flattened on the floor of the car, telling myself to just stay calm and be patient.

I could hear muffled voices and the opening and closing of car doors. My heart was thundering, the beating sending a pulse throughout my entire body. I felt as though I would choke on it, trying to swallow down my fear.

I hated that I was unable to tell if they were still here. If I could activate my pure state, I would easily be able to pick out their words and hear how far they were. Instead, I was drowning in a pool of cold sweat, not knowing if it was safe.

I’d given up trying to calculate time. It was hard to get a good grasp of how long I had actually been lying there. Every second felt like hours. Every minute I spent here, was a minute wasted in my escape.

Give me a sign, I pleaded to Daedra. I’d never believed in him before, spiting our deity for allowing the males to treat females like this but in my desperate time of need I didn’t know who else to turn to.

Silence greeted me and I felt more hatred for our god growing in my heart.

Then a roar so loud it vibrated the windows of the car I was taking refuge in, shook the mansion.

Myrin had found out I was gone.

My instinct was to jump out of this car and make a run for it, but I didn’t know where I’d go and I knew he’d send them to scour the surrounding area for me. I wouldn’t make it ten yards before they brought me down and took me back. My best option was to wait it out. Stay here for a few hours—hopefully they wouldn’t find me—and let them think I’d escaped long ago.

I waited, listening to the yelling and the slamming of doors, the thundering footsteps and that sickening voice calling for me.

Myrin’s voice flooded my veins with ice, sending a shiver up my spine as he called to me like a child. I knew he wasn’t near me, but I felt like he was right behind me. The com system around the house was the best way for easy communication. Anyone in any room would be able to hear his orders.

In the garage his voice echoed from the speakers, bouncing off the cars and walls.

“Come out now Beastie, and your punishment won’t be as severe. I might even give you a treat at the end.”

I could hear the sadism in his tone, could picture what he had planned for me. A small sob escaped my lips as I curled into a tight ball, my arms wrapping around my knees. I hugged them to my chest and tucked my chin under them, utter terror filling me. I feared that they’d find me, and I’d go back. I was scared that I’d never get a chance to escape again.

For minutes upon minutes, I could do nothing but listen to his voice, listen to his plans for me when he found me. Finally, I couldn’t take it anymore. I had to get out, I had to escape his voice.

Poking my head up so that I could see out the back window, I saw no one. Opening the door in a hurry, I stepped from my hiding place, not bothering to close the door. I looked around one last time and was violently shoved back into the car.

My head smacked against the top rim of the open car door and I stumbled back, falling onto the leather seats. I pulled my legs back, ready to kick at my offender but the door slammed closed and I heard the audible clicking of the locks. I scrambled up, my hands propping myself up in a sitting position.

Through the window I saw a small female wrench the handle from the door, locking me inside. When she looked up at me, I saw it was Myrin’s consort.

I gasped and twisted around, lunging for the opposing door but the female was already there, breaking off the handle of that door and then the other two.

I pounded on the window. “Let me out!” I screamed. “Let me out of here you bitch!”

The female only shook her head, tears filling her eyes. When she pulled out a phone, I knew it was over for me.

Her mouth started moving voicing the words that would end any chance I had of escaping this place. I kicked at the glass, trying anything to break it and give myself a fighting chance. Hot tears were streaming down my cheeks as I screamed at her, but she just kept mouthing the words I’m sorry.

I pounded on the windows until my fists bled. I tried to pry the lock open, but it had disappeared into the car door and my fingers couldn’t pull it up. I was starting to hyperventilate as I was getting nowhere.

The female stepped back and Myrin came into my view. He glanced at me through the window before patting his consort’s head, regarding her like someone would a dog. The female only wrung her hands continuously, and mustered up a small smile, her head lowered and her eyes always downcast.

Myrin prowled towards me and I leapt back, pressing myself against the far door. He grinned, delighted at my terror.

I was shaking as he pulled the door off its hinges, tossing the metal door behind him, sparks flying as it skittered across the cement floor emitting a high screech like nails on a chalkboard.

He reached for my legs and I frantically kicked at him, screaming as loud as I could. I caught him in the face with my foot, the solid impact of my heel against his jaw, sending a jolt up my body.

The One snarled at me and yanked me from the car. My head hit the bottom edge of the door frame as I landed on the cool cement. Myrin pressed his knee into my chest as he crouched above me. “Just submit,” he cooed, wiping the tears from my face with the sleeve of his blood red dress shirt. “Awww, look at you, quaking with fear.” He leaned into me, inhaling my scent. “Beautiful,” he whispered.

I only cried harder, trying to turn my head away from him.

Scooping me up with ease, Myrin moved to toss me over his shoulder. With a last ditch effort, I dove for the knife lying on the seat of the car. My hand was able to grasp the handle before he heaved me back over his shoulder.

I twisted myself around, flinging myself forward out of his hold and onto the female who stood there with wide eyes.

I plunged the knife down with all my anger, hating every fiber of her being.

That pathetic mindless doll didn’t deserve to live, she should be the one in my place. I wanted to see the life drain from her eyes as her blood covered my hands, but I was pulled up at the last second, my blade slicing across her face instead of her throat.

A diagonal line cut from her chin across her lips and over her nose to her brow and up towards the ridge of her hairline. Red blood beaded up on her pale white skin.

I thrashed around, screeching like a banshee in Myrin’s arms. He struggled to get a good grip on me, and I was able to stick my knife in his ribs during the scuffle.

He flung me away from him, bellowing out his pain and irritation. I hit the ground and rolled, my shoulder taking the brunt of the impact. I struggled to my hands and knees and tried to crawl away, but a heavy foot landed on my back, pinning me to the floor.

Myrin was seething with rage above me. He pulled the knife from his chest and flung it away. “You stupid bitch!” he snarled, increasing more pressure on my back. “You not only dare to attack me, but you dare attack what belongs to me?” From his pocket he drew out a syringe. Within it was a metallic silvery liquid. “This is a new project of mine that I’ve been developing.” He lifted the syringe up to the light, looking at it before glancing down at me. “It’s supposed to leave wights incapacitated.” His weight pressed down on me as he squatted. “You see, I’ve designed it so that it freezes your muscles, cuts off the nerve signals from the brain that allow you to move. Unlike other paralysis injections, this one will make sure you are still able to feel everything happening to you.”

He moved the hair from my neck. “The best part about it though is that the mercury is supposed to bring its own kind of pain.” He positioned the needle at the base of my spine. “I haven’t tested it on anyone yet, so you get to be my lucky test subject.” The needle broke through my skin as he inserted it into my body. “You get to tell me what exactly the pain feels like.”

My whole body went cold as the liquid was injected. An intense burning filled my body, a new kind of pain. It felt as though acid was destroying me from the inside out. I screamed out my pain, writhing under his foot, clawing at my skin as if I could crawl out of it.

“Interesting,” Myrin mused, flipping me over.

Soon even my limbs stopped working but I was still fully awake and aware of every sensation coursing through my body. I whimpered, but even my throat closed up and I couldn’t make a sound.

Silent tears streamed down my cheeks.

Myrin caressed my face, his thumbs tracing my lips. I was powerless to move. All I could do was watch and feel.

He swiped at my salty tears before licking his fingers as if to taste my agony. “I do believe I have found a new toy,” the demon murmured, lifting me up and carrying me back to hell.

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