Feral Crown: An Age Gap Romance (Crown Brothers Book 4)

Feral Crown: Chapter 9

“Where are you taking me?!” I’m screeching as Hunter carries me through the woods. A norm for us, it seems.

“My cabin on the property.”

“You can’t just keep taking me like this, Hunter. I’m not a possession. I’m a human being.” He grunts at this but says nothing more. “I’m serious!”

“So am I.” He takes a few more steps before he’s lowering me onto the ground. “Look, I fucked up. I admit it. I should’ve told you my real name a long time ago.”

I’m so taken aback by his admission that I’m momentarily stunned into silence. Thankfully, Hunter keeps talking and what he says next has my knees threatening to give out.

“I know what you are. Who you are. Rare. Special. Everything a man could ever hope to want.” He squeezes his eyes shut as he throws his head back, a meaty hand running through his hair. “Unfortunately for me, I had no business claiming you. I still don’t. But that doesn’t change the fact that you deserved nothing but the truth from me and for that, I am sorry.”

I mean, what do you say to that? I have no fucking clue. All I know is that my legs are jelly, and my heart is about to beat out of my chest.

“Okay, then.” Hunter nods as if I’d responded, his towering frame crouching down once more before he’s carrying me over his shoulder. “The cabin is only a few feet away. As soon as we get there, I’m drawing you a bath and making you dinner. We didn’t eat at the house and you’re going to need the energy for what I have in mind.”

I swallow thickly, the images his words conjure instantly giving me the taco tingles. Holy-fucking-shit. It doesn’t matter. I will not give in to him. He’s hurt me more than once and being intimate like that with him again will only serve to wreck me. I just know it.

I’m about to tell him as much when we’re stepping into a small clearing, and from my vantage point I see it—the gorgeous A-Frame cabin. But instead of going inside, we go around to the back and I’m stunned speechless once more.

There’s a beautiful outdoor shower area, complete with a soaking tub looking out into the setting sun, lighting the entire area in this ethereal pink glow. I haven’t even fully soaked in the scenery when Hunter issues his first command.

“Get naked,” A thundering voice booms, the two words alone making my entire body shiver.

Oh, boy. He can order me all he wants, but it doesn’t mean I’m giving in.

Bracing myself before I turn, I see that Hunter is running the bath, the sight alone threatening to make me cave. Be strong, girl. He hurt you.

Okay, if he’s going to tease me with what I can’t have, then I’ll just have to do the same. Deliberately slow, I unbutton the front of my cotton dress, all while keeping my eyes trained on his. “Yes, Sir.”

My words have their desired effect, making this beast of a man shudder in response. “Fuck, baby. Talk to me like that and we won’t get to dinner.”

“Hate to break it to you, my feral Buddha, but I haven’t agreed to anything. Especially any pre or post dinner activities.” I raise a brow as I let the cotton dress drop to the ground, watching as the inky black dots in Hunter’s eyes swallow the flecks of gold and green. “What? Does daddy like what he sees?”

Hunter’s jaw clenches, his chest visibly rising and falling as one of my hands goes to the clasp on my bra. “Oh, Daddy likes.”

In one swift move, he’s up, ripping the material from my body before turning me around and giving me a swat to the ass. “But first, a bath. Then dinner…and maybe if I’m lucky, something else.”

I’m still shaking my head no when he’s lifting me off the ground and walking me over to the large tub. Heaven. That’s what it feels like as he lowers me into the warm bath water, the soft waves it’s making lapping at my breasts as I look over the setting sun. I might still be pissed as hell, but damn, what a view.

And just when I think this couldn’t get any more perfect, Hunter places a lingering kiss on my forehead. “Get yourself nice and clean for me, baby. Daddy’s gonna have so much fun getting you dirty.”

And without another word, the man of my dreams turns, leaving me a confused pile of mush in the most beautiful setting of my life.

But hey, if I’m going to stew in my anger, this is definitely the place to do it in.


The entire time I’ve been watching her eat has been torture. From the way she sucks off her spoon to the way she licks her lips—every damn thing has my dick throbbing in need.

“You know if you keep staring at me your face is going to freeze like that.” Mel is glaring, thinking she’s still mad at me.

I can’t help but chuckle, but this only earns me a death glare from the wannabe ice queen. “What’s so funny?!”

“Nothing, baby. You ready for dessert?”

Her eyes go wide before she schools her features. Yeah, I know what my baby likes. I’ve got a massive hole to dig myself out of, and chocolate should be a good start.

“Dessert?” She’s giving me side eye, but her pink tongue pokes out as she licks her juicy bottom lip.

I nod, extending a hand and helping her stand. “It’s outside. Thought I’d make my girl some s’mores on the fire pit.”

We haven’t made it two feet out the door when I hear it, her gasp.

While she was out back soaking, I laid out blankets and pillows, making sure the ‘fairy lights,’ as Penelope calls them, were on.

“You know…” The little brat places a hand on her hip before she cocks it to the side. “Just because you set this all up, making it look like something straight out of a Nicholas Sparks movie, it doesn’t mean I’m forgiving you.”

“I know, baby.” I take a step closer to her, dropping my hands to either side of her hips before bringing her into me. “I just thought my girl would enjoy a little sugar for the bitter conversation we’re about to have.”

This makes her head rear back, her crystal blue eyes searching mine. “Bitter? I’m not bitter. I’m mad. I’m sad. I’m just so disappointed.”

It’s the last two that dig a ridge the size of the Grand Canyon straight into my heart. Fuck. I really hurt her bad.

Clearing my throat, I take her hand and walk her toward the fire pit. “Okay… how about we start with the disappointed.”

It’s the worst of the bunch, so we might as well rip the Band-Aid off.

With visible hesitation, Mel nibbles on her bottom lip before settling between two large pillows. “I guess, I’ve just always seen you as this larger-than-life person. UnshakeableUnwavering. And when you abandoned me for the second time, after we did what we did in the cabin… It just felt like, you knew what you wanted while we were doing it, but then completely flipped and flaked as soon as the light of dawn hit.”

A lump forms in my throat. I can’t believe she thinks my feelings for her are so flippant. “Mel, baby—”

“No. I’m not done,” Oh god. I brace for impact as a lone tear rolls down her beautiful cheek. “And then, if that weren’t enough, I find out that you’ve been keeping your real name from me because you thought I was some gold-digging ho. It’s bullshit. All I ever wanted was your time and attention, and you couldn’t even give me your name!”

She’s fuming now, her body vibrating in place as her face flushes pink under the moonlight.

“Stop right there.” I take hold of her waist, lifting her up and settling her on top of me. Thankfully, she doesn’t fight me… although if looks could kill, I’d probably be laid out. “I, under no circumstances, have ever, and I mean ever, thought you were some gold-digging ho.”

Her eyes narrow as she full-on pouts. “Explain.”

I can’t help but bite back a smile, my hand reaching for the bag of candy I’d stashed nearby. “Okay. But first, try some of this.”

Mel’s eyes go wide. “Oh my god, this fudge, it’s from Casey’s on Main Street.”

I nod, my focus trained on her luscious lips as she licks them in preparation of the chunk I’ve just broken off. “Sure is, baby doll.”

“But, how’d you know?” Her brows are furrowed as she searches my face.

“That it’s your favorite? Because, like I said, I’ve never thought of you as something other than goddamn perfect. My perfect baby doll with a penchant for candy.” Taking the piece I’d broken off, I slowly bring it to her mouth—my cock instantly rising to its full length as soon as her lips wrap around my fingers.

Yup, I’m a goner as soon as her soft-wet tongue swirls around them, sucking off every morsel as visions of exactly what that mouth could do flood my brain.

“Mmmm.” Mel licks her lips in appreciation. “Perfect, every single time.”

“Just like you, baby. Just like you.” I swipe across her fat bottom lip, my eyes trained on how the supple flesh gives under my touch. And I can’t help it, I give it a slow shove inside, watching as the meaty digit disappears into her wetness.

Damn, that’s hot. Adding fuel to the fire, Mel swirls her tongue around me, making my cock lurch in my pants, the fucker wishing it were him getting this attention.

I’m about to shove my girl down when she raises a brow, a devious smirk playing on her lips as she pulls me out of her mouth. “Oh, no. Don’t think you get to feed me a little chocolate and you’re off the hook. You still haven’t explained.” She squirms a little and I know the moment she feels it, the bulge in my pants. Her face transforms from furious to shy then back to furious, all in a span of two seconds. But after regaining her composure, she issues her demand once more. “Go on. Explain.”

Chuckling, I comply. “Honestly, at first it was just out of habit. But as you got older and started blossoming into a woman I could no longer ignore, it sort of became a sense of self-preservation.” Mel’s eyes are intent on me, and I know she still doesn’t get it. “Look, I was already following you around all the time. You consumed every thought, from the moment I woke up to the moment I went to bed. ‘Was Mel okay?’ ‘Did she eat enough?’ ‘Did any customers give her shit?’ Non-stop thoughts of how your day-to-day had gone and whether or not I needed to kick anyone’s ass.”

Melissa’s jaw drops, her mouth opening and closing a couple of times before she’s able to form words again. “But… you didn’t have to do any of that. Not even my own brother goes through such trouble.”

I scoff. “And that’s exactly why. Your father is a piece of shit—no offense—and Eric? Well, he’s always been lost in his own world. You needed someone looking out for you, and fuck if I’d let it be anyone other than me.”

Tears are welling up in my girl’s eyes and I don’t know if they’re good or bad. “You really are my Daddy, aren’t you?” She’s sniffling now, her bottom lip trembling.

“You have no idea, baby. No fucking clue.” I swipe at her tears with both thumbs, cradling her face with my hands. “All that worrying turned into a sick and twisted obsession. In my head, you were mine. My baby doll.” I throw my head back as a sardonic laugh rumbles from my chest. “Unfortunately for you, I’m one fucked up Daddy. The things I thought of doing to you… the things I want to do to you. I couldn’t taint you like that. Muck you up with all of my filth.”

Melissa shoves at my chest. “That isn’t your choice to make! It’s mine!”

I’m taken aback by her words, because they’re true.

“You’re right.” I close my eyes and breathe in the air around us, a mixture of Mel’s peaches and cream scent and summer nights—an intoxicating combination.

Before I let it take me under, I lift Mel off my lap, much to her confusion, and start on the fire.

“Wait… so that’s it? You’re just going to agree with me?” She’s standing up, her arms folding in front of her as the fire roars to life.

“Yes.” I turn to look at her face in the amber glow and my breath is stolen right from its lungs. Fuck, she’s beautiful. “You’re right. But so am I. We both have a choice, and my choice has been to protect you. Unfortunately, I failed you once, keeping you safe from everything but myself. And I’m telling you now, that will always be the case. Even if it means having to bend the truth just to keep you from harm.”

Her mouth drops open as her big eyes blink up at me, but no words escape. Unable to help it, I bring my lips down to hers and slowly drink her in. She tastes of chocolate and sin, my new favorite flavors.

Taking a step closer into her space, I press our bodies together, needing the contact now more than ever.

“Wait…” She pushes me back. “So, you’re saying that you’re going to keep lying to me, and I could either take it or leave it?”

“Only when it’s a matter of keeping you safe.” Her brows drop and eyes narrow, and I know she doesn’t understand. “Mel, as badly as I want between these legs,” I drop a hand, trailing it up her exposed thigh before hovering it right over her heat. “It will always be your choice.”

“My choice…” Mel’s eyes gloss over as a whimper falls from her lips.

“Yes. Your choice.” And I’m not making it an easy one as I let my thumb slowly stroke between her slit, teasing her with what she could have. “So, what’s it gonna be, baby doll? Does my girl want to stop, or does she want to play?”

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