Feral Crown: An Age Gap Romance (Crown Brothers Book 4)

Feral Crown: Chapter 7

Fuck. No matter how hard I try to forget her, I just can’t. There’s a big part of me that thinks I’m a fucking idiot for agreeing to leave her alone.

But hell, it’s Ericson. My best friend of twenty years. The man who’s saved me from myself more times than I can count.

His words keep looping in my head, a replay of the last night I saw her continuously flashing in my head.

“There. She’s with the doc now.” Ericson pushes a finger into my chest. “You can leave.”

“Brother, I know what’s going through your head, but it isn’t like that.”

Ericson scoffs. “Brother? Oh, this is something. You’re no brother to me. What you’ve done with my sister, the way she pines for you… it all makes sense now.”

He takes a step back, his hands flying to his hair as a look of disgust takes over his features.

“Whoa, I told you, it isn’t like that.”

Another snort. “You think I’m stupid? The way you were holding her the entire ride here, that shit isn’t platonic. You love her.”

Now it’s my turn to stumble back, my brows pushing together as I fully take in his words. I’m shaking my head, processing the feelings running through me when Ericson continues his assault.

“Don’t even bother denying it. And the sick part is that she’s barely legal, man. How long have you been after her? Twisting her into your little puppy, hanging on your every word?”

“Hold up now. You can talk all the shit you want about me, but don’t you dare fucking talk about her like that.” I take two steps forward, shoving my long-time friend against the wall, but he simply laughs in my face.

“And there it is. The damned truth. You love her so damn much that you can’t even stand me placing her in a bad light.” He gets in my face then. “So, tell me, you sick fuck. How long? How long have you been fucking my little sister behind my back?”

I’m so stunned I just stand there, unmoving until his next set of words have me reacting on instinct.

“Dad was right. She really is just like her momma.” With a final shove, Ericson spits out, “How long has that little whore been opening her legs?”

With every bit of fire in my soul, I rear back and punch the living shit out of my friend. Fuck the years, fuck the friendship. I will not have him talking about Mel that way.

And as Ericson crumples to the ground and the shuffling of the security guard’s feet come my way, I know I will never regret my time protecting Mel or upholding her honor.

“Sir, I’m calling the Sheriff.” The young man wearing a uniform two sizes too big informs me as he feebly attempts to grab me by the wrists.

“You go ahead and do that, Barney Fife. I’m not going anywhere.”

“Motherfucker.” My old friend grumbles, coming to. “Stay away from her. I mean it.”

Looking down at Ericson’s crumpled form, I spit out the words that I’d grow to regret. “You have my word, asshole. I’ll stay away from your sister. Not because you asked me to, but because she deserves far better.”

Far better than a pervert like me. The dark shit I’m into, it has no place touching something as pure as Mel.

Right then, A slew of nurses shuffle past me, kneeling down to tend to the man I once called brother and a pang of guilt hits me. Yes, he deserved a punch to the head for that comment, but he wasn’t wrong when he called me a sick fuck.

And he wasn’t. The entire situation was wrong. So wrong.

I should’ve never laid a finger on Mel. But fuck, did it feel good when I did. A little too good.

One night wasn’t enough, and the things I’d been imagining with her? Yeah, they were anything but innocent. And that’s just it. She’s just a girl. Barely turned eighteen.

But even as I say this, I know it’s not the whole truth. She might be young, but the things Mel has seen and done… Hell, she’s more grown than all the women I’ve fucked combined.

A sputtering sound breaks me from my thoughts as my Polaris hits gravel on the main drive. Damn, am I looking forward to tonight’s dinner. Mary’s cooking is phenomenal and focusing on my brothers instead of my sad-as-fuck situation should help me get Mel off my mind.

And just as I step off the four-wheeler, I catch a whiff of that peaches and cream scent, wondering if I’ve finally gone and lost my mind. Even the ghost of this girl is trailing me.

With heavy steps I make my way up the wrap-around porch and thankfully catch a different scent. Buttercream frosting. Cake. My second weakness.

Needing a hit of Mary’s sweet confections, I practically run toward the kitchen. But I’ve just reached the threshold when a flash of blonde catches my eye, the sight before me freezing me on impact.

There she is. The woman I’ve been trying so desperately to avoid. All wrapped up and presented to me as an offering in that tight little dress that hugs her curves like the sweetest of sins.

I’d been in a trance, but Melissa flinging herself at my brother has me snapping the fuck out.

“Come here, big guy. We’re practically family, aren’t we?” She wraps both arms around his torso and I can’t help it. A deep rumble emanates from my chest, my eyes forming into tiny slits as I wish death upon my brother.

A strangled sound comes from the right and I faintly hear my moniker, but my eyes are trained on the tall blonde who’s back has gone ramrod straight. That’s right sweetheart, Daddy’s here, and he isn’t pleased.

What the fuck?! There it is again. Yes, I’ve been into play, but never have I delved into Daddy kink—not until her. I thought maybe it was a fluke up at the cabin, but this just proves there’s something more. Something this girl stirs inside of me. An urgent need to protect and dominate.

Shit. This is bad. Really bad.

Bright blue eyes turn toward me, and I know I’m fucked. This woman has the power to bring me to my knees. Who was I kidding, thinking I could stay away? Just the thought of it now, of never seeing her again, has me hyperventilating, my chest rising and falling rapidly in sync with my panic.

Something akin to fear and sadness dance in her magical orbs and I feel the urgent need to console her. On instinct, the words I’ve spoken many times in my head tumble out before I’m able to stop them. “Baby doll.”

As soon as I’ve said it, all emotion vacates her pretty face, and a steeled one of indifference takes over.

“Brother. Everything okay?” A hand clamps down on my shoulder and I see Jace had walked over at some point.

All I can manage is a sharp nod as I assess the room, taking everyone else in. But like a damned magnet, my eyes fling back toward my girl. My girl. She isn’t really mine and the thought angers me beyond rational thought.

“What is she doing here?” I ask my brother while my eyes bore into the woman I could never have.

But it’s the little spitfire who answers instead. “I was invited, thank-you-very-much.” She places both hands on her hips, hitching up one side, and visions of me taking her over the knee flood my mind—spanking the sass right out of her tight little ass.

Fuck. This is bad. I can’t be around her. All this time apart has only served to intensify my need for her. Her body and her soul. I need it like I need my next breath.

She can’t be here. Not if I’m going to keep my word to her brother. Not that he deserves it.

And if she was invited, then she needs to be un-invited, STAT. “By whom?”

Melissa steps forward, coming toe-to-toe with my looming frame and a shudder wracks me as more images of my body dominating hers flood me. She may be taller than average, but she’s still tiny compared to my six-three.

“Mila’s stepdaddy invited me.” She’s glaring at me as she says this, but her words only serve to confuse me. What the fuck?

“I’m not her stepfather,” and “He’s not my stepfather,” are uttered simultaneously by Jace and Mel’s roommate, the realization of who she’s talking about hitting me like a ton of bricks.

Wow. Just wow. Here I’ve been playing hot potato with Mel while my brother robs the cradle with my girl’s roommate. How had I missed this?

I’ve been trailing Melissa for almost three years, and not once did I see my brother cross the girls’ paths.

That’s when I see her, Catherine, reaching for my girl and pulling her into a forced embrace.

“Melissa. Such a pleasure to see you, dear. You’re like crabgrass, aren’t you? Always popping up everywhere.”


I’m about to say something when Mel responds, “Did you just compare me to a fucking weed?”

The wretched woman doesn’t answer, so I press her for one. “Did you?”

Catherine bristles, her face getting all splotchy. “Mila, please explain to your friend that I was just making a statement. There’s no need for everyone to get up in arms about it.”

Mel’s roommate pipes up in annoyance. “She’s standing right in front of you, Mom. You can tell her yourself.”

At that, you’d think the wicked witch would say something, but she remains silent. Yes, I’m well aware of what the girls call her, and with good reason. Catherine is vile. Pure fucking garbage, and I’ll be damned if I let her talk down to Melissa like this.

“Apologize. Now,” I growl, making Catherine’s face turn even redder before she’s turning toward my brother.

“Jason?” Jason? Yes, that’s his birth name, but nobody calls him that. He hates it. Damn, it seems like I’ve missed a lot.

“What? I believe you did liken Melissa to a weed.” Turning toward my brother—who’s apparently the holder of many secrets—I see he’s fighting back a grin. “Look, it’s clear my brother feels offended on this young lady’s behalf. The sooner you clarify you meant no ill will, the sooner we can go back to the birthday festivities.”

Needing clarity, I ask, “So you invited her?”

Jace simply nods, as if it’s no big deal. “She’s Mila’s roommate.”

“I know.” My eyes fall on Mila Kournikova, a girl with a twisted past and secrets darker than the inkiest black.

“You two know each other?” Catherine asks as she looks back and forth between her daughter and me.

I grunt, if this bitch only knew. “Yes. Now apologize to Melissa.”

But instead of an apology, I get Jace’s attitude instead.

“Hey. Watch your tone.” He nudges me. “Let’s keep things light, for Mila’s sake. We don’t want a brawl ruining her surprise dinner, do we?”

So this is the reason for the get together. I was so lost in my self-pity that I didn’t ask for details when Mary called me down.

Just then, the stand-in matriarch of the family mumbles under her breath. “Wouldn’t be the first time.”

Catherine’s eyes go wide at that, and she’s quickly turning to my girl. “I meant nothing by it, Mel.”

“Mhm.” Melissa makes a non-committal sound but drops it.

It’s not enough. That apology was half-assed, but out of respect for my brother and his woman, I’ll bite my tongue… for now.

“Good. Now that it’s handled, how about we make our way into the dining room. Dinner is ready!” Just then, Mary steps in front of me while carrying a huge dish into the fully decked out dining room. Wow, my brother has it bad.

And as we all shuffle behind Mary, I can’t help but realize that I do too. I’m lost. Lost to a girl who can’t be mine, but with every second that passes, I doubt if that’ll hold true.

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